
Amnesty International Salisbury Group Minutes of the Monthly Meeting on Thursday 11th April 20197.30 pm 4 Victoria Road1Chairman’s Welcome Present: Andrew, Tony, Eddie, Fiona, Peter and LesleyApologies: RiaAH2Minutes of previous Meeting – These were agreed.LC3Treasurer’s Report – None was received.MP4Campaign ReportsDeath PenaltyPlease see the Salisbury Group Website for the full international update covering Taiwan, Turkey, The USA, Brunei, The UK, Sri Lanka and Amnesty International.Of particular note:Amnesty International have issued a new report which shows that global executions fell by nearly a third last year. The figures – from 993 to 690 – are the lowest for at least a decade. China remains the world’s top executioner – followed by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and Iraq; however, several countries saw a rise in executions - including Belarus, Japan, Singapore, South Sudan and the USA, and more than 19,000 people still languish on death row worldwide . Follow the link for the full report Death Sentences and Executions 2018.Brunei is to begin imposing death by stoning as a punishment for gay sex and adultery. A new Penal Code has come into force which will include the amputation of a hand and a foot for theft. Such sentences will need to be ‘witnessed by a group of Muslims’. The Code follows on from the Government’s announcement in 2013 of its intention to introduce the Islamic legal system of Sharia Law.A recent poll conducted by YouGov shows that 53% of Leave voters in the UK would like the death penalty to be brought back.In Texas a Republican Representative has introduced a Bill that would ban abortion in the State and charge women who have abortions with homicide, which can carry the death penalty.The President of Sri Lanka announced that a date has been set for the Country’s first execution to take place, which would end a forty-year moratorium on the death penalty. 1,299 prisoners are currently on death row, including 48 convicted of drug-related offences.Urgent ActionsIran – UA 33/19 – Eight detained conservationists could face the death penalty, or long prison sentences, following a grossly unfair trial, in which they were accused of trumped-up spying charges. These charges stem solely from their conservation activities, including carrying out research into Iran’s endangered wildlife. They have said they were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment. (Circulated to DPLWG 26.3.19.) USA – Nevada – (Final Update) The State of Nevada was set to carry out its first execution in over 11 years. A prisoner who had waived his appeals was due to be executed on 14 November 2017. Amnesty International called for a moratorium on executions as a first step towards abolition. According to the Nevada Department of Corrections officials, the State of Nevada did not resume executions after the individual on death row was found dead in his cell of an “apparent suicide” on 5 January 2019. The individual’s execution had previously been stayed due to pending litigation initiated by a manufacturer of one of the drugs used in Nevada’s lethal injection protocol. No further action to be taken.Vietnam – An email Urgent Action was received from AI Australia. Ho Duy Hai is facing the death penalty following an unfair trial. His mother believes the authorities tortured him into signing a confession for theft and murder, and – following an unfair trial in which the Court disregarded his alibis and other vital evidence - he is now facing the death penalty. (Circulated to DPLWG 10.4.19 and this month’s Group Urgent Action – please sign Save Ho Duy Hai’s life.CampaigningAnti-Death Penalty Project – The First Annual Report by the Chair of the Project, Mike Quinn, is available on lineFollow the link to the blog post of 19th March by Mike Quinn, on the Death Penalty in Britain. ‘In the Executioner’s Shadow’ – A follow-up email was sent to Mike Quinn regarding the possibility of a copy of this film being acquired for the use of Local Groups around the UK. Mike has contacted Sideways Film to discuss costings.An update has been received from James Earley, who will now be going to the US in September, where he will be meeting 6 ex-prisoners who have been on death row. James will keep us informed as soon as he has more information.Dates for the calendar –World Day Against the Death Penalty – 10th October50th anniversary of the abolition of the death penalty in the UK – 16th DecemberNorth KoreaTM gave an update on the current situation with North Korea. An attack on the NK embassy had recently taken place in Madrid. On Wednesday a group committed to ousting North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the Cheollima Civil Defense, said it carried out the raid. The importance of the raid is that the normally secretive North Korean government publicly condemned it. There are allegations that the FBI may have been involved and that it has to do with the North Korean’s attempts to get nuclear materials for its weapons programme. TM also drew attention to the Open Doors Organisation and the desperate situation of Christians in NK. There are thought to be between 200,000 and 400,000 Christians in the country, with around 50,000 incarcerated for their beliefs. They believe NK to be ‘the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian.’As part of St Thomas’s Service on Good Friday, which will focus on the Stations of the Cross, TM will responsible for the first Station, and will make reference to the recent decision to introduce execution by stoning in Brunei, and to North Korea which is No. 1 on the Watchlist of the worst places to be .For information – A useful link is available for Amnesty’s campaigning in respect of North Korea, with information on Detention and imprisonmentFreedom of expressionInternational justiceTortureThe United NationsRefugeesThe Refugee Vigil took place in the Market Square on 25th March. It appeared on That’s TV and a YouTube clip can be seen at Please see Monthly Action below for an update regarding the Football Welcomes initiative – 27th-28th AprilAt this stage there is no further information regarding proposed activities for Refugee Week – 17th-23rd June. A follow-up Vigil would be a possibility. LCTMAH5Social Media ReportWeb and other media statistics, March 2019 A busier month with some more content. All platforms showing greater activity.Web siteThe figures are: SeptOct NovDecJanFebMar486193177166132135157ViewsAll time: 12,869A good increase in followers to 382, so we may have 400 before long. Top 2 country views:FebruaryUK56USA22Other countries showed very small numbers of 2 or posts: Yemen: Britain’s hidden war. This was a write up of the Despatches programme on C4Yemen – a further post noting the decision by the US Congress to end support for Saudi.TwitterA much busier month with several tweets gaining a lot of interest. A threefold increase on last month. Impressions:SeptOctNovDecJanFebMar17k131016241593140115504870The top tweet:The tweet about the Breadwinner film which received 1241 impressions alone. A pity so few came to see the film!An increase in followers to 150.FacebookA much busier month with a reach of 376FebMar 160376 Top posts:The refugee vigil which achieved 91The post about John Glen MP’s low-level interest in human rights as revealed on the ‘They Work for You’ website which showed he ‘generally voted against laws to promote equality and human rights’=3 refugee vigil and a post about a woman’s rights defender detained in SaudiTumbler We have 9 followers and 17 following – no change YouTube & FlickrNo major changes to reportGroup Web site: Twitter: salisburyai Facebook: salisburyai Tumblr: salisburyai. Content always welcome!PC6Monthly Action Refugee Week – Groups are asked to celebrate by writing a poem to tie in with the Families Together Campaign. The poems will then be collated for handing in to the Government Football Welcomes Weekend – The possibility has been discussed between the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme and Salisbury Football team that local refugees might receive an invitation to attend a match.New Families Together Video – A new video is available – Family Free Zone – which highlights the ridiculousness of the UK’s restrictive refugee family reunion rules.Knit a Chain of Solidarity for Nazanin – Groups are invited to hold a ‘Knit for Naz’ night and to knit a symbolic chain. Each link should contain 1,190 stitches to represent the no. of days Nazanin will have spent in prison by 7th July, the date of Cardiff Amnesty’s Stand Up in the Park comedy night.Pride – Groups are invited to check when their local Pride is to take place, and how they might get involved.All7AGM 2019 – 13th-14th AprilRW will attend and report back to the Group.RW8Market StallThe date is confirmed for Saturday 8th June.All9Talk by Paul MasonThis has been confirmed for Monday 24th June at 7.30 pm at Salisbury Methodist Church. The event will be free with a retiring collection.PC will co-ordinate publicity and produce a handbill.PC10Coffee MorningThis will take place at St Thomas’s on Saturday 7th September. The cost will be ?45.00. FD will check the Insurance with JP. Cards to sign or a petition will be available, together with an HR film running on a loop.All10Citizenship DayA further meeting will be arranged to enable PC to co-ordinate the slides.AHFDRW11EvensongAH is awaiting a response from the Dean, and the new Precentor taking up her post. Benedict Rogers has been suggested as the Speaker.AH12Arts Centre FilmFD is awaiting a response from the Arts Centre regarding the suggested film. It is hoped that it can be shown in November.FD13Write for RightsAH has written to the Dean regarding a possible venue for the card signing and is awaiting a response.All14AOBAH has written to Ice and Fire regarding items within their programme which might be suitable for schools, and is awaiting their replyPC will continue to explore options for a replacement banner.All15Forthcoming EventsMarket Stall – 8th June - amRefugee Week – 17th-23rd JunePaul Mason’s Talk – 24th JuneCoffee Morning – 7th SeptemberWorld Day Against the Death Penalty – 10th OctoberCitizenship Day – TBCEvensong - TBCArts Centre Film – November – film and date TBC50th Anniversary of the abolition of the death penalty in the UK – 16th DecemberWrite for Rights – TBCCarol Singing - TBCNext Meeting: Thursday 9th May 2019 Time: 7.30 pm Venue: 4 Victoria Road salisburyaiShould you wish no longer to receive Minutes of meetings, or other communications from the Group, please let us know by emailing our Group Secretary at Donovan.fiona@ ................

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