
Region 7W IEICMeeting AgendaSeptember 12th, 1:00-3:00 PM Milestones formerly Child Care Choices314 10th Ave South, Suite 180 - P. O. Box 548 - Waite Park, MN? 56387Phone: 320-251-5081 or?800-288-8549??? Fax:? 320-654-8650???? ?Welcome and IntroductionsSpecial Guest: Cat Tamminga, Part C Coordinator for MDE- Started in April. Prior to this she was originally from Michigan and has been in MN for 3 years now. Worked in Part C in Indiana for last 20years. Birth-3 is really the work she has done most. Wanted to come today to provide support and let us all know that she is here for anything that we may need. Is going to try and come periodically to meetings. ApprovalsMinutes: April- Linda Wharram motioned to approve the minutes from April…Marcia Schlattmann 2nd…motion approvedAgenda (any additions)Financial/Budget 18-19 Final Budget (Carryover)- Attached19-20: Proposed Budget- Attached (put together in June) Our proposed budget and actual budget was only under by $2000.00. We need to reallocate the $2003.32. Blake Schaaf motioned to allocate it into Public Awareness…Sheri Jorgensen 2nd….motion approved.Cat gave an explanation on how the budgets are allocated with the formulas and such. If we have carryover funds, we need to use those first and we only have a specific amount of time to use those before they are recaptured by MDE. Carryover funds are not factured in to our allocation. Annual Work Plan for 2018-19Review current plan for updates- CentraCare Health Systems should now be listed and referred to as just “CentraCare”. Those changes will be made. No updates were needed/given and the workplan was accepted as is. Sarah Coltvet motioned to approve the work plan…Christine Landherr 2nd…motion approved. Expenditures- Nothing as of yet.Request(s) for Funding:Sheri Jorgenson- Parent support Group for families with children who have Down Syndrome- 23yrs ago she started a parent group for parents with down syndrome and they remained active until about 3 years ago. There has been an increase in the number of children born with Down Syndrome in Wright county and she would like to get another group going. She has two women who are interested in assistance with another group started. Wondering if IEIC can/will help out with any funding. There was discussion that this is not specifically child find as the families involved will/would have already been found. There is a group in Elk River that does a group without funding already. That contact will be given to Sheri. The group decided not to fund at this time. Sarah from WCED happily manned a booth at the Stearns County fair. They had a lot of HMG resources and materials that they handed out to fair goers. Wondering if the IEIC would pay for the booth fee of $135.00 in July? They would like to continue attending with the help of Stearns County Public Health. The group consensus is that this happened in the past and that typically funding requests get prior approval before they can be paid retroactively. Cat will check on operating procedures and this amount will be tabled until we get a clearer definition.Other3.2 million dollar grant to expand home visiting has been granted to Stearns, Benton, Sherburne and Wright counties. Kelly Ball is the new grant coordinator and would like to come to an IEIC meeting to present about this project. We will put her on the agenda for December. New BusinessUpdates from Public Awareness Coordinator-MakaylaFairs and ExposSummertime by George in St. Cloud: Was a success. We did three nights this summer and handed out hundreds of materials. Well worth the time ECFE in Park in Big Lake- They had a great turnout, as always. Went three days this summer and connected with about 100 families BillboardsNo campaigns going at this timeMetro BusNothing at this time EpromosNo order placed. All Over Media is now Social Indoor AdvertisingNo Campaigns goingRegion 11No orders placedFirst BooksNo orders placedRadio AdsNothing at this timeRisdallFinal update is attached. Marketing campaign ended June 30. Do we want to do another 1yr campaign. Training SponsorshipsNothing at this time.Proposals to spend $Epromos; up to $500.00. (developmental milestones magnets) First Books; up to $4000.00Region 11; up to $4,000.00 in 2 separate orders. We are out of just about everything. Billboards; up to $10,000.00 (Hwy 55 in Regal…can be purchased again as old one is there)Risdall; up to $10,000.00 for another year campaignSocial Indoor; up to $5,000.00Christine Landherr motioned to approve the spending ….Nicole Ruhoff 2nd…..motion approved.State UpdatesState IEIC Monthly Calls: 3rd Monday of the month, 9am The meeting is done via Skype and you need to have the link sent to you from Cat. 6/17/19- Soft launch of Expanded Help me Grow to go out in August. CSPD- They are looking for folks to join smaller workgroups. If you are interested let Cat know. Homelessness in Part C- Can our homelessness liason with each school district be a part of IEIC? Have they been educated about HMG? Our IEIC is required to have someone on the IEIC who focuses on homelessness. Cat will work on organizing a training around homelessness. It will be what the statute requirements are along with the expectations around the IEIC’s and homelessness. 7/15/2019- Cat needs all of our 2019-2020 meeting dates. The Early Learning Data Manager was on and showed us the formula for how they determine allocations for each region. It is based on population, homelessness data, free reduce lunch number, etc. Need to use carry over funds first so ensure that we are coding this correctly. Carry over will be reviewed and discussed more at workshop in Fall. Discussed the work plan and whether the form being used works well or if it needs to be changed. Timing? There were no comments about this so Cat is going to bring it up again next month. The homeless report share is posted and Cat will send it out to each region. Updates from ICC- Annie is the ICC chair. Retreat will be in November in conjunction with the IEIC statewide meeting. Workforce shortage was a large topic of conversation. November 21 will be the date of the retreat/meeting. Will be held at MDE. Blake, Makayla, Sarah are interested in going. Data Sharing from School Districts-Referrals- Data spreadsheet was not sent out beforehand as has been in the past. Each district present shared their data. Referrals are up everywhere in the region. Spreadsheet will be available for next meeting. Referrals/Collaboration with CentraCare– Carol Gibson-Miller- a few referrals are being made from the NICU….National Healthy Steps came and CentraCare Pediatrics is now a Healthy Steps sight. Birth-3 program that is centered around social/emotional development so this should hopefully help reduce the number of referrals that don’t make sense. This program helps primary care doctors know what they are looking for. Operating Procedure- This needs to be reviewed yearly and Cat will send information to Linda for that. Will be on December agenda. IEIC Orientation Handout- Region 11 put together a presentation about what IEIC is, what it does, and then Region 11 specific. Linda would be happy to create this for 7W and have to hand out to new members and other professionals. Agency Updates/ Training Opportunities: WCED moved to Melrose and are busy and goodMAWSECO needs a teacherSherburne county public health has been down a few PH nurses but several have been hired. Benton county will have satellite office in St. Cloud over by Planned ParenthoodWhole Community flyer was sent out to the group about the community screenings coming up. Sponsored by MCCC. Please attend if you can/able. Next Meetings held at Milestones: (bring your calendars-need to set dates)December 5: 1:00-3:00February 6: 1:00-3:00April 2: 1:00-3:00 Adjourn: Christine Landherr motioned to adjourn….Blake Schaaf 2nd….motion approved ................

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