|Tantárgy neve: |Tantárgy Neptun kódja: GTVGT212MLA |

|World economics |Tárgyfelelős intézet: Világ-és Regionális Gazdaságtan Intézet |

| |(Institute of World and Regional Economics) |

| |Tantárgyelem: specialization (differenciált szakmai ismeret) - |

| |compulsory |

|Tárgyfelelős: Dr. Szendi Dóra, PhD. adjunktus |

|Közreműködő oktató(k): Sebestyénné Dr. Szép Tekla, PhD adjunktus |

|Javasolt félév: 1A (1. autumn, 1Ő) |Előfeltétel: - |

|Óraszám/hét: 2+2 |Számonkérés módja: signature-exam |

|Kreditpont: 4 |Munkarend: MA full time |

|Tantárgy feladata és célja: |

|(200-300 karakter) |

|The main objective is to give theoretical and methodological background to the studies and explanation of the World economic processes and |

|effects; and to represent the determining big regions of the World economy (both traditional and emerging centres). Beside this the course |

|gives an overview of the international factor flow (products, services; labour, capital) and its development effects. |

|Fejlesztendő kompetenciák:[1] |

|tudás: T2, T5 (MBA) |

|képesség: K1, K3, K4, K6 (MBA) |

|attitűd: A3, A5, A6 (MBA) |

|autonómia és felelősség: AF5, AF7 (MBA) |

|Tantárgy tematikus leírása: |

|Előadás: |Gyakorlat: |

|1. conference (09.13) |conference (09.27) |

|Main statistical dates of the world; The development of the world |Data collection, main data bases |

|economy |Economic and social development in the aspect of indices |

|The volume of global migration, its directions and effects |The role of Hungary in the World economy – in the aspect of numbers; |

|The ‘geography’ of foreign investments; The operating characteristics |Hungary foreign trade relations with neighbouring countries |

|of transnational corporations and their impact on the development of |The role of cities, global cities in the World economy |

|the world economy |The role of oil in the World economy, as the most important product of |

|The main actors and characteristics of modern world trade |the international trade – article reading, problem solving |

|conference (10.11) |conference (11.15) |

|International organisations as the main regulators of the world economy|The risks of globalization (pro and contra); article reading, making |

|The economic role of the Triad in today’s world economy |lists from arguments pro and contra, advantages and disadvantages; case|

|The role and relations of the United States of America in the world |study (the perverse flow of capital) |

|economy |Global working capital flow |

|The role and relations of Japan in the world economy |Group presentations 1. |

|The role of China in the world economy and its international relations |Group presentations 2. |

|The role of Brazil in the world economy and its international | |

|relations; The role of the Middle East in the world economy | |

|3. conference (09.27) | |

|The role and relations of the European Union in the world economy | |

|India’s role and relations in the world economy | |

|Russia’s role and relations in the global economy | |

|Félévközi számonkérés módja és értékelése: |

|(prezentáció, zárthelyi dolgozat, beadvány stb.) |

|Assignment: analysis and presentation of one actual issue of the World economy in 2-3 persons groups. |

|Evaluation: The good problem solving of the issue represents 25% in the annual grade. |

|The replacement of the objective: It is possible until the last week of the semester. |

|Getting the signature: The requirement for the signature is the participation in the lectures and practical courses, and creating the group |

|work and presentation. |

|Requirement of the exam: signature. |

|Grading: |

|The grading will be calculated according the evaluation of problem solving issue and the written exam. Grading: from 60% - satisfactory, 70% - |

|average, 80% - good, 90% - excellent |

|Grading exam: five degree scale (1-5). |

|Kötelező irodalom: |

|(legalább 3, melyből legalább 1 idegen nyelvű) |

|Topic of lectures and practical courses. |

|Z. Nagy – D. Kuttor – T. Sebestyénné Szép (2013): International and Regional Economic Relations. Miskolc, E-learning material. |

| |

|Ajánlott irodalom: |

|ATKearney: Global Cities 2018: Learning from the East – Insights from China’s Urban Success |

| |

|Centre of Regional Science, Vienna: Smart cities: Ranking of European medium-sized cities, 2007. |

| |

|Oil – The Economist |

| |

|Parsons (2010): Black Gold and Fool’s Gold: Speculation in the Oil Futures Market; Center For Energy and Environmental Policy Research, |

|Massachusets |

| |

|PWC: Black gold: The road ahead, Middle East Capital Projects & Infrastructure snapshot |

| |

|BBVA: Economic Analysis (2016), Oil Prices: Black Gold or a Black Hole? |

| |

|Forbes: The pros and cons of Globalization; Mike Collins (2015) |

| |

|McKinsey Global Institute (2016): Digital globalization: The new era of global flows, Executive summary |

|Thilo Hanemann and Mikko Huotari: Chinese FDI in Europe and Germany |

| |


|in World Economics subject |

| |

|Draft of the work |

|The students in 2-3 persons groups choose an actual topic (challenge, process) of the World economy and make a written exercise according the |

|given viewpoints. |

| |

|The draft of the paper contains: |

|title of the paper, |

|draft of the problem solving, |

|references applied for making the paper. |

| |

|The group (2-3 students) sends the suggested draft of the paper to the 1st of October until 12.00 to the practice course leader via e-mail |

|( The subject of letter should be in the following format: world economics name course. The draft is accepted if the |

|lecturer gives a notification about it. The modification of accepted or change of unaccepted drafts can be made only by personal consultation |

|of the lecturer. |

| |

|The general structure of the analysis: |

|The main objective is to represent and analyse (with maps) one actual issue (challenge, process) of the world economy. There is a need for |

|self-compiled tables and figures which demonstrate time series, trends, tendencies or an overview of complex processes. |

| |

|The paper |

|The group makes the paper independently according the accepted draft, and presents in 8 minutes slide the results. Based on personal discussion|

|the consultation is a real option. The group has to submit the paper (which is accepted and signed (!) by the supervisor) at the first day of |

|presentation week (Monday until 12.00) printed in the Institutes administration, and via e-mail to the practical course leader |

|( The subject of letter should be in the following format: world economic processes name course. |

| |

|Content and format requirements of the paper |

|The degree thesis regulation of the Faculty of Economics should be applied by preparing the papers format. The content of the paper is 12 A/4 |

|pages (+-10%). |

| |

|Grading |

|The good problem solving of the issue represents 25% in the annual grade. Depending on the papers quality the share of evaluation can be |

|moderated. The available maximum point of the course is 100 which can be reached as a sum of paper and presentation evaluation, active |

|practical course participation, and written exam. By grading according the results of paper and exam the following notes can be got: |

|from 60% - satisfactory, 70% - average, 80% - good, 90% - excellent |

|Aspects of the evaluation: concept of the paper, structure of paper, literature adaptation, citations, applying foreign language literature, |

|results, totality, originality, making independent analyses, personal opinion, self-compiled figures and tables, independent calculations. |


[1] A kompetenciák jelölésében a sorszám a szakok képzési és kimeneti követelményeiben (KKK) szereplő sorrendet jelenti, T: tudás, K: képesség, A: attitűd, AF: autonómia és felelősség. Olyan tárgy esetében, amelyet több szakon is oktatnak egyszerre, az igényelt/fejlesztett kompetencia sorsz哈唍噌噎噐怐怒怖怘怜怞怢怤ñ„áma szakonként kerül megadásra. A sorszám mellett zárójelben található a szakok rövidítése: (EEF: emberi erőforrások, GM: gazdálkodási és menedzsment, KM: kereskedelem és marketing, NG: nemzetközi gazdálkodás, PSZ: pénzügy és számvitel, TV: turizmus-vendéglátás).


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