Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Tests Presentation 2019


Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Tests

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint is designed to help students learn by providing comprehensive feedback on their strengths and weaknesses in the key curriculum areas ? English, mathematics and science.

The tests are exclusively available to schools that offer Cambridge Primary and are generally taken at the end of the final year of the programme. They are marked by Cambridge and provide schools with an international benchmark for learner performance. Each learner receives a statement of achievement and a diagnostic feedback report, giving schools invaluable information and parents extra trust in the feedback they receive.

We hold two Cambridge Primary Checkpoint test series each year, covering all major areas of learning in the Cambridge Primary curriculum frameworks for English, mathematics and science.

Why use Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Tests at ISM?

? They provide an international benchmark that enables both individual students and the Primary School team to monitor current attainment and identify future needs.

? To provide objective feedback on the attainment and progress of our students at ISM, which can help to inform future teachers.

? Cambridge International Examinations also produce the Year 9 Checkpoint exams and the IGCSEs (Year 11). This helps build continuity and progression across the school.

? At ISM we follow the Cambridge International Primary Curriculum for English for Years 1-6. These tests relate directly to what the students have been learning in class.

? To monitor attainment in Mathematics since the introduction of the Singapore Maths Programme.

When will the tests take place?

The tests will take place during the week beginning Tuesday 23rd April.

What will the school be doing to help my child prepare for these tests? ? Nearly all of what your child will be tested on has already been covered in class as part of our English and Maths curriculum. ? We, as teachers, have identified content that has not yet been covered and will be covering this in class over the coming weeks. ? We will also be going through past papers and helping to familiarise the children with working under test conditions.

What can you, as parents, do to help your child prepare for these tests?

? Look through past sample papers with your child.

? Support them with the written tasks that they will be completing for homework over the next few weeks.

? Reassure them that whilst we want to see them give their very best, we, as adults, fully understand the pressures of tests, and that their results will not define their entire Year 6! Their efforts and achievements across the whole year will also be taken into account.

? Reassure them that the purpose of these tests is to find out just how much they have learned and how we can best help them in the future.

? This is an opportunity to show just how much they know and can do. We are not trying to catch them out!

The Tests


? 2 papers (1 fiction and 1 non-fiction) ? 1 hour for each paper

Students will be tested on their ability to do the following:


? Demonstrate understanding of implicit meaning in texts. ? Recognise conventions and evaluate viewpoint, purpose, themes and

ideas in texts. ? Explain, comment on and analyse the way writers use stylistic and other

features of language and structure in texts. ? Demonstrate understanding of explicit meaning in texts.


? Select and develop content and use register and language appropriate to genre, purpose and audience.

? Use a range of sentence structures and punctuation accurately to convey meaning and create particular effects.

? Use accurate spelling. ? Structure and organise ideas coherently using sections or paragraphs.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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