
Your Name, Today’s DateRiverwalk Medical ClinicInfluenza Information SheetInfluenza, or the “flu,” is a serious respiratory disease. It is extremely contagious and affects about one fifth of the population each year. The flu usually comes on suddenly, beginning with an abrupt onset of high fever, and typically the sufferer develops malaise, myalgia (muscle aches), a sore throat, a non-productive cough, and loss of appetite. Additional flu symptoms can include a runny nose, headaches, and ocular (eye) pain. Most people who get influenza will recover in a few days, but some people will develop life-threatening complications, such as pneumonia.Flu StatisticsThe 138,000 specimens tested this year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed three basic strains of the virus: Type Percentage TotalInfluenza A 75.2% 16,542Influenza B 23.2% 5,103Influenza C 1.6% 352Flu VaccineInfluenza is an airborne virus that is spread by sneezing, coughing, and even talking. It is also transmitted by direct contact with infected people or contaminated objects. Frequent hand washing can help prevent the spread of infection; however, it is best to get an influenza vaccine each year.When To Be VaccinatedThe optimal time to be inoculated with the flu vaccine is mid October to the end of November. However, it is never too late to be inoculated. In fact, the vaccine can be administered until the end of the flu season, usually April.Who Should Be VaccinatedThe flu vaccine is very safe. The virus used in making the vaccine is dead and cannot “give you the flu.” According to the CDC:“The ability of the flu vaccine to protect a person depends on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine, and the similarity or "match" between the virus strains in the vaccine and those in circulation. However, testing has shown that both the flu shot and the nasal-spray vaccine are effective at preventing the flu.”There are certain groups of people who should not get the flu shot or who should consult with their physician before receiving the flu shot, including anyone with one or more of the following: Severe hypersensitivity to eggs or egg productsAllergies to any component of the vaccine (e.g., thimerosal, gelatin)A previous allergic reaction to a flu vaccineAcute or febrile illness or infectionPreventionYou can also minimize your chances of getting or spreading the flu and other airborne viruses by following a few simple rules: Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. A sneeze can transmit a virus at 104 miles per hour, covering a distance of 16 feet in 1/10 of a second.Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze.Stay away from people who are sick.Stay home from school or work if you get the flu to reduce the risk of transmitting influenza to family, friends, and coworkers.Try not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.Treatment Once a person has the flu, treatment is symptomatic with bed rest, fluids, and the use of antipyretics and analgesics. Antibiotics are given for secondary bacterial infections, and hospitalization may be required for severe complications.MedicationsSeveral antiviral drugs are approved for treatment of the flu, including amantadine, rimantadine, zanamivir, and oseltamivir. These medications are available by prescription only. To be effective, antiviral drugs must be started within two days of the onset of flu-like symptoms, so be certain to seek medical care early if you suspect you are coming down with the flu. ................

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