?Economics 40S Economic Indicators Assignment May 2019Economic reports and indicators provide measurements for evaluating the health of an economy, the latest business cycles, how consumers are spending and the standard of living they are experiencing. Prepare a report that creates a picture of a country’s economy and the standard of living of its citizens as determined by researching several indicators. There are two parts to this assignment. The first part is fact finding and creating a poster, the second part is creating inquiry questions relevant to your specific research and writing a report which includes answers to your inquiry questions with an analysis of the facts/information you found.Part I--Research“Country” by the Numbers: find data for the following components—for comparison between countries purposes please use the trading economics site for the first eight indicators:2017 (18 if available)GDPGDP Growth RatePopulationReal GDP/Capita PPP orGDP/Capita PPPUnemployment RateInflation RateYouth Unemployment RateMinimum WageLiving Wage IndividualYour Choice:Your Choice: the above information in poster format using a tool called canva. Required data to includeGDPGDP Growth RatePopulationReal GDP/CapitaUnemployment RateInflation Rate,One other indicator of your choiceResource site to complete the following table: the following table of information in your report in Part II.GDP Composition by End Use--%CGIXGDP Composition by Sector of Origin--% and examplesAgricultureIndustriesServicesExportsCommoditiesPartners & PercentImportsCommoditiesPartners & PercentLife ExpectancyExpected Years of SchoolingDistribution of Income (Gini Index)Population below poverty lineThe following indices use measurements other than economic growth to assess a country’s development. Complete the table below by filling in the country’s ranking in the various areas and giving a brief explanation of what was studied to come up with the ranking.Economic Freedom IndexProsperity IndexHuman Development IndexRanking:Ranking:Ranking:Property RightsRank:Economic Quality MeasureRank:Dimension Government IntegrityRank:Indicator(s)Judicial EffectivenessRank:DimensionBusiness EnvironmentRank:Tax BurdenRank:Indicator(s)Government SpendingRank:GovernanceRank:DimensionFiscal HealthRank:Indicator(s)Business FreedomRank:EducationRank:Labor FreedomRank:Monetary FreedomRank:HealthRank:Trade FreedomRank:Investment FreedomRank:Safety and SecurityRank:Financial FreedomRank:Personal FreedomRank:Social CapitalRank:Natural EnvironmentRank:Part II—Report based on Inquiry QuestionsBased on the data you have found, choose a specific area to research in depth.0331470What is your specific research topic?00What is your specific research topic?Now, refine your topic even more specifically. Create three inquiry questions relevant to your specific research topic.Remember that inquiry questions should require more than a one-word answer. Consider adding a verb (explain, analyze, evaluate, etc.) if needed.left13648Inquiry QuestionsInquiry Questions00Inquiry QuestionsInquiry Questions4705350184150002962275237490156210018034044481753594103.003.03308351.001.152400730252.002.Now, complete the chart below as you research each inquiry question. Once you find the resource that will help you answer your question, take jot notes. Keep a list of the URL of each source you visit. *Remember, research is a trial and error process. You will not always find what you are looking for on the first try. Inquiry Question 1Inquiry Question 2Inquiry Question 3Answer the question in JOT notes.What is the name of your source?List the article title and author. What makes this a credible, relevant source?-98742419176900-98742429527400Many resources you might find useful are available through the library website: advantage of the databases and subscriptions available to you (e.g. Global Issues in Context). Other sources you might consider are business journals and magazines such as The Economist; Wall Street Journal; CNN Money…… ................

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