
Science Bulletin Manuscript TemplateThis template is a guide to be used to prepare manuscripts for submission. Please consult the Guide for Authors or a recent issue of the Journal for detailed guidelines and procedures for submission. This template is intended to benefit to the author in that the entire manuscript may be submitted in one file. Inserting figures and tables close to the point at which they are discussed in the text of the manuscript can also be a benefit for the reviewer.Preparation of papers for Science Bulletin: the title must be brief and grammatically correct. It should accurately, clearly, and concisely reflect the emphasis and content of the paper.Author One1, Zuozhe Yi2, Author Two1,2*(Authors should be listed by first name followed by last name and separated by commas. Use superscript numbers to link affiliations, and symbols * for corresponding author.)1 State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, China 2 Editorial Office of Chinese Science Bulletin, Science China Press, Beijing 100717, China(Affiliations should be preceded by numbers corresponding to the author list. Each affiliation should be a separate paragraph.)* Correspondence author: include the email address of the corresponding author(s).Abstract It should briefly summarize the essence of the paper. There should be not any undefined abbreviations, references or footnotes in the abstract. It should be one paragraph only.Keywords Keyword one, Keyword two, Keyword three, Keyword four(Please provide 4 to 6 keywords that can be used for indexing purposes.)1 IntroductionIn general, it should start with a brief introduction, followed by other sections. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Text formattingManuscripts should be submitted in Word. Manuscripts with mathematical content can also be submitted in LaTex. Please use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12-point Times Roman) for text with line number.2.2 HeadingsPlease use the decimal system of headings with no more than three levels.3 Results and discussion3.1 AbbreviationsAbbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.3.2 Figures and tablesAll figures and tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals and always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.(1) Figures. Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Begin the caption with the term Fig. in bold type, followed by the figure number, also in bold type. No punctuation is to be included after the number, nor is any punctuation to be placed at the end of the caption. Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters ((a), (b), (c), etc.). If a paragraph in the main text begins with the name of a figure, write out “Figure” in full, otherwise use “Fig.” in main text. (2) Tables. For each table, please supply a table caption explaining the components of the table. Start the table caption with “Table” in bold type, followed by the table number, also in bold type. 4 ConclusionsThe equation editor or MathType should be used for equations. Acknowledgments Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section. The names of funding organizations should be written in pliance with ethics guidelinesThis section of compliance with ethics guidelines should be included separately in each article just before the reference list. Conflict of interest All authors are required to declare any Conflict of Interest (CoI) in detail, i.e., each author in individually by name must declare any potential CoI, and declare that s/he does not have any CoI. The CoI statement should list each author separately by name: John Smith declares that he has no conflict of interest. Paula Taylor has received research grants from Drug Company A. Mike Schultz has received a speaker honorarium from Drug Company B and owns stock in Drug Company C. If multiple authors declare no conflict, this can be done in one sentence: John Smith, Paula Taylor, and Mike Schultz declare that they have no conflict of interest. For studies with human subjects and animals For studies involving human subjects and animals, authors must also state that they Conformed with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008 (5) concerning Human and Animal Rights, and that they followed out policy concerning Informed Consent as shown on . For studies with human subjects All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008 (5). Informed consent was obtained from all patients for being included in the study. If any identifying information about patients is included in the article, the following sentence should be included: Additional informed consent was obtained from all patients for which identifying information is included in this article. For studies with animals All institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed.ReferencesReference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. Some examples: Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3].This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman [5].This effect has been widely studied [1-3, 7]. The references list should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. The entries in the list should be numbered consecutively. Each reference should be on a separate line and have a separate number. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Some examples:1. Liu XH, Tang CX, Qian HJ et al (2013) Design of a compact C-band high brightness photoinjector for an ultra-fast electron diffraction. Chin Sci Bull 58:4577-4581 (Journal article)2. Li YP, Wu QL, Zhao YL et al (2014) Response of microRNAs to in vitro treatment with graphene oxide. ACS Nano. doi:10.1021/nn4065378 (Article by DOI)3. South J, Blass B (2001) The future of modern genomics. Blackwell, London (Book)4. Brown B, Aaron M (2001) The politics of nature. In: Smith J (ed) The rise of modern genomics, 3rd edn. Wiley, New York, pp 230-257 (Book chapter)5. Cartwright J (2007) Big stars have weather too. IOP Publishing PhysicsWeb. . Accessed 26 June 2007 (Online document)6. Trent JW (1975) Experimental acute renal failure. Dissertation, University of California (Dissertation)7. Aaron M (1999) The future of genomics. In: Williams H (ed) Proceedings of the genomic researchers, Boston, 1999 (Proceedings without a publisher)Electronic supplementary materialsScience Bulletin accepts electronic multimedia files (animations, movies, audio, etc.) and other supplementary files to be published online along with an article. If supplying the supplementary material, the text must make specific mention of the material as a citation, similar to that of figures and tables. Please refer to the supplementary files as “online”, e.g., “…as shown in the animation (Fig. S1 online)”,“… additional data are given in Table S1 (online)”. For each supplementary material, please supply a concise caption describing the content of the file.LanguageManuscripts that are accepted for publication will be checked by our copyeditors for spelling and formal style. This may not be sufficient if English is not your native language and substantial editing would be required. In that case, you may want to ask a native speaker to help you or arrange for your manuscript to be checked by a professional language editor prior to submission. A clear and concise language will help editors and reviewers concentrate on the scientific content of your paper and thus smooth the peer review process. Use of an editing service is neither a requirement nor a guarantee of acceptance for publication. ................

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