
Wivelsfield Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Management Committee.Minutes of the meeting of the 8th January 2019Present: Elected Trustees: Derek Stephenson (Chairman), Andrew Savidge (Vice-Chairman), Peter Burton (Lettings Secretary), Liz Burton (Secretary), Barbara Harty (Trustee).Representative Trustees: Rhonda Janes (Wiv. Films), Jane Silk (Stoolball), Patricia Allen (WI), Sue Blunden (Mid Sussex Parkinson’s)Non-Voting Attendees: Sue Morris (Project Advisor), Gary Thompson (Architect), Cameron Wallis (Youth), Ian Dawson (PC Chairman).Apologies for Absence: Ann Savidge (Treasurer), Alan Janes (Elected Trustee), Sam Mann (Community Club), Sheila Blair ( Historical Society ).Minutes of the Meetings of 4th December as being a true record of the meeting were not discussed, so will have to be agreed at the February 5th meeting. Statement re VAT: Sue Morris advised that only certain elements of the build would be VAT free, such as the public toilets and the PC office. She would arrange to meet a representative from the tax office to discuss all elements of the build to confirm where we would be eligible. It was agreed that it would be advantageous if the project were in the PC and WVH joint names.Professional Fees: Gary updated the Committee on the quotes for Professional fees that he has sought. Gary will send a copy of these and his assessment of their appropriateness to the project to the Secretary who will circulate them to members for their consideration at the next meeting.Website: Peter and Andrew are arranging a meeting with Barney Morris to discuss.Project Update:Project Management Team Update: this team were to meet to agree their Terms of Reference. Sue suggested that it would be sensible to have a Spreadsheet that could be circulated to Team Leaders to which they could add updates and issued to Committee prior to meetings. This would keep everyone up to date and save meeting time: Grant Funding Team Update: the CIL application for ?173,000 has been recommended for approval and passed to Cabinet for final approval. The representative from the Big Lottery Fund had not raised hopes, but nevertheless had asked to be informed what the outcomes would be if the Project did not go ahead and who would be disadvantaged. Barbara and Sue to advise.A representative from Asda appeared enthusiastic and had requested that we keep her informed of our fundraising projects in order that her Company could decide where they would be willing to help. Barbara will continue to liaise with her. Barbara is continuing to pursue the Locase Grant for funding double glazing, but is dependent on the receipt of quotes which Gary is persuing.Fundraising: the fundraising total to date banked is ?5,701.68. The Spirit of Christmas raised ?354.94. Kevin Kelly raised ?450 from his meat raffle which is due to be deposited in the account. This will bring our total to ?6,151.68. Thank you Kevin for your efforts.The following events are in the diary: Friday 22nd Feb: Race Night in the Village Hall led by Kevin.Friday 15th March: Quiz Night in the Hall with Nick Dutt as Quiz Master.Saturday 27th April: Cabaret Night in the Hall organised by Sue Blunden.All the above will be aided by the FR Team and we urge all Committee members and Clubs to support these functions and spread the information as all Hall users will benefit by the proposed improvements.Future Monthly Meetings: although it had originally been agreed that the seven additional Meetings scheduled for the year were to be Project Update Meetings only, the Chairman stated he wished them all to be full agendas. After some discussion Ian Dawson proposed that this be the case. The motion was voted on and carried. The following items had been added to the agenda:Riparian Ownership: Derek pointed out the ditch which he had cleared during the Summer was filling with debris once more and that it was the Committees responsibility to keep it clear. Andrew pointed out that is a shared responsibility with whoever owned the land on the other side. Presumably the District Council.Hall Capacities: Derek was concerned that the notice displayed in the entrance hall showing the number of people the Hall could hold for different events showed no issuing authority, neither did they seem sensible. Liz said she would investigate who decided on this these days. It used to be the Fire Authority.Loft Wiring: this had been dealt with at a previous meeting.Tree Maintenance: Ian Dawson advised the Committee that the PC were organising and paying for the maintenance of the trees between the carpark and Eastern Road. He wished that the ongoing maintenance be put on the February agenda. He felt that some other members of the PC might wish to attend. AOB: NoneThis concluded the business and the Meeting closed at 10.10pmFuture Meeting Dates: Renshaw Room 7.30pm: 5.2.19 / 5.3.19 / 2.4.19 (AGM followed by general meeting) / 7.5.19 / 4.6.19 / 2.7.19 / 6.8.19 / 3.9.19 /1.10.19 / 5.11.19 / 3.12.19Please note that all the above meetings are full agenda meetings and no longer Project Updates only. Your attendance at all meetings where possible would be appreciated. ................

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