
HALF YEARLY EXAM (2018-19)POLITICAL SCIENCECLASS-XITime allowed: 3 Hrs M. M: 100GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Question Number 1 to 5 carry ONE Mark each.Question Number 6 to 10 carry TWO Marks each.Question Number 11 to 16 carry FOUR Marks each.Question Number 17 to 21 carry FIVE Marks each.Question Number 22 to 27 carry SIX Marks each.__________________________________________________________________________________Q1 Who moved the objective solution in the Constituent Assembly and when ?Q2 From which countries Constitution the idea of rule of law has been adopted ?Q3 Explain the term habeas corpus. Q4 Right which protects people from bonded labour?Q5Write the formula which is followed in Rajya Sabha electionQ6Explain the term bi election. Q7Why do we study political theory?Q8 Explain Semi Presidential executive with suitable example.Q9What is the difference between Private member bill and Government bill?Q10 What do you understand by Single Integrated Judicial System?Q11Under Article 370 special status has been given to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Explain.Q12What are the functions of the Constitution? (Write any four )Q13 What is judicial activism? Mention chief instruments through which judicial activism has flourished in India. Q14Explain any four ideas associated with the concept of federalism.Q15Which right has been referred as heart and soul of Indian Constitution and why?Q16In what ways political theory is useful to us? Q17 Read the passage and answer the questions that follows:Although the members of the assembly were not elected by universal suffrage there was a serious attempt to make the assembly a representative body . Members of all religions were given representation under the scheme described above. In addition the assembly has 26 members from the community then was know as schedule castes . In terms of political parties congress dominated the assembly by occupying eighty two percent of seats after partition. Congress itself was a such a diverse party that it managed to accommodate almost all shades of opinion with it How the members of all religion were represented in the constituent assembly? (1?)Explain the term universal adult suffrage. (1?)Explain why it is said that congress itself was a diverse party which accommodated all shades of opinion with it. (2)Q18Read the passage and answer the questions that follows: Over the years election commission of India has emerged as an independent authority which has asserted its power to ensure the fairness in the election process .It has acted in an impartial and unbiased manner in order to protect the sanctity of electoral process .The record of election commission also shows that every improvement in the functioning of institution does not require legal or constitutional change .It is widely agreed that the election commission is more independent and assertive now than it was twenty years ago .This is not because the powers and constitutional protection of the election commission have increased the election commission has started using it more effectively the powers it always has in the constitution How many members are there in election commission? (1)In which article of the constitution election commissions mentioned?(1)Explain three steps taken so far for election reforms. (3)Q19Read the passage and answer the questions that follows:In Ancient Greece the city of Athens, Socrats was described as wisest man he was known for questioning and challenging popularly held beliefs about society ,religion and politics for this he was condemned to death by rulers of Athens .His student Plato wrote extensively about life and ideas of Soctas .In his republic he created a character Socrats and through him he examined the question -what is justice?The book opens with a dialogue between Socrates and Cephalus. In the course of this dialogue Cephalus and his friends come to recognise that understanding of justice is inadequate and unacceptable .The important thing is that Socrats uses the reason to reveal the limitations and inconsistencies in a given point of view .His adversaries eventually admit that the views they had held and lived by could not be sustained Who was Socrates ?Why was he condemned to death (1?) Who was the student of Socrates ?In which book did he create the character by the name of Socrates ?(1?)What was the form of writing the republic ?(?)How did Socrates reveal the inconsistencies in the view of his adversaries ?(1?)Q20 In the given political map identify the states which have bicameral legislature. Also mention the capitals of these states. Q21See the image given below and answer the questions that follows:Which right has been violated in the newspaper clipping given above?(1)What steps are taken to protect the target group in the picture?(1)Name the right which protect the people from discrimination in India.(1)Mention various inequalities which exist in our society.(2)Q22Is it correct to describe Indian federalism as a federal structure with strong bias towards centre? Describe any five provisions which indicates strong unitary bias of Indian federalism.ORDiscuss the role of governor in the Indian federation. Why are many states unhappy about the role of governorQ23Discuss the jurisdictions of the Supreme Court of India. ORHow does parliament control executive? Explain any three instruments.Q24How a bill becomes an act?ORDescribe appointment powers and position of prime minister of IndiaQ25Describe composition and functions of Election Commission of India. ORWhy does the system of reservation of seats become necessary? what is the position of reservation of seats in legislature of India ?write the role of delimitation commissionQ26Compare FPTP and PR system ORDiscuss discretionary powers of President of India. Discuss various inter-state conflicts with suitable examples. Q27What demands raised by states in their quest for greater autonomy? ORExplain the right to freedom as granted by Indian constitution? is it correct to say that too much restriction has been imposed on the right to freedom that in practice it has been taken away completely ................

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