Wednesday, August 28, 2019


City Council

The Corporation of the City of Brampton

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Special Meeting

Members Present:

Members Absent: Staff Present:

Mayor P. Brown Regional Councillor P. Vicente ? Wards 1 and 5 Regional Councillor R. Santos ? Wards 1 and 5 Regional Councillor M. Palleschi ? Wards 2 and 6 Regional Councillor M. Medeiros ? Wards 3 and 4 Regional Councillor P. Fortini ? Wards 7 and 8 City Councillor D. Whillans ? Wards 2 and 6 City Councillor C. Williams ? Wards 7 and 8 City Councillor H. Singh ? Wards 9 and 10

Regional Councillor G. Dhillon ? Wards 9 and 10 (other municipal business)

City Councillor J. Bowman ? Wards 3 and 4 (vacation)

A. Meneses, Acting Chief Administrative Officer M. Solski, Acting Commissioner of Community Services and

Senior Manager, Service Brampton M. Won, Acting Commissioner of Public Works and Engineering

and Director, Environment and Development Engineering J. Macintyre, Director, Purchasing, Corporate Services V. Major, Director, Human Resources A. Milojevic, General Manager, Transit D. Soos, Acting City Solicitor, Corporate Services P. Fay, City Clerk C. Gravlev, Deputy City Clerk T. Brenton, Legislative Coordinator, City Clerk's Office

Minutes City Council

The meeting was called to order at 11:02 a.m. and recessed at 11:16 a.m. Council moved into Closed Session at 11:23 a.m. and recessed at 11:52 a.m. Council reconvened in Open Session at 12:01 p.m. and adjourned at 12:04 p.m.


Approval of the Agenda

The Mayor announced the purpose of the Special Meeting to consider the CAO Recruitment Process and that, under Council's rules, no other business could be added.

The following motion was considered.

C322-2019 Moved by Regional Councillor Santos Seconded by Regional Councillor Vicente

That the agenda for the Special Council Meeting of August 28, 2019 be approved as published and circulated.



Declarations of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act ? nil


Delegations ? nil




Report from Veronica McAlea Major, Director, Human Resources, and Peter

Fay, City Clerk, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, dated August 26,

2019, re: Chief Administrative Officer Recruitment Committee Terms of

Reference and Process.

The following motion, moved by Mayor Brown and seconded by Regional Councillor Santos, was introduced:

That the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Recruitment Committee, consisting of all members of Council with the Mayor as chair, be delegated to make binding decisions, including developing the terms of the CAO contract, offering the contract, and passing the appropriate bylaws as required.

That the attached CAO Job Posting be received and approved by the CAO Recruitment Committee.

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That the attached Terms of Reference for the CAO Recruitment Committee be received and approved by the CAO Recruitment Committee.

That council approve the proposed recruitment timelines for hiring a new Chief Administration Officer and authorize an external executive recruitment firm to perform activities relevant to each step below. Which includes:

a. Council Approved CAO Job posting be posted by the executive recruitment firm on August 28, 2019 for a 3-week period (September 18, 2019);

b. At which time the executive recruitment firm will conduct interviews and conclude by September 25, 2019, including reference checks;

c. Executive recruitment firm to provide a short-list of top candidates (three to five candidates) based on CAO approved job description to the Mayor's Office by September 30, 2019 for distribution to the CAO Recruitment Committee along with notes, resume, cover letter and candidate profile;

d. CAO Recruitment Committee to interview the top candidate(s) on or after October 1, 2019 at the call of the Chair;

e. The CAO Recruitment Committee will render a decision and direct the Mayor's Office to negotiate terms of CAO contract and present offer to successful CAO candidate.

That the Mayor's Office select the executive recruitment firm and engage in the recruitment process in order to accommodate the timelines above.

That the City Clerk be requested to schedule a future meeting of the CAO Recruitment Committee for the purpose of candidate interviews in addition to any meeting thereafter at the call of the chair.

Peter Fay, City Clerk, provided procedural advice with respect to the first paragraph of the proposed motion noting that only Council could pass bylaws. Mr. Fay also inquired about the "CAO job posting" referenced in the second paragraph of the motion.

In response to questions from Council about the motion, Mayor Brown indicated that the motion would replace the Terms of Reference outlined in the staff report, advised that the intention is to have a new Chief Administrative Officer in place prior to the results of the Province's regional government review, and confirmed that he would be Chair of the CAO Recruitment Committee.

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Council consideration of the motion included: questions about the timelines outlined in the motion proposed amendments to the timelines and acceptance of them by the

Mayor (as mover of the motion) request that all applications be provided to the CAO Recruitment

Committee potential need for consideration of this subject matter in Closed Session

Following Closed Session, Council considered the motion, as amended, as follows.

C323-2019 Moved by Mayor Brown Seconded by Regional Councillor Santos

That the report from Veronica McAlea Major, Director, Human Resources, and Peter Fay, City Clerk, dated August 26, 2019, to the Special City Council Meeting of August 28, 2019, re: Chief Administrative Officer Recruitment Committee Terms of Reference and Process, be received;

That the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Recruitment Committee, consisting of all members of Council with the Mayor as chair, be delegated to make binding decisions, including developing the terms of the CAO contract, offering the contract with Council and passing the appropriate bylaws as required;

That the attached CAO Job Posting be received and approved by the CAO Recruitment Committee;

That the following Terms of Reference for the CAO Recruitment Committee be received and approved for the CAO Recruitment Committee;

That Council approve the proposed recruitment timelines for hiring a new Chief Administrative Officer and authorize an external executive recruitment firm to perform activities relevant to each step below. Which includes:

a. Council Approved CAO Job posting be posted by the executive recruitment firm on August 29, 2019 for a three-week period (September 27, 2019);

b. At which time the executive recruitment firm will share a full list of applicants with the Committee and conduct interviews and conclude by October 2, 2019, including reference checks;

c. Executive recruitment firm to provide a short-list of top candidates (three to five candidates) based on CAO approved job description

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to the Mayor's Office by October 7, 2019 for distribution to the CAO Recruitment Committee along with notes, resume, cover letter and candidate profile; d. CAO Recruitment Committee to interview the top candidate(s) on or after October 8, 2019 at the call of the Chair; e. The CAO Recruitment Committee will render a decision and direct the Mayor's Office to negotiate terms of CAO contract and present offer to successful CAO candidate;

That the Mayor's Office select the executive recruitment firm and engage in the recruitment process in order to accommodate the timelines above; and

That the City Clerk be requested to schedule a future meeting of the CAO Recruitment Committee for the purpose of candidate interviews in addition to any meeting thereafter at the call of the Chair.



Correspondence ? nil


Public Question Period ? nil


By-laws ? nil


Closed Session

The following motion was considered.

C324-2019 Moved by Regional Councillor Santos Seconded by City Councillor Williams

That Council proceed into Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to the following:

8.1. Labour relations or employee negotiations and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.


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