
Stewardship in many forms, all year longNow there are a diversity of gifts, but the same Spirit?For as the body is one, and hath many members so also is Christ 1 CorinthiansDear Fellow Parishioners,Images of boats have been the backdrop of recent years’ stewardship campaigns: “filling our sails with the Spirit” was last year. However, this year the boat I am picturing is Noah’s Ark. Not the ‘flood the world’ part (God spare us!), but the image of Noah and his family working together to provide a sanctuary for the world’s needy, and going out to invite them on board, in their great diversity, to sail to a safe and better world. We can be that family! Today let us start building our own Ark by pledging to the St. Stephen’s 2020 Stewardship Campaign. Traditional tithing asks for 10% of your income, but whatever you can commit to is most gratefully welcomed. Every dollar helps to build our Ark and keep it afloat! While our properties have received much needed refreshing in the last few years, there are also capital projects (like a handicapped-accessible bathroom on the church’s main level) that need an ‘angel’ or two to bring to fruition; bequests in honor of a loved one are a way to accomplish lasting change.4759960517461500Stewardship also includes giving of your Time and Talent. Being involved in one or more areas of service is a great way to get to know your fellow parishioners and to become part of the St. Stephen’s community. Some of Noah’s family hammered and sawed; others fed and watered; others went out to invite! Stewardship is not just an autumn fund-raising event: it’s about getting involved and inviting others in… all year long!This is truly a transformational time for us. As we welcome Mother Lauren and her family, let us show her what a fantastic, Spirit-filled community St. Stephen’s is and will continue to be, with her as our Rector. Let that Spirit guide you as you commit your Time, Talent and Treasure to our beloved St. Stephen’s.Yours in Christ,The Stewardship CommitteeEncl.: Financial Pledge form, Time/Talent Pledge sheet: *please return*P.S. The 2019 Stewardship Pledge total was $213,600, compared to a 2019 Operating Annual Budget of $552,200. We would like to reach $225,000 in Pledges for 2020.Stewardship 2020 Financial Pledge SheetName(s)______________________________________________________________________________Address ______________________________ City _____________________ State______ Zip _________Phone Number: (____)________________________Cell Phone: (____)___________________________Email Address(es):__________________________________________________________________“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver” – II Corinthians 9:7I recognize God calls me to give out of the abundance that I have been given, by:Pledging to God’s purpose through my faith community for the first timeTithing 10% of my annual income Increasing my financial pledgePledging in the same amount as last yearPlease have a Stewardship Committee Member contact me to discuss my pledge/bequestMy Total Annual Pledge to St. Stephen’s Church is $ ______________________________I will make my pledge payments:Weekly Monthly Starting on (MM/DD/YYYY) _____________________________ Annually on the date of (MM/DD/YYYY) __________________________ Other, Please Specify _________________________________________Capital Project Pledge: to ensure our facilities can support our Mission and Ministries in the years to come, I commit to contribute an additional amount of $_____________________Signed: ____________________________________________ Date ____________________________Monthly Proportional Giving SuggestionsBased on Annual Income1%3%5%7%10%* $40,000 $33 $100 $167 $233 $333 $60,000 $50 $150 $250 $350 $500 $80,000 $67 $200 $333 $467 $667 $100,000 $83 $250 $417 $583 $833 $200,000 $167 $500 $833 $1,167 $1,667 $300,000 $250 $750 $1,250 $1,750 $2,500 $400,000 $333 $1,000 $1,667 $2,333 $3,333 $500,000 $417 $1,250 $2,083 $2,917 $4,167 Online giving: click on donate button at the bottom of church website home page Stewardship of Time & Talent Pledge SheetName(s)_____________________________________________________________________________Address ______________________________ City _____________________ State______ Zip ________Phone Number: (____)________________________Cell Phone: (____)__________________________Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________Please let us know where you are currently serving and the church ministries in which you would like to serve. This information will be given to committee chairs who will contact you to get involved. Please check all that are appropriate:MINISTRIES:WorshipCurrently ServingWish to ServeStewardshipCurrently ServingWish to ServeAcolyteBuildings & GroundsAltar GuildCapital Funds DriveChoirFinance and BudgetCounting the offeringFinancial StewardshipLay Eucharist MinisterTime/Talent StewardshipLay Reader/LectorMinistry of ServiceMusic (Instrumental)Community OutreachUshersBaby Supply ExchangeWelcomerConsignment ShopDaughters of the KingFellowshipLaundry LoveCoffee HourFall Fair TeamCommunicationInternational Order of St. Luke the Physician (Healing)CookingVestryInvestment GroupChristian FormationKnitting ClubAdult Beach BakeChildrenMemorial Day BBQYouthMystery DinnerPrayer GroupNew Member DevelopmentI Would like St. Stephen’s to:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Auction of Promises TeamSocial ClubToddler Play GroupYouth Group*If you have any questions, please call the office (516) 767-0363 and a member of the Vestry will contact you or email Stewardship@ ................

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