
Jobs Y'all Campaign Educator Webinar TranscriptPresented April 3, 2019 1 p.m.Slide 1: Jobs Y’all: Your Career, Your Story. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us. We're really excited to see you all dialing from across the state of Texas.My name is Mukta Pandit, and I'm the President of Safal Partners. We are an education consulting firm that takes a lot of pride in working with educators, such as yourself. And we have worked extensively with the Texas Workforce Commission over the last year to create the Jobs Y'all campaign.Before we get started, I just wanted to do a few quick technical logistical notifications. One, please know that you can submit questions using the chat box function on the platform. Please use chat for technical questions. We have members monitoring the chat box. So, we will be able to help you out if you have any technical issues. For any of your content related questions, please use the Q&A feature. We will try and answer as many questions as possible at the end of this webinar. We will also be sending out a link to the recording of the webinar as well as an accessible transcript, including all of the questions after the webinar.So, with that, before I get into the meat of the presentation, I also wanted to introduce Mariana from TWC to provide you with the welcome.Thank you. Hello everyone. My name is Mariana Vega. I'm with the Director for the Labor Market and Career Information department. And also with me in the room are our education outreach team Lori Knight, Melissa Barnes and Major Jones. We are very happy to be able to be here and participate in this exciting campaign, Jobs Y'all, to bring awareness about careers found and are growing in Texas industry clusters. We really hope that this campaign will pique the interest of students and encourage students to explore all of the possibilities out there. We are especially proud that two of our flagship sites are featured: Texas Career Check and Texas Reality Check. These are two of our most popular resources that help people explore and plan careers as well as provide some financial literacy to students so they can understand the relationship between their expenses and income. Texas Internship Challenge is also featured which allows students to apply their education and skills to real employment opportunities and provides many benefits overall. So, I welcome all of you, and thank you. I think we'll get started.Thanks, Mariana. So, I just wanted to go ahead and share the agenda with you all. Slide 2: Agenda Today we are planning to introduce you to Texas Workforce Commission which, from now on, I'll just call TWC - new and exciting campaign called Jobs Y'all. It's my hope that by the end of this webinar, you'll be as excited as we are and be ready to share this campaign with your students, with fellow educators, and your other networks. So for these brief thirty minutes, we are planning to give you an overview of the campaign. We're also planning to spend some time showing you the actual campaign elements and also how they work so that you can use them and incorporate them in your work. You'll also learn how you can get involved because we would love to have all of you involved as much as possible and ultimately get your students excited about career opportunities in Texas. We will conclude by answering some of your questions. Let's get going.Slide 3: Campaign IntroductionThe TWC created Jobs Y'all in 2018 with the mission of inspiring young Texans ages fourteen to twenty-four to pursue careers in high-demand Texas industries. We developed this campaign in response to employer and industry feedback that a lot of the fastest growing industries and occupations are just not on the radar of young Texans. Slide 4: Objectives So, this campaign really has two main objectives: the first is to connect young Texans with information and resources about Texas's high-growth industries and occupations, and second, to increase awareness of the rewarding nature of in demand careers.Slide 5: Your Role This is exactly where you come in. You may be wondering, "what's my role in all of this campaign?" You know your students better than we do, and how to reach them best. The resources that we developed as part of Jobs Y'all are meant to help students find information that may lead them to their dream career. We need your help getting these resources to them. There are many free and easy to use career planning tools from the TWC available right now and you can help your students access them using Jobs Y'all.Slide 6: Name, Logo and Tagline With that, we will talk about the exciting part! We will talk about the elements of the campaign and how we developed them. As you all know, how young people get information and engage with it is completely different from any other generation. And as you'll see in the next few slides, we developed each aspect of this campaign with that audience, with that young audience in mind at every step. So, for example, you'll see that the website is optimized for viewing on a mobile device. As you probably know, a lot of the young people are on their mobile devices all the time. We will also show you the virtual assistant, which we have developed so that it can communicate with students on their mobile device through text messaging. We will actually kick off with our main campaign video and ad, which is currently being shown not only on local television stations across the state of Texas, but also on social media and YouTube. This video is also airing in Spanish.“Texas has jobs, y'all. Thousands of good paying jobs waiting to be filled. Satisfying jobs that can turn into lifelong careers. Important jobs in Aerospace, Biotech, Construction, Transportation and Manufacturing. Essential jobs for Nurses, Mechanics, Programmers, Petroleum Engineers. Rewarding jobs that can help you get where you want to be. Your career starts right here in Texas. ”So, I hope you had as much fun listening to that ad as we had creating it. You'll find that you're hearing this ad in both English and Spanish on Spotify, which is the music streaming website very popular with young adults, and on local radio stations across Texas. We chose the video as a place to start because it showcases so much of the feel of Jobs Y'all. The name, the logo, the tagline has a Texas identity while still being fun and bold. TWC developed the tagline "Your Career, Your Story" because we want to let young people know that their career is part of their story and the TWC is here to help them write that story.All campaign materials are connected with the Jobs Y'all phrase. The website is, you guessed it, and we use the hashtags #JobsYall and #TXCareers extensively. Slide 7: Website If you head to the website , you'll see the website features bright colors and bold modern elements like exposed brick and mural paint slashes to appeal to young Texans and visual learners. The website - we try to make it as interactive as possible to keep young people engaged with the materials on the site. It's also seamlessly connected to other Texas career planning websites and other resources like Mariana was talking about, like Texas Career Check and Texas Reality Check.So the idea is, we want to provide a one stop shop for young people. We also wanted to let you know that this site is fully 508 compliant, which means the software, the website, all of the tools in the website are accessible to young people with disabilities. The homepage of the website is a central hub and will get you to all sections of the website, in addition to other Texas websites. Slide 8: Career Exploration SitesSo for example, if you are on the homepage and you click on the green boxes towards the top of the page called Career Explorer, you will get to a page that features all of the free and easy to use career planning tools created by the TWC. This page answers three questions: The first one - "How do I start learning about careers?" Second, "How much money can I make, can I afford the lifestyle that I want?" And third, "How can I explore occupations in the real world?" which will lead you to Texas Career Check, the Texas Reality Check and the Texas Internship Challenge.Slide 9: Featured IndustriesAcross the entire website, you will see these eight boxes at the bottom of every page. These boxes will lead you to the featured industry pages. The featured industries are: Aerospace and Defense; Advanced Technologies and Manufacturing; Biotech, Life Sciences and Healthcare; Construction; Energy; Information and Computer Technology; Petroleum Refining and Chemical Products; and Transportation and Logistics. Now you may be wondering why we are talking about these eight industries. We chose these industries because labor market data, as provided by the Texas Workforce Commission has shown that they include the most high-paying and fastest-growing occupations in Texas. In short, these eight industries have the highest growth potential in Texas.Slide 10: Inside Pages: Industries As you go inside these industry pages, you'll find that they are being updated periodically with new content. For example, we recently launched an industry video, similar to the main campaign video for each of these industries. We are also planning to launch career success stories from professionals working within those industries.You'll also find an easy to understand description of the industry as well as some highlights. The idea for these highlights is to help students identify with these industries and hopefully see themselves pursuing a career in that industry. In an industry such as Healthcare, for example, it's fairly obvious for a student as to what that might be. But, for example, in an industry like Petroleum Refining and Chemical Products, a student may not know yet that they may make a great rotary drill operator or a great chemical plant operator. But they may know that they like math and science or perhaps the idea of working with new technology or heavy machinery.Slide 11: Inside Pages: Industries So the idea is to use these industry pages to relate to students in a language they can understand. The industry pages also include a snapshot of occupations, sample occupations in that industry as well as the education or training they may need to take on a career in that industry. We will also update this career profile section periodically with new occupations featured. Beneath this career profile section, you'll also see these external resources that feature both industry resources and resources created by the TWC.Slide 12: Virtual Assistant We also want to share with you another exciting feature of the website called the virtual assistant. So, Jobs Y'all campaign has a virtual assistant that basically provides 24 by 7 answers to visitor questions. Students can message the virtual assistant directly on the website. The three screenshots that you see on the left of the screen are basically screenshots of a student having a conversation on the website. For example, they're saying "Hello". The assistant replies, "How can I help you?". They say, "Hi, I'm looking for information about careers." The assistant is smart enough to be able to take that sort of natural English questions basically and say, "Do you mean, are you looking for career events? Do you mean, how do I choose a career? or none of the above." The student responds number two, that's what I'm looking for. And then the assistant will give a response: "You can check these events out or you can check out careers here."The right side of the of the slide is basically the exact same conversation, except it's happening on their mobile device using text. So essentially, even if they don't have access to a website, they can always text that number 512.399.3737. In fact, you can do that right now if you want and just engage with the assistant to get answers to your questions. Slide 13: Jobs Y’all OutreachThe Jobs Y'all campaign is actually conducting outreach in many different ways to reach young people all over Texas. For example, everything from videos that we talked about to online ads to social channels to radio to TV to social stories. In the next few slides, we'll talk about some of the examples of this outreach. Slide 14: Success Stories In the next few months you'll see video success stories appearing on Instagram and posted to the website. These success stories will feature young professionals talking about their career or industry. If you would like to nominate someone for being featured in a success story, please do contact us. We would love to have them be involved.Slide 15: Use Digital and Social Channels As young people engage the most with digital and social media channels, these channels - the digital and social media are our primary vehicle for driving traffic to the website and raising awareness of the campaign resources. That's also a good segue into our next topic, how you can get involved. For social media, the TWC will primarily use Instagram to connect with young people, but you'll also see Facebook and Twitter posts.We also wanted to share an example from you, from an educator in the Round Rock area who posted a link to the Jobs Y'all website within a private Family and Consumer Sciences Facebook group. We encourage you to post within your online networks, either by posting to Facebook or Instagram or whatever social media channel you use. Slide 16: Instagram Account As we mentioned, the Instagram account will be one of the biggest ways the TWC will promote campaign materials.You will see success stories from industry professionals, you will see campaign videos, you will see links to Texas career and industry resources and other outreach materials as the campaign grows. Please encourage your students to follow Jobs Y'all on Instagram and use the #JobsYall and #TXCareers. Slide 17: Share Posters and Infographics We've also created a series of infographics and a poster series for you to use in the classroom. The campaign poster is the one on the right and the image in the middle is the image of an infographic, and we have this for each of the eight industries. You can find these by either visiting the website and heading to the About section or by going to the industry pages. You are welcome to print these materials and post them in your classroom or on career information boards or hand them out to students.Slide 18: Help Promote the Campaign We really want you to help us promote the campaign and connecting students with these resources in many ways. Here are some starter ideas to get you started. First, we'd love to hear your thoughts and comments. What do you think about the website, about the videos, about the infographics. If you're active on social media, say what you liked and it's okay if you didn't like something - you're welcome to say that as well - about a particular feature or share something you've learned. Second, please share the campaign materials within your social media networks. Ideally, please use the hashtags #JobsYall or #TXCareers, so we can continue to amplify that input. Also, please share the website and campaign materials within specific groups like your career and technical education, social media groups and other networks.Slide 19: Present Website and Videos If you haven't already figured that out we are essentially wanting you to use the website and campaign materials everywhere, including in your lesson plans. For example, here's a picture from an educator who demonstrated the website to her students and shared some of the videos with her students. Slide 20: Submit Events and Successes Some other ideas on how you can get involved include an event section. features an events section where students can get details and career events such as job fairs, job shadowing opportunities and other events. If you know of an event happening in your area - if you would like us to highlight that, showcase that, promote that, please do send them to us. We'd also love to hear about the successes your students are experiencing. Email us highlights of their careers, tips, words of advice and maybe we can feature them as a success story in the campaign. We also suggest having former students come speak to your current students and have them talk about their careers.Slide 21: Questions & Contact With that, I just wanted to thank you so much for your time today. We are moving on to answering some of your questions. But if you need to take off, please know that a recording of today's webinar, these slides, as well as the Q&A portion will be emailed to you, hopefully, as soon as tomorrow. It will also be posted to the Jobs Y'all website, along with this presentation so that you may refer to it. Your questions, comments, events and ideas are welcome, and I'll now transition it to Amy from TWC to answer some of the questions.Questions and Answers Thanks, Mukta. Hi, this is Amy Landrum. I'm the Director of Strategic outreach for Texas Workforce Commission. And I'll get us started with our Q&A session. So, for those of you who've already submitted questions, we'll start there. And if any others come up, please submit those too, so we can make sure we answer as many of your questions as possible today. First, I just wanted to mention that sometimes when you get an email address that doesn't have a person's name in it, you kind of wonder who's monitoring it. So, when you see email, I'm one of the people that monitors that. I wanted you to just know there is a live person behind that email, and I'll be answering your questions, and I'm also available for any other resources that you may need.The first question we got is: "Hey. The videos are great. How do I get access to it?"Well, we're really excited that you liked the video! We currently have 10 videos as Mukta mentioned. And we have made those accessible on Vimeo. So, you can go to Vimeo, that's V-I-M-E-O, and search for Jobs Y'all. And you'll see 10 videos today. Those 10 videos include the thirty second public service announcement (PSA), the thirty second Spanish PSA and the eight industry specific videos. So, we encourage you to go to Vimeo and try out the download process. Test it out, make sure it works for you and if you have any issues, send me an email so we can work on that with you. We want to make sure that you can download those mp4 files and have them loaded so that you can play those in a classroom or at an event, loop them on your internal TV screens and other opportunities to share those.Links to videos on Vimeo (where you can download the MP4 files): The Second question is: "Are you planning to develop an app?"Thank you. That's a great question. As Mukta mentioned today, the site is optimized for mobile. But we're going to be taking input like this to help us decide how to move the campaign in the future. So, we have gotten some feedback that an app would be helpful and will present that recommendation to the Workforce Commission and think about that for the future. We'll keep you posted!Next question: "Can I get a t-shirt?" Well, as you saw that we have a young person in the video wearing a t-shirt with the Jobs Y'all logo. We have had some requests for t-shirts, and we are looking at opportunities to make those t-shirts available. When we know more, we'll post it on the website, and we'll let you know. We appreciate your interest in wanting to wear the campaign.Okay, next question. I've got quite a few coming in here, so give me just a minute. "Can we add the link to this website to your website?" Yes, absolutely. And in fact, if you need a graphic, we can send you a little graphic file that you can use as a promo tile on your website and link to Jobs Y'all. We appreciate you considering doing that. And that's a quick graphic that we can add to the website that you would be able to download, so we'll follow up with that.Next question” "Is this a statewide initiative or specific to certain regions?"That's a really good question. This is designed to be statewide. The campaign today is in place statewide. But we've also done some work on the back end to understand where certain industries are hiring in certain areas, and we have those eight industry videos and they're currently running in certain regions of the state where you're going to be most likely to find a job [in those industries]. Next question: "Where are your offices located?" Well, TWC, we're here at the main office in Austin, but we also have Texas Workforce Solutions offices located all over the state. And we'll be happy to send you, as part of the follow up, a little zip code finder, so, you can go in and look for the office that's closest to you."Are we allowed to use the PowerPoint slides for promotional purposes?" Absolutely! We would love to make these slides available to you with a little script so that you can, in turn, go present this to others in your organization or in your communities. We're happy to make that happen. And we appreciate that you're interested.Next question: "If we have a success story to share. Do we email that to" Yes! We want to hear those success stories, we're currently accepting success stories of young professionals, and we're looking for people ages 18 to 29 to feature in the campaign. And that age range is based on what our students told us when we conducted focus groups at the beginning of the campaign. They said I want to hear from someone within about five to 10 years of my age. So, if you know young person who's working in one of these industries, please send us an email, let us know their name, what industry they're working in, and I'll follow up with you to get the rest of that information so we can move that forward. We're going to be sharing those success stories in several formats, both in videos as well as just still photography. So, we're happy to take what you can send us now, and we'll work with you to develop.Okay, we've got a follow up question on our videos: "I would like to get the name of the site that provides me with the videos." So it's called vimeo, V-I-M-E-O. We will be linking that to Jobs Y'all to make that really easy for you, we're just a couple of days out from doing that. So we'll make sure we put that in the follow up and give you the specific links."Can we repost your content in our social media channels?"Absolutely. We'd be happy for you to do that. And in fact, we have a suite of downloadble social media graphics that we can make available so you can take those and customize them for your use. That's something that we can also send you as a follow up.Jobs Y’all Instagram: Texas Reality Check and Texas Career Check MentionGot a few more questions coming in about Texas Reality Check and Texas Career Check. I'm going to actually ask Marianna if she can just give you a quick overview of those two sites. Just kind of explaining, for those of you who may not know what Texas Career check and Texas Reality Check are just give you a little bit more information to help you understand what those tools are.Sure. I'll start with Texas Reality Check which is what I consider our financial literacy tool. It is one of our most popular tools, it gets over a million hits a month, on average, and this is where a student can go and see if you know the job that they're interested in will help support their lifestyle. So, it's a very interesting tool we have students use it, adults use it. And what it is - they actually make selections, like what city will I live in, you know, what type of housing, will I want, you know, an apartment, house and as they make this these selections, there is a calculator that adds up the amount of money that it would cost to live that type of lifestyle and at the very end, they get a total. If they've already chosen an occupation, then they will be able to see whether that occupation can support that lifestyle. If not, then they'll get a reality check. And that's what it's all about. But in addition, they will also have other options. Reality Check will give them other occupations that might be of interest to them, to explore and seek out and see to look into, and those jobs would actually be able to support the lifestyle that they would want. Texas Career Check, on the other hand, is kind of a sister website to Reality Check. And this is where students can go or anyone can go and explore occupations as well as education. And so, you can look for occupations in a variety of ways. You can look at, you know, what's trending in a particular region. If you know the occupation, you can look it up. And what this website offers an occupational profile, where they'll find all types of information as far as what this job is like what skills are necessary for this job, what the occupation outlook looks for these jobs, how much you can make in this job, and a lot of them do have videos as well that's associated with them. On the other hand, they can also research, the different schools, colleges and universities nationwide. So, it does contain, I think, all of the information necessary to explore both Careers and Education.Skills USA Event Mention Thank you, Mariana. Okay, I want to just give a shout out here to Anne and I understand that you have given us a heads up on an event coming up. Skills USA Texas secondary and post-secondary as a great partner, a great organization to partner with - you've got some state conferences coming up soon. That's a great reminder for us that we have an event calendar featured on this website. And we are happy to post your events and promote those to students and stakeholders of the campaign. So, if you have an event that you'd like us to post, submit that information to email, and we'll get it posted to the website for you.Another question we have in: "Do the marketing collateral, are they already printed that you can send us?" That's a great question, Christie. The marketing collateral that's available today is on the site and available for download. And we're going to let you do the printing on your end with your resources. Reason for that is we knew that this campaign was needed to be largely online and digital for our student audiences. And so we're going to let you at the local level decide what your print needs may be so that you can control that. Some people told us they wanted to print collateral, others didn't. So, we're going to let you decide that based on your needs.Closing Comments Now, with that, I'm going to go ahead and just start to do a wrap up because I think we've answered most of the questions that we have received in, and we're just about at the end of our time. And we know that you have very busy schedule. we wanted to keep this under 30 minutes.I'm just going to say again, thank you so much for dialing in today. We appreciate your time and your attention. We appreciate all the questions. As Mukta mentioned at the beginning, we will be following up to send all of you, the recorded webinar as well as a transcript. Will make sure that we answer all of your questions in the transcript, that we hyperlink to resources that you've asked for. And if there are some things that you've asked for today that we don't currently have we'll get those added to the site as quickly as possible so that we can also give you that. And again, thank you for any success stories, events and opportunities out there that you would like to see feature on the site. We really want the site to be a work in progress and to reflect your input. We do plan for it to evolve, and we welcome any other links, content, events, etc. that you might have. With that, I'm just going to let Mukta close us out, and we'll let you get back to your day.Thank you, Amy. Again, I just wanted to say thank you, and I will let you guys all get back to your day as well. Thank you.All resources are available on including: LogoPoster suite Event flyer template Social media graphics Industry Infographics ................

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