
AIKEN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ATHLETE HANDBOOK 2020-2021Table of ContentsMission Statement………………………………………………………………………………...3Letter to Parents/Students…………………………………………………………………...........4Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….5Roles.……………………………………………………………………………………………6-7Athletic Opportunities…….………………………………………………………………………7Lettering………….………………………………………………………………………….........8Banquet.…………….……………………………………………………………………….........8Cancellations.…………….…………………………………………………………………........8Requirements for Participation….……………………………………………………………9-10Governance.……………………….…………………………………………………………….11Athletics Code of Conducts.…………….…………………………………………………...12-13Basic Interscholastic Participation Policy.…….…………………………………………….14-16Suspensions/Appeals Process….……………….……………………………………………...17Student-Athlete/Parent(Guardian) Participation Contract….…….……………………………18Aiken High School Athletic Mission Statement:The athletic department of Aiken High School is an important part of our school’s educational success. We want to ensure that each student-athlete reaches his/her full potential. It is our lasting mission to develop the ENTIRE student and not just the athlete. Specifically, the Athletic Department seeks to provide interested students with opportunities to participate in its program of interscholastic athletics and is committed to the following:To offer a well-balanced and varied program of interscholastic athleticsTo teach the value of competitionTo hire effective coachesTo foster the development of athletic skillsTo encourage a strong work ethic, self-discipline and self-sacrificeTo teach the value of commitment, teamwork and cooperationTo build leadership, character and sportsmanshipTo develop loyalty and pride in one’s self, his/her team, and his/her school communityLetter from Athletic Director:Dear Parents, and Students:This handbook was created to provide coaches, students, and parents with the current procedures, policies, and expectations here at Aiken High School. Our goal is that, as a player, you will enjoy participating in our athletic program. You will learn the importance of commitment, dedication, teamwork, leadership, sportsmanship, and how to be a great competitor. Aiken High School believes in the development of young men and women through athletics. We feel that a properly structured, well-organized sports program meets students’ needs for self-expression, mental alertness, and physical growth. Likewise, we believe that parents have committed themselves to certain responsibilities and obligations to the student-athlete. It is the role of the Athletic Department to make rules governing interscholastic competition. These rules need broad-based community support to be fully effective. This is best achieved through mutual communication between the Athletic Department, the student-athletes and the parents of each of our student-athletes. We encourage all student-athletes to work hard and play harder. In the end, your hard work and dedication will bring you great success. Thank you very much for taking the time to read through this athletic handbook. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!Go Hornets!Phillip A. BlachaAthletic DirectorIntroduction:To the Parent:Aiken High School believes that participation in sports and other interscholastic activities offers a wealth of opportunities and experiences which will assist students in personal growth and development.We believe that a properly-controlled, well-organized, interscholastic activity program meets a student’s needs for self-expression, mental alertness and physical growth. It is our hope to maintain a program that is sound in purpose and furthers each student’s educational maturity.A student who elects to participate in the interscholastic program is voluntarily making a choice of self-discipline. These are the reasons we place such stress on good training habits. Failure to comply with the rules and conduct will mean exclusion from participation. There is no place in Aiken High School athletics for individuals who will not discipline their minds and bodies for rigorous competition. We are striving for excellence and do not want our students to compromise with mediocrity.When your son/daughter enlists in one of our interscholastic programs, he/she will receive a commitment from our staff for the following:To provide adequate equipment and facilitiesTo provide coaches that are as well-trained as feasibly possibleTo provide full schedules with qualified officials as directed by the South Carolina High School League (SCHSL)RolesAthletic Director;The Athletic Director is responsible for administering the Athletic Program at Aiken High School. His/Her duties include, but are not limited to: hiring and training coaches, coordinating the athletic budget, scheduling games and coordinating practice schedules with each head coach, approving and scheduling transportation and officials, resolving conflicts, and overseeing all aspects of the Department of Athletics. He/She will advise the administration, staff, teams, coaches, and parents to any changes and communicate the needs of the Athletic Department to the administration, booster club, and the School Board of Aiken County Public Schools.The Athletic Director is expected to provide appropriate instruction and support to all part-time and full-time coaches. He/She must also be a positive role model of Aiken High School and the Athletic Department.Assistant Athletic Director(s):The Assistant Athletic Director works in partnership with the Athletic Director to maintain, organize, and administer all facets of the athletic program and ensure compliance with conference and school policies, rules and regulations. He/She may help with managing coaches as well as share responsibility for the overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of the Department of Athletics. His/Her duties include, but are not limited to: compiling, maintaining and updating game and practice schedules, coordinating transportation and officials, and assisting with event planning to tournaments, athletic banquet, senior night, sport pictures, and any other necessary events. Additionally, he/she will attend and supervise athletic events, manage athletics-related communication material and media relations, and assist in other areas as needed.Coaches:The coach is responsible for creating a fun, safe, and challenging environment in which his/her student-athletes will receive a high level of instruction and competition. The coach is also responsible for confirming game and bus schedules, turning in a roster prior to the season, distributing and collecting uniforms and equipment, completing game, injury and/or incident reports, and communicating with parents. The coach must also ensure that student-athletes are exhibiting good behavior on and off the field/court.The coach is expected to be a positive role model of Aiken High School and the Athletic Department. This includes ensuring that the coach conducts himself/herself in a manner that will bring honor and respect to our teams and school. He/She is expected to make decisions based on the collective interest of the team while also developing each student-athlete to his/her fullest potential. The coach must be clear in expectations and available to student-athletes for positive mentorship on and off the field/court. He/She is expected to maintain high personal standards, motivate the players, and promote sportsmanship at all times.Any coach who is ejected from a game will automatically be suspended for the next two athletic contests and will be required to pay the SCHSL ejection fee. ($300)Student Athlete:The student-athlete is expected to be a positive addition to the Aiken High School Athletic Department. If a student-athlete must discuss an issue with the coach, he/she must communicate in a respectful manner to try and find a solution. If a situation cannot be reached, the Athletic Director may assist. Student-Athletes will be representing Aiken High School on and off the playing court/field. They are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect positively upon our program and school. Student-Athletes are expected to be respectful and exhibit good behavior in class, in practice, and in bringing honor and respect to our teams and school. He/She may be subject to penalties which may include game suspensions, ineligibility, or dismissal from the team.Any player who is ejected from a game will automatically be suspended for a minimum of Two Athletic Contest. Parent(s)/Guardian(s):Parent/Guardians play a vital role in Aiken High School Athletic Program. Parents/Guardians model attitudes and behavior for their children. We invite all parents to attend home and away games, support the team, and encourage their children to practice and play competitively. We are so appreciative of the assistance parents provide for their children in their athletic endeavors, whether driving them to an athletic event, volunteering to serve athletics as a member of the Booster Club, and sacrificing family time to accommodate athletic schedules. We also appreciate the support parents provide our coaches in their efforts to create a valuable athletic experience for all participants. It is important for parents to be mindful of and respect what the coach(es) is/are trying to do by avoiding interference or public criticism, especially in front of their children, other teammates, or community members.In regards to games, parents are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will bring honor and respect to our teams and school. At no time should a parent display inappropriate behavior toward an official, coach, administrator or student-athlete.Any spectator/parent who acts in a disruptive manner will cause a game to be suspended until the situation is resolved or the spectator is removed. If removed, the spectator/parent will be suspended from attending the next two athletic events.Athletic Opportunities:FallWinterSpringCross CountryBoys BasketballBaseballCheerleadingCheerleadingBoys SoccerFootballGirls BasketballGirls SoccerSwimming WrestlingMen’s GolfVolleyballMen’s TennisWomen’s GolfSoftballWomen’s TennisTrack and FieldLettering:High School Varsity student-athletes have the opportunity to earn a varsity letter based on their participation in competitive athletics. While the requirements for lettering may vary from sport to sport, general guidelines include the following criteria:Good practice habitsKnowledge of and compliance with rulesSportsmanship and coachabilityRegular attendance at practices and gamesStudent-athletes who have played on a varsity team and earned a varsity letter are eligible to purchase an Aiken High School letter jacket. Season Awards/BanquetAll season ending awards will be voted upon by the coaches and team members. These will include season statistics, practice habits, game performance and overall contribution to the team. Team specific awards will be handed out at the end of each season. SCHSL awards will be handed out by the Athletic Director to the student-athlete. These awards (All-Region, All-State, All-Area, etc.) will be sent in to the local media outlets for recognition of those student-athletes.End of season awards will be handed out at the end-of-year sport banquet. The sports banquet will be a formal recognition of the accomplishments of each team and overall success of our athletics program. Athlete of the Year awards will be given, and all sport-specific awards will once again be announced.Practice and Game Cancellation:In the event that the coach must cancel a practice, it is the responsibility of the coach and/or Athletic Director to notify the team and parents. Inclement weather does not determine whether practice will be held – the coach makes the determination. When available, indoor facilities may be used to hold practice in these circumstances. If a change is made in the practice schedule, parents and student-athletes will be notified as soon as possible.In most cases, it is the responsibility of the host school to make decisions regarding game cancellations. When hosting an event, Aiken High School will make every effort to make cancellation decisions by 1:00pm on the day of the event.When a game is cancelled, the coach may choose to hold practice in its place depending on the circumstances. If the coach chooses to hold a practice in place of the cancelled game, he/she will communicate this information to the parents and student-athletes as soon as possible.Requirements for ParticipationAthletic Team Information/Requirements for Participation:In order to participate in Aiken High School athletics, all student-athletes must have a current physical on file with the school athletic department, and satisfy all academic requirements for eligibility.Physical Examination: A yearly physical examination is required. The physical must be completed by a medical doctor and submitted to the coach prior to participation. The physical must be taken on or after April 1st, and this physical will cover all sports from April 1st through the next school year. The form will be kept on file in the high school athletic trainer’s office.Risk/Permission of Participation:All athletes and parent(s)/guardian(s) must realize the risk of serious injury which may be a result of athletic participation. ACPSD requires Risk of Participation Forms be signed by both the athlete and parent(s)/guardian(s).Birth Certificate: Each student must submit a certified state or local birth certificate to the athletic director. A photocopy of this birth certificate is kept in the athletic director’s office. The original birth certificate will be promptly returned to the parent/guardian.Insurance: All student-athletes must provide evidence of insurance coverage.Parental Acknowledgement of the Athletic Policies:Upon entering high school, or at the time a student tries out for an athletic team, he/she will be presented with this handbook containing all the necessary forms and information for participating in athletics. Each parent(s)/guardian(s) shall read all of the enclosed material and certify that they understand the athletic eligibility rules and policies of the school system. The signed document will be filed in the athletic office. Scholastic Eligibility:In order to participate in an interscholastic activity, each athlete must have satisfied all of the scholastic eligibility requirements prior to participation.Student entering the 9th grade must have been promoted from their middle school.To be eligible in the first semester, a student must pass a minimum of five Carnegie units applicable toward a high school diploma during the previous year. At least two units must have been passed during the second semester or summer school.To be eligible during the second semester, the student must meet one of the following conditions:-If the student met first semester eligibility requirements, then he or she must pass the equivalent of four ? units during the first semester.-If the student did not meet first semester eligibility requirements, then he or she must pass the equivalent of five ? units during the first semester.-If eligible first semester, must pass four subjects.-If not eligible first semester, must pass five subjects. Other South Carolina High School League Eligibility Rules:A student who turns 19 prior to July 1 cannot participate the following year.Once a student enters the 9th grade, he/she will have four successive years in which to participate provided he/she does not exceed the age requirement. This is referred to as the “8 semester rule” in the South Carolina High School League Constitution and By-Laws.Transfer students must comply with South Carolina High School League transfer rule. If you are a transfer student, immediately contact your coach so that he/she can determine if you are in compliance with the transfer rule.Responsibilities to yourself: The most important responsibility is to broaden your strength of character. You owe it to yourself to receive the greatest possible benefits from your high school experiences. Your academic studies, and your participation in other extracurricular activities as well as sports, prepare you for your life as an adult.Responsibilities to your school: Your school cannot build or maintain a position as an outstanding school unless you do your best in whatever activity you wish to engage. By participating in Aiken High Athletics, you are making a contribution to the reputation of your school. You assume a leadership role if you participate in Aiken High Athletics. The student body and citizens of the community know you. The student body and local community judge our school by your conduct and attitudes both in and out of school. Because of your leadership, you can contribute greatly to school spirit and community pride. Responsibilities to others: As a team member, you wear a high responsibility to yourself, school, community, and family. You should also give maximum effort in everything you do. When that last whistle blows or clock runs out, you will have known you gave it your all. Remember, younger/future student athletes are watching everything you do and will copy you in many ways. Do not do anything to let them down. Always set good examples for ernanceAthletic Goals:Though the unique nature of each sport dictates its specific objectives, all teams will attempt to:Work with others – In our democratic society, a student-athlete must develop self-discipline, respect for authority, and the spirit of hard work and sacrifice.Be successful – Our society is very competitive. We do not always win, but we succeed when we continually strive to do our best. Develop a desire to excel.Develop sportsmanship – We must learn that through winning or losing, we respect the sport, the school, the fans, and the community. We will develop emotional control, honesty, cooperation and dependability.Build champions – At Aiken High School, we pride ourselves on the development of champions in and outside the classroom. We hold our student-athletes to a high standard. We strive for excellence, and that will always be the kept erning BodiesThe Region:Aiken High School is a voluntary member of the South Carolina High School League Region V AAAA. This region was established for the purpose of promoting selected interscholastic activities among member schools and the assurance of such advantages as may be gained by a union of effort. Region membership facilitates the arranging of schedules, equalizing competition, conducting Region meets/tournaments/playoffs, and determining Region Championships. The Region provides each school with opportunity for competition without excessive travel and with schools of similar size. Membership requires abiding by Region schedules, rules and regulations.South Carolina High School League (SCHSL):All schools are voluntary members of the South Carolina High School league and compete only with member schools or out of state schools that are approved by the South Carolina High School League. As a member school system, the secondary schools of ACPSD agree to abide by and enforce all rules and regulations set forth by the South Carolina High School League.The primary role of the South Carolina High School League is to maintain rules and regulations that ensure equity in competition for the students and a balance with other educational programs. The South Carolina High School League solicits input and is responsive to requests for modification from member schools, appointed committees, and coaches’ association.Athletic Codes of ConductA firm and fair policy of enforcement is necessary to uphold the regulations and standards of the athletic departments and school. The school administrations, community, and the coaching staff believe strongly that maintaining high standards of character, sportsmanship, and citizenship are vital to establishing a sound program. The well-being of the student is our first priority and will transcend any other consideration. All student-athletes are required to abide by the code of conduct set forth by Aiken High School. Any conduct, which results in dishonor to the athlete, team, school, or community, will not be tolerated.Ethics Rule:Acts of unacceptable conduct, such as, but certainly not limited to, disruption of school, theft, vandalism, disrespect, or violations of the law tarnish the reputation of everyone associated with the program and will not be tolerated. Due to the serious nature of violations of the Ethics Rule, the appropriate coach, the athletic director, and the principal shall meet and determine the penalty according to the degree of the infraction. The penalty may range from extra work and/or suspension to forfeiture of athletic participation.Training Rules and Regulations:We cannot compromise participation in interscholastic activities with substance abuse. The student-athlete who uses tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, or any type of mood altering substance found in legal over-the-counter products jeopardizes team morale, team reputation, and team success, and does physical harm to himself/herself. Penalties for Violation of Rules and Regulations:Tobacco Violations:1st offense: Forfeiture of playing in 20% of the scheduled regular season contests and all pre-season scrimmages and tournaments. Students must attend a counseling program run by an agency designated by the district.2nd offense: Athlete will be suspended from the team for the remainder of the season.3rd offense: Athlete will be suspended for the remainder of the current season and the sports season after that.4th offense: Exclusion from all athletic activities for the remainder of their high school career at Aiken High School.Drug and Alcohol Violation:1st offense: Athlete is suspended for the remainder of the season and sports season after that.2nd offense: Exclusion from all athletic activities for the remainder of their high school career at Aiken High School. Appeal:The student found in violation for the 4th (2nd in Alcohol/Drug) offense has the right to an appeal after one calendar year from the determination of guilt. The appeal for reinstatement is contingent upon substantial proof of rehabilitation and will be made to the principal, athletic director, and the head coach.Arrests, Probation, Investigation:An athlete arrested, under investigation, on probation, etc., will be suspended from competition until cleared by the principal (excluding minor violations such as traffic).Medical Situations:Athletes that are deemed medically unfit to participate fully in the sport may be removed from the athletic team until they are ruled fit to participate completely in the sport by a licensed medical physician. Certain cases may result in the student-athlete becoming a team manager for the desired sport. Individual Coaches Rules:Coaches will establish rules and regulations with the approval of the athletic director for their respective sports. These rules, as pertaining to a particular activity, must be given by the coach in writing to all team members and explained fully prior to the start of the season. Penalties for violation of team rules will be in writing and shall be administered by the coach. Copies of all team rules are on file in the athletic office. AIKEN HIGH SCHOOL INTERSCHOLASTIC PARTICIPATION POLICIESParticipation:A student may participate in only one sport per season unless two coaches/sponsors agree to student’s competition in both activities and priorities are set to settle conflicts before the season. When a student wishes to compete in more than one sport during a season, coaches are encouraged to cooperate with the student so this may happen. Sometimes, however, fulfilling the requirements of both sports may not be possible.Dropping or Transferring Sports;Quitting is an intolerable habit to acquire. A quitter may lose the privilege of participating in the interscholastic program. If a student quits a sport, that student cannot begin a new sport until there is an agreement between coaches, Athletic Director and Principal. Facility Usage Policy:Any usage of the facilities must be approved by the Athletic Director and Principal. Student-athletes must be accompanied by an approved faculty supervisor when using the facilities. Non-Aiken High School groups or individuals may be subject to a facility usage fee as well as an administrative fee for facility usage. Such usage must be pre-approved by the Athletic Director and Principal. No Athletic Events will be permitted on Sunday.Substance Abuse and Hazing:Any student-athlete found to be in violation of the school’s substance abuse policy will be automatically suspended from all team activities including practice, games, tournaments, dinners, etc., while the reported offense is under review by the coach, athletic director, and principal. The Aiken High School Athletic Department reserves the right to impose disciplinary action or any other conditions deemed necessary in its discretion that is considered appropriate to the circumstances of any violation. This may include suspension from the athletic team for the remainder of season as well as expulsion from the athletic program for the remainder of the school year.Aiken High School forbids any form of hazing. Hazing is defined as any forced, required, intentional or negligent action, situation or activity which recklessly places any person at risk of physical injury, mental distress or personal indignity, or which encourages violation of any federal, state, local, or school law for the purpose of initiation into, or affiliation of the participant. Hazing, with or without the consent of a student, is prohibited by Aiken High School and a violation of that prohibition renders both the person inflicting the hazing and the person submitting to the hazing subject to discipline.Equipment:School equipment issued to the student-athlete is the student-athlete’s responsibility. Loss of any equipment is the student-athlete’s financial obligation, and failing to meet the obligation can result in the denial of participation in our program. A student will not be allowed to tryout or participate in a sport until all school-issued equipment has been turned in or replaced at student expense.College Recruitment Policy:In the event that a student athlete should be contacted personally by a college recruiter, he/she has an obligation to work through his/her coach and the athletic department. Inform your coach of the contact as soon as possible. College recruitment information is available in the athletic office or counseling office.Conflicts in Extracurricular Activities:An individual student who attempts to participate in several extracurricular activities will, undoubtedly, be in a position of a conflict of obligations. The athletic department recognizes that each student should have the opportunity for a broad range of experiences in the area of extra-curricular activities and, to this end, will attempt to schedule events in a manner to minimize conflicts. When a conflict does arise, the sponsors/coaches will formulate a solution so the student-athlete is not placed in a compromising situation. If a solution cannot be found, the principal will make the decision based on the following:A. The relative importance of each event to the school.B. The importance of each event to the student.C. The relative contribution the student can make.D. How long each event has been scheduled.E. The opinion of the parents.Attendance:Students marked absent over half of their school day will not be able to play in a contest or practice on that date. (There are extenuating circumstances that will allow the student to participate in this situation) Students absent from school on the day prior to a non-school day will be eligible to participate the day after the absence.In-School and Out-of-School Suspension:Students will not be allowed to participate until they have served their suspensions. There will be no adjustments made to suspension days to allow a student to participate in any activities. Penalties for In-School and Out-of-School Suspensions will be determined by the Coach, Athletic Director, and Principal.Squad Selection:In accordance with our philosophy of athletics and our desire to see as many students as possible participate, we encourage coaches to keep as many student-athletes as they can without comprising the integrity of their program. Time, space, facilities, equipment, and other factors will place limitations on the most effective squad size for any particular activity. Choosing the members of athletic squads is the responsibility of the coaches of those squads. Reporting of Injury:All injuries that occur while participating in athletics should be reported immediately to the trainer/coach. If the injury requires medical attention by a doctor or treatment center, it will be necessary to have an injury report form completed. Once a physician treats a student, the athlete must obtain written permission from the doctor to return to the activity.Transportation Policy:When Aiken High School provides transportation to and from athletic events, student-athletes are expected to travel via school transportation. The members of the athletic staff feel it is in the best interest of team unity that everyone travel together. As the “guardian” during these trips, the athletic staff must be able to account for the whereabouts of all student-athletes and insure their safety. It is expected that our student-athletes will conduct themselves appropriately while on bus transportation. Student-athletes will be responsible for any damages to bus property and subsequent costs to repair or replace.In the event that there are extenuating personal circumstances, a parent may take responsibility for the transportation of his/her son or daughter. The parent/guardian must provide written notice to the coach requesting the exception in advance. A parent/guardian must also present himself/herself to a member of the coaching staff informing the coach that his/her child is leaving with him/her. Student-athletes may then ride with their parent/guardian.Parent/Coach Communication:Parent Meeting:The coaches for each sport during the three sports seasons (Fall, Winter, Spring) will hold a parent meeting prior to the first game in each sport. Parents are encouraged to be in attendance. The meeting will allow parents to meet the coach for their student-athletes sport, ask questions, and receive all information pertinent to the munication Tools:Coaches will communicate regularly with parents and student-athletes in person, via email or by phone. The coach will provide a contact number for parents and student-athletes to use in the case of an emergency ONLY.Concerns or Issues:Step1: One of the greatest opportunities for student-athletes is learning skills for effective conflict resolution. When there is a concern, student-athletes are encouraged to speak with their coach directly. It can be very satisfying for all parties involved when student-athletes and coaches are able to find mutually agreeable solutions for an issue in which they are preempting to resolve.Step2: If the coach and student-athlete are unable to resolve the issue together, then parents may contact the coach. If a parent has a concern to discuss with the coach, the parent should contact the coach at an appropriate time for both parties. An upset parent should wait at least 24 hours before approaching the coach or parent after the athletic event. Under no circumstances should a parent approach the coach or another parent in a harsh manner, immediately before, during, or immediately after a practice or a game. Taking this time to reflect on the situation, as well as honest and respectful communication should allow for more effective dialogue ensuring a more successful experience for everyone.It is not appropriate for a parent to request feedback from a coach about team strategy (including playing time), play calling, or student-athletes. It is appropriate for a parent to contact the coach with concerns about their son/daughter’s behavior, their skill development, and for physical treatment advice.Step 3: If the discussion with the coach does not resolve the issue, parents and coaches may contact the Athletic Director to discuss the situation.Step 4: If the Athletic Director is unable to provide a satisfactory resolution, the parent may contact the appropriate administrator (Dr. Jason Holt – Principal).SUSPENSION/APPEALS PROCEDUREThe following regulations shall be observed in the administration of the interscholastic athletic program:GeneralEach coach may develop rules for his/her team. These rules must be on file in the athletic director’s office. Students are to be notified in writing by the coach of both general rules and the team’s specific rules.The team’s coach must administer reasonable disciplinary action for violation of these rules including suspension from the activity for a temporary period or removal from the team altogether.Violation of these rules may result immediately in disciplinary actions, suspension or removal from the team by the coach. In these violations, the coach must follow the procedures as outlined in the next two bullets.Violation of the coach’s specific rules may result in suspension from the team only; however, before denying participation in the activity, the coach will communicate with parents, discuss the situation with the student and administer other appropriate disciplinary action.Temporary Denial/Permanent Denial of ParticipationTemporary denial is defined as any suspension less than a permanent denial of participation.When a coach denies participation of a student in an activity group, the student must be informed of the intended action. It is then the responsibility of the coach to discuss the situation with the student-athlete and determine whether or not to deny the student participation.Permanent Denial of ParticipationIf a student is to be permanently denied participation in an activity, the coach shall notify the student after discussing the situation with the athletic director and principal.Aiken High SchoolStudent-Athlete/Parent/Guardian Contract for ParticipationWe have read and agree to fully abide by the terms of Aiken High School Athletic Department Handbook. Failure to comply with the polices set forth in the handbook may result in my suspension and/or dismissal from a sports team and, potentially, my dismissal from the sport program for 2019-2020.We understand that we must sign this document and turn it in to the Athletic Director or Head Coach prior to being issued a uniform and included on a team roster.________________ ________________________ __________________________Date Print Name Student-Athlete Signature________________ ________________________ __________________________Date Print Name (Parent) Parent/Guardian Signature________________ ________________________ __________________________Date Print Name (Head Coach) Head Coach Signature________________ ________________________ __________________________Date Print Name (Athletic Director) Athletic Director Signature ................

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