September 30, 2020: School Leadership Team MeetingAgendaWelcome!? (4:00pm)Bylaws: ’s Regulation CR A-655: year calendar: items for next meeting?In Attendance:?Andrea SchweigerJeanine CarecciaJennifer Man?Kathy RennerLouis TsaiMaria Stalias-Mantzikos? Lucy Shon-Santana? Pamela Lee? Sandy Chiang? Sascha Shaw? Cally Stefanidis? Juan LopezGuests:?Mrs. Meh (3rd grade)Kitman LeungJeremy’s parentsMartha LeeLizTopicDiscussion PointsOutcomeDetails/TimingWelcomeAttendees to stay muted if not speaking?Guests are to only listen?Review Bylaws Amend the yearElection at next PTA meeting (October)Motion to approve: Lucy, Jeanine 2ndOrder of MeetingsMeetings will be virtualBegin at 4pm10/1511/1212/10Decide on meetings in 2021 at a later date (November or December date)Budget and CEPFunding is to support staffing (3 modalities: blended in person/ blended remote/100% remote)No funding in OTPS, professional developmentSet aside: Funded for 4 kindergarten sections, projected to be lower, and , we are under 75 K students (100k--DOE will take the funding back as we are under projection)Substitute teachers were placed with us and trained 2 additional teachers to meet our mandateIn-person blended, and cover remote full time, and cover blended remote.?Teachers are not freed up--, multiple modalities are not a solution.?First started with Cohort A, B, C--when numbers were collapsed into 2 cohorts, where there is 1 teacher who can have space to see the remote students.?Not 1 teacher was freed up or covered.? The schedule was manipulated so that all teachers can provide all 3 modalities. Teachers don’t have free time, but they have 45 min/1x a week to look at content with remote students.?Every teacher has 1 cohort day,?Lives do not have to be everydayVote of no confidence to mayor/commissioner.??Scheduling, has been a challenge b/c of curve ballsGive us this week to get adjusted.?We should move from google meet to Zoom so that the host would have more control over the virtual meeting.Teachers have office hours after class at 2pm.Parents would like to have some consistency in the school scheduling.? The schedule will change again in November.More In-Person Learning students are not opting full remote and this will end up collapsing the cohort.We can’t make a vacancy and only hire long term sub teachers. Budget will be set for per diem. During summer time we had already shifted the money to the per diem.How much was spent on books??Vocabulary, Math and English?Passport (social studies) was spent under ____ $3,000Budget presented is invalid because the budget isn’t updated for us to discuss at this meeting today.HMH ELA books can be purchased to help parents ease into online learning?Principal Lee's priority is to focus on staffing given the budget that she has right now and she allocated as much as she could to per diem.Parents want PreK and 12:1 to be 5 days a week.? A motion was put out there during the SLT Meeting however, in consideration there is currently no exception at the DOE cohort option but staffing, programming and budget would also be an issue if there was an exception.Teacher ask doesn’t IEP students have extra funds and why are they not available if these IEP students need more service? There are no additional funds outside of IEP students.? In a normal situation we are short on funding and in this situation we didn’t get extra funding.12:1 District denied request because there would be a lot of confusion with busingJeanine Motion to adjourn meetingKathy SecondMeeting end 5:48pmAgenda items for next meetingBudgetUpdatesMinutesCEP GoalsAction Steps ................

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