
LEADERSHIP/ENTREPRENEURIAL PROGRAMSLISTENING SESSION NOTESSession I DEC 19, 2019 @ 2:30PM 1111 JACKSON, ROOM 8401111 JACKSON, ROOM 840Chief’s Overview of ProgramRecap of For Us By Us and its original intentDiscussion of current program modelsReiteration of original program objective by community membersSession IIFEB 20, 2020 @ 12PM, 1111 JACKSON, ROOM 231 (MOVED TO ROOM 840)Input from community members present:Stressed the importance of providing the following concrete services to aid in removing barriers for program attendees:FoodClothing / basic needsParking feesStipend Paid InternshipMarketing of the program will be vital to its success to help ensure classes are well attended.The entrepreneurship program could include assistance with creating a diversified portfolio.Trauma of participants should be addressed in the curriculum; help participants recognize triggers. Discussion of current programs that fund business ideas of participantsSuggestion to include a best business award / business pitchSession IIIMAR 20,2020 @ 10:30Postponed – COVID Shelter in PlaceSession III - RescheduledAPR 23, 2020 @ 1:30pm MS Teams Online MeetingIf you were unable to attend this meeting, but would like provide input on this program please do so no later than 5/1/20 @ 5pm to Deborah Anderson danderso@If you did not complete the Listening Session Q&A and would like to do so, please complete the attached questionnaire and submit no later than 5/1/20 @ 5pm to Deborah Anderson danderso@Input from community members present:Review of examples of training models for both leadership and entrepreneurship trainings Multi-week cohort sessions are beneficial and would be the most ideal formatDistance learning/online learning to reach those who aren’t able to participate in person or who may experience difficulty in participating in group classesAddress ‘changing the mind-set’ of participants in the curriculum, so they are set up for success as leaders and business ownersIncorporate pre-release sessions. These sessions can be used to address changing the mind-set, so upon release participants are ready to fully engage in the trainings.Mentorship is a crucial part of the process, getting hands-on guidance from someone who is already living the experience and who may have a similar background can be instrumental in being successfulProvide guidance on the importance of networking and introduce the bartering system if funds aren’t available to pay for needed products or servicesImportant to have tangible, practical and consistent steps in curriculum Helpful to teach participants how to integrate family into the learning and business ownership processExplore how leadership & entrepreneurship intertwineCriminal records may affect funding opportunities; expungements/record clearances can improve chances of being fundedFund equipment for virtual trainingREVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Time was unavailable to review the questionnaire results during the meeting. Please see attached document with a recap of the results. ................

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