


St Therese’s Catholic Primary School

Ysgol Gatholig San Therese

Be Joyful, Learn & Keep the Faith



This report outlines the work of the Governing Body (GB) from September 2019 to July 2020. Included are sections on:

• Personnel

• Sites. Buildings, & Equipment

• Pupils, Curriculum, Activities, Inspection

• Additional Learning Needs

• Nursery

• Finance

• Attendance

• School Terms, Holiday Dates

• Friends of St Therese's Association

• TA Results/National Test Results

All this information was gathered from Governing Body meetings and the Headteacher, who gave detailed reports on all school matters in each of the school terms.

Staff continued to deliver a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum within the context of the teachings of the Catholic Church. They have continued to attend a wide range of in-service courses, organised by Neath Port Talbot LEA and other outside agencies, as well as having regular staff meetings and school based training and curriculum development.


The personnel has been organised as outlined below. The staff shown includes both teaching and non-teaching designations for the academic year ending July 2020. This is the list of a) teachers, which included their curriculum posts of responsibility and b) non-teaching staff:

Teaching Staff

|Class Teacher |Year |Pupil Numbers |

|Mrs L Gittins |Nursery |22 |

|(Leader of learning) | | |

|Mrs L Griffiths |Reception |30 |

|Mrs C Sollars |Year 1 |23 |

|Mrs L Cross |Year 2 |28 |

|Mrs D Perry |Year 3 |31 |

|Miss E Carlsen |Year 4 |29 |

|Mr M Rees |Year 5 |28 |

|Mrs A Stanier |Year 6 |28 |

Support Staff

|Teaching Assistants |

|Miss B Jeffries |Mrs T Langridge |

|Miss C Bailey |Ms E Valetta |

|Miss D Cook |Miss M Ryan |

|Associate Staff |

|Ms P Slattery |Administration Manager |

|Mr M Davies |Caretaker |

|Peripatetics |

|Mr C Thomas |Music |

|Mrs A Streefland |Welsh |

|LEA |

|Mr A Herbert |Challenge Advisor |

|Ailyth Jackson |School Counsellor |

Lunchtime Staff

|Staff |Role |

|Mrs R Davies |Cook |

|Miss A Homer |Kitchen Assistant |

|Mrs Camps |Kitchen Assistant |

|Mrs R Leyshon |Senior Assistant |

|Mrs K Brooks |Supervisory Assistant |

|Mrs P Curran |Supervisory Assistant |

|Mrs L Lawrence |Supervisory Assistant |

|Miss C Taylor |Supervisory Assistant |

|Mr M Lloyd |Supervisory Assistant |

|Mrs C Bamsey |Supervisory Assistant |

Acting Headteacher, Ms F Sartori - Manager with overall responsibility for Curriculum and Management structures within the school.


• New books to supplement reading scheme in KS1 and KS2.

• General maintenance of play equipment/shutters


• Pupils continue to participate in a wide range of sporting activities – rugby, football, netball, matches and tournaments. This year the girls’ netball team were placed first in the league until the national lockdown due to COVID-19. Swimming took place at the new Aberavon Leisure Centre for Year 6. The remaining classes missed their sessions due to the COVID-19 national lockdown.

• Educational visits this year (September 2020- February 2020) have included: Family and Children’s Team Coffee Mornings for parents every Thursday, Road Safety Quiz Year 6, Educational visits Year 4 Intergenerational Project with Swn-y-Mor Nursing Home, Waterfront Museum Year 4 and 4, Wagamama’s Year 5 and 6, Urdd Cardiff City Sleepover Year 3 and 4, Missio Mass Cathedral Swansea, Margam Park Christmas tree festival Year 6, Foundation Phase trip to Margam to feed the reindeers, Year 6 visited Manor Adventure for outward bounds residential trip, Peace Mala mass and visit to peace garden, Road Safety Quiz, Primary Sports Festival Llandarcy, Library Members Campaign (Princess Royal Theatre, Swimming (Afan Lido), Hit the Surf, Crucial Crew, Beach rugby, Triathlon Years 5 and 6.

• Visits to the school (September 2020- February 2020) have included: Splendiferous Science assembly (Techniquest), Play-to-learn Nursery, NSPCC assembly, David Marchant Digital Media project with Year 3 and 4, Nigel Little ‘Size of Wales’ assembly and workshops, Rhiannon artist worked with KS2 on ‘Our Square Mile’ mural, Deacon Rob visited each class, “Year of the Word Pupils Forum” – 10 Faith Schools visited St. Therese’s to initiate Year of the Word pupil input, Port Talbot branch of Principality visited during ‘Talk Money week’ to discuss financial education with the Foundation Phase, Firehorse productions ‘Just Joshing’ anti-bullying assembly, Nurture programme for parents (6 weeks) , Relationship based play sessions for parents (6 weeks), Discover Debating Mentor Year 6, Dog’s Trust Assembly, Kim Harries PC liaison officer, PCSOs Andy and Lisa, nursing profession, peripatetic teacher for music – Mr C Thomas; School Challenge Advisor – Mr A Herbert, Director for the Diocese – Mr P White; Father Paul Brophy - Parish priest, Road safety Crew, CAFOD, Amy Munro (Education psychologist), Amanda Thomas (EWO), Gelnda Dudley (Building Blocks), Cycling –Road Safety, WCADA, Fr Paul Watson (Missio), Pick it, Lick it, stick it (Dentist), Claire Barnett (Sandfields West Children’s Team), Helen Richards (Learning Team).

• The Halloween disco and Christmas Fete was held again with great success. Both Christmas concerts were well received by the parents and provided pupils with an opportunity for expressive arts skills. The summer fete was cancelled due to the COVID-19 national lockdown.

• Mass celebrations were held regularly throughout the year in accordance with liturgical themes in the school and the Church. All parents were invited to attend on each occasion. Each week one class from KS 2 and Foundation Phase attended mass and the whole school attended for the Feast of St. Therese on October 1st.

• Breakfast Club is on-going with many children partaking of this facility.

• Fruit tuck shop continuing in KS2 which builds into our Healthy Schools Programme. Pupils in FP are encouraged to bring in a piece of snack daily.


From September 2019 to July 2020, around 39% of pupils were on the ALN register prioritised in terms of need.

Our main objectives are:

• All children have the right to a broad, balanced, relevant, progressive and differentiated curriculum.

• The needs of children with ALN will be met through individual educational programmes (IEP). The needs will be met in a mainstream situation, wherever possible, as is the case with our MAT (more able and talented) children.

• Each child's needs will be reviewed, evaluating progress and development regularly.

• Each member of staff is responsible for children with ALN and they are provided with adequate resources, support and training and are aware of the ALN Policy.

• ALNCO attends termly meetings to update the whole staff on current developments and to advise on its implementation.

• The governor with responsibility for ALN is Mrs Debra Evans.


As has been the case for the last 5 financial years, WAG has not provided a grant for the Rising 3s. However we were able to fund this from our budget which meant that those children whose third birthdays fell after September 2019 were able to start Nursery with following entrants commencing after their third birthdays to August 2020.


The financial statement for the year 2019/2020 is summarised below. This budget figure began in April 2019 and ended in April 2020 due to the financial year running differently from the academic year. A more detailed statement will be available for inspection at the school, if requested.

Closing Budget for 2019-20

Budget settlement for the next academic year is £738,799

Teachers' Salaries £475,368

Payroll Costs £245,756

Other Costs £6,550

Administration £10,600

Local Authority £65,459

Contracts £10,439

Premises £64,302

Capitation £19,084

Income -£152,093

A new budget began at the end of Spring Term 2020. This is summarised below. A more detailed statement will be available for inspection at the school, if requested.

New Budget for 2020-21

Budget settlement for the next academic year is £764,495

Teachers' Salaries £507,966

Payroll Costs £207,048

Other Costs £6,550

Administration £11,100

Local Authority £66,571

Contracts £8,530

Premises £61,292

Capitation £20,500

Income -£177,604


This year has again proved to be very successful in terms of our contributions to different charities. We have given to:

Children in Need £187

Guide Dog Appeal £80

Comic Relief £124.95

Mission Together £178

28 shoeboxes to Samaritan's purse- operation Christmas child

15 gift bags to local Mr X appeal


|All Pupils/Yr holl ddisgyblion |2015/16 |2016/17 |2017/2018 |2018/2019 |2019/2020 |

| |% |Quartile |% |Quartile | | |No figures |

| | | | | | | |available |

|NPT/CNPT |94.55% |94.69% |94.14% |94.00 | |

|Family/Teulu |93.70% |0.00% |0.00% |n/a | |

|Wales / Cymru |94.92% | 0.00% |0.00% |n/a | |


|Term |Term Begins |Mid Term Holiday | |Term Ends |Days |

| | |Begins |Ends | | |

|Autumn 2019 |Monday |Monday |Friday |Friday |75 |

| |2nd September |28th October |1st November |20th December | |

|Spring 2020 |Monday |Monday |Friday |Friday 3rd April |60 |

| |6th January |17th February |21st February | | |

|Summer 2020 |Monday |Monday |Friday |Monday | |

| |20th April |25th May |29th May |20th July |60 |

|Total: | | | | |195 |

Staff Training Days for the current year: Monday 2nd September 2019

Tuesday, 3rd September 2019

Friday, 25th October 2019

Monday 6th January2020

Monday 20th July 2020

• Plus one other day to be allocated by Welsh assembly Government in the summer term regarding the new Curriculum for Wales.


During the autumn term money was raised via the Halloween disco and Christmas Fete which. Were both very successful. CIVOD lockdown meant that all further planned activities had to be suspended. Besides raising valuable funds for the school, the above events have enabled parents to get to know one another socially. Many more parents are needed to continue with this work. You are all invited to join and will be made most welcome.


The new version is available for the parents of the new intake each year and for those who request permission to send their child to our school. It is available to any parent upon request. It includes the most up-to-date information about all school matters and is evaluated annually. This is also available on the School Website.


These are reviewed regularly and amended according to the current situation. The curriculum

co-ordinators and the headteacher are responsible for updating various policies on a rolling programme each year. This is accomplished through meetings (Inset) and matches the objectives of our School Improvement Plan.


These are continually addressed to meet the changing needs of our pupils. Pupils are taught individually, in groups and as a class to satisfy the requirements as specified in the NC and are designed to cater for individual needs. The curriculum content is differentiated so that each child realises their full potential. Inset is provided to implement and review teaching styles and to ensure further development. Maths, English and RE are taught discretely, while all other subjects are incorporated into topic work, which is a skills-based and in-line with the New Curriculum for Wales.


A prominent place is given to the teaching of Welsh as a second language through a structured scheme of work. Incidental Welsh is used throughout the school day. St David’s Day is celebrated with a school Eisteddfod.


The 2019/20 results for pupils at the end of Foundation Phase and KS2 are unavailable – COVID 19


|Mr Vince Flynn |Chairperson |

|Rev Fr Paul Brophy |Vice Chairperson |

|Mr Paul White |Director of Education, Diocese of Menevia |

|Mrs Deborah Evans |Foundation Governor |

|Mrs M P Bennett |Foundation Governor |

|Mr D McCarthy |Foundation Governor |

|Mr N Crowley |Foundation Governor |

|Mr Vincent Flynn |Foundation Governor |

|Mr Morgan Rees |Teacher Governor |

|Ms Julie Ferris |Parent Governor |

|Mrs P Curran |Staff Governor /Child Protection |

|Miss F. Sartori |Acting Headteacher |

Ms. P Slattery – Clerk to Governors

All correspondence to Chair of Governors to be addressed to:

Clerk to Governors

St Thereses Primary School

Southdown Road

Port Talbot SA12 7HL


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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