
Family Faith Sundays 2019-2020 Themes“Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish; One Body with many parts”. Family Faith Sunday is where Good News families gather the first Sunday of the month to:Hear and experience God’s Word and celebrate Eucharist together during the 11:00 a.m. Mass.Engage in discussions relevant to our daily lives as families of faith.Supporting parents and guardians as the primary teachers of the faith.October 6 – Following in His footsteps – Families learn what it means to be a true follower of Jesus in action and in deed.Faith is the generous gift of a loving God. As families, as you nurture and practice your faith together, you experience in a deeper way the happiness Jesus promises us now and forever. Jesus’ disciples asked for an increase of faith. In response, Jesus told them and us today, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you”. November 3 – Let’s dive into the Ten Commandments – How do we live a joy-filled life through the gift of the Ten Commandments, firmly grounded in God’s word.In “The Joy of the Gospel”, Pope Francis wrote, “The study of the sacred Scriptures must be a door opened in every believer. It is essential that the revealed word radically enrich our families and our efforts to pass on the faith”. After all, Jesus did say, “Let the little children come to me”. Matthew 19:14 As we continue our journey into Ordinary Time, we learn in our Sunday Gospel, that Zacchaeus went “seeking to see who Jesus was.” As we see ourselves in this Gospel story, we observe the change that happens to Zacchaeus when he encounters Jesus and enters his life. How do we encounter Jesus in our lives? December 1 – Advent - The Season of Waiting.The liturgical year begins four weeks before Christmas and Advent means “coming”. We wait for the coming of Jesus – in that stable in Bethlehem, in our hearts, and at the end of all things. Our waiting should not be characterized only by Christmas shopping, parties, or gift wrapping. We wait in hope for the Lord to come, knowing that he will come. We will explore how families wait for Jesus in this Advent season. January 5 - Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The Magi brought gifts to Jesus; what gifts do each of us bring to our families, faith community, schools and work?The journey of the Magi revealed the significance of Jesus’ birth. Epiphany means “revelation”: the star revealed the way of Jesus, and their gifts to the newborn revealed his identity. We all experience moments of epiphany, moments when darkness is dispelled, and we see the world in a new way; our relationships in a new way or, ourselves in a new way. On this feast, we will explore where the “star” is leading you, and how is Christ revealed in your lives?All families are invited to be a part of the special procession during the 11:00 a.m. Family Mass.February 2 – Let There Be Light – Cultivating Gratitude and care for God’s Creation.The creation story is one that most children in most religions all over the world are familiar with in some way. This is the foundational story of humankind and the world we live in. It is important that children learn the story, but it is equally important that we find ways to encourage each other to imagine and wonder. We will explore ways that we can take up Pope Francis’ urgent call for all of us to care for the Earth into both our spirituality and our daily actions. We will experience activities that help us keep our planet livable and sustainable. March 1 – First Sunday of Lent – How do we deepen our trust in God’s love for us and how does that love, continue to sustain us in our daily lives?We begin Lent by receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday, February 26th from palms that were burned from last year palm branches. Today during Holy Week, we begin with new blessed palms. During Lent, we are asked to give alms, fast, and pray. We will look at what commitments we make in our lives that help us to show faith in God and how can we grow closer to God through prayer during this Lenten season. How can we grow closer to God in these forty days? We will pray the Stations of the Cross together as families. April 5 – Palm Sunday Beginning of Holy Week Palm Sunday is the tradition of observing the Sunday beginning of Holy week and is hundreds of years old. As families of faith, an invitation to a deeper understating of what Holy Week means and how we can celebrate as a community. We will experience together, “The Bread of Life” video from the Brother Francis series on The Last Supper, the story of Blesses Imelda Lambertini,, the Patroness of First Communicants.May 3 – What does our devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary mean to us as a family?One thing that distinguishes Catholics is our devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the woman God chose to be the Mother of his Son. We admire Mary as the faithful handmaid of the Lord, strive to imitate her as the first and best disciple, and love her as our heavenly mother. As part of our time together, we will pray the “Living Rosary” together, which is when people represent each bead of the rosary. This is a wonderful way to introduce the rosary as a form of prayer to children and continue to pray as families. June 7 – Planning for the Summer – Let’s create a summer faith tool box of activities together!Summer can be a very busy time for families, and it can be hard to include prayer and quiet time to listen to God speaking to our hearts. So, let’s have some fun creating a summer faith tool box of fun activities and ways to keep prayer a part of your busy summer schedule. Researchers say that families that eat together, prayer together and play together are stronger. ................

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