Curriculum Vitae - Rutgers School of Criminal Justice

Curriculum Vitae (abridged)

Bill McCarthy


School of Criminal Justice

Rutgers University-Newark

Areas of interest: Crime; deviance; punishment; research methods


90. Ph.D., Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, Canada. “Life on the Street: Serious Theft, Drug Selling, and Prostitution Among Homeless Youth.”

1983-84 M.A., Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, Canada

1980-81 B.Ed., University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

1976-80 H.B.A., University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada

Academic Appointments

2020 Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University Newark

2011 Visiting Fellow, Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto (U of T)

2010 Visiting Fellow, Centre of Criminology, U of T

2005-2006 Visiting Professor, Sociology, U of T

2002-2020 Professor, Sociology, University of California Davis (UC Davis)

1998-2002 Associate Professor, Sociology, UC Davis

1995-1998 Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Victoria

1992 Visiting Professor, Center for International Programs, Meiji University, Tokyo

1989-1995 Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Victoria

Administrative Appointments

2020 Dean, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University Newark

2015-2017 UC Davis Institute for Social Sciences Advisory Council

2011-2014 Chair, Department of Sociology UC Davis

2009-2010 Chair, College of Letters and Science Executive Committee, UC Davis; Social Science Dean’s Advisory Committee; UC Davis Senate Executive Council

2008-2009 Vice-chair elect College of Letters and Science Executive Committee, UC Davis

2008. Institutional Review Board (Behavioral and Social Sciences), UC Davis

2002-2004 Chair, Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors and Prizes, UC Davis

2003. Vice-chair, Sociology, UC Davis

1993-1995 Chair, Social Science Computing Facilities, University of Victoria

Research Awards

2011 UC Davis Dean of Social Science Innovation Research Award

2010 American Society of Criminology. Outstanding Paper Award for McCarthy, Bill and Teresa Casey. “Love, Sex and Crime: Adolescent Romantic Relationships and Offending.” American Sociological Review 73 (6): 944-969

1998. American Society of Criminology. Michael J. Hindelang Outstanding Book on Crime Award for John Hagan and Bill McCarthy. Mean Streets: Youth Crime and Homelessness

1997 Society for the Study of Social Problems. C. Wright Mills Outstanding Book on Social Problems Award for John Hagan and Bill McCarthy. Mean Streets: Youth Crime and Homelessness

Teaching and Mentoring Awards and Recognition

2020 University of California Graduate Students Mentoring Award

2010 Nominated by students for the ASUCD (Association of Students at UC Davis) Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Letters and Sciences

2008 Selected by Kappa Alpha Theta sorority as an Outstanding Professor of the Quarter; Nominated by students for the ASUCD (Association of Students at UC Davis) Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Letters and Sciences

2004 Nominated by students for the ASUCD (Association of Students at UC Davis) Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Letters and Sciences

2003 One of three finalists for the student-nominated ASUCD (Association of Students at UC Davis) Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Letters and Sciences



2014 Gartner, Rosemary and Bill McCarthy (editors). The Oxford Handbook on Gender, Sex, and Crime: An Interdisciplinary Review of Research and Theory (series editor Michel Tonry). New York: Oxford University Press, 521 pp. (Paperback edition 2018).

1997. Hagan, John and Bill McCarthy. Mean Streets: Youth Crime and Homelessness. New York: Cambridge University Press, 299 pp. (Paperback edition 1998). Sections reprinted in Mark Kierstad, 2001. Images of Society: Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Society. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

Journal Articles (*graduate student co-author; ** undergraduate student co-author; IP=invited paper)

2020 Hagan, John, Bill McCarthy, and Daniel Herda. “What the Study of Legal Cynicism and Crime Can Tell Us about Reliability, Validity, and Versatility in Law and Social Science Research.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science 16

2020 McCarthy, Bill, John Hagan, and Daniel Herda. “Neighborhood Climates of Legal Cynicism and Complaints about Abuse of Police Power.” Criminology

2018 Hagan, John, Bill McCarthy, Daniel Herda, and Andrea Cann Chandrasekher. “Dual Process Theory of Racial Isolation, Legal Cynicism, and Reported Crime.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (IP) 115 (28): 7190-7199.

2018 Hagan, John, Bill McCarthy, and Daniel Herda. Race, Legal Cynicism, and the Machine Politics of Drug Law Enforcement in Chicago. Du Bois Review (IP) 15(1): 129-151.

2018 Herda, Daniel and Bill McCarthy. No Experience Required: Violent Crime and Anticipated, Vicarious, and Experienced Racial Discrimination. Social Science Research 70:115-130.

2018 McCarthy, Bill, Angela Carter,* Cecilia Benoit, Mikael Jansson, and Ryan Finnegan. Poverty, Material Hardship, and Mental Health among Workers in Three Front-line Service Occupations Journal of Poverty 22(4): 334-354.

2018 Evans, Ethan,* Bill McCarthy, Cecilia Benoit and Mikael Jansson. Early Trauma, Long-term Consequences: Family Instability in Childhood and the Intent to Seek Formal Health Care. Social Science Quarterly 99(2): 599-615.

2015 Benoit, Cecilia, Bill McCarthy, and Mikael Jansson. “Occupational Stigma and Mental Health: Discrimination and Depression among Front-line Service Workers.” Canadian Public Policy 41 (Supplement 2): S61-S69.

2015 Cabalatungan, Shadd** and Bill McCarthy. “Second-hand Effects of College Drinking and Educational Experiences: Findings from an Analysis of Pooled Cross-sections from Four National Surveys.” Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 22 (6): 463-469.

2015 Benoit, Cecilia, Bill McCarthy, and Mikael Jansson. “Stigma, Sex Work, and Substance Use.” Sociology of Health and Illness 37 (3): 437-451.

2014 Williams, Monica* and Bill McCarthy. “Assessing Stereotypes of Adolescent Rape.” Journal of Criminal Justice 42 (6): 557–567.

2014 McCarthy, Bill, Cecilia Benoit, and Mikael Jansson. “Sex Work: A Comparative Study.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 43 (7):1379-1390.

2013 Frederick, Tyler,* Bill McCarthy, and John Hagan. “Perceived Danger and Offending: Exploring the Links between Violent Victimization and Street Crime.” Violence and Victims 28 (1): 16-35.

2012 McCarthy, Bill, Cecilia Benoit, Mikeal Jansson, and Kat Kolar.* “Regulating Sex Work: Heterogeneity in Legal Strategies.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science 8: 255–271.

2011 Martin, Monica,* Bill McCarthy, Rand D. Conger, Frederick X. Gibbons, Carolyn E. Cutrona, Gene H. Brody, and Ronald L. Simons. “The Enduring Significance of Racism: Discrimination and Delinquency among African American Youth.” Journal of Research on Adolescence 21 (3): 662-676.

2011 McCarthy, Bill and Eric Grodsky. “Sex in School: Adolescent Sex and Education.” Social Problems 58 (2): 213–234.

2008 McCarthy, Bill and Teresa Casey.* “Love, Sex and Crime: Adolescent Romantic Relationships and Offending.” American Sociological Review 73 (6): 944-969.

2006 Morselli, Carlo, Pierre Tremblay, and Bill McCarthy. “Mentors and Criminal Achievement.” Criminology 44 (1): 17-44.

2005 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Danger and the Decision to Offend.” Social Forces 83 (3): 1065-1096.

2004 McCarthy, Bill, Diane Felmlee, and John Hagan “Girl Friends are Better: Gender, Context and Crime.” Criminology 42 (4): 805-836.

2004 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Money Changes Everything: Adolescent Resources and Crime.” Criminologie Special Issue edited by Carlo Morselli and Pierre Tremblay, 37 (2): 123-149. (IP)

2003 Hagan, John and Bill McCarthy. “The Shame in Their Game: Homelessness Youth

Crime and Transitions toward Work.” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (Cologne Magazine for Sociology and Social Psychology). Special issue Neue Kriminalsoziolgie (New Sociology of Crime) edited by Dietrich Oberwittler and Susanne Karstedt 43: 195-214. (IP)

2002 McCarthy, Bill, John Hagan, and Monica J. Martin.* “In and Out of Harm’s Way: Violent Victimization and the Social Capital of Fictive Street Families.” Criminology 40 (4): 401-435.

2002 McCarthy, Bill. “New Economics of Sociological Criminology.” Annual Review of Sociology 28: 417-442 (IP).

2002 Hagan, John, Bill McCarthy and Holly Foster.* “A Gendered Theory of Delinquency and Despair in the Life Course.” Acta Sociologica 45 (1): 37-46 (IP).

2001 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “When Crime Pays: Capital, Competence and Criminal Success.” Social Forces 79 (3): 1035-1059.

2000 Hagan, John and Bill McCarthy. “The Meaning of Criminology.” Comments on review essays on Mean Streets. Theoretical Criminology 4 (2): 232-242 (IP).

1999 McCarthy, Bill, John Hagan, and Todd S. Woodward.* “In the Company of Women: Structure and Agency in a Revised Power-Control Theory of Gender and Delinquency.” Criminology 37 (4): 761-788.

1998 McCarthy, Bill, John Hagan, and Lawrence E. Cohen. “Uncertainty, Cooperation and Crime: Understanding the Decision to Co-offend.” Social Forces 77 (1): 155-184.

1998 Hagan, John and Bill McCarthy. “The Theory of Social Capital and the Renewal of Tensions and Opportunities in Sociological Criminology.” Sociologie et Sociétés 30 (1): 145-158 (IP).

1996 McCarthy, Bill. “The Attitudes and Actions of Others: Tutelage and Sutherland's Theory of Differential Association.” British Journal of Criminology 36 (1): 135-151.

1995 McCarthy, Bill. “Not Just 'For the Thrill of It': An Instrumentalist Elaboration of Katz's Explanation of Sneaky Thrill Property Crimes.” Criminology 33 (4): 519-538.

1995 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Getting into Crime: The Structure and Process of Criminal Embeddedness.” Social Science Research 24 (1): 63-95. Reprinted in David V. Canter and Laurence J. Alison (eds.). 1997. Criminal Detection and the Psychology of Crime. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 319-351.

1992 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Mean Streets: The Theoretical Significance of Situational Delinquency among Homeless Youth.” American Journal of Sociology 98 (3): 597-627. Reprinted in Jim Creechan and Robert Silverman (eds.). 1995. Canadian Delinquency. Scarborough: Prentice Hall, pp. 281-97; Russell Smandych (ed.), 2001. Youth Crime: Varieties, Theories and Prevention. Toronto: Harcourt Canada.

1992 Hagan, John and Bill McCarthy. “Streetlife and Delinquency.” British Journal of Sociology 43(4): 533-561.

1992. McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Surviving on the Street: The Experiences of Homeless Youth.” Journal of Adolescent Research 7 (4): 412-430.

1991 Gartner, Rosemary and Bill McCarthy. “The Social Distribution of Femicide in Urban Canada, 1921-1988.” Law and Society Review 25 (2): 287-312 (IP). Reprinted in Robert Silverman, James Teevan and Vince Sacco (eds.). 1995. Crime in Canadian Society. Toronto: Harcourt Brace.

1991 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Homelessness: A Criminogenic Situation?” British Journal of Criminology 31(4): 393-410.

1987 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Gender, Delinquency, and the Great Depression: A Test of Power-Control Theory.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 24 (2): 153-177.

1985 McCarthy, Bill. “The Nature of Education within Canadian Federal Prisons.” Canadian Journal of Criminology 27: 441-454.

Book Chapters, Encyclopedia Entries, Policy Briefs, Other Publications (*student co-author)

2017 Casey, Lauren, Bill McCarthy, Rachel Phillips, Cecilia Benoit, Mikael Jansson, Samantha Magnus, Chris Atchison, Bill Reimer, Dan Reist, and Frances M. Shaver. “Managing Conflict: An Examination of Three-Way Alliances in Canadian Escort and Massage Businesses.” Amber Horning and Anthony Marcus (eds.), Third Party Sex Work and Pimps in the Age of Anti-trafficking. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, Chapter 7, pp. 131-149.

2015 Carter, Angela* and Bill McCarthy. “Reducing the Effects of Incarceration on Children and Families.” UC Davis Center for Poverty Research. Research Brief.

2015 McCarthy, Bill, Angela Carter,* Cecilia Benoit, and Mikael Jansson. “Material Hardship Shows a Clearer Picture of Mental Health among Low-Wage Workers.” UC Davis Center for Poverty Research. Research Brief.

2014 Macmillan, Ross and Bill McCarthy. “Gender and Offending in a Life Course Context.” Rosemary Gartner and Bill McCarthy (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Crime. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 343-361.

2014 McCarthy, Bill and Rosemary Gartner. “Introduction.” Rosemary Gartner and Bill McCarthy (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Crime. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-16.

2014 McCarthy, Bill and Ali Chaudry.* “Rational Choice Theory Explained.” Gerben Bruinsma and David Lee Weisburd (eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York: Springer-Verlag pp. 4307-4314.

2014 McCarthy, Bill. “Crime, Imprisonment, and Social Control.” Masamichi Sasaki, Ekkart Zimmermann, and Jack Goldstone (eds.), Concise Encyclopedia of Comparative Sociology. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers, pp. 387-395.

2009 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Counting the Deaths in Darfur: Pitfalls on the Pathway to a Public Sociology.” Vincent Jeffries (ed.), Handbook of Public Sociology: Toward a Holistic Sociology. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 319-337.

2009 Gartner, Rosemary and Bill McCarthy. “Twentieth-Century Trends in Homicide Followed by Suicide in Four North American Cities.” John Weaver and David Wright (eds.), Histories of Suicide: International Perspectives on Self-Destruction in the Modern World. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 281-303.

2009 McCarthy, Bill, Monica Williams,* and John Hagan. “Homeless Youth and the Transition to Adulthood.” Andy Furlong (ed.), Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood. London: Routledge, pp. 232-239.

2005 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Homelessness and Criminal Behavior.” Richard Wright and J. Mitchell Miller (eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology. New York: Routledge.

2005 Gartner, Rosemary and Bill McCarthy. “Killing One’s Children: Maternal Infanticide and the Dark Figure of Homicide.” Karen Heimer and Candace Kruttschnitt (eds.), Gender and Crime: Patterns in Victimization and Offending. New York: New York University Press, pp. 91-114.

2005 Hagan, John and Bill McCarthy. “Homeless Youth and the Perilous Passage to Adulthood.” D. Wayne Osgood, E. Michael Foster, Constance Flanagan and Gretchen R. Ruth (eds.), On Your Own Without a Net: The Transition to Adulthood for Vulnerable Populations. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 178-201.

2003 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Sanction Effects, Violence and Native North American Street Youth.” Darnell Hawkins (ed.), Violent Crime: Assessing Race and Ethnic Differences. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 117-137.

2003 Martin, Monica J.* and Bill McCarthy, “Gangs.” James J. Ponzetti (ed.), International

Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family, 2nd edition. New York: Macmillan, pp. 711-720.

2002 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Homeless Men and Crime.” David Levinson (ed.),

Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. Beverley Hills: Sage, pp. 837-840.

2001 McCarthy, Bill and Lawrence E. Cohen. “Economic Crime: Theory.” Joshua Dressler (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, Revised edition. New York: Macmillan.

1997 Hagan, John and Bill McCarthy. “Anomie, Social Capital and Street Crime.” Nikos Passas and Robert Agnew (eds.), The Future of Anomie Theory. Boston: Northeastern University Press, pp. 124-141.

1997 Hagan, John and Bill McCarthy. “Intergenerational Sanction Sequences and Trajectories of Street-Crime Amplification.” Ian Gotlib and Blair Wheaton (eds.), Stress and Adversity over the Life Course: Trajectories and Turning Points. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 73-90.

1996 McCarthy, Bill and John Hagan. “Making It: Work and the Transition from Homelessness.” Burt Galloway and Joe Hudson (eds.), Youth in Transition to Adulthood. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing, pp. 227-235.

1994 Hagan, John and Bill McCarthy. “Double Jeopardy: The Abuse and Punishment of Homeless Youth.” George Bridges and Martha Myers (eds.), Inequality, Crime and Social Control. Boulder: Westview, pp.195-211.

1994 McCarthy, Bill. “Youth on the Street: Violent Offenders and Victims.” Harold Coward (ed.), Anger in Our City: Youth Seeking Meaning. Victoria: Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University of Victoria, pp. 69-108.

1993 McCarthy, Bill. “Adolescent Homelessness: Causes, Conditions and Consequences.” Meiji University International Exchange Programs Guest Lecture Series. Tokyo: Center for International Programs, Meiji University, Volume 1:3-34.

1993. McCarthy, Bill. “Reintroducing the Mentor into Sutherland's Learning Theory of Crime.” Meiji University International Exchange Programs Guest Lecture Series. Tokyo: Center for International Programs, Meiji University, Volume 1:35-68.

1990 Hagan, John, Carole Rogerson, and Bill McCarthy. “Family Violence: A Study in Social and Legal Sanctions.” Martin Friedland (ed.), Securing Compliance-Seven Case Studies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 392-440.

Book Reviews

2014 Breaking Rules: The Social and Situational Dynamics of Young People’s Urban Crime, by Per-Olof H. Wikström, Dietrich Oberwittler, Kyle Treiber, and Beth Hardie. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Contemporary Sociology 43: 427-428.

2011 Banished: The New Social Control In Urban America, by Katherine Beckett and Steve Herbert. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. American Journal of Sociology 117(2): 691-693.

2005 Analyzing Rational Crime-Models and Methods, by Olof Dahlbäck. Dordrecht: The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. Contemporary Sociology 34: 191-192.

1994. Of Mice and Women: Aspects of Female Aggression by Kaj Bjorkqvist and Pirkko Niemela (eds.) New York, Academic Press, 1992. The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 30: 535-537.

Externally Funded Research (over $25,000)

2018 Understanding the connection between interpersonal relationships and pathways through homelessness for young people. Social Science and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant $63,833. Two-year study of homeless youth in Toronto. (Co-Applicant; Tyler Frederick, PI)

2011 “Team Grant: Violence, Gender, and Health.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research. $1.4 million. Five-year study of the sex work industry in Canada. (Co-Principal Applicant; Cecilia Benoit, PI).

2011 “Adolescent Sex, Well-Being, and Normative Contexts.” NIH Psychosocial Development, Risk and Prevention Study Section. $656,545. Three-year study to examine the moderating consequences of global and local norms on the relationship between adolescent sexual behavior and outcomes from three domains: offending, educational attainment and mental health (Co-investigator; Eric Grodsky PI).

2003 “Work, Health and Heath Care Access in the US and Canada.” Stigma and Global Health Research Program, NIH coordinated RFA: TW-03-001. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute for Mental Health, Neuroscience and Addictions. $300,000. Three-year grant to study the impact of stigma on marginalized populations' work, health and access to services in the U.S. (Co-PI).

2002 “The Impact of Stigma on Marginalized Populations' Work, Health and Access to Services.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute for Health and Social Sciences. $201,847. Three-year grant to study the impact of stigma on marginalized populations' work, health and access to services in Canada (Co-investigator; Cecilia Benoit, PI).

2000 “Sexually Exploited Youth Project.” National Crime Prevention Centre, Department of Justice, Canada. $237,000. Four-year grant for assessing programs designed to reduce adolescent involvement in the sex trade (Co-investigator).

1994 “Work and School as Institutional Supports for Toronto and Vancouver Street Youth.” Social Science and Humanities Research Council Grant (Canada)-$148,000. Three-year grant for collecting interview and survey panel data from homeless youth in two Canadian cities (Co-PI).

1990 “Gender and homicide: Patterns of female and male victimization and offending in Canada and the U.S., 1900-1990.” Social Science and Humanities Research Council Grant (Canada) $50,750. Two-year grant for collecting police data on homicides in four cities (two Canadian and two American) for the years 1900-1990 (Rosemary Gartner, PI).

Externally Funded Research (under $25,000)

2005 “Marginalized Workers, Occupational Stigma and Health: A Canada-US Comparison.”

Canadian Studies Grant Program ($9,600). One year grant to study stigma.


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