
March 24Life today is very different from only a week ago. Some states have closed their borders with only the essential travellers and goods being allowed through.The Ballarat Mechanics Institute/library published an online story about ‘Ghost lights’, whereby a single light is left burning, even if no one is home. So even though they might be closed for weeks or months, the burning light is a reminder of their return.An American librarian wrote: This is a war. The Enemy is invisible this time, being neither bullets nor bombs. Our best weapon at this time is isolation. The virus’ major weapon is its invisibility and unlike Harry Potter, we can’t say a magic spell for it to disappear.A person wrote on a labyrinth page that I follow: When you go out and see the empty streets, stadiums, railway stations – don’t say that it looks like the end of the world. You are seeing love in action. Care for each other, our older and unwell relatives, friends, and for those we will never meet.In these times, unlike that of the Spanish flu a century ago, or Samuel Pepys in the 1660’s – I have borrowed his three volume set from a library where I volunteer – we have constant online contact with others from around the world. Italians in lock down have done singing from their balconies.Members of a Dutch professional orchestra have met ‘online’ to play Beethoven’s Ode to joy – from their separate homes. My own amateur orchestra is looking to explore this option too. This evening I did a short word puzzle – starting with the letter T, find the nine letter word that means short term.Answer – temporary. I believe this is a sign and we will get through it.March 28Today after stepping outside my door and taking yet another sky photo, I have decided to create a new album on Facebook and call it Sky Diary. At least one photo a day, sometimes two, depending on the clouds and colours. We are not in the stricter Stage 4 lockdown – YET – unlike other countries, but this time also reminds me of the 2017 publication ‘They cannot take the sky’ – a book by refugees in detention centres. March 29?In an online post with a book quote, I saw the following note: We are living the slowest days on Earth. Everything is in lockdown until curfew.March 31Quote from a politician:We don’t set the timeline – the virus does.?April 1ABC newsreader:Life changes fast.April 3A quote from my friend while in the supermarket:It’s amazing that what is gold now, that was never before.Of course the ‘gold’ refers to the panic-bought items like toilet paper, sugar and flour.Today I saw a Facebook post that stated:Let’s remember – we don’t have to figure it all out today.PM Scott Morrison said:The virus writes its own rules?April 6An Australian man who now lives in New York, after that city recorded a high number of deaths:The new normal isn’t normal at all.April 25 – Anzac DayInstead of gathering together, people were separated. It was suggested we gather at 6am on our driveways to pay our respects, with a candle or torch.Musicians were encouraged to learn The Last Post and perform it. I had considered doing this myself, and wasn’t sure if I would go out at 6am, but hearing a live trumpeter made me go out where I saw another neighbour on our driveway, with a man from next door playing the music. He said later that he had spent the last week practicing for this moment.?NSW Governor General Margaret Beazley said in her speech:War or no war, the pandemic is an enemy.I heard on a media report: Private acts with profound public purpose. ?Parallels were drawn with the wartime nurses looking after the wounded, to the current time of Covid 19 and the medical staff.Channel 10 news staff said these quotes:This was an Anzac Day like no other.This was the day something changed.April 26The Age reporter Nicholas Reece wrote an article stating:The good news from history is that cities do bounce back after pandemics. There was Athens and the plague of 430 BC, Europe and the Black Plague of the 14th Century and even Australia with the Spanish flu a century ago.The question is also posed: what do we want life in Melbourne to look like on the other side?ABC reporter Brianna Shepherd stated:The shut down was swift and painful.?April 27Channel 10’s Project show host Waleed Aly stated:History tells us that after a pandemic, life will not be the same. ?April 29Channel 10’s American correspondent:You don’t need a mask to look someone in the eye.Someone from a university:People are impacted by their own lens. Those things that were thought impossible are now possible.?April 30Person on tv ad for company Airtasker:We may be isolated but we don’t have to be alone.?May 2Channel 7 news reporter Sarah Greenhaulgh:Covid 19 has emptied city streets globally.?May 6I started reading a short book for kids/teens of a fictionalised account of a girl living in London through the Great Plague of 1665. Some similarities to our current times:It will be sad if our pew in church is empty.Cemeteries are filling up.Locked up and alone but still in the land of the living.It’s a shame to see so few boats on the river. I found it strange to be among folk who have not lived through the plague and have no real understanding of it. ?May 7Australian radio personality Kate Langbroek, who moved to Italy last year with her husband and four kids for a year overseas, and has been under tough restrictions for a few weeks.Coffee is a drug. So is the outside world.?May 8An email I received from Parliament:We are still in the same boat, until we reach our safety shores?May 9Quote from a person on a Facebook post about the high number of deaths in a Sydney nursing home:How many more Newmarches will there have to be??May 10Indigenous musician Bart Willoughby:After we are locked down, we will then know it is like to be locked up. ?May 11Victorian Premier Dan Andrews announced some lifting of the restrictions. Slow and steady, cautious and safe. It’s not a popularity contest, it’s a pandemic. ?Channel 10 show the Project host Carrie Bickmore:Just because you can (go out more), doesn’t mean you should.May 12A Facebook meme, shared by Merete Entwistle, a former colleague.We will not go back to normal. Our pre-Covid 19 existence was not normal. We normalised greed, inequality, exhaustion, hoarding and rage.Peter Dutton:Australia finds itself at war against a faceless enemy.SBS late news reporter Abbie O’Brien:There are two words keeping leaders up at night – Second Wave.May 14ABC show ‘The Business’:The virus has stolen her job.‘Business’ reporter Philip Lasker:Unemployment will replace lockdown as the economy’s destroyer.May 15Walhalla local Russell Wright on one of the live video walks, re the playgrounds closure:We’ll be untaped one day.May 16New Normal – an ABC 24 program featuring people from around Australia who have lost jobs and/or whose situations have changed as a result of the Covid 19 situation. Checking in with them in six months time.May 18FB post from the Old Treasury Building, Melbourne, sharing photos of the empty streets:Their life blood is the city’s history. What’s your significant object from 2020?May 21Jenny Normand Groome, from Facebook library group:What is time at this point?Kate Langbroek: The restaurant is an amazing concept. All you have to do is go in and sit down.ABC reporter Philip Lasker:Endless dole queues, deserted streets, shuttered shops.May 23ABC reporter:Day by day, life is slowly heading towards normalcy. ?May 25I started reading a book from my own shelf, ‘The Great Plague of London’, an account of this event that killed thousands. Quotes:-??????? The panic and plague came into the city together-??????? In decaying wooden houses among the filthy alleys, plague found all the material it required to thrive.May 27Channel 10 Project show host Pete Helliar re wearing masks in public:We’ve done things we’re not comfortable with, because we’re in a pandemic.Waleed Aly on the same show:Pandemics have a way of putting things in perspective. ?Plague book:-??????? The theory for the shutting up of houses with the sick and healthy together, was that the plague contagion was so universal, that anyone who came near an infected person almost took infection himself. And if allowed to go free among his fellows, he was a public danger. -??????? As plague settled upon London, the reaction was apparent. The plague altered the whole course of the city’s life.-??????? It was quick to extinguish much of the daily activities. It made everyone suspicious of intimate friends as strangers, suspicion of the very air they breathed, lest it bore infection.-??????? No one should follow the grave diggers cart to the grave, it was forbidden.-??????? The dread was universal.-??????? (for country areas) Letters from London were held in universal suspicion, as a possible vehicle for carrying infection. -??????? Isolation was practically impossible when a public thoroughfare ran through school grounds.-??????? Newgate was a gate in the city walls. The plague got in.May 28ABC late news, re local newspapers only publishing online versions:Printing presses are falling silent. June 1Journalist Andrew Bolt wrote in his Herald Sun column:The Government’s claim of ‘we’re all in this together’ is a fraud, due to no one in the public service losing a job or taking a pay cut, when those who came to be called the front line workers – nurses, doctors, supermarket staff – face the higher health risks.Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp:We’ve been in survival mode, we’re now in revival mode.June 2Channel 10 reporter Phoebe Bowden:People go out and explore the new normal.?ABC program:The deadly infection intruded into (Russian President) Putin’s plan to be president for life. ?June 3Channel 7 reporter Amelia Brace:Once the Corona virus epicentre, the Big Apple (New York) is now a battleground –(re the riots following George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis)?Catherine Wilson-Nash on Facebook:We all went through this differently and our mental health was tested in different ways.?Charlie Pickering, ABC tv:Who would have thought Corona would be knocked off the news cycle? ?June 4:ABC program The Business, Stephen Long:The Government wants to snap back, but there’s no economy to snap back to. ?June 6Kate Torney, CEO of the State Library of Victoria:The world won’t go back to the way it was before. ?ABC news headline:No new cases, the first day since the pandemic was declared. ?ABC Classic FM presenter Alice Keath re composer Beethoven’s somewhat isolated life due to his deafness:We’ve all got to know what isolation feels like. ?June 10Images of neighbours looking over fences, etc:When we look back on these days, remember what we found.?June 13SBS world news:The streets are silent, the shops are closed. ?June 20:World Health Organisation Director at the figure of the highest number of cases worldwide:The world is now in a new and dangerous phase.?Today was the day Victorian premier Daniel Andrews had to cut back the number of people allowed at events and in places, after a spike in numbers. The state of emergency has now been extended to July 19.??ABC newsreader Mary Gearin:25 new cases overnight tipped the balance. ?ABC reporter Zoe Daniel:The Corona virus has closed many doors, but could open new ones.?June 21 – winter solisticeEither the Victorian premier Daniel Andrews or the chief health officer:If you break the chief health directions, you’ll be held accountable. ?From the Great plague book:-??????? The plague’s cruelty was performed in stealth and silence.-??????? The madness of people seems beyond belief. They followed bodies to the grave, despite the prohibitions. -??????? Liberty is not given to the historian on what to choose and reject. -??????? Samuel Pepys has left on record what seems incredible, that in spite, those sick with the plague would breathe out their windows to take contagion to the uninfected.-??????? The plague was universal. It had attained its supreme height, no one can tell when it began.- The Great Plague passed, to become but a memory.?June 22ABC late news:We have to learn to run the economy alongside the virus.Reporter Andrew Probin:Complacency is as much the enemy as the virus.Reserve bank governor Philip Lowe:We’ll be living for years under the shadow of the virus.?June 23ABC tv:In the last few months, the world has changed in an unprecedented state.There are more positive cases and fears of a second wave. Shopping centre drive through centres were swamped, with people having to wait two, three hours.The global death toll approaches half a million.Every day Brazil needs 1000 new graves – so many that they are stacked on top of each other.ABC ‘The Business’ program:The Federal Reserve has opened the chequebook like never before.?June 24Eight days of double digit case numbers are recorded.Chief health officer Brett Sutton:Human behaviour is a strange thingRegarding the extra people getting tested.?June 26The locally based Alice Springs, NT, newspaper, the Centralian Advocate, is closing down.We didn’t see this coming, but it’s here today.Purchase limits have had to be re-introduced at the supermarkets on items like flour, toilet paper after people in the hot spot suburbs panic bought in fear of being locked down again.?June 27Emergency alerts are being sent out by SMS to residents in the hot spot areas.There was a delay with holiday parks getting a temperature gauge to check people’s fever status etc, when the school holidays have already started.ABC program, Alan Kohler:As the pandemic began in March, debt wasn’t on people’s minds – their pantries were. Then they turned to home improvements (Bunnings) and office supplies (Officeworks)7.30 report:The pandemic has been an economic disaster regarding unemployment.An American man interviewed:You have to act now, to what the virus will be in three weeks.ABC late news:Australian online habits have changed dramatically. Purchases increases by 55 % during the pandemic.?June 28Premier Dan Andrews puts the hot spot suburbs on official notice.Medical officer Michael Kidd:This is not a second wave, this is an outbreak.It took 45 days for the worldwide cases to increase from 2 million to 6 million.?June 29Channel 7 morning news:The virus ‘explodes’ – how did the state get it so wrong?75 positive results in the last 24 hours.Victorian government:The label is less important than the action we take.Johns Hopkins university, USA, states that the total infections worldwide is 10 million.?June 30Channel 7 morning show Sunrise host David Koch: Regarding the woman throwing her shopping out of the trolley when told to wear a mask in public.I can’t believe this – America under stress…..they don’t like being told what to do.Today, 3 suburbs have been placed back to Level 3 restrictions for four weeks, until July 29 – mostly in the council areas of Brimbank and Casey. Postcodes and suburbs were listed.Premier Dan Andrews stated that an infection control breach in the hotel quarantine program was responsible, and issued an official notice.The security guards at the hotel breached hygiene protocol and let people move around rooms and go outside to buy food.The World Health Organisation warns that the pandemic is not close to being over.July 1– new financial yearDan Andrews on ABC program ‘The Business’:In the hotspots of Melbourne, there’s not a business that hasn’t felt the impact of Covid 19.?July 2The Melbourne Anglican paper article:A priest asked their congregation what is God’s call to all of us as we emerge from Covid?Further reports in the Herald Sun newspaper about the hotel security guards suggest that illegal cash payments were made and that some guards slept with guests.Confirmed cases around the world passes 10.5 million. 8000 have been in Australia, along with 2.5 million tests.?The police stated that the pandemic doesn’t close down overnight so we don’t??either.?July 3There are now 2300 cases in Victoria, with 66 more in the last 24 hours. Returned travellers are still bringing the virus back.Channel 10 show The Project had a feature on the latest clusters, and discussed the Blame Game – how people want someone to blame.Waleed Aly:If we do the right things, we’ll get out of this. We’re playing a postcode lottery. Naming and shaming groups (suburbs, people) doesn’t help. It further stigmatises.?July 42400 cases. As of today 3000 people in nine public housing tower blocks in inner suburbs are locked down for five days. 500 police officers have been appointed to stand guard on the ground outside.The USA records 55,000 cases ahead of their Independence Day.Premier Dan Andrews:We can’t go back to normal, we have to find a Covid normal.SBS world news:Could a more dangerous mutated form of the virus have reached the USA? Scientists identified a strain named D614G.July 5Channel 10 news:Community transmissions are taking off, from travellers in hotel quarantine.Reporter Natasha Exelby:The pandemic is paralysing Victoria indefinitely.July 62660 cases, with 127 new ones.?July 7For the first time in more than a century, the NSW/Victorian border is to be closed from midnight. Residents in border towns like Albury/Wodonga, Echuca/Moama to be given permits.191 new cases in the last 24 hours.At 3pm premier Dan Andrews announced that Melbourne will be placed back into Stage 3 lockdown for six weeks, till the end of August.35 people are in hospital and nine in intensive care with Covid 19.A professor on ABC 7.30 report:Each time we try to open up, the virus cases take off.ABC news 24 The World program:Eight staff from the Northern hospital in Melbourne have Covid 19. There are 770 active cases, council area Hume has 145, Wyndham 105.The USA death toll is now 130,000 and infections continue to spike. They are now in summer and if the virus is still active then, what hope do we have here in the midst of winter?United Nations sustainable program director Inger Anderson:The pandemic is a result of human failing.Reporter Stephen Long:Australia’s history is punctuated by recessions.Dan Andrews:A six week lockdown will give Victoria a chance to reset.?July 8Prime Minister Scott Morrison:We don’t have control over the virus, but we do in how we respond.Channel 10 news, reporter Candice Wyatt:Today there has been another increase in infections, higher than the totals from March. Community transmissions remain a concern.Dan Andrews:To do otherwise is to pretend this isn’t real.860 active cases today. It was mentioned re the panic buying from shops, that history has a way of repeating itself.The hotel quarantine inquiry is to cost $3 million.ABC program 7.30 report:One of the big issues for Governments is communication.?Dr Norman Swan:We all feel that this pandemic has been going on forever, but without a vaccine, it could take two years.?Dan Andrews: I’m the leader of the Government and the state and it is up to us to fix it.?American president Donald Trump removes the USA from the World Health Organisation. (WHO)?ABC late news:Covid 19 is not like other viruses.?The WHO acknowledges that Covid 19 can spread through the air.?July 9The new police security checkpoints surrounding Melbourne have been described as a ring of steel.?3098 cases in Victoria today. The USA passed three million cases.?Immunologists are making a family tree of the virus.?Channel 10 show ‘The Project’ hosts criticised and questioned the way of the hotel quarantine system, saying there was inconsistency between the states. ?July 10288 new cases, the biggest spike in Australia since the start of the pandemic in March. It is now suggested people wear a mask when out. ?Victorian health officer Brett Sutton described the situation as ‘plain ugly’. ?The National Australia Bank chief economist:This will be the worst recession since the Great Depression?July 111249 total cases, 49 Victorians in hospital and six of those in intensive care.?Health minister Jenny Mikakos:Our hospitals have responded well to this pandemic since January. ?Deputy chief medical officer Dr Nick Coatesworth:We need to prepare ourselves for a world without a vaccine for 12-18 months. We have to be able to live with Covid 19.Dan Andrews:This is not an ordinary weekend.?ABC late news reporter George Roberts:The border bottlenecks are a symptom of Covid recovery.?July 12273 new cases.?Dan Andrews: This is a dangerous, challenging time.?Brett Sutton:This is the public health challenge of our lifetime.?July 13177 new cases. ?Dan Andrews:This is a virus that spreads rapidly and will defeat us if we are not careful. It is silent in many respects, with so many symptoms. A silent and clever enemy.?Email from the annual Open House weekend that would have been held on July 25-26:If 2020 has made one thing clear, it is that we are in unchartered territory. ?Florida is now the epicentre of the USA with 15,000 cases today. ?July 14 – Bastille Day?From Nathan Longfollow, American Library group on Facebook, re libraries reopening only for book pick ups: ‘No reading in the library’ seems so anti-thetical, so silly, meaningless, tragic. The library has always been a place to go and read, learn, research with materials and sources at your disposal. Who would have thought we would be saying something so paradoxical as ‘no reading in the library?’?Brett Sutton re the discussion of stricter lockdowns:Nothing is off the table.?Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk:The enemy is complacency. ?Channel 7 news reporter Ally Donaldson re the South Australia border closure:Our world is getting smaller again.?Michael Leaney, owner of Walhalla’s Star Hotel who does video walks of the local area, re the second lockdown and social distancing:Places are able to reopen but they’ve lost their custom. Things are never going to get back to normal. ?A politician giving a press conference outside a nursing home:Covid 19 has a mortality rate, a death rate. ?Journalist Stan Grant:Despite living with this virus for just over six months, we’re only just understanding the long term effects (on the body, organs etc)We just don’t know what happens after. ?Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard:If this virus doesn’t get you, the economic fall out will. ?July 15Channel 7 morning show host Larry Emdur:13 million people worldwide have contracted Covid. Also this is the tenth consecutive triple digit daily increase. ?Dr David Darley, from a Sydney clinic which will be observing post-Covid patients for 12 months.There is a wide range of clinical severity. Day seven after infection seems to be critical.Covid has distinct clinical stages. ?Channel 10 show The Project host Carrie Bickmore on younger people’s casual attitudes:I’m strong, I’m healthy, I’ll come through the other side.?NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian:Every time we have an outbreak, we can’t afford to lockdown, reopen, lockdown, reopen. That’s no way to live or instil confidence to businesses to keep employing people. ?Julia Leask from the University of Sydney talked about ‘changing behaviours’.?Dan Andrews:If people don’t follow the rules, additional restrictions become more likely. ?An ABC news 24 report discussed genomic testing and how the virus seems to be mutating after each chain of infections. ?ABC reporter Felicity James:One person is all it takes.?Reporter Andrew Probin:The Covid safe app was labelled a dud. ?Northern Territory Government:Very few places remain Covid free. ??July 16The number of people in hospital has passed 100 for the first time.American patient Elle Kehres describes Covid as a spectrum of severity. ?371 cases in Victoria – the worst day. The life cycle of this virus means the actions are not well known for another week or so.?Brett Sutton:The main issue is to not have infection introduced in the first place.?One in eleven London Covid patients have a rash and there are calls for that to be added to the list of symptoms. ?Channel 10 Project show:Right now in Victoria, it’s about so much more than the economy.?July 17NSW premier: We ask people to think about what they are doing, where they are going. ?Dan Andrews:Anticipated infections are expected to be over 400. This is not a normal winter or weekend. If you’re in two minds about whether you should do something, chances are you shouldn’t. ?Today there are a total of 5165 cases, 428 new, 31 people in intensive care.?Jenny Mikakos:We are facing a one in 100 year pandemic, we are in the fight of our lives. ?Brett Sutton:We are not far enough into this pandemic to know what the long term effects will be. ?Ten news reporter Nicole Strahan:With increasing figures, a Stage 4 lockdown looms. ?ABC news:Compared with the USA – that recorded 75,000 cases in one day that ‘shattered records’ and it’s their summer now. ?July 18Dan Andrews:The likelihood of a longer lockdown rests with individuals and families doing the right thing.?2608 active cases, 217 new for Victoria. ?The Australian Medical Association thinks a stricter lockdown needs to occur now. ??July 19363 new cases. Dan Andrews announces that from next Thursday July 23, face masks will be mandatory when going out or people will get a $200 fine. ?Herald Sun newspaper editorial:Corona virus has cut Victoria to the core and how we respond will decide the future of this state. Before May 12, family and social gatherings were responsible for a third of outbreaks, with those in the workplace rising.Age newspaper headline: Victoria’s social distancing was the best in Australia when the second surge hit.Professor James McCaw, Melbourne University is the government’s top epidemiologist. The second surge was probably caused by one or two infections that became large clusters.A report from the national team showed this surge was growing, despite the data showing Victorians were self isolating more than other states. An unlucky random event has led to dramatic consequences – it probably restarted from one or two very small infections.?July 20. 275 new cases. (these new cases are Vic only)Channel 7 Morning show host Angela Mollard:What a weird time, when we can go to Mars, but can’t go to New Zealand.Dr Nick Coatesworth:The situation in Victoria has reached the point where we need to take every potential action we can to reduce transmission.Dan Andrews: This virus is not yet contained. We have to put effective strategies in place and every one in the state is part of that.The hotel quarantine enquiry began today. The botched handling and management of this could be responsible for the second wave.Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, for charity Beyond Blue:The finishing line has been pushed well into the future.Channel 7 journalist James Tobin:I think online meetings are going to be the new norm for awhile.CEO of the tourism and transport forum, Margy Osmond on ABC Q & A program:The legacy out of Covid has been shone on the performing arts sector. ?July 21. 374 new cases.NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian:In a pandemic you never say never to anything.Channel 10 news:Covid has proven to be one heck of a ride.SBS program The Feed:Friday July 24 will mark six months since the first Australian case was diagnosed. ?July 22. 482 new cases.From midnight tonight, wearing a face mask is now required when leaving the house.Brett Sutton:We know what works.The current spike is blamed on infected people still going out.?Daniel Andrews:This is a comment on insecure work.Channel 10 show Project host Waleed Aly, re the difference in numbers between Vic/NSW:Two press conferences, two very different Covid updates. ?ABC 24 the World program:15 million infections worldwide.Reporter Yvonne Yong:It’s a milestone no one wanted to reach. Experts have warned the worst of the pandemic is yet to come.500 million people were infected worldwide during the 1918-19 Spanish Fly. ?Dan Andrews:People are waiting too long to get tested. ?July 23. 403 new cases. 201 Victorians in hospital, 41 of those in intensive care. Federal treasurer Josh Frydenberg:Today we stand here in a very different world.?Channel 7 morning news host Ann Sanders:The real impact on the economy has finally been revealed. ?Channel 10 news reporter Jennifer Keyte:Victoria’s deadliest day of the pandemic. ?ABC late news, Greg Jennett:Economic life has receded from Victoria’s capital. ?Reporter James Hancock:Get comfortable with life behind the mask. If restrictions are dragged on, the economy will be dragged down further. ?July 24. 300 new cases.Brett Sutton: Masks are our Stage 4. Foregoing your mortgage is a public health issue. ?July 25. 357 new cases. Six months since Victoria’s first Covid case. This weekend would have been the annual Open House weekend, where I would have done my seventh year of volunteering and going around to look at what else interested me.July 26. 459 new cases.Dr Nick Coatesworth, the Deputy chief medical officer re NSW outbreak: It depends on where the virus is, what it’s doing. This is now embedded within the community. ?Brett Sutton:There is no magic bullet here. ?Channel 10 news reporter Natasha Exelby:Covid is suffocating the economy but business is at the back of the queue. ?Channel 10 Project show:More grim numbers for Victoria. More sad news for family and friends. ?July 27. 532 new cases. PM Scott Morrison:Infection control procedures must be followed. ?Premier Dan Andrews: My message, request, plea, to all Victorians – if you are sick, even mildly, get tested and then await the results. ?Brett Sutton:We’re at a challenging place with this second wave. The population affected in second waves tends to be younger and working. ?Guest on Channel 10 project show:In terms of a pandemic we were aware of the casual workforce in aged care. ?Australian Kate Langbroek, living in Italy this year:If you’ve had your freedoms denied, and the hill you choose to die on – it seems odd to not wear a mask. ?July 28. 384 new cases, including a baby in intensive care at the children’s hospital, infected by a parent. 80 out of 450 Victorian nursing homes have Covid 19 cases. Channel 7 Sunrise reporter Edwina Bartholomew: Never has everyone in the world at the same time been affected, impacted by the same event. ?ABC show The World reporter Richard Willingham:The army is now being sent into aged care homes. Out of the total of 83 Victorian deaths, 39 have been in aged care. ?ABC reporter Bridget Rollason:The risk is growing, along with the infection rate.?The World Health Organisation says Covid 19 is the most dangerous pandemic it has declared. 16 million cases worldwide, a further million since July 22. July 29. 295 new cases. Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk again closes the border to NSW, declaring all of Greater Sydney a Covid hotspot. ?NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian:We are at a critical stage of the pandemic. ?Sam Ghosh – Herald Sun letters page – evolving language – mask it or casket. Also masketeer. ?Channel 10 show the Living room host Amanda Keller:Staying in has become the new going out. ?Email I received from MP Dr Tien Kieu:This isn’t over. And until there is a vaccine or cure, there is no such thing as normal.?ABC news reporter Jesse Dorsett: Covid continues to disrupt earning and learning across Sydney. ?Reporter Philip Lasker: Since the Great Depression, deflation has only happened twice – in the 1960’s and 1977. We no longer have an inflation rate. ?July 30. 723 new cases, the biggest surge. The aged care crisis is the biggest driver now. ?Dan Andrews:Too many people are still going out between having the test and getting the result. ?We will not see businesses reopen, we will not see businesses survive.From midnight, the Geelong, Surf Coast, Moorabool and Queenscliff council areas are returning to Stage 3 restrictions. ?Dan: The data drives that decision – the virus has spread in family homes, gatherings. But I would also like to thank everyone who is following the rules.From Sunday night, August 2, everyone in country Victoria will need to wear a mask when out. Data transmission says it’s not the pubs and clubs this times that spread the virus, but the meetings of people. The timing for restrictions is based on the data. This a one in 100 year event. ?The meaning of the word ‘essential’ has changed over the last six months. ?Channel 10 Project show:It’s a milestone no one wanted to reach. ABC late news reporter Richard Willingham:Melburnians need to put to bed, the idea that lockdown will be over in three weeks. The numbers just don’t allow for it. ?July 31. 627 new cases. Brett Sutton: We have to get these case numbers down. ?Dan Andrews: There can be no economic recovery until we deal with this public health challenge. ?One of my friends, Jessica Tremp, on another friend’s Facebook post about struggling with this second lockdown:This is just a chapter in our wonderfully layered tapestry of life. ?Channel 10 newsreader Jennifer Keyte:We have been let down by dozens of infected people who are not staying at home. ?Dr Marion Kainer from Western Health:We all have the opportunity to save someone’s life by staying at home. The action every person takes has an impact. The virus will do what it will do. We have the opportunity to control it. ?Dr Norman Swan: It’s how we behave that changes the virus. A virus is a genetic machine designed for survival. It will find any chink in the armour. ?Status of Covid 19:First a city (Wuhan), then a country (China), then the world. August 1. 397 new cases. The annual birthday of horses. Channel 10 newsreader: Covid 19 continues to cause death, anxiety and misery. ?Paris Martin, Channel 10 news re the taxi number plates:These prove that no industry is immune (from being affected by Covid)?Dan Andrews:There are individuals going about their lives as though the pandemic does not exist. ?ABC reporter Elias Clure:The next steps in Melbourne’s lockdown are looming. Ignorance certainly isn’t bliss.?Reporter Richard Willingham:A challenge that has no end in sight. ?August 2. 671 new cases.? State of disaster declared today, along with a new night curfew from 8pm - 5am.Dan Andrews:Today is a series of restrictions about how we live, tomorrow it will be about how we work. We have to get to that Covid normal, as quick as we can. ?Following the night curfew announcement, Terry Gartland on Facebook dubbed Covid the ‘vampire virus’. ?August 3. 429 new cases.Politician James Merlino:2020 is turning out to be a year that none of us could imagine. ?Channel 10 news, Dan Andrews:Some industries will go into ‘pilot light’ mode – still on but not working to full capacity. From midnight Wednesday, it will be the largest industrial shut down. Significant damage needs to be done – re the workplace restrictions. ?Reporter Candice Wyatt:Victoria will emerge from this in a very different state to the start of the year. ?August 4. 439 new cases.The largest on the spot fines were introduced - $4950, for people who breach isolation orders. ?Police minister Lisa Neville regarding people breaching the rules:It’s ridiculous, unacceptable and dangerous. The police now have extraordinary powers for extraordinary times. ?Herald Sun paper opinion piece by Justin Quill, media lawyer:Victoria declared a State of emergency on March 16 and over the weekend of August 3, a State of disaster was declared.?Professor Nick Talley, NSW minister:We have a ticking Covid timebomb.?Dr Kerryn Phelps:Unprecedented solutions. Time matters in Covid 19. ?August 5. 725 new cases. The Stage 4 night curfew starts tonight, from 8pm. ?Age newspaper article by Warwick McFadyen:My retail destinations are all deemed by the State Government as essential to existence in a pandemic. ?August 6. 471 new cases.Channel 10 reporter Candice Wyatt:The bustling city of Melbourne is no more. ?SBS reporter:There are still 146 days to go in this year we’ll never forget. ?ABC late news:Day one of the Deep Freeze for Victorian businesses. The pandemic brings an eerie quiet – re the city streets etc. ?ABC show The Business:Lockdown Limbo. Businesses have requested clarification. There is anger, pain, confusion. Restarting the clock. ?August 7. 451 new cases.ABC online report, Patrick Wood:2020 has a habit of throwing up the unexpected. ?Dan Andrews:I’m accountable for any mistakes. ?Infectious diseases expert Peter Collignon: A lot of countries with high death rates have not been testing every person with symptoms, due to the health systems being overwhelmed. ?Former Australian Medical Association president Dr Mukesh Haikerwal:Multiple trials for a vaccine could take up to 18 months. We still don’t have one for tuberculosis, this is now treated with antibiotics. ?The two doctors named above were then asked what they thought the situation would be in three months time.Dr Haikerwal:The hope is to bring the numbers down and a sense of elimination.?Dan Collins, a nurse who contracted Covid 19, interviewed by Channel 10’s Project show. It may suck that we are in lock down and have to wear a mask. ?ABC news, Michelle Grattan:Covid 19 has now made us two Australias. There’s Victoria – more specifically Melbourne – and then there’s the rest of the country. ?SBS World news:20,000 total infections since March – the beginning of the pandemic. 1500 healthcare workers have been infected. ?Reporter Gareth Boreham:There are too many mystery transmissions where the source is unknown, and more casualities on the front line.?Reporter Lucy Zelic:Open borders are a long way off. ?Reporter Brett Mason:The World Health Organisation warns the silver bullet (vaccine) may never be found.?August 8. 466 new cases.Dan Andrews: The only way we will get to the other side of this second wave is to drive down the numbers. It’s a public health bushfire but you can’t smell the smoke nor see the flames. This virus doesn’t stop, neither do I or my team.?ABC news re Melbourne under curfew and Victoria locked down:Shutting down and restarting isn’t as easy as turning the lights off and then on. ?ABC program the World reporter Samantha Hawley:The risk of infection means the mass graves hurriedly dug in Italy, cannot be disturbed for two years. ?August 9. 394 new cases.Dan Andrews speaking about medical staff in hospitals:You can’t unsee what you have seen. This lingers like a chronic condition. A pandemic is stressful.?Online Age report by Ben Schneiders and Royce Millar:The seeds of Covid 19 might have been sown first among international travellers, but since the bungled hotel quarantine program infected poorly paid and casual guards, it’s now Melbourne’s working class west and north west where the pandemic has taken root. ?August 10. 322 new cases.Channel 10 reporter Yasmin Paton re people’s excuses for going outside the 5 km zone:Excuses are flimsy but the consequences are dire. ?ABC show Q & A, MP Tim Wilson:This virus has shown that there won’t be a one off. It can’t be the space of the virus, but the mental health impacts. ?Q & A host Hamish Macdonald:Two very different Australias: One that’s opening up, the other shutting down. ?New tv ad, Covid patient Sarah:Think before you bend the rules. ?Dan Andrews:The virus does not discriminate, it does not stop. ?August 11. 331 new cases. 15,200 total cases and 246 deaths for Victoria.Today Auckland, New Zealand returned to Level 3 lockdown after four new cases were detected.?Today in Melbourne at the hotel quarantine enquiry, premier Dan Andrews had to answer questions over the bungled program.We are a strong proud community and we will get through this together. ?Facebook comment by Julia Berkhert:The pandemic started off with the affluent who could travel the world and spread the virus around. We have now seen a social migration of the virus towards people in more precarious circumstances. ?ABC, 7.30 report:Isolating while waiting for results is part of the new normal. ?August 12. 410 new cases.Dan Andrews:The only argument that I’m engaged in is against this virus.?ABC late news reporter Mary Gearin:Life in our streets powers down. ?UK reporter re music festivals, nightlife etc:Meetings, music, experience – this is what it makes and it’s in trouble. ?August 13. 278 new cases. The first time it’s been under 300 in two weeks.Dan Andrews:Insecure work, irregular hours is a part of this challenge against the virus. ?Jenny Mikakos has been stripped of the hotel quarantine responsibility.?Reporter Peter Rosen on the nursing home enquiry:The virus doesn’t wait until a bell rings. ?ABC reporter Stephen Dziedzic (pronounced as Jedjets), re the New Zealand outbreak:Covid loves cold places.?ABC program the Business reporter Philip Lasker:The unwelcome milestone – one million Melburnians out of work.?August 14. 372 new cases.Michael Leaney, Proprietor of Walhalla’s Star Hotel and Baw Baw Councillor, also host of live video walks around the town during the lockdown:We have to take this a day at a time, and a week at a time. ?A man in his 20’s has become the youngest Victorian to die from the virus. ?Brett Sutton:I’m confident that we’ve seen the peak. ?ABC late news:16000 infections in Australia since the start of June. ?August 15. 303 new cases.Dan Andrews:One bad choice can lead to one infection.?August 16. 279 new cases. Total Victorian deaths now at 309.The State of emergency is extended to Sunday September 13. Dan Andrews:Outside of wartime, I don’t think we’ve seen a similar thing. Even when this second wave is over, we’ll still see outbreaks. ?Dr Sabine Zimmerman on Channel 7 sunrise program:In a pandemic, what was normal and acceptable yesterday is not today. Taboos also change over time. ?August 17. 282 new cases.Victoria’s death toll reaches a new high – 25 in one day.?Dan Andrews:Because of the low cases of the flu this year, if you have any symptoms, there’s every chance you have Covid.?ABC news re foreign students:A lot of the world is closed, so people don’t know where to go. ?Channel 10 Project host Carrie Bickmore re the Ruby Princess cruise ship enquiry:Even in a pandemic, no one’s walked this path before. ?ABC late news, Grant Duncan from New Zealand:This is a very dangerous and unpredictable disease. ?ABC reporter Bridget Rollason on the hotel quarantine enquiry:In the new Covid world, an entirely online enquiry.?ABC late news:A record 294,800 people worldwide have tested Covid positive in the last 24 hours.?Channel 7 late news:Victoria has one of the longest lockdowns in the world.?August 18. 222 new cases, the lowest in a month. 17,250 total cases in Victoria.A psychiatrist who treats residents at the South Melbourne boarding house Hambleton House where Covid has broken out:There are hygiene disasters in every corner. ?Dan Andrews on a 7 News online report:This is an ultra marathon and we have to keep pushing forward every day. ?Dan at the daily press conference:If you have any symptoms, there’s every chance you have Covid.?From my church news sheet: Rev. Adam Lowe has written an article suggesting churches consider the following four scenarios as they prepare for reopening, as Covid 19 has been the greatest change in living memory within Australian churches.1.???? Recover – how do we get back to the way things were?2.???? Reinvention – what brand new place can we go?3.???? Reframe – what can we learn and adopt to go forward?4.???? Release – how can we finish well??Channel 10 reporter Kristina Kostalos:People are more likely to get Covid 19 this year than the flu. ?Reporter Candice Wyatt:Coles supermarkets says Covid has been the greatest test of our lifetime. August 18?Channel 10 show Project host Pete Helliar:Humans are becoming an indoor species now.?Regarding mental health:They (Government) are changing people’s lives in a disruptive way.?Facebook post – Jamie Boyd, member of the public:The virus loves hot and dry weather. It loves long walks, jumping from person to person. The virus also likes camping, surfing, the pub, shops, cafes and waiting outside people’s homes until they leave, then it pounces. It especially likes being out and about between 8pm – 5am – during curfew hours. The virus is a real catch.August 19. 216 new cases.PM Scott Morrison:Australia needs hope, the world needs hope.?Channel 10 reporter Candice Wyatt:There are 160 potential vaccines being tested across the world.?Reporter Jade Cotic:The rule around driving to the park or beach has been overturned. Anyone who has received a fine can apply to the police to waive it. ?ABC late news, Jane Norman:The biggest ingredient is hope for the vaccine.?ABC late news:Our hotel quarantine system shouldn’t be a part time job.?August 20. 240 new cases.Singer Lady Gaga’s mother, Cynthia Germanotta on Channel 7’s morning show:The entire world is working on one problem together. ?Channel 10 reporter Natasha Exelby re a ‘Spiderman’ – aka Stuart Tyson:Lockdown after lockdown feels like a kick in the guts.?ABC late news reporter Bridget Rollason:The daily figures need to be below 100 before Stage 4 restrictions can be lifted. ?August 21. 179 new cases. 17,850 total since March and 385 deaths in Victoria.7 news online report:Dan Andrews said the numbers have dropped quicker than he expected. Brett Sutton said he thought they are where they should be. Sutton also wants to see the daily numbers below 50 before Stage 4 ends. ?Channel 10 news reporter Nicole Strahan:Jobs, business, foot traffic (in the city) are all down. So are the daily case numbers. ?August 22. 182 new cases. Country town Erica’s ski hire business, re snow in the restrictions when people can’t travel:Oh 2020, you cruel, heartless horror. ?TV host Sonia Kruger:For once in my life I was ahead of the curve. I didn’t know it would be the Covid curve. ?Health minister Brett Sutton:Even if Covid is mild in you, it may not be in others. Masks will need to be part of our lives after Stage 4. ?Channel 10 reporter Samantha Butler re the Brisbane outbreak:Corona virus has broken out of jail and into the community.?August 23. 208 new cases.Today is the halfway mark of the Stage 4 restrictions. Over 500 deaths now nation wide. Global cases have passed 800,000.?Dan Andrews:If we start opening up before we’ve defeated this second wave, we’ll have a third wave.?August 24. 116 new cases.Channel 7 Sunrise show host Eddie Bartholomew:It only takes one case to spark community transmission.?Dan Andrews:This virus won’t have ended by September 13. We’d love it to end tomorrow but it’s not going to. ?Jenny Mikakos:Everything we’ve done to date has been driven by the data.?The Parliament is to consider extending the State of emergency for a further 12 months. It cannot be rolled over for another six months. ?Email from Philip Harvey, library colleague:August has brought about a transformed mood in all of us. We are restricted in where we can go, and with a curfew that keeps us in at nights. ?ABC late news:A historic day for Parliament – where some members were allowed to remain at home and appear via video link. ?August 25. 148 new cases. Dan Andrews:Until we get a vaccine, we are going to need rules. ?Channel 10 news Facebook post re the proposal of the extension of the State of Emergency:The State of Emergency allows for the enforcement of rules that include:-Mask wearing-Isolation for positive cases-Workplaces needing a Covid safe plan-Limits in pubs and cafes.Under current legislation, the State of Emergency can only remain in place for six months – the current one must end on September 13.State of Emergency is different to lockdown stages, curfews and the State of Disaster. ?Cheryl Anderson, Facebook follower of the live-streamed Walhalla township walks:Everything that was normal isn’t this year. ?A re-infection has been proven in a Hong Kong man, who originally got Covid in the first wave. He had flown to Spain, returned home via the UK and has a second bout of it. This is proof that it is mutating. ?ABC late news:The lockdown extension was rejected by the Parliamentary cross-bench. ?Reporter James Hancock:The second wave is deadly to medical workers. They are now picking up Covid at work. Everything counts in an attempt to kill off the virus and get out of lockdown in Melbourne.?August 26. 149 new cases, 25 deaths. Wards at my local hospital in Frankston have been closed as up to 600 staff fall ill, though only around 45 of those are Covid positive. ?17 Covid research projects are being worked on. ?Dan Andrews:Today is the halfway mark for industry closures. The hardest work is going on in every household. ?Julian Elliott from Monash University:We’ve been living through a time of great uncertainty. ?ABC news, reporter Lexie Hamilton-Smith:Infectious droplets can travel further than the recommended 1.5 metre distancing. ?August 27. 113 new cases. Dan Andrews has backed down on the proposed 12 month extensions.?Channel 7 Morning show host Larry Emdur:People need hope.?Morning news reporter Blake Johnson:Melbourne has become a city in standby mode.?Age newspaper online article, by Liam Mannix and Ben Schneiders:More than three weeks into the Stage 4 restrictions and it is working better for those in the wealthier suburbs than the poorer ones. The team of epidemiologists who supply Covid 19 modelling to the Federal Government suspect there is a link between disadvantage, virus spread and the need to travel to work, as many of these people work in low paid casual jobs like cleaning services. So are we really all in this together? ?Channel 10 Project show host Pete Helliar regarding scientists working on a vaccine:We’ve never had a pandemic like this either.?Graham Turner, CEO of Flight Centre on ABC show The Business:We’re going to have to live with this virus, it’s here for good and the travel industry needs to adapt. August 28. 113 new cases. Dan Andrews has been asked for a recovery plan for businesses, with Melbourne? Lord Mayor Sally Capp saying some businesses are now on their knees. ?Email from MP Fiona Patten of the Reason Party:If we change our State of Emergency powers, we aren’t just changing a law for Covid, we’re changing a law for always. We can’t be careless with our democratic principles just because we’re viewing this through a Covid lens now. ?Prime Minister Scott Morrison:Australia was not built to have internal borders. ?ABC tv show ‘The Virus’, featuring Dr Vyom Sharma, a GP and Prof. James McCaw from Melbourne University.Prof. McCaw:The age profile of victims will change – we have already seen this.Establishing that something is common does not mean it is possible – re the Chinese man and his second Covid infection.Enough cases have spread around the world that the virus will be with us forever. ?Also on this program:The protein spikes on Covid 19 change shape so the body does not recognise it. ?August 29. 94 new cases, the first time it has been below 100 since early July. Total Victorian deaths are now 513. NSW Deputy premier John Barilaro, regarding the woman who lost a baby in utero after border closures delayed her getting to hospital:We never had an eradication policy, it was always about suppression (re the virus). Federation wasn’t about borders. ?Dan Andrews:These restrictions are not there to keep the place closed down, they are there to defeat the virus. It is a public health bushfire. We can’t leave it smouldering, we have to put it out. ?Graham Smith on Facebook:Every now and then, the world changes. Adapt and survive. ?August 30. 114 new cases. The Australian national death toll is over 600. Global cases of the virus have passed 24 million, with India being the country under concern now. 830,000 people have died world wide. ?Herald Sun newspaper front page, report by Shannon Deery:The latest lockdown is costing Victoria between $300-400 million in lost economic activity. ?Channel 10 Project show:An idea to control border closures would be a traffic light colour coding system – green, amber and red, based on the numbers of Covid cases in each area. ?ABC late news: State treasurer Josh Frydenberg has described the state’s situation as a slow car crash.What people want to hear is how they’ll get out of this, how they’ll get back to work.?Reporter James Hancock:Even after the Pandemic, life isn’t expected to be the same.?Reporter Ashleigh Raper:In Sydney, Covid 19 continues to circulate in the community. ?Reporter Jane Norman:Prime minister Scott Morrison is demanding a definition of the state borders, in this ‘fractured federation’. ?August 31. 73 new cases. 41 deaths, including 22 from aged care not previously reported. On Sunday September 6, Dan Andrews will announce the roadmap for easing of restrictions. Another week’s data and figures are valuable.National chief medical officer Dr Nick Coatesworth:Queensland and NSW residents are urged to wear a facemask when out. ?Channel 7 show Sunrise host David Koch:In a way, this gives mixed messages. Masks are mandatory everywhere in Victoria whenever people go out, yet in other places it’s only advice if in an enclosed space or social distancing isn’t possible.?Channel 10 news: The emergency services unions want the State of Emergency extended for six months. ?Dr Stephen Duckett from the Grattan Institute on Channel 10 show The Project:The creation of the National Cabinet was supposed to create a national plan, not separate state plans. ?Project host Steve Price:We have to open up the economy before we get to zero cases.September 1.?? 70 new cases.Channel 7 Sunrise host Mark Beretta:The pandemic has made us de-construct life and re-construct it again.?Brett Sutton:There are people who haven’t been tested and continue to transmit. (the virus)?Channel 7 news reporter Blake Johnson:Two sides to today’s figures – Fewer people are getting tested and testing officials are not convinced that everyone with symptoms is being tested. ?Reporter Sharnelle Vella:The State of Emergency has been extended for six months. Health minister Jenny Mikakos needs to seek advice from the Chief health officer for each four week period. ?Carrie Bickmore, Channel 10 Project show:A Covid safe economy does not mean a Covid free economy. ?ABC late news: Victoria will have two roadmaps – one for Melbourne and one for regional. ?September 2. 90 new cases.The AFL Grand Final will not be in Melbourne, at the MCG, for the first time in its 123 year history. Instead it will be in Brisbane at ground the Gabba. ?Natalie Barr, Channel 7 Sunrise show:The pandemic is threatening to devour more iconic events. (with the news that New Years Eve could be under threat)?Channel 7:Australia is officially in recession for the first time in three decades, the most severe one on record. ?Former Prime minister Tony Abbott, Herald Sun report:Knee jerk impositions of new restrictions is threatening Australia with a stop-start economy and stop-start life. ?Revd Dr Graeme Garrett, priest and theologian in the September issue of Anglican church paper The Melbourne Anglican (TMA):Does Covid 19 say adieu??Anglican bishop Paul Barker in a TMA book review, of ‘God and the pandemic’:Normal is gone and the new normal remains unknown.?ABC late news, reporter Andrew Probin:Streets built for thousands, barely populated . Shuttered shops. ?ABC late news, reporter Mary Gearin:Get used to Covid testing, even after restrictions have eased. It’s going to become part of our lives. ?September 3. 113 new cases. Natalie Barr, Sunrise show:Lockdowns, shut downs and stand downs have hit the sector hard. ?Dan Andrews:Every sacrifice that Victorians have made, has to count for something. ?Channel 10 news reporter Candice Wyatt:The (leaked) road map plan offers no way out of the restrictions for the hospitality industry. ABC late news, Bridget Rollason:Dan Andrews won’t increase restrictions based on dates, only case numbers. ?ABC show The Business:We say ‘as safe as houses’ but the pandemic has proven it’s anything but. (re rental issues)?Queensland considers a ‘hot spot’ to be more than 30 cases over a ten day period. ?September 4. 81 new cases, 59 deaths, the highest daily rate but only nine of these were in the last 24 hours. The remaining 50 are a delayed reporting from Aged care, not reported until today. State Parliament is expected to pass the State of Emergency extension in a historic vote. ?Channel 10 news, Gillian Bowen:Lockdowns causing temporary closures, entire industries brought to a halt. ?September 5. 76 new cases. Total of 661 deaths and 1956 active cases. Chris Lucas, the CEO or a restaurant group:We’re not going to get a plan to reopen, but a plan for disaster, re tomorrow’s announcement.?Brett Sutton:This is the last gasp of the virus.?September 6. 63 new cases. Dan Andrews announced the roadmap out of restrictions. The curfew is set to remain until October 26. If less than five cases a day from that date, the curfew will be lifted.You can’t run out of lockdown, because all we’ll do is run into a third wave. ?A four step roadmap has been announced, the last step is not likely until November. ?Step 1 – from Sept. 13 – the night curfew extended to start at 9pm and an extra hour of exercise added.?Step 2 – from Sept. 28 – only if case numbers are between 30-50.?Step 3 – From Oct. 26 and only if case numbers are less than five per day.?The 5 km radius will remain in place for at least six weeks.?Channel 10 Project show:A harsh lockdown vs eased restrictions.?ABC late news, Dan Andrews:Slow, steady, safe – then a Covid normal.?September 7. 41 new cases. PM Scott Morrison described the plan as crushing. Lockdowns and borders are not signs of success.?Jenny Mikakos:We’re seeing second waves around the world, it’s not unique to Victoria.?Channel 10 Project show, Federal health minister Greg Hunt:Vaccines first, testing, tracking and isolation.?SBS World news, reporter Rachel Cary:Victoria has a roadmap to reopen the state, the PM wants a re-route.?September 8. 55 new cases. Total of 19,615 since March and 683 deaths in Victoria.People are delaying having the tests, partly from embarrassment that they’ve got Covid or they don’t want to isolate over weekends. ?September 9. 76 new cases.Sunrise show host David Koch re new isolation videos:Life in lockdown is tough, but Victorians are tougher.?Department of health testing coordinator, Jeroen Weimar, about reports Covid is in the sewerage network:We are stepping up waste water testing on 25 surveillance sites across Melbourne. The Apollo Bay area had no Covid cases two weeks ago.?Channel 10 Project show, Kate Langbroek in Italy:Reopening is a politicised happening. What Armageddon-like street of deserted shops are awaiting??The trials being held in Oxford, UK, are being halted due to a volunteer developing an unexplained condition. In this trial, the placebo is another vaccine to protect against sepsis. ?September 10. 51 new cases. Channel 10 newsreader Jennifer Keyte:Our cities have copped the brunt of the pandemic, and the economic forecast isn’t good. ?Kurt Fearnley, Paralympian and current host of ABC One plus one program:The Corona virus has thrown a spanner into a lot of people’s plans for 2020. ?Channel 7 late news:$110 billion is the estimated recovery over a five year period. 22,000 jobs gone in the food and accommodation industries.?September 11. 43 new cases. Today it was announced that the annual Myer Christmas windows would not go ahead this year, due to wanting to discourage crowds from gathering. And also, Carols by candlelight events are unlikely to be held with crowds either. This will be a very different Christmas. ?Channel 10 project show:Six months ago, it (Covid) was just in China, now it’s everywhere.?September 12. 37 new cases. Victoria’s lowest day since June. NSW Deputy health officer Jeremy McAnulty:Covid 19 continues to circulate in the community.?ABC news:The pandemic has humanised a lot of businesses. ?September 13. 41 new cases. The State of Emergency and Disaster have been extended for another four weeks. The road map to Covid ‘normal’ reads as follows:September 14Sept. 28October 26November 23?The cause of the Covid wave in some nursing homes has been traced to a care worker sharing a house with a security guard from the failed hotel quarantine program, demonstrating the precariousness of both jobs/industries where people need to work at multiple sites each week. ?Antarctic worker:We may come home to a completely different world. ?No one is enjoying the reality we face – Dan Andrews, re businesses opening now as opposed to the later, while announcing a $1 billion support package. ?Tim Pallas, State treasurer:We secure a Covid save future by making these sacrifices. ?Herald Sun report by Waleed Aly of Channel 10’s Project show:This pandemic isn’t an event with a clear beginning, middle and end, but a new reality that will be with us for ages. ?September 14. 35 new cases. ABC The Business host Elyse Morgan:The pandemic has triggered assessments of what people value.?September 15. 39 new cases and no deaths today, the first time with no daily deaths in nine weeks. Regional Victoria can take the next step to ‘Covid normal’ with increased gatherings and places reopening. ?September 16. 42 new cases. 991 currently active.Elective surgery will resume from tomorrow in regional Victoria. ?September 17. 28 new cases. Channel 10 newsreader Jennifer Keyte:70,000 workers across four postcode areas are relying on the Jobseeker payments. ?September 18. 45 new cases.ABC late news, Andrew Probin:Six months since the pandemic was declared, and states remain in control of their borders. ?September 19. 21 new cases. Total of 834 current active, and a total of just over 20,000 confirmed total since March.Dan Andrews:Logic, common sense, and international experience shows we have to get the numbers low before we can keep them low. No one should be doing anything to contribute to the spread of this virus. ?Brett Sutton:The indoor/at home risk (of families gathering, etc) is 20 times more than those outdoors. ?The case numbers will soon be lower than the daily top temperature. ?September 20. 14 new cases. Dan Andrews:We have to defeat the virus in this second wave properly, comprehensively. (People telling) the truth is how we get out of these restrictions. Evidence, science and the data – what is deemed safe. September 21. 11 new cases, total of 763 Victorian deaths since March.Candice Wyatt, Channel 10:If the Premier has proven anything, it’s that he doesn’t change his plans.?September 22. Spring equinox. 28 new cases. Dan Andrews:The structures of rules and the processes are designed to keep Victorians safe until a vaccine arrives. It’s not a matter of pride, it’s the science. (regarding easing restrictions early)Data trumps any assumptions. That’s why data remodelling is done. ?SBS show ‘The Feed’, presenter Alice Matthews:Has lockdown been too strong for too long?What if the projection of zero cases ends up doing more damage than the virus itself??September 23. 15 new cases. A total of 20, 100 infections since March.?September 24. 12 new cases. Channel 10 news reporter Natasha Exelby:Covid has taken something from everyone; a life, in the most extreme cases. For others, a job or a home. ?ABC show Q and A ad for September 29: When we’re in a crisis, we go in search of other humans.?ABC late news, Andrew Probin:The pandemic is rewriting economic rules. ?NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian: It will not be like any other New Year’s Eve we’ve had. ?September 25. 14 new cases. The coldest September day for Melbourne in 20 years, reaching a top temperature of just 12 degrees.?Rachel Carey, SBS news:Dan Andrews appeared before the hotel quarantine enquiry. The report is to come on November 6. Victoria is not to get any international arrivals until then. ?September 26. 12 new cases.Victorian Health minister Jenny Mikakos resigns. Martin Foley is appointed as the replacement.?Personal friend Erin Murphy, a self-named Libertarian, on a Facebook post:By only measuring and reporting the increase and decline in cases, we fail to see the whole picture. There are many other costs of lockdown, including:-??????? Unemployment -??????? Small businesses – will some survive after this?-??????? Family violence-??????? The crime rate-??????? People who have not sought medical treatment during the lockdown and restrictions?Dan Andrews:2020 is a very strange year. ?Stephen Schippert, re the tulips at Silvan Tulip farm:While the lockdown drags on, nothing is stopping the flowers from opening. ?September 27. 16 new cases. Today was the day for the announcements for the next steps in the plan. October 19 is three weeks away, this is a life cycle for the virus.We are no longer talking in dates, but case numbers .The night curfew is lifted from 5am tomorrow morning and there is a new penalty for having too many visitors. September 28. 5 new cases. Dan Andrews:Just a few weeks ago we were reporting 725 cases, not five. This is a one in 100 year event. You have to borrow to build – infrastructure, etc. ?ABC late news, Brittany Klein:A deserted MCG in September.?September 29. 10 new cases. Channel 10 news:Data from Johns Hopkins University, USA, shows that Covid has now killed more than one million people worldwide. ?Channel 10 news, Kristina Kostalos:For some traders at the Queen Victoria Market, the next three weeks could be make or break as many customers come from beyond the five kilometre zone. ?ABC, Leigh Sales:Living with Covid long term means a vaccine may not be available. ?Hana Assafioi, owner of the Fitzroy Moroccan bar:Change is difficult for a lot of people.?ABC reporter Casey Briggs:In countries like Chile, it’s hard to slow the spread if you don’t know where the virus is.?September 30. 13 new cases. Brett Sutton:The constraints we have now are what will make things easier over time.?Report by Dr Rachelle Gilmour in monthly paper the Melbourne Anglican:We live in a world marred by humanity’s inability to live in peace alongside one another. The paradox of our lives in Melbourne over the last few months is suffering the hardship of not living alongside each other and having to create physical barriers. ?October 1. 15 new cases.Dan Andrews:We’ll get there as soon as we can.?October 2. 7 new cases.Brett Sutton:The strain in Melbourne is now diverging.?Dan Andrews:If you have symptoms this weekend, don’t wait until Monday for testing. ?American president Donald Trump and wife Melania test positive. At his age and health status, he is at high risk.?October 3. 8 new cases.Total of 805 Victorian deaths since March.Monique Wright, Channel 7 Weekend Sunrise host re Trump:The first phase is feeling the symptoms. The second is seeing if they get worse and for some, the third is dealing with ongoing symptoms post-virus.?Host Matt Doran re Trump’s diagnosis:We have seen 200,000 Americans die of this and now it’s taken centre stage.?Dan Andrews:People have got it and they don’t even know they have it. ?ABC news reporter Samantha Hawley:The term ‘long Covid’ is used to describe symptoms like fatigue, that linger months after the original infection.?October 4. 12 new cases. Dan Andrews:The trend is with us, the numbers are coming down.?October 5. 9 new cases. Mark Stoove, a Burnet Centre epidemiologist:The responsibility belongs to both the Government and community. ?Dan Andrews:This virus has presented in different ways in different states. Removing the 5 km limit here is based on doctors advice, data and science. ?Kathryn Diss, ABC American correspondent:This virus is easy to get and just as hard to recover from.?Reporter Bridget Rollason:The uncertainty seems to be something we can live with. ?The Business host, Eleyse Morgan:Shops without customers, hair salons with empty chairs. October 6. 15 new cases.The ‘Chadstone cluster’ continues to grow, with 24 people now infected, including a person in the country town of Kilmore after one of these people travelled there.The delayed Federal budget was released – the most crucial budget since World War II – dubbed the Rescue budget, with treasurer Josh Frydenberg believing recovery will not begin for four years.Channel 7 news:We’re in the hands of an unpredictable virus’.Tim Lester , ABC news:Just as the pandemic has guided the budget itself, it has guided the reaction (such as the audience forced to watch on video link from Old Parliament House)The budget rests on the Covid vaccine turning up.?October 7. 6 new cases.Natasha Exelby, 10 news:One Covid infected person from Melbourne went to a Kilmore café.Regarding the education’s VCE GAT test:The entire state is being tested like never before.The World, ABC, reporter Sophie Scott:There is no rule book for this pandemic.?NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian: Until we get to the end of the pandemic, it is unlikely NSW will reach 28 days of no new cases, that’s not how a pandemic works.?October 8. 11 new cases.Dan Andrews:The spread of this virus without us knowing, is what can set us back. We are very close, this is working. ?Facebook post from UK resident Joe Solo:Retrain? What the world is missing is the music. Songs at the football. Soundtracks to films when the world finally takes its first tentative steps from the bunker into the new day it will come looking for us. And it will find us. Whether in a house, crowded venue or around a campfire, it will find us. We are the music. ?Natasha Exelby, 10 News:There is no life in Australia right now that Covid 19 hasn’t touched. ?Channel 10 show the Project host Rachel Corbett:In NSW it looks like the pandemic doesn’t exist. ?October 9. 11 new cases.Jockey Michelle Payne on spring racing with no crowds:It’s a different year this year.?Channel 10 ad for show The Project:The only thing that has spread faster than the virus itself has been mis-information. ?A personal writer friend’s Facebook post, about going into the city after months:Seven months of lockdown – it’s taking a toll. When in the city, I didn’t want to touch anything, I felt scared and couldn’t wait to get home. If that’s what seven months can do to a woman, and a fairly resilient one at that, what’s it going to do to a community or a city?October 10. 14 new. A friend of the writer mentioned above, in her reply on the Facebook post:We have to do a constant dance between gratitude for what we have, and despair for what we have lost. It’s an intense kind of whiplash and I wasn’t coping – too much now. Too long and too hard.Weekend Sunrise show host, Monique Wright:Crowded beaches are now a Covid concern. ?Port Philip council mayor, Bernadene Voss:This is going to be a summer like no other.?Sarah Mackey, Director of community engagement for the National novel writing month organisation:2020 has robbed us of so many things we love to look forward to and plan for: travel, seeing family and friends, concerts, sport. The list is so long that it’s hard to contemplate.?Dan Andrews:We will take steps next Sunday.?Opposition leader Michael O’Brien:Dan Andrews is going for an elimination strategy, no other state is. ?October 11. 12 new cases.The State of Emergency and disaster is extended to November 8.Channel 7 Sunrise host Sally Bowrey, on restaurants doing care packages for international students who have remained in Australia:It’s an irony that the lockdown designed to keep people apart, has brought us together.?ABC late news:Dan’s phone records are to be examined for the hotel quarantine enquiry.?October 12. 15 new cases.The secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet,?Chris Eccles resigns today.?Dan Andrews:Some communities have not had a break all year – the bushfires at the end of 2019, to Covid starting in March. This is not a static thing, it’s a dynamic virus. You can have it and give it to others, but never know you have it. You don’t feel the impact of decisions until two, three weeks after you’ve made them.?Carrie Bickmore, Channel 10 Project show:Imagine being premier right now.?Former PM Julia Gillard, now Chair of organisation Beyond Blue:This is an unusual time with many pressures.American reporter on SBS World news:We still don’t know a lot about immunity to this virus. ?October 13. 12 new cases. Herald Sun report:There are renewed calls to end Victoria’s harsh lockdown after Dan Andrews admitted it might now ‘be as good as it gets’.?Channel 7 morning news, Ann Sanders:Our (state) borders remain closed due to the pandemic and it’s unclear when they’ll reopen.?October 14. 7 new cases.My personal psychologist:This year has been a write off. We’ve been marking time until it’s over. ?Dan Andrews: It all starts with getting tested. ?Herald Sun report by Alannah Frost:Leading epidemiologists believe the number of new mystery cases, and not the total – should trigger the state’s reopening as this is a more accurate representation of where and how Covid is spreading. ?October 15. 6 new cases. No major changes in the daily updates/reports.October 16. 2 new cases. The rolling average is now 8.7 and some mystery cases as at October 13.?Dan Andrews:We as a state have been as stubborn as the virus. These are the most difficult decisions I’ve made in twenty years of public life. We still don’t know the long term effects of having had this virus. It’s called ‘novel’ for a reason – we don’t know everything about it. David Canny, owner of the Red Lion hotel:Pubs are on the edge of a debt cliff.Channel 10 reporter Simon Love:Everywhere in Melbourne, there are signs of an industry frozen in time.?An extraordinary session has been called for the hotel quarantine enquiry on Tuesday October 20.October 17. 1 new case but it was reclassified, so zero today. 17 mystery cases. Dan Andrews:Every Victorian, no matter their background or postcode, they’ve done the course. Not everyone gets a test. There’s more of this(virus) out there than we think. It’s not a stationary target, it’s a moving enemy. ?Channel 9 news, Sophie Walsh re modern airport facilities in Italy:It’s changed the way we live and transformed the way we travel. This is the Brave New World (reference to Aldous Huxley’s novel) of international travel. ?October 18. 2 new cases.Today the easing of some restrictions were announced. No limit on leaving the home now though a 25 km limit has been imposed. ?Herald Sun article by Steve Price about Ghost town Melbourne restaurants:These are not normal times though – they haven’t been since that Saturday morning in March of the cancelled Grand Prix. ?ABC news, Bridget Rollason:The bubble has grown, but hasn’t gone.?October 19. 4 new cases.Hairdressers and barbers can finally reopen.Professor James McCaw:A Covid normal will be different into 2021, when the state borders reopen.?Dr Norman Swan:Covid ‘normal’ is likely to have to last for many months to come.?October 20. 1 new case.Worldwide total cases pass 40 million and the UK enters another lockdown. ?Dan Andrews:The only rules that will stay are the ones that keep us open. Some things have been exposed by this global pandemic – namely the casual workforce. ?Singer/entertainer Guy Sebastian:In this pandemic, a lot of the purpose of musicians has been taken away. ?SBS The Feed host Alice Matthews:Artists and musicians are also recording this time in history ?October 21. 3 new cases. Carrie Bickmore, Channel 10 Project host:This year has been a bunch of red lights with Covid.?October 22. 5 new cases.Another communication breakdown, two schools closed. From now each family will have their own caseworker, rather than one person per member. October 23. 1 new case.Herald Sun reporter, Grant McArthur:It should never be forgotten that the Corona virus crisis holding the world hostage, started as a single case. ?Channel 10 news reporter Natasha Exelby, reports on cafes reopening:For the first time in a long time, there’s hope in the air.?Despite the Federal Government wanting to set up travel bubbles between countries, international travel is still banned.Tourism lecturer David Beirman, ABC show The World:Move to an advisory, rather than a straight out ban. A ‘bubble by bubble’ proposition’. ?October 24. 7 new cases. The AFL Grand Final is played in Brisbane. Herald Sun report, Patrick Carlyon re the Grand Final:Melbourne has jammed in a year unlived.?Richmond Tigers team captain Trent Cotchin:This year has been a year like no other.?October 25. 7 new cases. Due to the Preston East Islamic College and associated outbreak, restrictions aren’t quite eased yet. The premier advises of a ‘cautious pause’. ?Channel 10 news, opposition leader Michael O’Brien:We are heading into week 17 of what was originally supposed to be a six week lockdown.?Former premier Jeff Kennett:He (Dan Andrews) builds up hope one day, then smashes it the next.People have died, they’re losing their businesses and income. It’s not the original mistakes that are the issue here. It’s the ongoing cover ups.?Woman on Facebook:I feel like a carrot has been waved in front of us and we’re hit by a stick.?ABC news reporter Margaret Paul:Melburnians have done a lot of waiting this year. ?October 26. No new cases for the first time since June.After 12 weeks in lockdown, shops and other services are set to reopen from Wednesday (28th)?Wes Lambert, Herald Sun opinion:There is a golden rule of politics, under promise and over deliver. On Sunday the Victorian Government broke that rule and so further depressed a sector of the state’s economy that cannot sink any lower. ?Channel 9 news online:There is a dangerous new outbreak emerging in the northern suburbs and that needs to be crushed. So six million people are locked away because of a handful.Opposition leader Michael O’Brien:There’ll be scars on the psyche of the state.?October 27. No new cases.Dan Andrews:Any symptoms, get tested first. This is about hygiene and wearing masks properly. ?October 28. 2 new cases.Melbourne is free! Shops, restaurants and cafes can reopen, even though they have to observe customer/patron limits.10 Newsreader Jennifer Keyte:Separated families have been the victims of the lockdown.?A woman regarding the easing of restrictions:It’s that little chink or normality in a difficult world.?October 29. 3 new cases.Dan Andrews:Wear your mask and wear it properly. Wash your hands and do it often. ?October 30. 4 new cases.Brett Sutton:We often think about tests in a black and white way – a positive or negative – but there are some that aren’t so clear. ?October 31. 1 new case, a potential false positive.Dan Andrews takes today off from the press conference, the first in 120 days. Health minister Martin Foley gives the daily update. ?Brett Sutton:This pandemic started with a single person in December last year. ................

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