Create Your Own Political PartyYou have been tasked with creating your VERY OWN POLITICAL PARTY! The key goal of this assignment is to create a platform (a political party’s statement on specific policies and general beliefs) that is defined and specific. Step One – Party Platform (30 Points): Using your provided handouts and links available on millerlandon., build a political party platform that includes your party’s views on at least THREE key issues on the National level. You may choose any issue, or consider some of the issues when researching:Foreign Policy-?U.S. involvement in Middle East, global war on terrorEnergy-?Natural gas (fracking), alternative sources of energy.Health Care-?Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare). Should the government provide healthcare to its citizens?Environment-?Should the Federal government be involved in protecting the environment? Should there be penalties for companies who pollute? Setting more land aside to be protected.Immigration/Border Security-?Amnesty for illegal immigrants, punishment for companies who hire illegal immigrants. Building a wall on America’s border with Mexico.Taxes-?Tax increases or cuts for wealthy/ middle class/ poor, Raising income tax percentage (progressive tax), or going with a flat tax percentage rate.Gun Control:?2nd Amendment Rights – Stronger or more lenient gun laws.Equal pay for women-?Should companies be required to pay women the same wages for the same job that a man does? Is this a decision for the federal government or private companies?Raising the Minimum Wage-?Should the current federal minimum wage of 7.25 an hour be raised? To what amount?Education-?School vouchers, common core standards- should federal government be involved in public education?National Security-?How will your party’s policies protect the country. Balancing citizens’ individual freedoms with National Security.Your platform must be typed (12 point font/Times New Roman) with information organized under headings showing your key issues, and must be a minimum of one page. Follow the following format when completing platform:State the problem or issue within the United States.Provide at least 2 pieces of evidence (statistics, data, chart, quotes from a reliable source) relating to the impact of the problem or issue.? Elaborate on your evidence by explaining it’s significance in YOUR OWN words. Be sure to cite evidence within the platform.Present your party’s solution to the issue.DO NOT copy and paste information directly from websites. Any plagiarized information not written in YOUR OWN words will result in a grade of zero and an integrity referral. Step Two – Party Symbol (10 points): Choose a name and create a logo or symbol for your party reflecting your platform and policies on the different issues. YOU SHOULD NOT WORK ON YOUR SYMBOL UNTIL YOUR PLATFORM IS COMPLETE.You may choose an animal, object, or place to represent a theme for your party. Provide a 4-5 sentence explanation on the back of your symbol describing the connection to your platform. (Will be graded based on effort, creativity, and representation of platform & policies. Artistic ability will not be graded. Must be drawn – no printed pictures.)DUE DATE:Tuesday, January 5th - WORTH 40 POINTSPolitical Party Grading Rubric(To be turned in with your 2 completed tasks)Name of the Political Party:Name of Founder (Your Name):Level 1Below Grade Level ExpectationsLevel 2Approaching Grade Level ExpectationsLevel 3Meets Grade Level ExpectationsLevel 4Exceeds Grade Level ExpectationsParty Platform (30 POINTS)Comments:Weak use of written language.Errors distract from the product and interfere with meaning in some parts.No evidence/data provided.Written products poorly apply the unit concepts.Followed almost none of the directions, including font & page length.Satisfactory use of written language.Errors distract from the product but do not interfere with meaning. Little evidence/data provided. Not cited.Written products adequately apply the unit concepts.Followed a few of the directions, including font & page length.Clear use of written language.Errors do not take away from the impact of the project. 1 piece of evidence of evidence/data provided and cited to support viewpoint on each issue.Written products effectively apply the unit concepts.Followed majority of the directions, including font & page length.Exceptional use of written language. Few or no errors.2 pieces of evidence/data provided and cited to support viewpoint on each issueWritten products expertly apply the unit concepts.Followed all of the directions, including font & page length.Party Symbol (10 POINTS)Comments:Symbol does not represent political party and there is no evidence of explanation of connection between the symbol and party.No evidence of effort put into creation of symbol.Followed almost none of the directions.Symbol barely represents political party and there is little evidence of explanation of connection between the symbol and party.Evidence of little effort put into creation of symbol.Followed a few of the directions.Symbol mostly represents political party and there is evidence of explanation of connection between the symbol and party.Evidence of some effort put into creation of symbol.Followed majority of the directions.Symbol clearly represents political party and there is a clear explanation of connection between the symbol and party.Clear amount of effort and dedication applied to creation of symbol.Followed all of the directions ................

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