
March & April Newsletter 2020Dear Members and Carers, It’s hard to believe that February is over! As usual, the centre has been a hive of activity, from making to baking and chatting to playing all manner of games. Over seventy Chinese meals were enjoyed for the New Year, as well as a hearty cottage pie for Valentine’s plus sweet and savoury pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.As you now know, Eileen made the tough decision to retire from the Exeter Gateway Centre. We would like to thank her for all her hard work during her tenure as manager-the centre would not be the place it is without her efforts over the past years. Daryl has stepped up from senior support worker to become manager and looks to continue Eileen’s vision for the centre and its members.As the weather has been so atrocious, we haven’t been able to get out into the garden to use the new greenhouse or utilise the beds. Hopefully, it will eventually stop raining and we can start to use our outdoor space. Our Tuesday numbers are gradually increasing-we have been making items from clay, willow and recently using mosaic tiles to create coasters, trivets and upcycle pots. We are also working on a sign for the front of the building to show off our talents! There will be other activities during the next months, including furniture upcycling and gardening. The weather will hopefully allow us to get outside, use the decking area and also get to grips with the planting. There have been discussions about trips and activities and suggestions have been duly noted-we have been offered a stadium tour at Exeter City, as well as a visit to or from the fire service. We will hopefully go out in small groups to the garden centre and possibly the Scrap Store (weather dependent).We will have our first bbqs for the year during the last week of April. Fingers crossed, we might be able to get outside and enjoy some late April sunshine….310896014732000Our theme for March and April is:DINOSAURSFascinating creatures that roamed the earth millions of years ago…We will be-Researching facts and figures-Where did they live? What did they eat? How big or small were they? Creating fact files and Top Trump cardsMaking models using ‘junk’Using animation to make short films starring playdough creatures!Drawing and painting picturesWatching films and documentaries relating to prehistoric times Some dates of specific events arranged so far (there may be more!)Week beginning 9th March – Red Nose Sport Relief.We have fundraised for this worthy charity and raised hundreds of pounds over the years. Members have said they would like to do this again so we are having a week of exercise/sporting activities. Any member that wishes to raise money will complete an hour of their preferred exercises, whether it be walking, Wii, exercise biking, dancing or something else. We hope family, relatives and carers will sponsor a member to complete this.Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th March A stadium tour of St James Park: A behind the scenes tour of the stadium courtesy of Exeter City FC. Leaving from and returning to the centre in time for lunch.Wednesday 15th/Thursday 16th AprilA trip to Bernaville Nurseries by public bus (small groups), to have a look around and see what we would like for our garden! Leaving and returning during normal Gateway hours.Week Beginning 27th AprilOur first BBQs of the year. Hopefully it will have stopped raining and we can enjoy some late April sunshine…We may also venture across Belmont Park (in small groups) to the Scrapstore (weather dependent).center317500REMINDERSFee Increase-Everyone should have received notification of an increase in fees with effect from 1st April (from ?22 to ?24). If you could adjust your standing orders accordingly that would be very much appreciated.Opening Times- Can I remind members that our official opening times are 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Increasingly, members have been arriving earlier and earlier (from 9.30 onwards-we often have 8 members by 9.45 a.m.) We do not have full staff numbers until 10.00 a.m.,so it puts pressure on setting up activities. If there is a necessity to arrive early please contact the manager to make prior arrangements.And finally…THE CENTRE WILL BE CLOSED ON EASTER MONDAY 13TH APRILPlease return the slip below ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Name(s)…………………………………….. Wednesday 18th MarchI would like to go on the stadium tour (please circle) YES / NOWednesday 15th/Thursday 16th AprilI would like to go to Bernaville Garden Centre (please circle) YES / NOWeek beginning 27th April I would like a BBQ (?3 ea) on Mon, Weds, Thurs (circle) I enclose ?………………I would like to go to the Scrapstore (during Gateway hours, subject to the weather) (please circle) YES / NO ................

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