MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE NEW BRAUNFELS PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETYApril 13, 2020The New Braunfels Photographic Society convened for its regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 13th at 6:30 PM on-line via Zoom.The President, Victor Watson, called the meeting to order and welcomed the members. The President then asked the membership to approve the previous month’s minutes. A motion to approve was made, seconded and the minutes approved.The Treasurer, Sharon Deeny, gave the Treasurer’s report. The bank balance as of March 31, 2020 was $1864.98OLD BUSINESS:March Print Contest: Because of the current situation with the Corona virus the Center for the Arts had to shut down our exhibition early. In spite of this, two pieces were sold. Members who need to retrieve their work before the restrictions are lifted should contact Victor. This can only be done by special arrangement on Sundays and Victor will coordinate this. June Digital Competition: There will be a digital image competition in June which will be judged by PSA. Dennis Deeny is the coordinator for the June event. The theme for the event is “Anything Texas”. So far 21 members have signed up for the competition and 7 members have submitted their photos. PSA will only do critiques on 30 pictures so that is the limit on the number of entries. If someone wants to submit two pictures, they can, but they need to designate their first and second choice. The first nine second tier pictures received will be used to fill the remaining slots. Participants should send their entries to Dennis Deeny no later than the first of May. Fotoseptiembre: The club will participate in Fotoseptiembre for 2020 with a print exhibition. The venue will be the Center for the Arts. It will have an open theme. Members wishing to participate should let Victor Watson know no later than the June membership meeting. Photos will not have to be submitted until later in the summerBoard Meeting: The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be Wednesday 22 April at 09:30 AM and will be an on-line meeting via Zoom. Victor will send out information on the Zoom session. Club members are invited to attend or to submit questions or comments to any Board member for discussion at the meeting. Member Recognition Program: Victor Watson Has posted his memorandum concerning the Membership Recognition Program on the web site. All members are requested to read the memo and familiarize themselves with the program.Nominating Committee: Homer Gilbert is in charge of the Nominating Committee for 2021 Club Officers and Board Members. He has sent out an email soliciting nominations and candidates. If you are interested in running for one of the positions, please contact Homer Gilbert.NEW BUSINESS:The New Braunfels Photographic Society is offering a special online session with Matt Kloskowski on “How to Edit Photos like a Pro” using Lightroom and Photoshop. This webinar will take place on Thursday April 16 from 9-11 AM. Victor has sent out information on how to register and participate in this event. If you haven’t already registered, you can still do so. This will be in conjunction with another club and there will be time for live questions VIEWING OF IMAGES: We viewed the April images. The assignment theme was “Back Roads” and the winner was Dennis Deeny for his picture “The Road Home”. Dennis received a gift certificate for a 16x20 print from Digital Pro Lab.PROGRAM: Victor gave a demonstration of Photo Diva, a software program for post processing portraits.ASSIGNMENT THEME: The assignment for May is “Nature/Landscapes”.The meeting was adjourned at 08:32 PM. There were 17 members in attendance.Respectfully submitted,Dennis Deeny, Secretary ................

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