CBSS – Council of the Baltic Sea States – Building ...

|PSF Progress Report |

|Please enclose any material developed within the project, so far (videos, photos, website, brochures, posters, etc) together with this report. |

|If more space is needed, please extend the boxes |

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|Legal name of the Lead Partner |

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|Title of the project (project title and PSF project number) |

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|Legal representative (person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the Lead Partner) |

|Family name (Ms/Mr) | |First name | |

|Position/function | |

|Contact/Project Coordinator (person to contact for questions on this report) |

|Family name (Ms/Mr) | |First name | |

|Position/function | |

|Email | |

|Telephone | | | |

|Reporting period |

|Start date of the project |Date of progress report |(months so far) |


|Summary of achievements (a brief summary of major achievements so far, accomplished activities/sub-goals/milestones reached vis-à-vis your |

|project plan. If available, please enclose pictures for demonstration). |

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|Resources (is the project expected to be completed on time and within budget? Has the project encountered any problems such as activities not |

|undertaken vis-à-vis time-line/project plan?) |

| |

|Signature of the legal representative |

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|I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that the information given in this PSF Progress Report is complete, factual, accurately recorded and in |

|accordance with the Grant Contract. |

|On behalf of the Lead Partner, the undersigned hereby allows the Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat to make available and use all |

|data provided in this report. |

|Data subjects may, on written request, gain access to their personal data. They should address any questions regarding the processing of their |

|personal data to the PSF Coordinator. |

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|Lead Partner | |

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| |Legal name and stamp (if available) |

| | |

|Legal representative | |

| |Name in capital letters |

| | |

|Date and Place | |

| |YYYY-MM-DD Town/City |

| | |

|Signature | |

| |Signature of legal representative |

| | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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