
November 2020 Mailing** Voters Meeting Sunday Dec 6, 2020 at noon with the purpose of sharing the financial?update and budget. **This is the day the Lord has made for me and I will rejoice and be glad in it!Greetings Faith Family,Thank you for all that you do to make sure this ministry is here today and for generations to come. As I look at how God is blessing this ministry entrusted into your care and mine I see tremendous blessings to us and through us. We are blest with many new people worshipping with us at nearly every service. We have been blest with a tremendous long stretch of outdoor services. We have countless number of people coming together to make 5 services happen. We are blest by God through every one of you!As many have returned to worship and many others returning I realize that there are good reasons why some have not yet returned. If you are not returning yet please know that communion is a phone call away. If you are not yet returning I pray that you are joining your faith family through the online options. If you can’t view the online let me know and we will send you a CD.With everything going on in our world I want to remind you that your relationship with the Lord needs to be top priority. Please know that whatever I can do to help you in your faith walk, please let me know.Here to serve God by serving you,Pastor Mark Haller586-859-1947Worship AttendanceOct 10/11Oct 17/18 Oct 24/25Oct 31/Nov 1Sat 4 pm 130908595Sat 6 pm 58304128Sunday 8 am 49595762Sunday 9:45 am 35323938Sunday 11 am 59398580Total 331250307303Pre-Covid Worship Attendance= Oct 6 – 320, Oct 13 -319, Oct 20 – 400, Oct 27 – 269ST PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCHOFFERING SUMMARYFOR OCTOBER 2020OCT 3/4THOCT 10/11THOCT 17/18THOCT 24/25THOCT TOTALSGENERAL (NEEDED PER WEEK)$ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 48,000.00 OFFERINGS :GENERAL GIVING$ 13,802.83 $ 11,307.31 $ 12,522.66 $ 12,729.30 $ 50,362.10 MORTGAGE $ 821.00 $ 941.00 $ 821.00 $ 2,082.00 $ 4,665.00 MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL$ 205.00 $ 700.00 $ 205.00 $ 490.00 $ 1,600.00 WEEKLY TOTAL INCOME$ 14,828.83 $ 12,948.31 $ 13,548.66 $ 15,301.30 $ 56,627.10 ***OTHER OFFERINGS DESIGNATED TO SPECIAL FUNDS NOT LISTEDSCHOOL UPDATEDear Congregation, the school has made it through the first quarter – and things are going great!We had our accreditation visit at the end of October. The purpose of accreditation is to?help all Lutheran schools improve, help schools to evaluate themselves based on their unique purposes, assure a level of quality for accredited Lutheran schools based on national standards, and to give appropriate recognition to those schools that complete the process successfully. We have not received our official report back yet, but the accreditation team was very impressed with our building, our staff and volunteers, and our technology. Thank-you to everybody who volunteers to help us provide such a great space to educate our children!!?Our report will include a self-improvement plan, which will give us suggestions of things to complete before our next accreditation, four years from now.?Please remember that if you are a Thrivent member, you can dedicate your Choice dollars to come to the school. We use the money that comes from this for our Angel Fund which provides tuition help to those families who need financial assistance in order to attend our school.We were blessed with a generous donation that allowed us to purchase a classroom set of ukuleles for the older students. They are working diligently to prepare a Christmas hymn or two to share with you this season. ?Most of all, we want you to know that we are so very thankful for your prayers and support. We ask that you continue to keep our students, their families, and our entire staff in your prayers.Heather Haller St. Peter’s?Giving TuesdayIf you seek a special gift, the greatest gift of all; Don’t look beneath your tree, it was never there at all; The greatest Christmas gift, was given to us all: The Christ child in a manger; In a lowly cattle stall.To All of our Faith Family Members,During these pre-Christmas weeks we have all participated in Black?Fridays, Cyber Mondays and a variety of other shopping deals. We?purchase things to show our?love, to our family and friends, and other people who touch our lives.The Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is nationally designated as?Giving Tuesday, and it encourages charitable giving.? So on December 1st,?why not have our own Giving Tuesday here at?St. Peter’s?? We can make an online?or in-house donation to show our love and gratitude to our Lord?for all of His many Blessings, and especially His ultimate gift of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Last year we raised over $3,000 and used this money to assist others.?This year all gifts on Giving Tuesday will be split 50% to mortgage principal and 50% to our school tuition assistance fund.??As always you can donate in person or online on our website. For those of you who might not be familiar with our Excel in Giving here are the online instructions:Go to Scroll down on the homepage to the blue button that says “click here to give online”The system will walk you through: Envelope # (optional) , choose a fund (Giving Tuesday), amount of? contribution, choice of credit card or checking acct # ( all information safely encrypted) , your name and address.? Click the Submit button and your gift is made.To give by text: Dial 1-586-257-2727. Type in:?Give?in the message section. You will be connected to the St Peter’s giving section, and it continues as above.A blessed and happy Advent season to all of you, as we await?the celebration of God’s greatest? Gift? to us all!Church and School PropertyI want to thank the congregation for the support and prayers on the work done in Gods House.With the virus the GYM floor is on hold, but is not forgotten.Roof maintenance on 2002 addition was done.Snow Removal Team: we need more than two people for snow removal. To have a contract with a company would be a lager cost in the church budget. For a seasonal cost of one plowing per day is $3,120.00 with additional cost per plowing for that day duo to activities of the day. For seasonal cost of shoveling the sidewalks is $2,385.00, with additional cost of shoveling for that day duo to activities of the day, plus Ice Milter at $40.00 a bag. Salting of the parking lot is $244.00 per application. These cost are for up to 4” of snow, over 4” is an additional charge. By having a contract for snow removal well be a great expense to the budget with the cost going over $10,000.00. Please join the snow removal team, we have the equipment.Partners in the Gospel:The Church received a donation of a used Grasshopper Lawn mower along with a donation of funds to purchase a broom to help with snow removal. Thank you for the donationsThank You to Michael Summers, Steve Summers, Brian Haack, Jerry Gramzow, Dave Wielinga, and Ed McVeigh for helping with lawn maintenance.Thank you to Don Gillette, Jim and Simone Stern along with their grandsons for cleaning up flowerbeds, grass cutting, edging, and trimming.Thank you to Mrs. Amanda Francek and the Youth Group for helping clean the flower beds.Thank you to Gary and Kaitlyn Sears for cleaning the Church and basement.**?Custodial Help** - At times we need help in school to cover a vacation?or day off for our worker. If you are willing to help or know someone?who is willing to be hired for times like this, please let Kal or Pastor know.2021 Property GoalsCHURCHBids for New RoofReplace carpet in SanctuaryCleaning of wood and tile floorResealing Balcony wood floor and pewsAir conditioningCHURCH OUTSIDECaulk large separation of sidewalksReplace old sidewalks with snow melt systemReplace paver and install a snow melt systemFix leak in heated step on north sideAddress area between sidewalk and building on the south sideLawn IrrigationCHURCH and OFFICESHandicap accessibility to all three levelsSCHOOL OFFICES AND SCHOOLSummer cleaningHeat Pump System for heating and cooling in the 1975 AdditionGYM / KITCHENGym Floor resurfacingCleaning of chairs and tablesPower jack for bleacherKitchen cleaningADDITIONAL UPDATES NEEDEDHot water heaterFlower Bed CleaningTree’s to be trimParking lot repairsFuture desires of spaceQuestions or concerns contact the Board of Mission and Ministry or Kal @ (586) 727-9136Youth NewsDaily devotions are sent via email each day for all of our youth and their families, day school and their families, as well as anyone else who has requested to be on the daily devotional email list. If you would like to sign up for daily devotions email Amanda Francek at afrancek@. Sunday School (pre-school through high school) began on Sunday, October 4th. Sunday School is every Sunday from 9:45 – 10:30 am in the lower level of the church. Contact Amanda Francek at afrancek@ to register your child. Midweek confirmation classes (3rd – 8th grade) began on Wednesday, October 7th. Classes are held every Wednesday from 6:00 – 6:45 pm in the lower level of the church. Contact Amanda Francek at afrancek@ to register your child. Our High School Youth 2021 Mission Trip will be to Appalachia (Kentucky) in the summer of 2021. The youth will be using their talents and abilities to serve the people of Appalachia in a variety of ways, and to share the Gospel. If you have a high school aged youth who is interested in being part of this mission trip, please contact Amanda at afrancek@. To stay up to date on youth activities and happenings, email afrancek@ to request to be put on the youth mailing group. Adult Ministry Update?The?Men’s Saturday study?began meeting on Saturday, September 12 and continues to meet on the first and third Saturday mornings from 8:30 -10:00 am. The current Bible study is the Gospel of John.?All men are welcomed and encouraged to attend.?The?Thursday Adult Bible study?began meeting on Thursday, October 1st?and continues to meet every Thursday morning beginning at 10 am in the church. All adults are welcome and encouraged to attend. We are just finishing the Book of Proverbs, which we started in February before Covid-19. Next study is yet to be determined. ?Both studies?are led by John Summers the Senior Adult Ministry Coordinator.?I continue emailing a?Devotional Thought?each week day. If you are interested in receiving the devotion please email me at?jsummers@. Or call me at 586-808-3939.Since the last update, I have added one email address bringing the email devotions to 73 each day and mail the devotions to 9 members each week, with one going to a member in a nursing home. If you would like to receive the devotions by mail, please let me know. October and first part of November theme:??I shared the themes of?Pray for our Nation.?Each day I shared a verse on prayer and Life Application Study Bible footnotes for that verse.? Later in October, I added background information on?Old Testament Kings. Beginning the week of November 9, I will be starting a new theme, yet to be determined.??7th?grade public school confirmation. I am currently teaching the 7th?grade public school confirmation class.? This year we started with the Ten Commandments, beginning with the?Introduction to the Ten Commandments.?This week?(week5) we will be covering the fourth Commandment.?Nursing Homes: Due to Covid-19 our Nursing Home Chapels are on hold.?John SummersAdult Ministry Coordinator?Care MinistryRecently, Pastor Haller asked each of the Mission and Ministry Board leaders to briefly describe their area of responsibility. Below is part of my answer to his request:?St. Peter's has the mission of "caring and sharing" and the Care Ministry is specifically designed to assist in accomplishing that mission.?The Care Ministry covers a variety of areas from in house programs such as counseling support (Stephens Ministry) to congregation information (pamphlets/booklets) to congregation support (prayer groups). It also covers areas of community service (Blood Drives and CPR classes) to community programs (Richmond Food Pantry and other area Food Pantries/Ministries) to reaching out to specific community populations (at risk mothers and Veterans).?As Care Ministry leader, I am always keeping my eyes and ears open and keeping a pulse on the community. Information obtained through community leaders, our public schools and other churches, assists in determining areas of need that we can take the opportunity to address.?The faith family here at St. Peter's has, over this past year, especially during the Covid pandemic, met and exceeded my expectations for "caring and sharing".?My continued request to my faith family is to keep funneling information to me so that when there is an area in which to "care and "share, we as a faith family can take advantage of that opportunity.?As I reflected on my answers, I shared with Pastor Haller, even the "smallest" of a concern can generate the greatest opportunity to "care and share". In His Service, Jessie Stager-12700302895St. Peter’s Voter’s AgendaDecember 6th, 2020NoonOpening Prayer – Pastor Mark HallerApproval of Last MinutesPastor Haller – Worship Updates and comments about servicesFinancial Report (Handed out at Voter’s Meeting)Budget Explanation from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 Budget Approval for January 1, 2021-June 30, 2021 (Handed out at Voter’s Meeting)Explanation of Leadership extension due to CovidAll other details will be shared in written formClosing – Lord’s PrayerSt. Peter’s Voter’s AgendaDecember 6th, 2020NoonOpening Prayer – Pastor Mark HallerApproval of Last MinutesPastor Haller – Worship Updates and comments about servicesFinancial Report (Handed out at Voter’s Meeting)Budget Explanation from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 Budget Approval for January 1, 2021-June 30, 2021 (Handed out at Voter’s Meeting)Explanation of Leadership extension due to CovidAll other details will be shared in written formClosing – Lord’s Prayer ................

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