
In school priority

Key Stage 3 Long Term Planning

Year 7 2019-2020 INTENT: The Year 7 Geography curriculum aims to develop within our students a sense of awe and wonder in the world around them. It is intended that the range of topics covered will further embed their learning from KS2 as well as develop new knowledge and skills. Our Geography curriculum starts by allowing students to consider their own and their peers’ origins and their place in the world before discovering how the study of geography is applicable to them and their lives. It encourages them to be enquiring, thoughtful and compassionate and to understand the complex relationships between human and physical environments as they study the diverse range of topics that take them across continents, discovering a range of places and broadening both their skill set and horizons on their way.

Faculty Area: Geography

|Year 7 |Transition |Autumn 1 |Autumn 2 |Spring 1 |Spring 2 |

|Knowledge |Strand 1: Geographical enquiry |Global atmospheric circulation |Evidence for climate change from the|Demonstration of graphical skills. |Revisiting of key GCSE units in order |

| |question. |model. |beginning of the quaternary period |Development of knowledge and |to consider identified gaps and other |

| |Factors that need to be considered when|Relationship between tropical storms|to the present day. |understanding of physical geography |areas for development. |

| |selecting a suitable |and general atmospheric circulation.|Possible causes of climate change. |and human geography themes to analyse | |

| |question/hypothesis. |Causes of tropical storms and their |Effects of climate change on people |geographical issues on a range of | |

| |The theory/concept underpinning the |formation and development. |and the environment. |scales. | |

| |enquiry. |Structure and features of a tropical|Managing climate change – mitigation| | |

| |Appropriate sources of primary and |storm. |and adaptation. | | |

| |secondary evidence, including locations|How climate change might affect the | | | |

| |for fieldwork. |distribution, frequency and |Strand 1: Geographical enquiry | | |

| |Risk assessing. |intensity of tropical storms. |question. | | |

| |Strand 2: Data |Primary and secondary effects of |Factors that need to be considered | | |

| |Difference between secondary and |tropical storms. |when selecting a suitable | | |

| |primary data. |A case study of a tropical storm to |question/hypothesis. | | |

| |Identification and selection of |show its effects and responses. |The theory/concept underpinning the | | |

| |appropriate physical and human data. |How monitoring, prediction, |enquiry. | | |

| |Measuring and recording data using |protection and planning can reduce |Appropriate sources of primary and | | |

| |different sampling methods. |the effects of tropical storms |secondary evidence, including | | |

| |Description and justification of data | |locations for fieldwork. | | |

| |collection methods. |Weather hazards experienced in the |Risk assessing. | | |

| |Strand 3: Presenting the data |UK. |Strand 2: Data | | |

| |Appreciation that there are range of |An example of a recent extreme |Difference between secondary and | | |

| |presentation methods available |weather event in the UK to |primary data. | | |

| |Selection and accurate use of |illustrate causes, social, economic |Identification and selection of | | |

| |appropriate presentation methods. |and environmental impacts and how |appropriate physical and human data.| | |

| |Description, explanation and adaptation|management strategies can reduce |Measuring and recording data using | | |

| |of presentation methods. |risk. |different sampling methods. | | |

| |Strand 4: Describing, analysing and |Evidence that weather is becoming |Description and justification of | | |

| |presenting data |more extreme in the UK. |data collection methods. | | |

| |Description, analysis and explanation | |Strand 3: Presenting the data | | |

| |of the results of data. | |Appreciation that there are range of| | |

| |Establishing links between results. | |presentation methods available | | |

| |Using appropriate statistical | |Selection and accurate use of | | |

| |techniques. | |appropriate presentation methods. | | |

| |Identification of anomalies. | |Description, explanation and | | |

| |Strand 5: Drawing conclusion | |adaptation of presentation methods. | | |

| |Drawing conclusions that relate to the | |Strand 4: Describing, analysing and | | |

| |original aims of the enquiry. | |presenting data | | |

| |Strand 6: Evaluation | |Description, analysis and | | |

| |Identifying problems with the data, | |explanation of the results of data. | | |

| |identifying limitations and suggesting | |Establishing links between results. | | |

| |what other data may be useful. | |Using appropriate statistical | | |

| |Extent to which conclusion are | |techniques. | | |

| |reliable. | |Identification of anomalies. | | |

| | | |Strand 5: Drawing conclusion | | |

| |Plate tectonics theory. Global | |Drawing conclusions that relate to | | |

| |distribution of earthquakes and | |the original aims of the enquiry. | | |

| |volcanic eruptions and their | |Strand 6: Evaluation | | |

| |relationship to plate margins. | |Identifying problems with the data, | | |

| |Physical processes taking place at | |identifying limitations and | | |

| |different types of plate margin | |suggesting what other data may be | | |

| |(constructive, destructive and | |useful. | | |

| |conservative) that lead to earthquakes | |Extent to which conclusion are | | |

| |and volcanic activity. | |reliable. | | |

| |Primary and secondary effects of a | | | | |

| |tectonic hazard. Immediate and | | | | |

| |long-term responses to a tectonic | | | | |

| |hazard. Use named examples to show how | | | | |

| |the effects and responses to a tectonic| | | | |

| |hazard vary between two areas of | | | | |

| |contrasting levels of wealth. | | | | |

| |Reasons why people continue to live in | | | | |

| |areas at risk from a tectonic hazard. | | | | |

| |How monitoring, prediction, protection | | | | |

| |and planning can reduce the risks from | | | | |

| |a tectonic hazard. | | | | |

|Skills |Using an atlas. |Interpreting weather data and |Cartographic, graphical, numerical |Critical thinking, problem solving. |Rotation of practice question types |

| |Interpreting a physical map. |climate graphs. |and statistical skills. Enquiry |Applying knowledge across topics. |linked to skills from throughout the |

| |Interpreting climate graphs and climate|Writing sequenced explanations about|skills. Analysis, interpretation, |Synthesis of information. |whole specification. |

| |data. |the formations of tropical storms. |concluding. |Evaluating. | |

| |Decision-making. |Using GIS to study the movement and |Risk assessing. |Interpretation. | |

| |Evaluating. |destruction of Typhoon Haiyan |Working in the field with others in |Decision-making. | |

| |Plotting co-ordinates | |groups. Communication. | | |

| |Using GIS to interpret earthquake data | |Producing field sketches. | | |

| |and plate boundaries. | | | | |

|Assessment |Regular knowledge ‘Geog Your Memory’ |Regular knowledge ‘Geog Your Memory’|Regular knowledge ‘Geog Your Memory’|Regular knowledge ‘Geog Your Memory’ |Regular knowledge ‘Geog Your Memory’ |

| |tests linked to the PLC |tests linked to the PLC |tests linked to the PLC |tests linked to the PLC |tests linked to the PLC |

| | | | | | |

| | | |End of Unit Assessment | | |

| |GCSE style past paper question on |GCSE past paper question based on | |A range of Paper 3 GCSE style |GCSE Past paper questions from across |

| |comparing the effects of earthquakes. |the case study (Somerset levels) |Practical assessment of how the |questions based upon the issue |the course. |

| | | |fieldwork was carried out. |evaluation booklet. | |

| |Mid-Unit Assessment |GCSE past paper question based on | | | |

| | |the case study (Typhoon Haiyan) |Paper 3 GCSE style questions based | | |

| | | |upon both sets of fieldwork. | | |

|Homework |A range of knowledge check questions |A range of knowledge check questions|A range of knowledge check questions|A range of knowledge check questions |A range of knowledge check questions |

| |(sometimes linked to GCSE Pod) |(sometimes linked to GCSE Pod) |(sometimes linked to GCSE Pod) |(sometimes linked to GCSE Pod) |(sometimes linked to GCSE Pod) |

| | | | | | |

| |Past GCSE questions. |Past GCSE questions. |Past GCSE questions. |Past GCSE questions. | |

|Cultural enrichment |Climate Change: The Facts BBC |Wider world article for further |Urban fieldwork study in Preston. |Articles, research and reading based |Wider world articles that link to |

|including Trips, Visits, |documentary |reading about the Somerset levels. | |upon the topic of the pre-release |topics and students to be informed of |

|Experiences, | | |Wider world articles based upon |booklet. |any useful news articles and/or |

|Extra-curricular | |The truth about climate change: The |skills required for the geographical| |documentaries that will feed into |

| | |Open University |applications section. |Could take the form of newspaper |paper 3. |

| | | | |articles, documentaries, internet | |

| | |The Age of Stupid – Film by Spanner | |searches etc. | |

| | |Films | | | |

|Reading, |Evaluating, analysing information and |Decision-making regarding the causes|Communicating with others in their |Extended piece of writing based upon a|Decision-making extended answers. |

|Writing & Talk |what can be inferred from that. |of climate change. |group on the fieldtrip. |decision-making question. | |

| |Drawing conclusions and presenting |Being able to respond verbally to | | | |

| |either in written form or verbally. |others’ opinions. |Written work which includes | | |

| | |Writing persuasively. |formulating question, | | |

| | | |interpretation, summarizing, | | |

| | | |concluding etc. | | |

|Numeracy |Using climate data from the atlas and |Using weather data and interpreting |Use of coordinates. |Using maps, graphs and charts. |Whole range of skills from across the |

| |from climate graphs. |climate data. |Using OS maps. |Working out mean, median, mode. |course – graphical, statistical, |

| |Manipulating data about frequency and |Completing graphs and charts. |Constructing a range of differing |Interpreting a range of graphical and |cartographic. |

| |distribution of tropical storms. |Using and interpreting tropical |graphs, charts, tables to present |statistical data. | |

| | |storm charts. |data. | | |

| | |Evaluating climate change data. |Manipulating data. | | |

| | | |Using qualitative and quantitative | | |

| | | |data. | | |

|CIAG | | |Where can fieldwork take you? |National Careers week activity: Where | |

| | | |Careers which involve working in the|can Geography take you? | |

| | | |field and using the skills that | | |

| | | |students will have embarked upon | | |

| | | |during the fieldwork process e.g. | | |

| | | |geochemist, geophysics, | | |

| | | |geoscientist, hydrogeologist and | | |

| | | |mining engineer. | | |




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