OCTOBER 20 & 27, 2020 - MCCA

OCTOBER 20 & 27, 2020


MCCA's Creating Pathways to Diversity? Conference (Pathways) promotes the advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal profession through programs focused on global diversity, inclusive leadership and talent optimization. As we adjust to a world changed by the COVID-19 crisis, Pathways will be delivered as a virtual event. We are confident that our comprehensive virtual program will deliver the knowledge-rich conference experience that has supported diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal profession for over 23 years. A digital platform offers many exciting possibilities, and we hope you will join us as we rise to the challenges and opportunities of a new decade.

Our sponsors and exhibitors are integral to providing participants with a conference that continues to lift the bar. Sponsors of the Pathways Conference have the opportunity to contribute to unique, and substantive discussions on diversity, equity and inclusion issues within the legal profession. This annual opportunity to explore new ideas and hear from leaders and experts presents the perfect forum to support MCCA's mission and vision, connect with colleagues, and promote your organization through online sponsorship and/or exhibiting.

Prior attendees have included thought leaders from companies such as Amazon, Chevron, Converse, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Nike, Nationwide, New York Life Insurance, Nokia, The Hershey Company, Verizon, VMware and USAA. Conference attendees come to LEARN, CONNECT, and BE INSPIRED by MCCA's extensive network of leading lawyers from Fortune 1000 company law departments and top law firms.

The Creating Pathways to Diversity? Conference coincides and culminates with our annual Diversity Gala, October 28. Bundled sponsorship opportunities for both events are available. (For Diversity Gala sponsorship opportunities, visit gala.)

We welcome back our long-term supporters and look forward to engaging with new organizations. There are various ways to be involved. This document outlines the developed sponsorship packages. These packages are not fixed ? so if you have ideas, let's talk!


Moving Pathways to a virtual platform allows MCCA to further our mission to make the legal profession as diverse as the world we live in while encouraging thought leadership and safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our members, sponsors, partners and staff. It also allows participants to stay informed and connected from the comfort of their own home! We are excited to embrace the opportunities offered by modern technology. Our virtual platform provides an advanced forum through which to share knowledge, research, innovative practices and case studies. The virtual program includes live CLEs, interactive Q&A sessions, Diversity Career Expo, Pitch Session Network, virtual networking opportunities and workshops.


Watch the video of our latest virtual event >> Under "Event Types," click on "Preview A Recent Event" from this page virtual-events/.


PERSONAL CONTACT: Put a face to your brand ? the best way to create and maintain relationships with your target audience.

EDUCATION: Learn how we are challenging the status quo and advancing diversity, equity & inclusion in the legal profession and how you can be part of it.

PRESENCE: Show your commitment to the diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal profession ? support the community that supports your business.

WEBSITE: A pivotal marketing tool, this is the key source of information about the conference and is constantly updated and refreshed to reflect the latest news.

DIRECT MARKETING: Frequent email blasts update registered attendees with general information, latest news, key dates, and program and speaker details. This ensures attendees remain engaged in activities leading up to the conference.

ADVERTISING AND ARTICLES: Regular e-blasts will promote program highlights and key speakers.

MEDIA COVERAGE: This will be attracted closer to the conference through industry media channels, profiling key developments in the legal profession.

SOCIAL MEDIA: This will be used to create excitement around the event and speakers. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook will feature heavily in the social media campaign


TEL: 202.739.5901


For more information contact: sponsorship@ pathways

Premier Sponsorships: $40,000 / Champion Sponsorship $25,000 / Trailblazer Sponsorship $15,000 / Innovator Sponsorship $10,000 / Pioneer Sponsorship $5,000 / Catalyst Sponsorship

Additional Sponsorship:

$3,000 / Rainmaker or Rising Star Honoree Video


$40,000 / CHAMPION SPONSORSHIP Champion diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal profession by becoming a Champion sponsor at this premier conference. Champions also receive optimal visibility, attendee engagement opportunities, and visibility at the Diversity Gala on October 28. The combined value of these sponsorship packages is $55,000.

Benefits Include:

> An exclusive speaking opportunity for one leader of the organization1

> High visibility virtual concept space, where company or firm can distribute materials and engage with conference attendees

> Top billing and prominent logo placement across virtual event platform, on all conference marketing materials, on the Pathways Conference webpage, social media posts and promotional emails

> MCCA will provide social media post on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn announcing the sponsorship

> Full page ad in the digital conference program book

> 20 full conference registrations

> Sponsor spotlight video to be shown during plenary session on October 272

> Pre and post conference list of attendees

> Promotional items placement for virtual swag bag (items must be provided by sponsor)

> Listed as sponsor of Pitch Session Network

> Listed as sponsor of Diversity Career Expo

> Recognition in post event thank you email, MCCA newsletter and social media

> First right of refusal for Champion Sponsor package for 2021 event

> Company/firm logo incorporated into digital background

1MCCA will use its discretion to determine if the speaker recommended by the sponsor is appropriate for the program. 2Certain sponsorship items will require a minimum lead time of four weeks prior to conference in order to be fulfilled.

2020 Gala Champion Sponsorship Benefits Include:

> 10 tickets to the Virtual Gala, includes access to the pre-show networking reception and the awards ceremony

> Private virtual table seating where your guests can view the awards ceremony together, includes logo incorporated into digital backdrop

> Company/Firm name listed at the pre-show networking receptions and awards ceremony

> Company/Firm name listed as a Champion Sponsor on all Gala marketing materials, Gala webpage, social media posts and promotional emails

> Recognition in post event thank you email, MCCA newsletter and social media

> Promotional items placement for virtual swag bag (items must be provided by sponsor)


TEL: 202.739.5901


Demonstrate your company's or firm's pioneering spirit by becoming a Trailblazer sponsor at this premier diversity, equity and inclusion conference. Trailblazers receive optimal visibility and attendee engagement opportunities.

Benefits Include:

> An exclusive speaking opportunity for one leader of the organization3

> High visibility virtual concept space, where company or firm can distribute materials and engage with conference attendees

> Prominent logo placement across virtual event platform, on all conference marketing materials, on the Pathways Conference webpage, social media posts and promotional emails

> MCCA will provide social media post on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn announcing the sponsorship

> Half page ad in the digital conference program book

> Sponsor spotlight video to be shown during plenary session on October 274

> 10 full conference registrations

> Pre and post conference list of attendees

> Promotional items placement for virtual swag bag (items must be provided by sponsor)

> Recognition in post event thank you email, MCCA newsletter and social media

> Company/firm logo incorporated into digital background

3MCCA will use its discretion to determine if the speaker recommended by the sponsor is appropriate for the program. 4Certain sponsorship items will require a minimum lead time of four weeks prior to conference in order to be fulfilled.

$15,000 / INNOVATOR SPONSORSHIP Innovator sponsors are for those companies and firms that are seeking key visibility and engagement opportunities during the Creating Pathways to Diversity? Conference.

Opportunity to Sponsor ONE of the following:

> Conference Registration (Company/Firm logo will appear at the conference virtual registration booth (no longer available) > CLE and course materials webpage (Company/Firm logo will appear on webpage) > Networking Break sponsorship

Benefits Include:

> Prominent virtual concept space, where company or firm can distribute materials and engage with conference attendees

> Logo placement across virtual event platform, on all conference marketing materials, on the Pathways Conference webpage, social media posts and promotional emails

> MCCA will provide social media post on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn announcing the sponsorship

> 8 full conference registrations

> Promotional items placement for virtual swag bag (items must be provided by sponsor)

> Recognition in post event thank you email, MCCA newsletter and social media

> Company/firm logo incorporated into digital background


TEL: 202.739.5901

$10,000 / PIONEER SPONSORSHIP Demonstrate a pioneering spirit towards strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion practices in the legal profession.

Benefits Include:

> Virtual concept space to engage conference participants and distribute giveaways

> Logo on virtual event platform, conference marketing materials, on the Pathways Conference webpage, social media posts and promotional emails

> CLE Session sponsorship

> 4 full conference registrations

> Promotional items placement for virtual swag bag (items must be provided by sponsor)

> Recognition in post event thank you email, MCCA newsletter and social media

> Company/firm logo incorporated into digital background

$5,000 / CATALYST SPONSORSHIP Catalyst sponsors have the opportunity to showcase their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion at this important conference.

Benefits Include:

> Company/Firm name listed on virtual event platform, conference marketing materials, on the Pathways Conference webpage, social media posts and promotional emails

> 2 full conference registrations

> Recognition in post event thank you email, MCCA newsletter and social media


TEL: 202.739.5901



The breakfast and luncheon plenaries will recognize MCCA's 2020 Ettelbrick honoree, 2020 Rising Stars, 2020 Rainmakers and 2020 Vashon honorees on the virtual stage respectively.

The George B. Vashon Innovator Award is named for scholar, abolitionist and lawyer George B. Vashon, who was the first licensed African American attorney in New York State and one of the first admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court. As part of the annual Creating Pathways to Diversity Conference, the award is given to smaller companies (not in the Fortune 1000) and law firms (less than 500 attorneys) that have led the way with innovative best practices to assist diverse attorneys.

The Paula L. Ettelbrick Award celebrates unparalleled achievement by an individual or an organization in advancing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender attorneys. The award is named for the late Paula L. Ettelbrick whose quarter-century of work for organizations like Lambda Legal Defense, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the International Lesbian and Gay Human Rights Commission assisted thousands of individuals.

MCCA's Rising Stars and Rainmakers will be recognized on the virtual stage for their professional achievements and commitment to improving his/ her community.

This year and we wanted to offer a more creative and meaningful way to honor and congratulate your firm or company's MCCA 2020 honoree(s) on the Pathways virtual platform. In lieu of sponsoring a table your company/firm can create a congratulatory video (90 seconds) for the MCCA honoree.

Benefits Include:

> Honoree video will be highlighted on the conference virtual platform

> Honoree video will be highlighted /linked in the conference digital program book

> Honoree video will also be shared on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter)

> Recognition in post event thank you email, MCCA newsletter and social media



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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