
803910-93980001664970-146050OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMSMinnesota Department of Public SafetyOFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMSMinnesota Department of Public SafetyInformation & Presentation Proposal Form2021 OJP Annual “Unconference” on Crime and VictimizationMay 17-19, and May 25-27, 2021Proposals are due Friday, March 5, 2021The Department of Public Safety Office of Justice Programs is seeking presenters for its 33rd Annual Conference on Crime and Victimization, a virtual training experience organized in an “un-conventional” way.? This multi-disciplinary “un-conference” is for victim advocates; law enforcement, prosecutors, and other criminal justice professionals; researchers; medical responders; educators; and anyone whose work puts them in contact with victims. Topics will span the wide range of crime victimization and issues related to responding to crime victims in unusual and uncertain times. What is an “un-conference?” It is a like a regular conference, but we’ve lifted all the pressure and expectation to attend each session. While we’ve listed topical ideas for proposals, the agenda will be driven by the proposals we actually receive. Like other conferences, we’ll carve out time for unstructured and informal spaces to connect and engage with our presenters and OJP staff members. Keynote presentations will take place on Tuesday during conference weeks, and workshops will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays of those ical ideas for presentation proposals: What does criminal justice reform mean for victim services?How can we incorporate victim/survivor voices in conversations on dismantling systemic racism? How can we dismantle the barriers of “isms” for victims in the criminal justice system?What are some promising/best/innovative practices you’ve adopted in responding to victims, investigating and prosecuting cases, and providing post-conviction victim services in since the advent of COVID-19? What are some helpful strategies, and how did your organization get creative with COVID-19 challenges, particularly for reaching and serving traditionally underserved populations?What are some effective service models for supporting victims of gender-based violence, particularly those in the LGBTQ2IA+ community? What emerging research is your organization involved in to improve the response to crime and victimization and/or to track criminal justice reform efforts?How is your organization increasing its capacity?for nonprofit management and developing executive level leaders in dynamic and/or challenging circumstances?What are your strategies/tips/pointers for managing change and leading in divisive and uncertain times?How is your organization navigating virtual hearings while maintaining a trauma-informed environment?How can we create a stronger support system for victims through technology? 2021 OJP Presentation Proposal FormWorkshop title: FORMTEXT ?????Presenter 1: FORMTEXT ?????Job title of lead presenter: FORMTEXT ????? Organization: FORMTEXT ?????Address: FORMTEXT ?????City: FORMTEXT ?????State: FORMTEXT ????? Zip: FORMTEXT ?????Office phone: FORMTEXT ?????Cell phone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Organizational or personal web site: FORMTEXT ?????Presenter 2: FORMTEXT ?????Job title of second presenter: FORMTEXT ????? Organization: FORMTEXT ?????Address: FORMTEXT ?????City: FORMTEXT ?????State: FORMTEXT ????? Zip: FORMTEXT ?????Office phone: FORMTEXT ?????Cell phone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Organizational or personal web site: FORMTEXT ?????Brief biography for conference materials100 word maximum. Please include most recent presentation experience. Please note: OJP may edit for space needs. Do not attach resume. Presenter 1: FORMTEXT ?????Presenter 2: FORMTEXT ?????Panel presentations: For panel discussions, please list additional presenters below by full name, organization, and email. Panel discussions are limited to four panelists. Panelist name: FORMTEXT ????? Organization: FORMTEXT ????? Email: FORMTEXT ?????Panelist name: FORMTEXT ????? Organization: FORMTEXT ????? Email: FORMTEXT ?????Do you need any special accommodations? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoThe conference will be 100% virtual. In order to best support our presenters, please answer the following questions. What is your comfort level delivering a presentation on Zoom? FORMCHECKBOX What’s Zoom? FORMCHECKBOX Not at all comfortable with the platform and/or presenting online. FORMCHECKBOX Neutral. I can get everything where I want it, but if something goes wrong, I’m lost! FORMCHECKBOX I'm fairly confident in my computer/presentation skills, but having someone there to assist would be okay! FORMCHECKBOX Very comfortable - Do not require technical assistance.Proposed Format: (Pick one) FORMCHECKBOX Lecture webinar: Primarily speakers presenting their findings or research and the audience listens, submits questions through Q & A/chat, camera function is disabled for audience. FORMCHECKBOX Panel presentation: All speakers would be on camera for a live team experience/discussion with the audience (visible or not) submitting questions through Q & A/chat functions. FORMCHECKBOX Discussion meeting: Roundtable facilitated discussion among a designated number of participants who have the option to use their video and/or audio functions to participate. FORMCHECKBOX Interactive/skill-building: Majority of time spent on participant activities in breakout rooms. This format has attendees and facilitators using their cameras and audio functions for the most integrated experience. FORMCHECKBOX Other (please explain): COMMENTS \* MERGEFORMAT A customized design could include a pre-recorded segment, videos or other moderated content you produce.Please note: Lecture webinars and panel presentations are typically set up with attendees off camera and have limited interaction between the presenters and the attendees. These formats can have up to 500 attendees, but can be capped at the presenter’s request. For presentation formats with expected interaction between the presenter/facilitators and participants with the ability to have breakout rooms, attendees can have camera and audio turned on, with attendance limited to 100.Please indicate the level of your presentation: FORMCHECKBOX Foundational FORMCHECKBOX AdvancedProposed Length: FORMCHECKBOX 60 minutes FORMCHECKBOX 90 minutesWhat is the optimal range for the number of participants in your proposed session? FORMCHECKBOX No preference/up to maximum capacity FORMCHECKBOX Maximum 24 (all attendees can be seen on one Zoom screen) FORMCHECKBOX Maximum 50 FORMCHECKBOX Maximum 100 FORMCHECKBOX Other: _____________Workshop Session Description (50 word minimum; 150 word maximum): Description: FORMTEXT ????? Educational Objectives (provide three critical things you want participants to take away from your presentation):Objective 1: FORMTEXT ????? Objective 2: FORMTEXT ????? Objective 3: FORMTEXT ????? PROPOSAL SUBMISSION Submission of an application does not guarantee your workshop proposal will be selected. Applicants will be notified in late March if they are accepted or declined. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be accepted. Proposal forms are due Friday, March 5, 2021. Conference presenters receive a flat fee honorarium of $400. Presenters sign an annual plan (contract) specifying the terms of service and conditions of payment, including obtaining a state vendor number if they don’t have one already. A state vendor number is required to present at the conference. The honorarium will be paid after the conference. For details on the conference schedule, please visit our website for days, times and session availability. Send completed application by email to:Joann M. Jones, Conference Director joann.jones@state.mn.us ................

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