The Roanoke Village Board meeting was called to order by Clerk Jennifer Crumrine. Clerk Crumrine asked for a motion to appoint a mayor pro tem in the absence of Mayor Michael Smith. Trustee Leman motioned to appoint Wayne Blunier as Mayor Pro Tem; Trustee Knepp seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.Clerk Crumrine informed the public of the ability to attend the board meeting remotely via Zoom and the capability of participating in public input by sending an email to the Village Clerk at villageclerk@ and inserting in the subject line for the email, “Public Comment for Meeting on April 19, 2021”. In addition, all persons attending the meeting, including board members, must wear a mask until further notice. Public attendance is currently prohibited.MOMENT OF SILENCE AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEThere was a moment of silence. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tem Blunier. ROLL CALLOn roll call were Trustee Curt Leman, Trustee Bob Gillson, Trustee Wayne Blunier, Trustee Bob Knepp, Trustee Jerry Hasler and Trustee Jeremy Hilton. Mayor Michael Smith was absent. PUBLIC INPUTThere was no public input.LIQUOR COMMISSIONLIQUOR VIOLATION – Trustee Hasler motioned to impose a fine of $1,000 to The Point for operating a business without insurance from February 3, 2021 until April 16, 2021; Trustee Gillson seconded. Trustee Hasler discussed details of the reason for the fine that were also discussed at a special meeting on April 16th. The owner of The Point allowed the liability insurance to lapse, therefore the opinion of the board members was to impose a fine and to issue a cease-and-desist order. Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Hasler, Gillson, Leman, Knepp, Blunier, HiltonNayes: NoneSTREETS, ALLEYS AND ORDINANCESBUDGET FIGURES – Trustee Hasler provided budget numbers for the street department. SIDEWALK ON HIGH STREET – Trustee Hasler is working with Farnsworth Group on a project to install a sidewalk on the north side of the park between the 2 sidewalks on the south side of High Street. Trustee Hasler would like to include the parking spaces for village hall as part of the engineering service as well as part of a sidewalk that is in disrepair by the low level bridge also on High Street to attempt to save some money by combining 2 projects.MFT RESOLUTION – Trustee Hasler motioned to approve Resolution 2021-02 Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code for Seal Coating Project; Trustee Hilton seconded. The Seal Coating Project this year is estimated to be $80,000Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Hasler, Hilton, Gillson, Knepp, Leman, Blunier Nayes: NoneFINANCE AND APPROPRIATIONSREPAIR TO SMALL SAFE – The lock boxes have been removed from one of the rooms in village hall. There is a small vault in the same room that does not have a dial. Trustee Knepp asked a representative of Seico, the company who removed the lock boxes, to quote a price to repair the safe. The estimate of $1,050 was provided. The intent is to keep executive session minutes in the vault, but Clerk Crumrine may look for an alternative to storing the minutes if the decision is not to pay to repair it. COPIER BIDS – There was some discussion about purchasing a color copier. Trustee Knepp obtained some quotes for different types of service, including the option to lease a copier. The difference in price for a lease versus a new purchase or used copier was discussed. Trustee Hilton asked if the current copier could be traded for a color copier and suggested inquiring about the price of toner to determine if a service contract is the best way to go. Trusteee Gillson noted the purchase of toner/ink can get pretty expensive and suggested considering this before making a decision about the purchase of a service contract. Trustee Knepp will meet with Clerk Crumrine to find out what the needs are currently. CLAIMS – Trustee Knepp motioned to pay the claims as presented; Trustee Leman seconded.Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Knepp, Leman, Hilton, Hasler, Gillson, BlunierNayes: NoneGeneral Fund - $62.896.04Ambulance Fund - $112.45Water Fund - $64,581.19Total Fund - $127,589.68Trustee Hilton presented a question about one of the bills to which Mark Aeschleman provided an answer. VILLAGE PROPERTYRETAINING WALL – There was discussion about replacing the retaining wall around the A/C units on the south side of the building. After speaking with Mark Aeschleman, Trustee Gillson ascertained it would be more complicated to fill the space in rather than replace the wall. A bid was submitted for about $6,900 to repair the wall. Trustee Hilton mentioned that there is a very large transformer in the area. PARKING LOT AT NEW BUILDING – There is a need for more parking at village hall to accommodate the customers of the Driver’s License Facility and the employees. There was a suggestion to install another parking lot all the way to the west side of the property adjacent to the lot that currently exists. IAS TECHNOLOGY UPDATE – Due to complications related to COVID, IAS Technology has postponed the installation of the audio/video equipment for about 2-3 weeks.WOODEN CHAIRS AT OLD VILLAGE HALL – Trustee Hasler feels the wooden chairs need to be kept since they have been used by past board members. Trustee Hilton will see that they are moved from the old building to the new building. NEW LETTERS IN BOARD ROOM – Martin Signs provided a quote of $850 to place new letters on the village board room wall.SALE OF VILLAGE OWNED PROPERTY – Trustee Gillson motioned to approve a sales agreement and addendum between the Village of Roanoke and Jim Maloof Realty for the sale of village owned property; Trustee Knepp seconded. Trustee Gillson elaborated by saying this agreement deals with the listing of the property at the corner of Main Street and Husseman Street. It will be listed for $95,000.Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Gillson, Knepp, Hasler, Hilton, Leman, BlunierNayes: NoneAMBULANCESIREN TESTS – Mike Oltman, Roanoke EMA Director, was available to provide comments regarding the recent siren tests. Some of the comments from the residents were that the message after the siren was hard to understand when people were between 2 sirens, although Oltman did hear of some positive comments. Oltman made some changes to the timing of the messages to attempt to make them clearer.Mike Oltman suggested using social media more to make people aware of the impending test and an actual emergency and encouraged having a weather radio. Oltman emphasized the siren is not a flood siren; it is an emergency alert. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH RFPD – Trustee Leman motioned to approve Resolution 2021-01 New Intergovernmental Agreement with the Roanoke Fire Protection District for Transition of Ambulance Services; Trustee Hasler seconded. This agreement allows for the transition of ambulance services as of May 1st. Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Leman, Hasler, Knepp, Hilton, Gillson, BlunierNayes: NoneTrustee Blunier provided the budget figures for the Water and Sewer Departments. OLD BUSINESS Trustee Knepp spoke with the auditor to ask if the cost of accounting services was going to increase to which the reply was it will increase slightly because of the acquisition of the new building, but not significantly.NEW BUSINESSTrustee Hasler asked that the board members take a look at the waterway in the park near the end of Victory Street. The water is eroding the area and Trustee Hasler thought it needed to be fixed in some way. The engineer suggested concreting the entire area to prevent erosion.Trustee Hilton asked if the app was available yet to access the building without a fob. Trustee Gillson is looking to get this done. Trustee Hilton reported there are problems with the electricity in the building which is hindering the installation of the new furnaces and air conditioners. UPCOMING MEETINGSThere will be a regular meeting of the Roanoke Village Board on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 7:00pm. Mayor Pro Tem Blunier thanked Trustee Leman for his 12 years of service on the board. ADJOURNMENTTrustee Hasler motioned to adjourn the meeting; Trustee Gillson seconded.Motion carried by voice vote.ATTEST:Jennifer CrumrineVillage Clerk ................

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