


Monday, March 1, 2021 – 6:30 P.M.

All in attendance opened the meeting by standing and reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance”.

The regular monthly meeting of the Whittemore City Council was called to order by Mayor Elbert at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 1, 2021 in the Chambers of City Hall. Present were Council members Simonson, Schneider and Walker and via conference call, Johnson and Lancaster. Members absent: none. Others in attendance for all or a portion of the meeting included James Zinnel and Andi Thompson (via conference call).

There were no citizens present to be heard during the “Public Comments” portion of this meeting.

Mayor Elbert opened the Public Hearing on the proposed 2021-22 Fiscal Year Budget estimates at 6:30 p.m. At 6:38 P.M. Mayor Elbert closed the FY2021-22 Budget Public Hearing. No citizens present spoke for or against the budget estimates as published in the February 18, 2021 edition of the West Bend Journal. Motion was made by Walker and seconded by Simonson to approve Resolution No. 2021-08, a Resolution adopting the FY 2021-2022 budget, as proposed, in the amount of $2,983,817 “Total Revenues and Other Sources” and $2,797,140 “Total Expenditures and Transfers Out”, with an estimated total tax levy per $1,000 valuation on regular property at $14.53305 and an estimated tax levy per $1,000 valuation on agricultural land at $3.00375. Roll was called and the vote was as follows, AYES: Simonson, Schneider, Johnson, Walker and Lancaster. NAYS: none. Whereupon Mayor Elbert declared Resolution No. 2021-08 and the FY2021-22 city budget duly adopted.

At 6:45 p.m., per notification in the February 18, 2021 edition of the West Bend Journal, Mayor Elbert announced that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing and meeting on the matter of authorization of a Loan and Disbursement Agreement by and between the City of Whittemore and the Iowa Finance Authority, and the issuance to the Iowa Finance Authority of not to exceed $325,000 Sewer Revenue Capital Loan Notes to evidence the obligations of the City under said Loan and Disbursement Agreement, in order to provide funds to pay costs of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, extending, remodeling, improving, repairing and equipping all or part of the Municipal Sewer System, and that notice of the proposed action by the City Council to institute proceedings for the authorization of the Loan and Disbursement Agreement and the issuance of the Notes had been published pursuant to the provisions of Sections 384.24A and 384.83 of the Code of Iowa, as amended.

The Mayor asked whether any written objections had been filed by any City resident or property owner to the proposal. The Clerk advised the Mayor and the Council that no written objections had been filed. The Mayor then called for any oral objections to the proposal, and as there were no citizens present to be heard for or against the proposal, none were made. Whereupon Mayor Elbert declared the time for receiving oral and written objections to be closed.

The Council then considered the proposed action and the extent of the objections thereto. Whereupon Councilman Simonson introduced and delivered to the Clerk Resolution No. 2021-09; a Resolution hereinafter set out entitled “RESOLUTION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS TO TAKE ADDITIONAL ACTION FOR THE AUTHORIZATION OF A LOAN AND DISBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $325,000 SEWER REVENUE CAPITAL LOAN NOTES, and moved that Resolution No. 2021-09 be adopted. Councilwoman Lancaster seconded the motion. The roll was called and vote was as follows, AYES: Simonson, Schneider, Johnson, Walker and Lancaster. NAYS: none. Whereupon Mayor Elbert Resolution No. 2021-09 duly adopted.

Council member Schneider then introduced Resolution No. 2021-10; a RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A FORM OF INTERIM LOAN AND DISBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WHITTEMORE AND THE IOWA FINANCE AUTHORITY, AND AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SECURING THE PAYMENT OF $325,000 SEWER REVENUE CAPITAL LOAN NOTES ANTICIPATION PROJECT NOTE, SERIES 2021, OF THE CITY OF WHITTEMORE, IOWA, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE CODE OF IOWA AND PROVIDING FOR A METHOD OF PAYMENT OF SAID NOTE”, and moved its adoption. Council member Walker seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called and the vote was as follows, AYES: Simonson, Schneider, Johnson, Walker and Lancaster. NAYS: none. Whereupon Mayor Elbert declared Resolution No. 2021-10 duly adopted.

At 7:00 p.m., the third and final Public Hearing of the evening was opened; a Public Hearing concerning the proposed sale of city-owned property at 511 Sixth Street in Whittemore. Notice of said hearing was published in the February 18, 2021 edition of the West Bend Journal. The proposed sale is in the best interest and public safety of the community and is being sold to a suitable buyer, Tim Schneider, in exchange for tearing down and clearing the single-story house and garage from the property and properly filling in the basement with dirt, in a timely manner, with all related costs being at his own expense.

At 7:10 p.m. Mayor Elbert closed the Public Hearing concerning the proposed sale of city-owned property at 511 Sixth Street in Whittemore. No citizens present spoke for or against the sale as proposed. Resolution No. 2021-11; a Resolution Approving the Sale of Property at 511 Sixth Street, Whittemore was introduced. Motion was made by Simonson and seconded by Walker to proceed with the sale to the designated suitable buyer, Tim Schneider, in exchange for his contractor to tear down and properly dispose of the remnants of the house, garage and basement, at his own expense, that are currently standing on the property. Roll was called and vote was as follows, AYES: Simonson, Johnson, Walker and Lancaster. NAYS: none. ABSTAIN: Schneider. Whereupon Mayor Elbert declared Resolution No. 2021-11 duly adopted.

The minutes of the February 1, 2021 Regular Council meeting were approved as published in the February 11, 2021 edition of the West Bend Journal.

The Clerk-Treasurer’s Financial Reports for the month February, 2021 were reviewed. Following are the receipts and transfers for the month: General $21036.01; Electric $57284.40; Electric System Improvement Projects $2.21; Natural Gas $64443.61; Water $12644.46; Sewer Rental $3751.76; Solid Waste $4640.85; Payroll $17633.58; Equipment $2905.04; Special Account $57.32; Project Share $5.00; Community Center Savings Account $420.60; Road Use Tax $4405.13; Customer Deposit $350.00; Debt Service $284.11; Special Assessment $none; Library Improvement Savings $2315.46; Library Renovations Savings $0.11; Library Regular $43.50; Community Enhancement $none; and Little League Savings Account $0.17 Total Receipts for February, 2021: $192,223.32. Following are the disbursements and transfers for the month: General $22565.79; Electric $32320.18; Electric System Improvement Projects $none; Natural Gas $23554.22; Natural Gas “PEFA” $10196.57; Water $8992.75; Sewer Rental $4337.11; Solid Waste $4165.07; Payroll $16817.88; Equipment $2904.39; Special Account $57.32; Project Share $none; Community Center Savings Account $none; Road Use Tax $none; Customer Deposit $none; Debt Service $none; Special Assessment $none; Library Improvement Savings $none; Library Renovations Savings $2254.92; Library Regular $5691.31; Community Enhancement $none; and Little League Savings $none. Total Disbursement for February, 2021: $133,857.51. After review and questions addressed regarding disbursements, motion was made by Schneider and seconded by Johnson to accept the February, 2021 Clerk-Treasurer’s Financial Reports and Resolution No. 2021-12; a Resolution Approving the February, 2021 Regular Monthly Transfers totaling $73,185.11 as presented. Vote was all AYES; motion carried.

The following claims were presented for payment:

Clayton Energy Corp., natural gas reservations charges, February service fee, and natural gas purchased totaling $13966.90; PEFA Inc., natural gas purchased $10196.57; Total (all) employee wages $9363.04; Big Soo Terminal, salt at Water Plant $4003.44; Hawkins Inc., chemicals at Water Plant $268.70; IAMU, dues $1750.00; Resale Power Group of Iowa, January power purchased $27995.29; West Bend Journal, January publications $911.47; MaxYield Cooperative, January fuel statement $739.27; Card Services, January credit card includes continuing ed meeting and dues $775.00; Al Zimmerman, contract labor $25.00; Main Street Checks, deposit slips $95.73; Treasurer, State of Iowa, January water excise tax $685.00; Treasurer, State of Iowa, Baker & Taylor, books $508.47; Wells Fargo Equipment, copy machine rent $13.28; Lenovo, desktop computer payment $130.08; Center Point Large Print, books $343.66; Micro Marketing, audio books $69.99; SWANK Movie Licensing USA, copyright compliance $324.00; Guideposts, books $19.94; Country Living, subscription renewal $15.97; Annie’s, book $7.08; Sandy Long, reimbursement $29.96; Counsel Office, copy machine rent $31.78; NIACOG, Housing Program rehab/tech services (Ostwald and Forsythe) and CDBG General Administrative fee $5300.00; and Bomgaars, supplies $91.95.

Also, Resale Power Group of Iowa, February power purchased $47136.69; Hach Co., Water Plant chemicals $62.04; Novelty Machine, Water Plant compressor service call $951.35;Vessco, Water Plant transmitter $503.95; Quality Pump, Water Plant bray valve $580.16; Foundation Analytical, water testing $13.00; CJ Cooper, random drug testing administrative fee $85.00; KGM Koons Gas, new (natural gas) gen riser $397.52; City of Spencer, February landfill fee $923.27, Shamrock Recycling, February recyclables processing fee $113.24; Farmers State Bank, CASE loan payment $1097.49; Aramark Uniform Service, February statement $537.32; Northwest Communications, total (all) monthly services $395.56; Presto-X, February pest control $83.00; Counsel Office, copies $23.89; E-Pride Office, supplies $291.22; TA Anderson, final FY20 exam fee $2550.00; IAMU, membership dues $3495.00; Brown Supply, February statement including snowplow blades $1674.83; Grass Masters, basic lawn care package all city properties $1762.97; Border States, February shop/electric distribution materials $341.96; Schmitt Hardware, February statement $479.30; City of Whittemore, total utilities at all city properties $7112.17; City of Whittemore, February petty cash expenses $244.78; Productivity Plus, parts for Case loader snow pusher $1260.00; and West Bend Journal, February publications $949.33. Discussion followed regarding the doubled cost of power purchased from RPGI due to the polar vortex conditions experience by most of the country over the five-day period February 13-17. Office staff was directed to use social media along with a notice inserted in utility bills to help make local residents and patrons of Whittemore Municipal Utilities aware of the increase in natural gas costs in February, 2021. Motion was then made by Simonson and seconded by Schneider to approve the above-listed claims for payment, along with any other routine bills not yet received. Roll was called and vote was as follows, AYES: Simonson, Schneider, Johnson, Walker and Lancaster. NAYS: none. Motion carried.

There were no applications for Builder’s Permits.

An application from Helen Nelson to lifeguard at the Whittemore Swimming Pool during the summer of 2021 was assessed and placed on file for future reference.

The delinquent accounts were reviewed.

As mention earlier, the February electric costs were considered. The extremely cold conditions experience by all of America during the period February 13-17, 2021 had huge impacts on the electric grid services in states such as Texas. Rolling outages were experienced in many states, including Iowa, in an effort to avoid a total failure of the electric system. The price for taking such measures is now being passed along to the consumer. At this time the Whittemore City Council took no action to adjust electric rates to WMU patrons as the annual financial review of the utility is scheduled to take place in May, 2021.

It was announced that Supt. Zinnel and Clerk Farrell would be attending a meeting in West Bend on March 2 to gather with other communities interested in creating a municipal cooperative association with the purpose of sharing personnel. A rough draft 28E Agreement for potential sharing of municipal electric department employees (journeymen and linemen) has been drafted by Steve Nadel of Ahlers Cooney, P.C., and Greg Fritz of NIMECA will conduct the business meeting. A report will in turn be made to the Council in April.

The Council then reviewed an updated natural gas storage injection report by Clayton Energy. Also discussed were recent concerns regarding happenings in the natural gas industry and the rates that will be charged for February, 2021 usages. This includes the natural gas debacle that occurred during the polar vortex that gripped a large portion of the United States for the period February 13-17. Council reiterated how the City of Whittemore is fortunate to be able to work with Bill Lindley of Clayton Energy Corp in Wahoo, NE as our marketing agent, and he is constantly monitory the natural gas industry. Mr. Lindley and his team secure forward priced natural gas in the summer months for use in the upcoming winter heating season. Approximately 10 years ago the City was afforded the opportunity to buy into stored natural gas, which we also use during the winter. Most recently the City of Whittemore joined the PEFA group, which enables us to hedge natural gas at a cheaper price for use throughout the calendar year. These three (3) combined options continually benefit the citizens and businesses of Whittemore, allowing for cheaper heating fuel charges and only forcing an occasional need to purchase “spot volume” (open market priced) natural gas in cases of extremely cold weather. Unfortunately, that became the daily necessity during the period February 13-17 when spot gas was as high as $212.00/dekatherm, up from an average rate of $2.70 for the same measurement.

After a lengthy discussion and review of options, Council agreed with offering eligible patrons of Whittemore Municipal Utilities pay plan agreements compliant with State Code and rules for such set forth by the Iowa Utilities Board.

Supt. Zinnel reported having completed map updating for the sanitary sewer (lines) project and he noted municipal workers would start replacing valves at the lagoon yet this week.

The City continues to advertise for qualified lifeguards and a mature person to manage the Swimming Pool in 2021.

The date, time and place for the next regular Council meeting were set for Tuesday, April 6, 2021 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Chambers of City Hall at 315 Fourth Street.

The March, 2021 Whittemore Calendar of Events was reviewed; still very limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

There were no City Committee reports to be heard.

Due to the lack of Chevrolet availability and inventory, Mayor Elbert announced Kemna Auto Center in Algona will sell the City of Whittemore a 2021 GMC Sierra pickup for the same price ($32,800) agreed upon in January 2021 for the purchase of a 2021 (Chevrolet) Silverado. Anticipated delivery date: June 2021.

Supt. Zinnel reported the City’s intent of cutting down several trees in the parking boulevard this week.

Again discussed were concerns regarding problems with being able to safely drive down Prairie Street when residents park on both sides of the roadway, thereby limiting access to the street and allowing one-way traffic only at various times throughout the day. Council to consider a remedy for the problem during the April 6, 2021 regular meeting.

Council reviewed unofficial Census 2020 information for Kossuth County, Iowa that indicates a new, estimated population for the Incorporated City of Whittemore at “476”, down from the previous count of 504.

There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Elbert declared the March 1, 2021 regular meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

/s/ Linda K. Farrell

City Clerk


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