
Taiwan 2004

TEDS2004 Questionnaire(A)

We already to start today’s interview. At any time during the interview, you feel something is not clear, please tell me immediately and I will read it again. Or, if you don’t want to answer a question, please tell me and I will skip that question.

A1. Could you please tell me to what extent you were interested in following this election campaign? H.InterestCam

01. No interest

02. Very little interest

03. Not very much interest

04. Somewhat interested

05. Very interested

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

A2. More generally, would you say that you are very, somewhat, not very or not at all interested in politics? H.Interest

01. No interest

02. Very little interest

03. Not very much interest

04. Somewhat interested

05. Very interested

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

We would like to know your feelings towards some political figures on a scale from 0-10. If you feel very favorable towards this person, you can give him the highest score of 10; if you feel hostile towards this person you can give him a 0 (zero); if you feel absolutely neutral towards this person, you can give him a 5. If you have not heard enough about this person to have an opinion, feel free to say so.

B1. What’s your feeling toward Wang Jin-pyng? C.ThermPyng

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B2. What’s your feeling toward Chu Li-lun? C.ThermLun

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B3. How about Lee Teng-hui? C.ThermHui

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B4. How about James Soong? C.ThermSoong

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B5. How about Annette Lu? C.ThermLu

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B6. How about Jason Hu? C.ThermHu

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B7. How about Ma Ying-jeou? CThermJeou

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B8. How about Chen Shui-bian? C.ThermBian

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B9. How about Lien Chan? C.ThermChan

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B10. How about Yu Shyi-kun? C.ThermKun

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B11. How about Frank Hsieh? C.ThermHsieh

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B12. How about Su Tseng-chang? C.ThermChang

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

B13. At the time of the election, what would you say were the most important problems facing the country at that time? [DO NOT READ OPTIONS. CODE FROM RESPONSES. ACCEPT UP TO THREE ANSWERS] (open ended question)

The most important problem A.problem1

The second most important problem A.problem2

The third most important problem A.problem3

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

C1. During the electoral campaign, how frequently did you follow political news through television? D.CamTV

01. Daily / Almost every day

02. 3-4 days a week

03. 1-2 days a week

04. Less frequently

05. Never [skip to D1]

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

C2a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which TV news did you watch most often? [only one response permitted] 1

01. Taiwan Television

02. China Television

03. Chinese Television

04. Formosa Television

05. TVBS

06. Sanlih E-Television

07. Eastern Television

08. CTi Television

09. Era Television

10. Gala Television

11. Super Television

12. Da-Ai Television

13. Taiwan Public Television

14. Star Television

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

C2b. On average, how many days a week did you watch the (C2a) TV news? 1Freq

01. 1 day a week

02. 2 days a week

03. 3 days a week

04. 4 days a week

05. 5 days a week

06. 6 days a week

07. every day

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

C2c. Do you think the (C2a) TV news favored a particular political party or candidate? 1Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to C3a]

95. refuse to answer [skip to C3a]

96. cannot choose [skip to C3a]

97. no opinion [skip to C3a]

98. don’t know [skip to C3a]

C2d. Which political party? 1Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

C3a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which TV news did you watch most often, in addition to the (C2a) TV news? 2

01. Taiwan Television

02. China Television

03. Chinese Television

04. Formosa Television

05. TVBS

06. Sanlih E-Television

07. Eastern Television

08. CTi Television

09. Era Television

10. Gala Television

11. Super Television

12. Da-Ai Television

13. Taiwan Public Television

14. Star Television

92. none [skip to C4]

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

C3b. On average, how many days a week did you watch the (C3a) TV news? 2Freq

01. 1 day a week

02. 2 days a week

03. 3 days a week

04. 4 days a week

05. 5 days a week

06. 6 days a week

07. every day

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

C3c. Do you think the (C3a) TV news favored a particular political party or candidate? 2Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to C4]

95. refuse to answer [skip to C4]

96. cannot choose [skip to C4]

97. no opinion [skip to C4]

98. don’t know [skip to C4]

C3d. Which political party? 2Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

C4. During last year’s legislative election campaign, when watching the election news on TV, did you pay very close attention, pay moderately close attention, not pay very close attention, or not pay attention at all? Atent

01. Very close attention

02. Moderately close attention

03. Not very close attention

04. No attention at all

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

D1. During the electoral campaign, how frequently did you follow political news through newspaper? D.CamPaper

01. Daily / Almost every day

02. 3-4 days a week

03. 1-2 days a week

04. Less frequently

05. Never [skip to D5]

89. illiterated [skip to E1]

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

D2a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which newspaper did you read most often? D.Paper1

01. China Times

02. United Daily News

03. Central Daily News

04. Commercial Times

05. The Commons Daily

06. Min Sheng Daily

07. Economic Daily News

08. Youth Daily News

09. Taiwan Times

10. Liberty Times

11. United Evening News

12. China Times Express

13. The Great News

14. China Daily

15. Taiwan Daily

16. Taiwan News

17. Apple Daily

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

D2b. On average, how many days a week did you read the (D2a) newspaper? D.Pap1Freq

01. 1 day a week

02. 2 days a week

03. 3 days a week

04. 4 days a week

05. 5 days a week

06. 6 days a week

07. every day

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

D2c. Do you think the (D2a) newspaper favored a particular political party or candidate? D.Pap1Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to D3a]

95. refuse to answer [skip to D3a]

96. cannot choose [skip to D3a]

97. no opinion [skip to D3a]

98. don’t know [skip to D3a]

D2d. Which political party? D.Pap1Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

D3a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which newspaper did you read most often, in addition to the (D2a) newspaper? D.Paper2

01. China Times

02. United Daily News

03. Central Daily News

04. Commercial Times

05. The Commons Daily

06. Min Sheng Daily

07. Economic Daily News

08. Youth Daily News

09. Taiwan Times

10. Liberty Times

11. United Evening News

12. China Times Express

13. The Great News

14. China Daily

15. Taiwan Daily

16. Taiwan News

17. Apple Daily

92. none [skip to D4]

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

D3b. On average, how many days a week did you read the (D3a) newspaper? D.Pap2Freq

01. 1 day a week

02. 2 days a week

03. 3 days a week

04. 4 days a week

05. 5 days a week

06. 6 days a week

07. every day

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

D3c. Do you think the (D3a) TV news favored a particular political party or candidate? D.Pap2Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to D4]

95. refuse to answer [skip to D4]

96. cannot choose [skip to D4]

97. no opinion [skip to D4]

98. don’t know [skip to D4]

D3d. Which political party? D.Pap2Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

D4. During last year’s legislative election campaign, when reading the election news on newspaper, did you pay very close attention, pay moderately close attention, not pay very close attention, or not pay attention at all? D.PapAtent

01. Very close attention

02. Moderately close attention

03. Not very close attention

04. No attention at all

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

D5. During last year’s legislative election campaign, how frequently did you follow political news through news magazine? D.CamMag

01. Daily / Almost every day

02. 3-4 days a week

03. 1-2 days a week

04. Less frequently

05. Never

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

D6. How about political news through internet? D.CamInternet

01. Daily / Almost every day

02. 3-4 days a week

03. 1-2 days a week

04. Less frequently

05. Never

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

E1. During the electoral campaign, how frequently did you follow political news through radio? D.CamRadio

01. Daily / Almost every day

02. 3-4 days a week

03. 1-2 days a week

04. Less frequently

05. Never [skip to F1]

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

E2a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which radio station did you listen to most often? D.Radio1

01. Police Radio Station(PRS) "

02. The Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) "

03. UFO Radio"

04. ETFM"

05. GreenPeace Broadcasting Station"

06. Chengsheng Broadcasting Corp"

07. Voice of Han Broadcasting Network"

08. Radio Taiwan International"

09. Taipei Broadcasting Station"

10. Jia Yi Radio Station"

11. Zhong Taiwan Radio"

12. Gao Bing Radio"

13. Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station"

14. Women Life Radio"

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

E2b. On average, how many days a week did you listen to the (E2a) radio station? D.Rad1Freq

01. 1 day a week

02. 2 days a week

03. 3 days a week

04. 4 days a week

05. 5 days a week

06. 6 days a week

07. every day

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

E2c. Do you think the (E2a) radio station favored a particular political party or candidate? D.Rad1Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to E3a]

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

E2d. Which political party? D.Rad1Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

E3a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which radio station did you listen to most often, in addition to the (E2a) radio station? D.Radio2

01. Police Radio Station(PRS) "

02. The Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) "

03. UFO Radio"

04. ETFM"

05. GreenPeace Broadcasting Station"

06. Chengsheng Broadcasting Corp"

07. Voice of Han Broadcasting Network"

08. Radio Taiwan International"

09. Taipei Broadcasting Station"

10. Jia Yi Radio Station"

11. Zhong Taiwan Radio"

12. Gao Bing Radio"

13. Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station"

14. Women Life Radio"

92. none

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

E3b. On average, how many days a week did you listen to the (E3a) radio? D.Rad2Freq

01. 1 day a week

02. 2 days a week

03. 3 days a week

04. 4 days a week

05. 5 days a week

06. 6 days a week

07. every day

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

E3c. Do you think the (D3a) ratio station favored a particular political party or candidate? D.Rad2Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to E4]

95. refuse to answer [skip to E4]

96. cannot choose [skip to E4]

97. no opinion [skip to E4]

98. don’t know [skip to E4]

E3d. Which political party? D.Rad2Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

E4. During last year’s legislative election campaign, when listening the election news on radio, did you pay very close attention, pay moderately close attention, not pay very close attention, or not pay attention at all? D.RadAtent

01. Very close attention

02. Moderately close attention

03. Not very close attention

04. No attention at all

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

F1. And with regard to talk shows that may discuss political issues, how frequently during the election campaigns did you listen to radio talk shows? D.RadTalkFreq

01. Daily / Almost every day

02. 3-4 days a week

03. 1-2 days a week

04. Less frequently

05. Never [skip to G1]

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

F2a. What program do you listen to most frequently? (open ended question) D.RadioTalk1

995. refuse to answer

998. don’t know

F2b. How often do you listen to that show? D.RadTalk1Freq

01. Every Time Its Broadcast

02. Often

03. Just Sometimes

04. Rarely

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

F2c. Do you think the (F2a) talk show favored a particular political party or candidate? D.RadTalk1Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to F2e]

95. refuse to answer [skip to F2e]

96. cannot choose [skip to F2e]

97. no opinion [skip to F2e]

98. don’t know [skip to F2e]

F2d. Which political party? D.RadTalk1Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

F2e. And with regard to the general discussion on that show, are the callers mostly pan-blue, mostly pan-green or mixed in their political views? D.RadTalk1Calls

01. pan-blue

02. pan-green

03. mixed

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

F3a. Did you listen to any other talk show frequently? (open ended question) D.RadioTalk2

992. no [skip to G1]

995. refuse to answer

998. don’t know

F3b. How often do you listen to that show? D.RadTalk2Freq

01. Every Time Its Broadcast

02. Often

03. Just Sometimes

04. Rarely

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

F3c. Do you think the (F3a) talk show favored a particular political party or candidate? D.RadTalk2Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to F3e]

95. refuse to answer [skip to F2e]

96. cannot choose [skip to F2e]

97. no opinion [skip to F2e]

98. don’t know [skip to F2e]

F3d. Which political party? D.RadTalk2Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

F3e. And with regard to the general discussion on that show, are the callers mostly pan-blue, mostly pan-green or mixed in their political views? D.RadTalk2Calls

01. pan-blue

02. pan-green

03. mixed

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

G1. And with regard to talk shows that may discuss political issues, how frequently during the election campaigns did you watch television talk shows? TalkFreq

01. Daily / Almost every day

02. 3-4 days a week

03. 1-2 days a week

04. Less frequently

05. Never [skip to H1a]

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

G2a. What program do you watch most frequently? (open ended question) Talk1

90. omit

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

G2b. How often do you watch that show? Talk1Freq

01. Every Time Its Broadcast

02. Often

03. Just Sometimes

04. Rarely

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

G2c. Do you think the (G2a) talk show favored a particular political party or candidate? Talk1Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to G2e]

95. refuse to answer [skip to G2e]

96. cannot choose [skip to G2e]

97. no opinion [skip to G2e]

98. don’t know [skip to G2e]

G2d. Which political party? Talk1Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

G2e. And with regard to the general discussion on that show, are the callers mostly pan-blue, mostly pan-green or mixed in their political views? Talk1Calls

01. pan-blue

02. pan-green

03. mixed

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

G3a. Did you watch any other talk show frequently? (open ended question) Talk2

92. NO [skip to H1a]

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

G3b. How often do you watch that show? Talk2Freq

01. Every Time Its Broadcast

02. Often

03. Just Sometimes

04. Rarely

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

G3c. Do you think the (G3a) talk show favored a particular political party or candidate? Talk2Bias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to G3e]

95. refuse to answer [skip to G3e]

96. cannot choose [skip to G3e]

97. no opinion [skip to G3e]

98. don’t know [skip to G3e]

G3d. Which political party? Talk2Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

G3e. And with regard to the general discussion on that show, are the callers mostly pan-blue, mostly pan-green or mixed in their political views? Talk2Calls

01. pan-blue

02. pan-green

03. mixed

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Now let us turn to the types of discussion you had with other people during the election campaign:

H1a. How frequently did you talk about the candidates, parties or issues with your family? E.FamTalk

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never [skip to H2a]

89. not suitable [skip to H2a]

95. refuse to answer

H1b. Do you think that your family members supported the same party as you, supported another party, or is their support divided among several different parties, or don’t you know enough about their views to say? E.FamTalkPart

01. Supported the same party as you

02. Supported another party

03. Support is divided amongst different parties

04. Do not support any party

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

H2a. How frequently did you talk about the candidates, parties or issues with your friends? E.FriendTalk

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never [skip to H3a]

89. not suitable [skip to H3a]

95. refuse to answer

H2b. Do you think that your friends supported the same party as you, supported another party, or is their support divided among several different parties, or don’t you know enough about their views to say? E.FriendTalkPart

01. Supported the same party as you

02. Supported another party

03. Support is divided amongst different parties

04. Do not support any party

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

H3a. How frequently did you talk about the candidates, parties or issues with your neighbors? E.NeighTalk

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never [skip to H4a]

89. not suitable [skip to H4a]

95. refuse to answer

H3b. Do you think that your neighbors supported the same party as you, supported another party, or is their support divided among several different parties, or don’t you know enough about their views to say? E.NeighTalkPart

01. Supported the same party as you

02. Supported another party

03. Support is divided amongst different parties

04. Do not support any party

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

H4a. How frequently did you talk about the candidates, parties or issues with your co-workers? E.WorkTalk

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never [skip to J1]

89. not suitable [skip to J1]

95. refuse to answer

H4b. Do you think that your co-workers supported the same party as you, supported another party, or is their support divided among several different parties, or don’t you know enough about their views to say? E.WorkTalkPart

01. Supported the same party as you

02. Supported another party

03. Support is divided amongst different parties

04. Do not support any party

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

J1. During the election campaign, the candidates and parties discussed many different issues. In your view, which of the following was the most important issue in the recent election campaign? [Read out options. Accept only one answer] A.Issue

01. economy

02. ractify the name

03. national defense

04. cross-strait relationship

05. edcuation

06. party assest

07. modify / make constitution

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

J2. How well or badly would you say the DPP government / administration handled that issue over the past year? A.IssueGov

01. Very badly

02. Badly

03. Well

04. Very well

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

J3. Could any other political party have done a better job than the government handling this issue? A.IssueOther

01. Yes

02. No [skip to K1]

95. refuse to answer [skip to K1]

96. cannot choose [skip to K1]

97. no opinion [skip to K1]

98. don’t know [skip to K1]

J4. Which political party was this? A.IssueOtherPart

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

K1. Would you say that over the past year, the state of the economy of Taiwan has gotten better, stayed about the same, or gotten worse? Z.Tw.A.EconSitChange

01. better

02. about the same

03. worse

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

K2. Would you say that in the forthcoming year, the state of the economy of Taiwan will get better, stay about the same, or get worse? Z.Tw.A.EconSitFuture

01. better

02. about the same

03. worse

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

K3. Would you say that over the past year, your own household’s economic condition has gotten better, stayed about the same, or gotten worse? Z.Tw.A.RespSitChange

01. better

02. about the same

03. worse

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

K4. Would you say that in the forthcoming year, your own household’s economic condition will get better, stay about the same, or get worse? Z.Tw.A.RespSitFuture

01. better

02. about the same

03. worse

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Let’s turn to your role in the community:

L1. Could you please tell me if you belong to any of the types of organizations? (open ended question) Z.Tw.F.Aso1, Z.Tw.F.Aso2, etc.

992. no

995. refuse to answer

998. don’t know

L2a. Of the organizations to which you belong, which one is the most important to you and what is its name? (open ended question) F.Aso1

995. refuse to answer

L2b. With regard to this group, how frequently do you participate in meetings and other activities? F.Aso1Freq

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

L2c. Did you receive any information about the recent election campaign from this group? F.Aso1Cont

01. Yes

02. No [skip to L3a]

95. refuse to answer [skip to L3a]

98. don’t know [skip to L3a]

L2d. How did you receive information from this group? Z.Tw.F.Aso1ContHow1, Z.Tw.F.Aso1ContHow2, etc.

01. Radio

02. TV

03. Newspapers

04. Mail

05. Telephone [skip to L2e]

06. E-mail [skip to L2e]

07. Personal contact [skip to L2e]

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

L2e. Was this contact with someone you know, or from some other representative of the group? F.Aso1Know

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

99. skip

L2f. Which party or candidate did this group support? F.Aso1Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

L3a. Of the organizations to which you belong, which one is the second most important to you and what is its name? (open ended question) F.Aso2

992. no [skip to L5a]

L3b. With regard to this group, how frequently do you participate in meetings and other activities? F.Aso2Freq

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

L3c. Did you receive any information about the recent election campaign from this group? F.Aso2Cont

01. Yes

02. No [skip to L4a]

95. refuse to answer [skip to L4a]

98. don’t know [skip to L4a]

L3d. How did you receive information from this group? Z.Tw.F.Aso2ContHow1, Z.Tw.F.Aso2ContHow2, etc

01. Radio

02. TV

03. Newspapers

04. Mail

05. Telephone [skip to L3e]

06. E-mail [skip to L3e]

07. Personal contact [skip to L3e]

95. refuse to answer

96. it is dependend

98. don’t know

L3e. Was this contact with someone you know, or from some other representative of the group? F.Aso2Know

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

L3f. Which party or candidate did this group support? F.Aso2Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

92. none

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

L4a. Of the organizations to which you belong, which one is the third most important to you and what is its name? (open ended question) F.Aso3

992. no [skip to L5a]

L4b. With regard to this group, how frequently do you participate in meetings and other activities? F.Aso3Freq

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never

98. don’t know

95. refuse to answer

97. no opinion

96. it is dependend

L4c. Did you receive any information about the recent election campaign from this group? F.Aso3Cont

01. Yes

02. No [skip to L5a]

95. refuse to answer [skip to L5a]

98. don’t know [skip to L5a]

L4d. How did you receive information from this group? Z.Tw.F.Aso3ContHow1, Z.Tw.F.Aso3ContHow2, etc.

01. Radio

02. TV

03. Newspapers

04. Mail

05. Telephone [skip to L4e]

06. E-mail [skip to L4e]

07. Personal contact [skip to L4e]

95. refuse to answer

96. it is dependend

98. don’t know

L4e. Was this contact with someone you know, or from some other representative of the group? F.Aso3Know

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

L4f. Which party or candidate did this group support? F.Aso3Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

92. none

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

L5a. Does any family member living in your household belong to a trade union? (open ended question) F.AsoTuFam

992. no [skip to L6a]

995. refuse to answer [skip to L6a]

998. don’t know [skip to L6a]

L5b. Did that union favor any party or candidate? Z.Tw.F.AsoTuFamBias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to L6a]

95. refuse to answer [skip to L6a]

98. don’t know [skip to L6a]

L5c. What party or candidate did that union favor? F.AsoTuFamPart

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

L6. In Taiwan, some people think they are Taiwanese. There are also some people who think that they are Chinese. Do you consider yourself as Taiwanese, Chinese or both? Z.Tw.B.NationalID

01. Taiwanese

02. both

03. Chinese

95. refuse to anwser

98. don’t know

L7. Concerning the relationship between Taiwan and mainland China, which of the following six positions do you agree with: 1) immediate unification, 2) immediate independence, 3) maintain the status quo, move toward unification in the future, 4) maintain the status quo, move toward independence in the future, 5) maintain the status quo, decide either unification or independence in the future, 6) maintain the status quo forever? Z.Tw.B.Independence

01. immediate unification

02. immediate independence

03. maintain the status quo, move toward unification in the future

04. maintain the status quo, move toward independence in the future

05. maintain the status quo, decide either unification or independence in the future

06. maintain the status quo forever

95. refuse to anwser

96. it’s hard to say

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

L8a. Among the main political parties in our country, including the KMT, DPP, PFP, NP, and TSU, do you support any particular party? C.PartyIDWhich

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

92. neither [skip to M1]

95. refuse to answer [skip to M1]

96. cannot choose [skip to M1]

98. don’t know [skip to M1]

L8b. Do you support the party very strongly, somewhat, or just a little to this party? C.PartyIDStrength

01. very strongly

02. somewhat

03. not very strongly

04. not strongly at all

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

M1. Who is the current Vice President of our country?(open ended question) test1

03. know but can’t remember

95. refuse to anwser

98. don’t know

M2. Who is the current President of the United States? (open ended question) test2

03. know but can’t remember

95. refuse to anwser

98. don’t know

M3. Who is the President of the PRC? (open ended question) test3

03. know but can’t remember

95. refuse to anwser

98. don’t know

M4. Who is the current president of the Judicial Yuan? (open ended question) test4

03. know but can’t remember

95. refuse to anwser

98. don’t know

N1. Among the main political parties in our country, including the KMT, DPP, PFP, NP, and TSU, do you think of yourself as leaning toward any particular party? Z.Tw.C.PartyIDWhich

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

92. neither

95. refuse to answer

96. cannot choose

98. don’t know

N2. Among this country’s political parties, do you feel close to or distant from the KMT? C.ProxKMT

01. Very close

02. Somewhat close

03. Somewhat distant

04. Very distant

95. refuse to answer

97. no opinion

96. it is dependend

98. don’t know

N3. How about the DPP? C.ProxDPP

01. Very close

02. Somewhat close

03. Somewhat distant

04. Very distant

95. refuse to answer

97. no opinion

96. it is dependend

98. don’t know

N4. How about the PFP? C.ProxPFP

01. Very close

02. Somewhat close

03. Somewhat distant

04. Very distant

95. refuse to answer

97. no opinion

96. it is dependend

98. don’t know

N5. How about the TSU? C.ProxTSU

01. Very close

02. Somewhat close

03. Somewhat distant

04. Very distant

95. refuse to answer

97. no opinion

96. it is dependend

98. don’t know

N6. Which party do you feel most distant from? C.DistantParty

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. PFP

04. TSU

91. none [skip to N9a]

92. everyone [skip to N9a]

95. refuse to answer [skip to N9a]

96. cannot choose [skip to N9a]

97. no opinion [skip to N9a]

98. don’t know [skip to N9a]

N7. Would it be always acceptable, acceptable on rare occasions, or never acceptable, to disrupt this party’s campaign activities? K.Disrupt

01. Always Acceptable

02. Acceptable on rare occasions

03. Never acceptable

95. refuse to answer

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

N8. Would it be always acceptable, acceptable on rare occasions, or never acceptable, to use violence to prevent them from coming to power? K.Violence

01. Always Acceptable

02. Acceptable on rare occasions

03. Never acceptable

95. refuse to answer

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

N9a. Please tell me whether the KMT candidates or their representative contacted you during the recent election campaign? I.KMTNoCon

01. Yes [skip to N9b]

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N9b. Was that contact you in person, on the telephone, by mail, or by email? Z.Tw.I.KMTConHow1, Z.Tw.I.KMTConHow2, etc.

01. In person

02. Telephone

03. Mail

04. E-mail

N10a. Please tell me whether the DPP candidates or their representative contacted you during the recent election campaign? I.DPPNoCon

01. Yes [skip to N10b]

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N10b. Was that contact you in person, on the telephone, by mail, or by email? Z.Tw.I.DPPConHow1, Z.Tw.I.DPPConHow2, etc.

01. In person

02. Telephone

03. Mail

04. E-mail

N11a. Please tell me whether the PFP candidates or their representative contacted you during the recent election campaign? I.PFPNoCon

01. Yes [skip to N11b]

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N11b. Was that contact you in person, on the telephone, by mail, or by email? Z.Tw.I.PFPConHow1, Z.Tw.I.PFPConHow2, etc.

01. In person

02. Telephone

03. Mail

04. E-mail

N12a. Please tell me whether the TSU candidates or their representative contacted you during the recent election campaign? I.TSUNoCon

01. Yes [skip to N12b]

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N12b. Was that contact you in person, on the telephone, by mail, or by email? Z.Tw.I.TSUConHow1, Z.Tw.I.TSUConHow2, etc

01. In person

02. Telephone

03. Mail

04. E-mail

N13a. Did you attend any party meetings or rallies during the election campaign? I.MeetAny

01. Yes

02. No [skip to N13a]

95. refuse to answer [skip to N13a]

98. don’t know [skip to N13a]

N13b. Which political party was this?(multiple reponses permitted) Z.Tw.I.MeetParty1, Z.Tw.I.MeetParty2, etc.

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N14. Did you work for any party or candidate during the election campaign? H.CamWork

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N15. Did you contribute money to a party or candidate during the campaign? H.CamMoney

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N16a. Did you receive any advice from a local community leader concerning the best candidate or party in the most recent election? LeaderAdvise1

01. Yes

02. No [skip to N17]

95. refuse to answer [skip to N17]

98. don’t know [skip to N17]

N16b. Which political party was that? Z.Tw.LeaderParty1, Z.Tw.LeaderParty2, etc.

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N17. Have you taken part in a protest demonstration in the last twelve months? H.Protest

01. Yes

02. No

91 forget

95. refuse to answer

N18a. We find that some people are not able to vote. How about you? Did you vote in the recent general elections? H.Turnout

01. Yes

02. No [skip to N19]

91. forget [skip to N19]

95. refuse to answer [skip to N19]

N18b. For which party did you vote? H.Vote04

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

91. forget

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N18c. When did you decide to vote for that party / candidate? H.Decide

01. On election day

02. In the last week before election day

03. A few weeks before election day

04. At least a month before election day

05. Before the election campaign started

06. Always intended on voting for this party

91. forget

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N19. On the whole, how would you rate the freeness and fairness of the last national election, held in 2004.. Was it: K.ElectsFF

01. Completely free and fair

02. Free and fair, but with minor problems

03. Free and fair, with major problems

04. Not free or fair

95. refuse to answer

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Please tell me whether any of the following happened to you personally or someone that you know.

N20. Prevented from registering to vote. K.PrevReg

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N21. Prevented from attending an election event, like a campaign rally, by intimidation or fear. K.PrevMeet

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N22. Prevented from voting because your name was not on the voter list. K.PrevList

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N23. Prevented from voting by intimidation or fear. K.PrevVote

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N24. Offered a reward or compensation to vote for a specific candidate or party? K.BribeVote

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N25. Pressured into voting for a candidate or party that you did not really support? K.PressVote

01. Yes

02. No

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

N26. Which party did you vote for in the 2004. presidential election? Z.Tw.H.VotePres04

01. Chen Shui-bian and Anette Lu

02. Lien Chan and James Soong

03. don’t vote

04. invalid vote

05. not qualified to vote

91. forgot

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

People associate democracy with many diverse meanings such as the ones I will mention now. Is each of these absolutely essential, important, not very important or not important at all, in order for a society to be called democratic?

P1. Is freedom to criticize the government absolutely essential, important, not very important or not important at all, in order for a society to be called democratic? B.DemMeanCrit

01. Not important at all

02. Not very important

03. Important

04. Essential

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P2. Is jobs for everyone absolutely essential, important, not very important or not important at all, in order for a society to be called democratic? B.DemMeanJob

01. Not important at all

02. Not very important

03. Important

04. Essential

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P3. Is free and fair elections absolutely essential, important, not very important or not important at all, in order for a society to be called democratic? B.DemMeanElec

01. Not important at all

02. Not very important

03. Important

04. Essential

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P4. Is a smaller income gap between rich and poor absolutely essential, important, not very important or not important at all, in order for a society to be called democratic? B.DemMeanGap

01. Not important at all

02. Not very important

03. Important

04. Essential

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

I would like to read you some statements about your role in the political system. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with each statement. Do you agree/disagree strongly or not so strongly?

P5. People like me do not have any influence over what the government does. B.NoInflu

01. strong agree

02. agree

03. neiter agree nor disagree

04. disagree

05. strong disagree

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P6. Generally, politics seems so complicated that people like me cannot understand what is happening. B.PolCompl

01. strong agree

02. agree

03. neiter agree nor disagree

04. disagree

05. strong disagree

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P7. Politicians do not care much about what people like me think. B.DontCare

01. strong agree

02. agree

03. neiter agree nor disagree

04. disagree

05. strong disagree

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Here are some statements about how we govern our country. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with each statement. Do you agree/disagree strongly or not so strongly?

P8. Without political parties there can be no democracy. B.DemParties1

01. strong agree

02. agree

03. neiter agree nor disagree

04. disagree

05. strong disagree

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P9. All groups should have the right to participate in elections, no matter how much you dislike their views, as long as they obey the law. B.Tolerance

01. strong agree

02. agree

03. neiter agree nor disagree

04. disagree

05. strong disagree

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P10. Political parties only serve to divide people. B.DemParties2

01. strong agree

02. agree

03. neiter agree nor disagree

04. disagree

05. strong disagree

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P11. Only one political party should be allowed to stand for election and hold office. B.RejOneParty

01. strong agree

02. agree

03. neiter agree nor disagree

04. disagree

05. strong disagree

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P12. Elections and the Legislative Yuan should be abolished so that the president can decide everything. B.RejPresDict

01. strong agree

02. agree

03. neiter agree nor disagree

04. disagree

05. strong disagree

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P13. The army should come in to govern the country. B.RejMilRule

01. strong agree

02. agree

03. neiter agree nor disagree

04. disagree

05. strong disagree

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P14. Which of these three statements is closest to your own opinion? B.DemAuth

01. Democracy is preferable to any other kind of government.

02. In some circumstances, an authoritarian regime – a dictatorship, can be preferable to a democratic system.

03. For someone like me, it doesn’t matter what kind of government we have.

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P15. In your opinion how much of a democracy is Taiwan today? B.DemExtent

01. A full democracy

02. A democracy, but with minor problems

03. A democracy, with major problems

04. Not a democracy

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

P16. Overall, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in Taiwan today? B.DemSat Are you:

01. Very satisfied

02. Fairly satisfied

03. Not very satisfied

04. Not at all satisfied

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Finally, in this scientific study, we would like to know something about the people with whom you interact most frequently.

Q1a. First, what’s your marital status? L.Married

01. Married

02. Married, not living with spouse

03. Not married but living with partner

04. Single [skip to Q2a]

05. Divorced [skip to Q2a]

06. Widowed [skip to Q2a]

95. refuse to anwser [skip to Q2a]

Q1b. How often did you talk to your spouse / partner about the recent election? E.SpouTalk

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never

95. refuse to answer

Q1c. When you talk to him / her, do you agree: E.SpouAgre

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never

05 no discussion

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Q1d. Generally speaking, how well informed would you say your spouse / partner is when it comes to politics? E.SpouKnow

01. Very well informed

02. Somewhat informed

03. Not well informed

04. Not at all informed about politics

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Q1e. Which party did he / she support in the last election? E.SpouPart

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

07. Independent Alliance

08. Independents

91. forgot

92. not qualified to vote

93. not to vote

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

Q2a. Now I would like you to think of someone else with whom you most frequently talk about matters that are important to you. What is this person’s relation to you? E.Disc1

01. Grandmother

02. Grandfather

03. Mother

04. Father

05. Aunt

06. Uncle

07. Sister

08. Brother

09. Female co-worker

10. Male co-worker

11. Female friend

12. Male friend

13. Female neighbor

14. Male neighbor

15. Female prominent community member

16. Male prominent community member

92. none [skip to Q4]

95. refuse to anwser [skip to Q4]

98. don’t know [skip to Q4]

Q2b. How often did you talk about the recent election? E.Disc1Freq

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never

05 no discussion

95. refuse to anwser

Q2c. When you talk to him / her, do you agree: E.Disc1Agre

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never

05. no discussion

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s dependend

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Q2d. Generally speaking, how well informed would you say this person is when it comes to politics? E.Disc1Know

01. Very well informed

02. Somewhat informed

03. Not well informed

04. Not at all informed about politics

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s dependend

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Q2e. Which party did he / she support in the last election? E.Disc1Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

07. Independent Alliance

08. Independents

91 forgot

92 not qualified to vote

93 not to vote

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

Q3a. Now I would like you to think of someone else with whom you most frequently talk about matters that are important to you. What is this person’s relation to you? E.Disc2

01. Grandmother

02. Grandfather

03. Mother

04. Father

05. Aunt

06. Uncle

07. Sister

08. Brother

09. Female co-worker

10. Male co-worker

11. Female friend

12. Male friend

13. Female neighbor

14. Male neighbor

15. Female prominent community member

16. Male prominent community member

90. omit

92. none [skip to Q4]

95. refuse to anwser [skip to Q4]

98. don’t know [skip to Q4]

Q3b. How often did you talk about the recent election? E.Disc2Freq

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s dependend

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Q3c. When you talk to him / her, do you agree: E.Disc2Agre

01. Often

02. Sometimes

03. Rarely

04. Never

05. no discussion

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s dependend

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Q3d. Generally speaking, how well informed would you say this person is when it comes to politics? E.Disc2Know

01. Very well informed

02. Somewhat informed

03. Not well informed

04. Not at all informed about politics

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s dependend

97. no opinion

98. don’t know

Q3e. Which party did he / she support in the last election? E.Disc2Part

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

07. Independent Alliance

08. Independents

91. forgot

92. not qualified to vote

93. not to vote

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

Q4. Are you registered in this place you are currently living in? Z.Tw.L.Registered

01. Yes

02. No [skip to Q5]

Q5. Which city/county? (open ended question) Z.Tw.L.RegisteredWhich

95. refuse to answer

Q6. How long have you been living in this city / town / village? (open ended question) L.TimeCity

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

Q7. And in this building / house / dwelling? (open ended question) L.TimeHouse

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t know

Q8. Year of birth (open ended question) Z.Tw.L.BirthYear

095. refuse to anwser

Q8a. Father’s ethnic background Z.Tw.L.EthnicPat

01. Taiwanese Hakka

02. Taiwanese Min-nan

03. Mainlander

04. Aboriginal

95. refuse to anwser

98. don’t know

Q8b. Mother’s ethnic background Z.Tw.L.EthnicMat

01. Taiwanese Hakka

02. Taiwanese Min-nan

03. Mainlander

04. Aboriginal

95. refuse to anwser

98. don’t know

Q9. Language usually spoken at home L.Language

01. Mandarin

02. Taiwanese

03. Hakka

04. Aboriginal language

05. other Chinese dialect

06. both Mandarin and Taiwanese

07. both Mandarin and Hakka

08. both Taiwanese and Hakka

09. both Mandarin and other Chinese dialect

95. refuse to anwser

Q10. Education level L.Education

01. illiterate

02. literate but no formal schooling

03. some primary school

04. primary school graduate

05. some junior high school

06. junior high school graduate

07. some high school or vocational school

08. high school or vocational school graduate

09. some technical college

10. technical college graduate

11. some university

12. university graduate

13. post-graduate education

95. refuse to anwser

Q11a. Religious belief L.Religion

01. none

02. Buddhism

03. Taoism

04. Catholic

05. Protestant

06. Muslim

07. I-Kuan-Tao

95. refuse to anwser

98. don’t know

Q11b. What denomination is that? (open ended question) L.ReligDenom

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t’ know

Q12. How religious do you consider yourself? L.ReligHowMuch

01. Very religious

02. Somewhat religious

03. Not very religious

04. Not religious at all

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

98. don’t’ know

Q13. Could you please tell me how often you have [gone to church / attended religious services] during the last year? L.ReligFreq

01. Never

02. Two or three times a year

03. Once a month

04. Two or three times a month

05. At least once a week

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

98. don’t’ know

Q14a. During religious services or sermons, did the religious leader at your place of worship tend to favor a particular political party or candidate? F.ReligBias

01. Yes

02. No [skip to Q14c]

95. refuse to answer [skip to Q14c]

98. don’t’ know [skip to Q14c]

Q14b. Which party? F.ReligPart

01. KMT

02. DPP

03. NP

04. PFP

05. TAIP

06. TSU

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

98. don’t’ know

Q14c. Do the members of your congregation tend to support: F.ReligAgre

01. One political party

02. Different political parties

03. They do not discuss politics

95. refuse to answer

96. it’s depended

98. don’t’ know

Q14d. Did religious leader at your place of worship do any of the following? Z.Tw.F.ReligLeader1, Z.Tw.F.ReligLeader2, etc.

01. Ask members to support a specific candidate or party?

02. Identify issues on which you should vote?

03. Make available printed materials supporting a party or candidate?

04. Encourage members of the congregation to vote?

92. none

95. refuse to answer

98. don’t’ know

Q15. Current employment status of respondent L.WorkStat

01. No(not looking)

02. No(looking)

03. Yes, part time(not looking)

04. Yes, part time (looking)

05. Yes, full time (not looking)

06. Yes, full time ( looking)

95. refuse to anwser

Q16a. Main occupation of respondent (open ended question) L.Occupation

0010. Servicemen

0020. Students

0031. housekeeping, without domestic crafting

0032. housekeeping, with domestic crafting

0033. housekeeping, helping familial business without pay

0034. housekeeping, helping familial business with pay

0040. never work before

0050. Unemployment [skip to Q16b]

0060. Retired [skip to Q16b]

1010. Legislators and Government Administrators

1021. Directors and Chief Executives(Pub.)

1022. Directors and Chief Executives(Priv.)

1031. Production and Operations Managers(Pub.)

1032. Production and Operations Managers(Priv.)

1091. Other Managers(Pub.)

1092. Other Managers(Priv.)

2011. Phys., Math. and Eng. Science Professionals(Pub.)

2012. Phys., Math. and Eng. Science Professionals(Priv.)

2021. Biol. Science and Health Professionals(Pub.)

2022. Biol. Science and Health Professionals(Priv.)

2031. Teachers(Pub.)

2032. Teachers(Priv.)

2041. Accountants and Business Professionals(Pub.)

2042. Accountants and Business Professionals(Priv.)

2051. Lawyers and Legal Professionals(Pub.)

2052. Lawyers and Legal Professionals(Priv.)

2061. Social Science and Related Professionals

2062. Social Science and Related Professionals

2091. Other Professionals(Pub.)

2092. Other Professionals(Priv.)

3011. Phys. and Eng. Science Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3012. Phys. and Eng. Science Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3021. Biol. Science and Health Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3022. Biol. Science and Health Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3031. Teaching and Related Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3032. Teaching and Related Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3041. Fin. and Business Services Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3042. Fin. and Business Services Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3051. Gov. Admin. Officials and Bus. Clerical Supervisors(Pub.)

3052. Gov. Admin. Officials and Bus. Clerical Supervisors(Priv.)

3061. Administrative Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3062. Administrative Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3071. Customs, Tax and Related Gov. Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3072. Customs, Tax and Related Gov. Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3091. Other Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3092. Other Associate Professionals(Pub.)

4011. Office Clerks(Pub.)

4012. Office Clerks(Priv.)

4021. Customer Services Clerks(Pub.)

4022. Customer Services Clerks(Priv.)

5011. Personal Services Workers(Pub.)

5012. Personal Services Workers(Priv.)

5021. Protective Services Workers(Pub.)

5022. Protective Services Workers(Priv.)

5031. Models, Salespersons and Demonstrators(Pub.)

5032. Models, Salespersons and Demonstrators(Priv.)

6011. Agr., Animal Husbandry, Forestry and Fishing Workers(Pub.)

6012. Agr., Animal Husbandry, Forestry and Fishing Workers(Priv.)

7011. Extraction and Building Trades Workers(Pub.)

7012. Extraction and Building Trades Workers(Priv.)

7021. Metal, Machinery and Rel. Trades Workers(Pub.)

7022. Metal, Machinery and Rel. Trades Workers(Priv.)

7031. Precision, Handicraft, Print. and Rel. Trades Workers(Pub.)

7032. Precision, Handicraft, Print. and Rel. Trades Workers(Priv.)

7091. Other Craft and Rel. Trades Workers(Pub.)

7092. Other Craft and Rel. Trades Workers(Priv.)

8011. Stationary-plant and Rel. Operators(Pub.)

8012. Stationary-plant and Rel. Operators(Priv.)

8021. Machine Operators(Pub.)

8022. Machine Operators(Priv.)

8031. Assemblers(Pub.)

8032. Assemblers(Priv.)

8041. Drivers and Mobile-plant Operators(Pub.)

8042. Drivers and Mobile-plant Operators(Priv.)

9011. Sales and Services Elementary Occupations(Pub.)

9012. Sales and Services Elementary Occupations(Priv.)

9021. Production Laborers and Rel. Workers(Pub.)

9022. Production Laborers and Rel. Workers(Priv.)

9091. Other Elementary Occupations(Pub.)

9092. Other Elementary Occupations(Priv.)

9995. refuse to anwser

Q16b. Main occupation of respondent before retirement or unemployment Z.Tw.L.Occupation

0010. Servicemen

0020. Students

0031. housekeeping, without domestic crafting

0032. housekeeping, with domestic crafting

0033. housekeeping, helping familial business without pay

0034. housekeeping, helping familial business with pay

0040. never work before

1010. Legislators and Government Administrators

1021. Directors and Chief Executives(Pub.)

1022. Directors and Chief Executives(Priv.)

1031. Production and Operations Managers(Pub.)

1032. Production and Operations Managers(Priv.)

1091. Other Managers(Pub.)

1092. Other Managers(Priv.)

2011. Phys., Math. and Eng. Science Professionals(Pub.)

2012. Phys., Math. and Eng. Science Professionals(Priv.)

2021. Biol. Science and Health Professionals(Pub.)

2022. Biol. Science and Health Professionals(Priv.)

2031. Teachers(Pub.)

2032. Teachers(Priv.)

2041. Accountants and Business Professionals(Pub.)

2042. Accountants and Business Professionals(Priv.)

2051. Lawyers and Legal Professionals(Pub.)

2052. Lawyers and Legal Professionals(Priv.)

2061. Social Science and Related Professionals

2062. Social Science and Related Professionals

2091. Other Professionals(Pub.)

2092. Other Professionals(Priv.)

3011. Phys. and Eng. Science Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3012. Phys. and Eng. Science Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3021. Biol. Science and Health Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3022. Biol. Science and Health Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3031. Teaching and Related Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3032. Teaching and Related Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3041. Fin. and Business Services Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3042. Fin. and Business Services Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3051. Gov. Admin. Officials and Bus. Clerical Supervisors(Pub.)

3052. Gov. Admin. Officials and Bus. Clerical Supervisors(Priv.)

3061. Administrative Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3062. Administrative Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3071. Customs, Tax and Related Gov. Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3072. Customs, Tax and Related Gov. Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3091. Other Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3092. Other Associate Professionals(Pub.)

4011. Office Clerks(Pub.)

4012. Office Clerks(Priv.)

4021. Customer Services Clerks(Pub.)

4022. Customer Services Clerks(Priv.)

5011. Personal Services Workers(Pub.)

5012. Personal Services Workers(Priv.)

5021. Protective Services Workers(Pub.)

5022. Protective Services Workers(Priv.)

5031. Models, Salespersons and Demonstrators(Pub.)

5032. Models, Salespersons and Demonstrators(Priv.)

6011. Agr., Animal Husbandry, Forestry and Fishing Workers(Pub.)

6012. Agr., Animal Husbandry, Forestry and Fishing Workers(Priv.)

7011. Extraction and Building Trades Workers(Pub.)

7012. Extraction and Building Trades Workers(Priv.)

7021. Metal, Machinery and Rel. Trades Workers(Pub.)

7022. Metal, Machinery and Rel. Trades Workers(Priv.)

7031. Precision, Handicraft, Print. and Rel. Trades Workers(Pub.)

7032. Precision, Handicraft, Print. and Rel. Trades Workers(Priv.)

7091. Other Craft and Rel. Trades Workers(Pub.)

7092. Other Craft and Rel. Trades Workers(Priv.)

8011. Stationary-plant and Rel. Operators(Pub.)

8012. Stationary-plant and Rel. Operators(Priv.)

8021. Machine Operators(Pub.)

8022. Machine Operators(Priv.)

8031. Assemblers(Pub.)

8032. Assemblers(Priv.)

8041. Drivers and Mobile-plant Operators(Pub.)

8042. Drivers and Mobile-plant Operators(Priv.)

9011. Sales and Services Elementary Occupations(Pub.)

9012. Sales and Services Elementary Occupations(Priv.)

9021. Production Laborers and Rel. Workers(Pub.)

9022. Production Laborers and Rel. Workers(Priv.)

9091. Other Elementary Occupations(Pub.)

9092. Other Elementary Occupations(Priv.)

9995. refuse to anwser

Q17. Do/ Did you supervise any other employees on your job? L.Supervise

01. Yes [skip to Q18]

02. No

91. Never had work experience [skip to Q20]

95. refuse to anwser

Q18. How Many? (open ended question) L.SuperMany

9995. refuse to anwser

Q19. Are you the main earner of cash income in this household? L.HouseHead

01. Yes [skip to Q24]

02. No

95. refuse to anwser

Q20. What is the current employment status of the main wage earner? L.WorkStatHH

01. No(not looking)

02. No(looking)

03. Yes, part time(not looking)

04. Yes, part time (looking)

05. Yes, full time (not looking)

06. Yes, full time ( looking)

95. refuse to anwser

98. don’t know

Q21a. Main occupation of the main earner? L.OccupationHH

0010. Servicemen

0020. Students

0031. housekeeping, without domestic crafting

0032. housekeeping, with domestic crafting

0033. housekeeping, helping familial business without pay

0034. housekeeping, helping familial business with pay

0040. never work before

0050. Unemployment [skip to Q21b]

0060. Retired [skip to Q21b]

1010. Legislators and Government Administrators

1021. Directors and Chief Executives(Pub.)

1022. Directors and Chief Executives(Priv.)

1031. Production and Operations Managers(Pub.)

1032. Production and Operations Managers(Priv.)

1091. Other Managers(Pub.)

1092. Other Managers(Priv.)

2011. Phys., Math. and Eng. Science Professionals(Pub.)

2012. Phys., Math. and Eng. Science Professionals(Priv.)

2021. Biol. Science and Health Professionals(Pub.)

2022. Biol. Science and Health Professionals(Priv.)

2031. Teachers(Pub.)

2032. Teachers(Priv.)

2041. Accountants and Business Professionals(Pub.)

2042. Accountants and Business Professionals(Priv.)

2051. Lawyers and Legal Professionals(Pub.)

2052. Lawyers and Legal Professionals(Priv.)

2061. Social Science and Related Professionals

2062. Social Science and Related Professionals

2091. Other Professionals(Pub.)

2092. Other Professionals(Priv.)

3011. Phys. and Eng. Science Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3012. Phys. and Eng. Science Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3021. Biol. Science and Health Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3022. Biol. Science and Health Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3031. Teaching and Related Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3032. Teaching and Related Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3041. Fin. and Business Services Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3042. Fin. and Business Services Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3051. Gov. Admin. Officials and Bus. Clerical Supervisors(Pub.)

3052. Gov. Admin. Officials and Bus. Clerical Supervisors(Priv.)

3061. Administrative Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3062. Administrative Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3071. Customs, Tax and Related Gov. Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3072. Customs, Tax and Related Gov. Associate Professionals(Priv.)

3091. Other Associate Professionals(Pub.)

3092. Other Associate Professionals(Pub.)

4011. Office Clerks(Pub.)

4012. Office Clerks(Priv.)

4021. Customer Services Clerks(Pub.)

4022. Customer Services Clerks(Priv.)

5011. Personal Services Workers(Pub.)

5012. Personal Services Workers(Priv.)

5021. Protective Services Workers(Pub.)

5022. Protective Services Workers(Priv.)

5031. Models, Salespersons and Demonstrators(Pub.)

5032. Models, Salespersons and Demonstrators(Priv.)

6011. Agr., Animal Husbandry, Forestry and Fishing Workers(Pub.)

6012. Agr., Animal Husbandry, Forestry and Fishing Workers(Priv.)

7011. Extraction and Building Trades Workers(Pub.)

7012. Extraction and Building Trades Workers(Priv.)

7021. Metal, Machinery and Rel. Trades Workers(Pub.)

7022. Metal, Machinery and Rel. Trades Workers(Priv.)

7031. Precision, Handicraft, Print. and Rel. Trades Workers(Pub.)

7032. Precision, Handicraft, Print. and Rel. Trades Workers(Priv.)

7091. Other Craft and Rel. Trades Workers(Pub.)

7092. Other Craft and Rel. Trades Workers(Priv.)

8011. Stationary-plant and Rel. Operators(Pub.)

8012. Stationary-plant and Rel. Operators(Priv.)

8021. Machine Operators(Pub.)

8022. Machine Operators(Priv.)

8031. Assemblers(Pub.)

8032. Assemblers(Priv.)

8041. Drivers and Mobile-plant Operators(Pub.)

8042. Drivers and Mobile-plant Operators(Priv.)

9011. Sales and Services Elementary Occupations(Pub.)

9012. Sales and Services Elementary Occupations(Priv.)

9021. Production Laborers and Rel. Workers(Pub.)

9022. Production Laborers and Rel. Workers(Priv.)

9091. Other Elementary Occupations(Pub.)

9092. Other Elementary Occupations(Priv.)

9990. omit

9995. refuse to anwser

9998. don’t know

Q21b. Main occupation of the main earner before retirement or unemployment? Z.Tw.L.OccupationHH

Q22. Do/ Did they supervise any other employees on their job? L.SuperviseHH

01. Yes [skip to Q23]

02. No

95. refuse to anwser

Q23. How Many? (open ended question) L.SuperManyHH

9995. refuse to anwser

9998. don’t know

Q24. telephone number and mobile phone number Z.Tw.L.PhoneNum

01. telephone number

02. mobile phone number

03. no telephone

04. don't want to give the number

Q25. How many telephone lines does your household have? Z.Tw.L.PhoneLines

(only those used for voice communications)


95. refuse to anwser

ending hours_ Z.Tw.L.EndHours ending minutes__Z.Tw.L.EndMinsI

Q26. respondent’s gender L.Gender

01. male

02. female

Q27. Language used to conduct interview Z.Tw.L.InterviewLang

01. Mandarin

02. Taiwanese

03. Hakka

04. Mandarin and Taiwanese

05. Mandarin and Hakka

05. Taiwanese and Hakka

T1. Before the interview started, did the respondent do any of the following? [multiple responses permitted] Z.Tw.L.InterviewProblem1, Z.Tw.L.InterviewProblem2, etc.

01. Claim he or she was too busy to be interviewed

02. Claim his or her family was too busy for him or her to be interviewed

03. Claim to be uninterested in surveys

04. Claim not to trust opinion surveys

05. Express doubt about how the survey would be used

06. Express doubt about whether respondents’ opinions or personal information

would be kept private

07. Express doubt about the surveying organization or project director

08. Express doubt about the identity of the interviewer

09. A family member opposed the respondent being interviewed

10. None of the above

T2. During the interview, did the respondent do any of the following:

T2a. Did the respondent ask to fill out the questionnaire him or herself? Z.Tw.L.FillQuest

01. yes

02. no

T2b. Did the respondent ask to see the questionnaire? Z.Tw.L.SeeQuest

01. yes

02. no

T2c. Did the respondent seem to want to quit during the interview? Z.Tw.L.QuitInterview

01. yes

02. no

T2d. Did the respondent say that there were too many questions? Z.Tw.L.TooManyQuests

01. yes

02. no

T2e. Did the respondent say that a question was unclear or something was not defined well? Z.Tw.L.QuestsUnclear

01. yes, ___ Z.Tw.L.QuestsUnclear1 , Z.Tw.L.QuestsUnclear2, etc. ______

02. no

T2f. Did the respondent think the questions were too hard? Z.Tw.L.QuestsHard

01. yes, ___ Z.Tw.L.QuestsHard1, Z.Tw.L.QuestsHard2, etc.______

02. no

T2g. Did the respondent think the questions were too sensitive? Z.Tw.L.QuestsSensitive

01. yes, ___ Z.Tw.L.QuestsSensitive1, Z.Tw.L.QuestsSensitive2, etc. ______

02. no

T3. How cooperative was the respondent? Z.Tw.L.Cooperation

01. very cooperative

02. fairly cooperative

03. a little cooperative

04. a little uncooperative

05. fairly uncooperative

06. very uncooperative

T4. How well do you think the respondent understood the questions? Z.Tw.prehension

01. understood very well

02. understood fairly well

03. understood a little

04. didn’t understand a little

05. didn’t understand a fair amount

06. didn’t understand much at all

T5. How sensitive do you think the respondent thought the questions were? Z.Tw.L.Sensitivity

01. very sensitive

02. fairly sensitive

03. a little sensitive

04. a little insensitive

05. fairly insensitive

06. very insensitive

T6. How interested do you think the respondent was in the contents of the survey? Z.Tw.L.Interest

01. very interested

02. fairly interested

03. a little interested

04. a little uninterested

05. fairly uninterested

06. very uninterested

T7. How trustworthy do you think the respondent’s answers are? Z.Tw.L.Trustworthiness

01. most are untrustworthy

02. some are untrustworthy

03. most are trustworthy

04. all are trustworthy

T8. What do you think is the respondent’s level of knowledge about general political matters? rmed

01. very low

02. low

03. high

04. very high

T9. The respondent answered questions: Z.Tw.L.InterviewHelp1, Z.Tw.L.InterviewHelp2, etc.

01. by him or herself

02. with his or her spouse

03. a child also participated (child’s age?)

04. with his or her entire family

05. with other people present (specify)


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