Religious Observances 2020-2021The calendar below is a month-by-month listing of religious observances in Fall of 2020 and all of 2021. This list includes the dates for some of the most important religious celebrations of the major religions. Some of these holy days include fasting or abstaining from specific food or drink for specified periods ranging from a month to more than a day (25 hours) to daylight hours (sunrise to sundown). Absence from work or classes is also common observance for some major holy days.This list is by no means meant to be comprehensive. For additional holy day listings and descriptions, please consult the following links and Please note that some holy days (*) start at sundown of the evening of the listed start date and end at sundown or nightfall of the concluding listed date.Major Religious Holidays August 2020 – December 2020Lughnasadh-Imbolc Wicca/PaganAug. 1SatParyushana Parva JainAug 15SatFirst of Muharram IslamicAug. 19-21*Wed-FriGanesh Chaturthi HinduAug 21-22Fri-SatAshuraIslamicAug 28-29*#Fri-SatRosh Hashanah [New Year] Jewish Sept. 18-20* Fri-SunMabon-OstaraWicca/PaganSept. 22 TuesYom Kippur [Day of Atonement] Jewish Sept. 27-28*Sun-MonSukkot [Feast of Tabernacles-7 days] Jewish Oct. 2-9* Fri-FriShemini Atzeret and Simchat TorahJewishOct. 10-12*Sat-MonNavratriHinduOct. 17-26Sat-MonBirth of the BabBahai’iOct. 18-19*Sat-SunDasaraHinduOct. 25SunSamhainWicca/PaganOct 31-Nov. 1*Sat-SunAll Saints Day/Day of the DeadChristian/LatinxNov. 1SunDiwali Jain/Sikh/Hindu Nov. 14SatAdvent ChristianNov. 29-Dec. 24Sun-ThursGuru Nanak GurpurabSikhNov. 30MonSolemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Feast of the Immaculate ConceptionChristianDec. 8TuesBodhi Day (Rohatsu) Buddhist Dec. 8TuesChanukah [8 days]Jewish Dec. 10-Dec. 18* Thurs-FriOur Lady of GuadalupeChristianDec. 12SatYule/SolsticeWicca/PaganDec. 21TuesChristmas Christian Dec. 25 FridayKwanzaa African-American Dec. 26-Jan. 1 Sat-FriFeast of the Holy FamilyChristianDec. 27SunMajor Religious Holidays January 2021 – December 2021Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin MaryChristianJan. 1FriFeast of the EpiphanyChristianJan. 6WedChristmas/Feast of the NativityOrthodox ChristianJan 7ThursImbolcWicca/PaganFeb 2TuesAsian Lunar New Year Confucian/Taoist /BuddhistFeb. 12FriAsh Wednesday (Protestant and Roman Catholic Lenten season Feb 17-Mar 29)Christian? Feb 17WedPurim Jewish Feb 25-26*Thurs-FriNineteen Day FastBahai’i Mar 2-20*#Tues-SatLaylat al MirajIslamMar 11*#ThursOrthodox Great Lent Eastern OrthodoxMar 15-May 1 Mon-SatOstaraWicca/PaganMar 21SunNorooz (New Year)Persian/ZoroastrianMar 21-22Sun-MonPassover [Pesach-8 days]Jewish Mar 27-Apr 4*Sat-SunPalm SundayChristianMar 28SunHoli Hindu Mar 28-29Sun-MonMaundy ThursdayChristianApril 1ThursGood FridayChristian April 2Fri EasterChristianApril 4SunBuddah’s BirthdayBuddhistApril 8ThursRamadan (29-30 days)IslamicApril 12-May 11*# Mon-TuesVaisakhi Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist April 14WedRidvanBaha’iApril 20TuesMahavir JayantiJainApril 25SunBeltaneWicca/PaganMay 1SatPascha/EasterOrthodox ChristianMay 2SunEid al Fitr Islamic May 12-13*#Wed-ThursShavuotJewishMay 16-18Sun-WedDeclaration of the BábBahá'iMay 23*SunFeast of PentecostChristianMay 23SunVesak (Buddha Day)BuddhistMay 26WedAscension of Baha’ullahBahá'iMay 28FriLitha-Yule (Solstice) Wicca/PaganJune 21MonEid al Adha IslamicJuly 19-23*#Thurs-MonLughnasadh-Imbolc Wicca/PaganAug. 1SunFirst of MuharramIslamicAug. 9-10*Mon-TuesAshuraIslamicAug 18-19*#Wed-ThursParyushana ParvaJainSept. 3FriRosh Hashanah [New Year] Jewish Sept. 6-8* Mon-WedGanesh ChaturthiHinduSept 10FriYom Kippur [Day of Atonement] Jewish Sept 15-16*Wed-ThursSukkot [Feast of Tabernacles-7 days] Jewish Sept 20-27* Mon-MonMabonWicca/PaganSept. 22 WedShemini Atzeret and Simchat TorahJewishSept 28-30* Mon-WedNavratriHinduOct 6-14Wed-ThursDasaraHinduOct 15FriSamhainWicca/PaganOct 31-Nov. 1*Sun-MonAll Saints Day/Day of the DeadChristian/LatinxNov. 1MonDiwali Jain/Sikh/Hindu Nov 4ThursBirth of the BabBahai’iNov 6-7*Sat-SunGuru Nanak GurpurabSikhNov. 19FriOur Lady of GuadalupeChristianDec. 12SunChanukah [8-days]Jewish Nov 28-Dec 6* Sun-TuesAdvent ChristianNov 28-Dec 24Sun-FriFeast of the Immaculate ConceptionChristianDec. 8WedBodhi Day (Rohatsu) Buddhist Dec. 8WedOur Lady of GuadalupeChristianDec. 12SunYule/Winter SolsticeWiccaDec. 22WedChristmas Christian Dec. 25 SatKwanzaa African-American Dec. 26-Jan. 1 Sun-SatFeast of the Holy FamilyChristianDec. 26Sun* Some holy days (*) start at sundown of the evening of the listed start date and end at sundown or nightfall of the concluding listed date.# Some of these dates are not fixed to a calendar but based on the actual sighting of the moon and therefore there may be some variance by a day. For additional information, please contact The Tucker Center: 603-646-3870 or ................

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