

Port Lists

I am NOT a firewall expert, nor a firewall guru, or anything else, for that matter. I am learning as I go, so don't expect much from this page. Also, I tend to allow users access to applications that use unsecure protocols (like UDP). I have worked for companies that won't allow unusual UDP, or SMTP, or many other ports thru their firewalls. It just makes people unhappy, so I avoid all of that junk

Well, first things first.

The IP Protocol - you should spend a bit of time learning what makes the IP Protocol work. Learning terms like TCP, UDP, ICMP, PPTP, and others will help you understand the HOW and WHY of firewall configureation. So, print the stuff from these links, and read them. Cheaper than buying a book, eh?

Rutger's IP Tutorial

TCP/IP Reference Page

You want to setup a firewall to protect your {small business/home/home office}network from hackers while your DSL/Cable Modem is always on.

If you have a home network, try using the info below on a Windows2000 machine. Win2k has basic packet filtering rules built-in. I recommend the line of products from Tiny Software for anyone: a home user with a single computer would benifit from the Tiny Personal Firewall, and home OR office users would benefit from Winroute Lite or Winroute Pro. Pricing is comparable to Sygate or Winproxy, and their products are superior to both. Or, you can purchase a LinkSys Router.

If you use ICS (a built-in Windows Utility to share your internet conenction) under Windows 98SE, check out this ICS Configuration Utility to configure TCP/UDP ports (read the tutorials above for help).

If you use ICS with Windows 2000 (Pro or Server), check out the Microsoft ICS configuration webpage for details.

So, here is a port list for you to use with your firewall product (whatever it may be). The list includes the general use of the port, port number, and protocol use (TCP or UDP). If you have anything for this list, PUHLEAZE let me know!

telnet 23/tcp Telnet

telnet 23/udp Telnet

ftp 21/tcp File Transfer [Control]

ftp 21/udp File Transfer [Control]

ftp 20/tcp File transfer [data]

ftp 20/udp File transfer [data]

smtp 25/tcp Simple Mail Transfer

http 80/tcp World Wide Web HTTP

http 80/udp World Wide Web HTTP

hosts2-ns 81/tcp HOSTS2 Name Server

hosts2-ns 81/udp HOSTS2 Name Server

pop3 110/tcp Post Office Protocol - Version 3

ident 113/tcp auth 113/tcp Authentication Service

auth 113/udp Authentication Service

nntp 119/tcp Network News Transfer Protocol

nntp 119/udp Network News Transfer Protocol

ntp 123/tcp Network Time Protocol

ntp 123/udp Network Time Protocol

dns 53/tcp Domain Name Server

dns 53/udp Domain Name Server

dns 1025/tcp Domain Name Server

dns 1025/udp Domain Name Server

ftp 20/tcp File Transfer Protocol Data Port

ftp 20/udp File Transfer Protocol Data Port

dhcp 67/udp DHCP IP allocation (critical for Cable Modem users)

proxy/redirect 8080/tcp port used for Proxy Services

proxy/redirect 8080/udp port used for Proxy Services

IMAP 143/TCP port used for IMAP clients to connect to IMAP services on email server

http ssl 443/tcp for Secure Purchases on the Internet

http ssl 443/udp for Secure Purchases on the Internet




realaudio 7070/udp configure player to use this port only; configure video player to use HTTP only

shockwave 1626/tcp Shockwave

shockwave 1626/udp Shockwave

win media plyr 1755/tcp

win media plyr 1755/udp

appleqtc 458/tcp apple quick time

appleqtc 458/udp apple quick time

irc 194/tcp Internet Relay Chat Protocol

irc 194/udp Internet Relay Chat Protocol

pgpfone 4747/udp pgpfone secure phone software

gamespy 1470/udp Gamespy gaming client (for Baldurs Gate, etc...)

Windows2000 Terminal Server 3389/tcp

Complex Apps/Services

ICQ - you should download the latest version. Configure the ICQ client to use a small port range (say, 1024-5000) for listening, and configure your server for TCP 1024-5000, and TCP 5190 will allow ICQ to talk to its server

Napster - you should download the latest version. Configure the Napster client to use a single TCP port (I used 4999), then make sure your TCP settings on your firewall are setup.


389 Internet Locator Service (ILS) TCP

522 User Location Service TCP

1503 T.120 TCP

1720 H.323 call setup TCP

1731 Audio call control TCP

Warning: NetMeeting requires that you allow UDP inbound. I don't recommend that with most firewalls. So, be careful using netmeeting.

Messaging & Conferencing

Active Worlds

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

IN TCP 3000

IN TCP 5670

IN TCP 7777

IN TCP 7000-7100

AIM Talk

OUT TCP 4099

IN TCP 5190

Calista IP phone

OUT TCP 5190

IN UDP 3000


(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

OUT UDP 24032

IN UDP 1414 [use H.323 protocol if available]

IN UDP 1424 [use H.323 protocol if available]

IN TCP 1503

IN TCP 1720 [use H.323 protocol if available]

IN UDP 1812 1813

IN TCP 7640

IN TCP 7642

IN UDP 7648

IN TCP 7648

IN TCP 7649 7649

IN UDP 24032

IN UDP 56800

OUT UDP 1414 [use H.323 protocol if available]

OUT UDP 1424 [use H.323 protocol if available]

OUT TCP 1503

OUT TCP 1720 [use H.323 protocol if available]

OUT UDP 1812 1813

OUT TCP 7640

OUT TCP 7642

OUT UDP 7648

OUT TCP 7648

OUT TCP 7649

OUT UDP 56800

Delta Three PC to Phone

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

IN TCP 12053 [use CuSeeMe protocol if available]

IN TCP 12083

IN UDP 12080

IN UDP 12120

IN UDP 12122

IN UDP 24150 - 24179


OUT TCP 7175

IN UDP 51200 51201

IN TCP 51210

IN TCP 1584 1585

OUT TCP 8680 8686

Dwyco Video Conferencing

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

IN UDP 12000 - 16090

IN TCP 1024 - 5000

IN TCP 6700 - 6702

IN TCP 6880


IN UDP 2090 2091

IN TCP 2090

H.323 compliant video player,

NetMeeting 2.0, 3.0, Intel Video Phone

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

(Incoming calls are not possible due to NetMeeting assigning ports dynamically.)

OUT TCP 1720

IN UDP 1024 65534 [use H.323 protocol if available]

OUT UDP 1024 65534 [use H.323 protocol if available]

IN TCP 1024 1502 [use H.323 protocol if available]

OUT TCP 1024 1502 [use H.323 protocol if available]

IN TCP 1504 1730 [use H.323 protocol if available]

OUT TCP 1504 1730 [use H.323 protocol if available]

IN TCP 1732 65534 [use H.323 protocol if available]

OUT TCP 1732 65534 [use H.323 protocol if available]

OUT TCP 1503 1503

OUT TCP 1731 1731

IN TCP 1503 1503

IN TCP 1731 1731

Hotline Server

IN TCP 5500 - 5503

IN UDP 5499

The TCP Ports enabled are 5500 - 5503 (This is for the standard 5500 Hotline port)

If you change the default port, then you must enable the 3 ports after it (so if you choose 4000 then you must enable 4000 - 4003) The UDP port enabled 5499 is required only if you want to list your server on a tracker (the data stream is only outgoing so if you want to disable in bound on a firewall it would work fine)


In ICQ under "Preferences & security", "Preferences" and Connections, click on "I am behind a firewall or proxy" then click on "Firewall Settings". Then select "I don't have a SOCKS Proxy server on my firewall" or "I am using another Proxy server". Click Next. Click "Use the following TCP listen ports for incoming event" and set the TCP ports for 20000 to 20019 for the first user, 20020 to 20039 for the second user, 20040 to 20059 for the third user, etc.

OUT UDP 4000

IN TCP 20000 20019 for one user


IN TCP 20000 20039 for two users


IN TCP 20000 20059 for three users, etc.

ICUII Client

OUT TCP 2019

IN TCP 2000 2038

IN TCP 2050 2051

IN TCP 2069

IN TCP 2085

IN TCP 3010 3030

OUT TCP 2000 2038

OUT TCP 2050 2051

OUT TCP 2069

OUT TCP 2085

OUT TCP 3010 3030

Internet Phone

OUT UDP 22555


The IRC port is usually 6667, but is sometimes 7000

OUT TCP 6667


OUT TCP 7000

IN TCP 113

mIRC Chat


IN TCP 101

mIRC Fserve


IN TCP 111


IN UDP 113

mIRC Send


IN TCP 121

mIRC Get


IN TCP 131


MSN Messenger

NOTE: Shut off any personal firewall programs such as BlackIce, ZoneAlarm, etc.

Ports 6891-6900 enable File send,

Port 6901 is for voice communications

Allows Voice, PC to Phone, Messages, and Full File transfer capabilities.

IN TCP 6891 - 6900

IN TCP 1863

IN UDP 1863

IN UDP 5190

IN UDP 6901

IN TCP 6901


OUT UDP 6801

IN UDP 6801

One additional UDP and one TCP port in the range of 1 to 30000 must be mapped. Ports 6802 and 6803 are suggested. These ports must be mapped in your firewall, then set in the Net2Phone client as follows:

1) Click on Net2Phone's "Menu" button.

2) Select "Preferences".

3) Click on the "Network" tab.

4) Enter 6802 for the Client TCP Port.

5) Enter 6803 for the Client UDP Port.

Pal Talk [support page]

Each computer using Pal Talk must use a different OUT port number, starting at 5001 and incrementing by 1.

OUT TCP 5001

IN UDP 2090 2091 [voice]

IN TCP 2090 2091

IN TCP 2095 [file transfer]

IN TCP 5200 5203 [answering service (future)]

IN TCP 8080 [video]

IN UDP 8090 - 8290 [group voice]


IN UDP 1034 - 1035

IN UDP 9900 - 9901

IN TCP 1034 - 1035

IN TCP 2644

IN TCP 8000

This Mapping is needed to hear the audio from the incoming party, outgoing audio would work without it.

** According to phonefree the ports you need open are:

8000 TCP For Server access

1034 UDP Voice in/out

1035 TCP Voice in/out

2644 TCP Personal Communication Center

I found that port range 9900-9901 UDP is also needed but not mentioned at phonefree support. Also shut off any other firewall programs you may have running. To make PC-TO-PHONE calls, it seems only UDP port 9900 must be opened (the fewer ports open, the better!).

Roger Wilco [support page]

IN TCP 3782

IN UDP 3782

IN UDP 3783 [only needed for RW Base station]

Speak Freely

IN UDP 2074 - 2076

Yahoo Messenger Chat

IN TCP 5000 - 5001

Yahoo Messenger Phone

IN UDP 5055


Audio & Video

Audiogalaxy Satellite [updated 12/13/00]

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

IN TCP 41000 - 50000

IN TCP 1117-5190


IN TCP 2047 2048

IN UDP 2047 2048


IN TCP 6346

IN UDP 6346


OUT TCP 6699

IN TCP 6699

QuickTime 4 Server

IN TCP 6970

IN UDP 6970 - 7000

QuickTime 4 Client & RealAudio on Port 554

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)


IN UDP 6970 - 32000

RealAudio on Port 7070

OUT TCP 7070

IN UDP 6970 - 7170

ShoutCast Server

IN TCP 8000 - 8005



Aliens vs. Predator

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)


IN UDP 2300 - 2400

IN UDP 8000 - 8999

Asheron's Call [support page] [mapping info]

OUT UDP 9000, 9004, 9008, 9012

IN UDP 9000, 9001, 9004, 9005, 9012, 9013

NOTE! You may also need to open the MSN Game Zone and DX ports

, Myth, Myth II Server

IN TCP 3453

Dark Reign 2

IN TCP 26214

IN UDP 26214

Delta Force (Client and Server)

OUT UDP 3568

IN TCP 3100 3999

OUT TCP 3100 3999

IN UDP 3100 3999

OUT UDP 3100 3999

Elite Force

IN UDP 26000

IN UDP 27500

IN UDP 27910

IN UDP 27960


(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

IN TCP 7000

IN UDP 5999

IN UDP 1024 6000

Note: May have to open this last UDP range even wider

Fighter Ace II

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

IN TCP 50000 - 50100

IN UDP 50000 - 50100

for DX play also open these ports:

IN TCP 47624

IN TCP 2300 - 2400

IN UDP 2300 - 2400

Half Life Server

IN TCP 27015

Heretic II Server

IN TCP 28910

Hexen II

Each computer hosting Hexen II must use a different port number, starting at 26900 and incrementing by 1.

IN UDP 26900 (for first player)


Each computer using KALI must use a different port number, starting at 2213 and incrementing by 1.

IN UDP 2213 (for first player)

IN UDP 6666

Motorhead server

IN UDP 16000

IN TCP 16000

IN TCP 16010 - 16030

IN UDP 16010 - 16030

The ports 16010-16030 are ports specified in the MotorHead dedicated server client ports section. You need to specify client ports so that Motorhead does not assign client ports randomly.

MSN Game Zone [support page] [DX support page]

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

IN TCP 6667

IN TCP 28800 - 29000

for DX play also open these ports:

IN TCP 47624

IN TCP 2300 - 2400

IN UDP 2300 - 2400

Need for Speed - Porche

IN UDP 9442


IN UDP 5310

IN TCP 5310

Quake2 (Client and Server)

IN UDP 27910


Each computer playing QuakeIII must use a different port number, starting at 27660 and incrementing by 1. You'll also need to do the following:

1. Right click on the QIII icon

2. Choose "Properties"

3. In the Target field you'll see a line like "C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\quake3.exe"

4. Add the Quake III net_port command to specify a unique communication port for each system. The complete field should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\quake3.exe" +set net_port 27660

5. Click OK.

6. Repeat for each system behind the NAT, adding one to the net_port selected (27660,27661,27662)

IN UDP 27660 (for first player)

Rainbow Six (Client and Server)

OUT TCP 2346

IN TCP 2346

Rogue Spear

OUT TCP 2346

IN TCP 2346


IN UDP 6112


IN TCP 5001-5010 Game

IN TCP 7775-7777 Login

IN TCP 8888 Patch

IN TCP 8800-8900 UO Messenger

IN TCP 9999 Patch

IN TCP 7875 UOMonitor

Port 7875 is not used by the game, but by UOMonitor, which many players use to monitor server status.

Unreal Tournament server

IN UDP 7777 (default gameplay port)

IN UDP 7778 (server query port

IN UDP 7779+ (UDP 7779+ are allocated dynamically for each helper UdpLink objects, including UdpServerUplin objects. Try starting with 7779-7781 and add ports if needed.))

IN UDP 27900 (server query, if master server uplink is enabled. Some master servers use other ports, like 27500)

IN TCP 8080

(Port 8080 is for UT Server Admin. In the [UWeb.WebServer] section of the server.ini file, set the ListenPort to 8080 (to match the mapped port above) and ServerName to the IP assigned to the router from your ISP.)

Westwood Online - C&C Tiberian Sun & Dune 2000

Note: Westwood Online supports only one user per public IP address at any given time

OUT TCP 4000

IN TCP 4000

IN UDP 1140 1234

IN TCP 1140 1234

OUT UDP 1140 1234

OUT TCP 1140 1234


IN UDP 7845 [Use Quake Translation if you can set it]


Common Servers

FTP Server on your LAN


POP3 Mail Server on your LAN

IN TCP 110

SMTP Mail server" on your LAN


TELNET Server on your LAN


WEB Server on your LAN






CITRIX Metaframe

IN TCP 1494

CarbonCopy32 host on your LAN

(Warning: this application opens your firewall up very wide)

IN TCP 1680

IN UDP 1023-1679

Deerfield MDaemon Email Server

IN TCP 3000

IN TCP 3001



Laplink Host

IN TCP 1547

Lotus Notes Server

IN TCP 1352

NTP (Network Time Protocol)


IN UDP 123

pcANYHWERE host on your LAN

IN TCP 5631

IN UDP 5632


RAdmin (Fama Tech)

IN TCP 4899

Remote Anything

FAQ page

IN TCP 3999 - 4000

IN UDP 3996 - 3998

Remotely Possible Server

IN TCP 799

Shiva VPN

(set the mobile option in the Shiva VPN client software to be your public IP address)

OUT UDP 2233

IN UDP 2233

Windows 2000 Terminal Server

(probably also works for NT Terminal services)

IN TCP 3389

IN UDP 3389

Microsoft Windows NT Server Function Static ports

-------- ------------

Browsing UDP:137,138

DHCP Lease UDP:67,68

DHCP Manager TCP:135

Directory Replication UDP:138 TCP:139

DNS Administration TCP:135

DNS Resolution UDP:53

Event Viewer TCP:139

File Sharing TCP:139

Logon Sequence UDP:137,138 TCP:139

NetLogon UDP:138

Pass Through Validation UDP:137,138 TCP:139

Performance Monitor TCP:139

PPTP TCP:1723 IP Protocol:47 (GRE)

Printing UDP:137,138 TCP:139

Registry Editor TCP:139

Server Manager TCP:139

Trusts UDP:137,138 TCP:139

User Manager TCP:139

WinNT Diagnostics TCP:139

WinNT Secure Channel UDP:137,138 TCP:139

WINS Replication TCP:42

WINS Manager TCP:135

WINS Registration TCP:137

List of Ports Used by WLBS and Convoy for Cluster Control:

Function Static ports

-------- ------------

Convoy UDP:1717


List of Ports Used by Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.0:

Function Static ports

-------- ------------

Client/Server Comm. TCP:135

Exchange Administrator TCP:135





MTA - X.400 over TCP/IP TCP:102

POP3 TCP:110

POP3 (SSL) TCP:995





For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q176466 XGEN: TCP Ports and Microsoft Exchange: In-depth Discussion

List of Ports Used by Terminal Server Clients

Function Static ports

-------- ------------

RDP Client (Microsoft) TCP:3389 (Pre Beta2:1503)

ActiveX Client (TSAC) TCP:80, 3389

ICA Client (Citrix) TCP:1494

NOTE: Terminal Server uses port 3389.

Additional Ports Used by Windows 2000 services:

Function Static ports

-------- ------------

Direct Hosting of SMB Over TCP/IP TCP,UDP: 445



ESP IP Protocol 50

AH IP Protocol 51

Kerberos TCP,UDP: 88

RSVP IP Protocol 46


And finally, here is the old IANA port numbers list. It is really long.....


The port numbers are divided into three ranges: the Well Known Ports,

the Registered Ports, and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports.

The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023.

The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151

The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535


The Well Known Ports are assigned by the IANA and on most systems can

only be used by system (or root) processes or by programs executed by

privileged users.

Ports are used in the TCP [RFC793] to name the ends of logical

connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of

providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is

defined. This list specifies the port used by the server process as

its contact port. The contact port is sometimes called the

"well-known port".

To the extent possible, these same port assignments are used with the

UDP [RFC768].

The range for assigned ports managed by the IANA is 0-1023.

Port Assignments:

Keyword Decimal Description Refrences

------- ------- ----------- ----------

0/tcp Reserved

0/udp Reserved

# Jon Postel

tcpmux 1/tcp TCP Port Service Multiplexer

tcpmux 1/udp TCP Port Service Multiplexer

# Mark Lottor

compressnet 2/tcp Management Utility

compressnet 2/udp Management Utility

compressnet 3/tcp Compression Process

compressnet 3/udp Compression Process

# Bernie Volz

# 4/tcp Unassigned

# 4/udp Unassigned

rje 5/tcp Remote Job Entry

rje 5/udp Remote Job Entry

# Jon Postel

# 6/tcp Unassigned

# 6/udp Unassigned

echo 7/tcp Echo

echo 7/udp Echo

# Jon Postel

# 8/tcp Unassigned

# 8/udp Unassigned

discard 9/tcp Discard

discard 9/udp Discard

# Jon Postel

# 10/tcp Unassigned

# 10/udp Unassigned

systat 11/tcp Active Users

systat 11/udp Active Users

# Jon Postel

# 12/tcp Unassigned

# 12/udp Unassigned

daytime 13/tcp Daytime (RFC 867)

daytime 13/udp Daytime (RFC 867)

# Jon Postel

# 14/tcp Unassigned

# 14/udp Unassigned

# 15/tcp Unassigned [was netstat]

# 15/udp Unassigned

# 16/tcp Unassigned

# 16/udp Unassigned

qotd 17/tcp Quote of the Day

qotd 17/udp Quote of the Day

# Jon Postel

msp 18/tcp Message Send Protocol

msp 18/udp Message Send Protocol

# Rina Nethaniel

chargen 19/tcp Character Generator

chargen 19/udp Character Generator

ftp-data 20/tcp File Transfer [Default Data]

ftp-data 20/udp File Transfer [Default Data]

ftp 21/tcp File Transfer [Control]

ftp 21/udp File Transfer [Control]

# Jon Postel

ssh 22/tcp SSH Remote Login Protocol

ssh 22/udp SSH Remote Login Protocol

# Tatu Ylonen

telnet 23/tcp Telnet

telnet 23/udp Telnet

# Jon Postel

24/tcp any private mail system

24/udp any private mail system

# Rick Adams

smtp 25/tcp Simple Mail Transfer

smtp 25/udp Simple Mail Transfer

# Jon Postel

# 26/tcp Unassigned

# 26/udp Unassigned

nsw-fe 27/tcp NSW User System FE

nsw-fe 27/udp NSW User System FE

# Robert Thomas

# 28/tcp Unassigned

# 28/udp Unassigned

msg-icp 29/tcp MSG ICP

msg-icp 29/udp MSG ICP

# Robert Thomas

# 30/tcp Unassigned

# 30/udp Unassigned

msg-auth 31/tcp MSG Authentication

msg-auth 31/udp MSG Authentication

# Robert Thomas

# 32/tcp Unassigned

# 32/udp Unassigned

dsp 33/tcp Display Support Protocol

dsp 33/udp Display Support Protocol

# Ed Cain

# 34/tcp Unassigned

# 34/udp Unassigned

35/tcp any private printer server

35/udp any private printer server

# Jon Postel

# 36/tcp Unassigned

# 36/udp Unassigned

time 37/tcp Time

time 37/udp Time

# Jon Postel

rap 38/tcp Route Access Protocol

rap 38/udp Route Access Protocol

# Robert Ullmann

rlp 39/tcp Resource Location Protocol

rlp 39/udp Resource Location Protocol

# Mike Accetta

# 40/tcp Unassigned

# 40/udp Unassigned

graphics 41/tcp Graphics

graphics 41/udp Graphics

name 42/tcp Host Name Server

name 42/udp Host Name Server

nameserver 42/tcp Host Name Server

nameserver 42/udp Host Name Server

nicname 43/tcp Who Is

nicname 43/udp Who Is

mpm-flags 44/tcp MPM FLAGS Protocol

mpm-flags 44/udp MPM FLAGS Protocol

mpm 45/tcp Message Processing Module [recv]

mpm 45/udp Message Processing Module [recv]

mpm-snd 46/tcp MPM [default send]

mpm-snd 46/udp MPM [default send]

# Jon Postel

ni-ftp 47/tcp NI FTP

ni-ftp 47/udp NI FTP

# Steve Kille

auditd 48/tcp Digital Audit Daemon

auditd 48/udp Digital Audit Daemon

# Larry Scott

tacacs 49/tcp Login Host Protocol (TACACS)

tacacs 49/udp Login Host Protocol (TACACS)

# Pieter Ditmars

re-mail-ck 50/tcp Remote Mail Checking Protocol

re-mail-ck 50/udp Remote Mail Checking Protocol

# Steve Dorner

la-maint 51/tcp IMP Logical Address Maintenance

la-maint 51/udp IMP Logical Address Maintenance

# Andy Malis

xns-time 52/tcp XNS Time Protocol

xns-time 52/udp XNS Time Protocol

# Susie Armstrong

domain 53/tcp Domain Name Server

domain 53/udp Domain Name Server

# Paul Mockapetris

xns-ch 54/tcp XNS Clearinghouse

xns-ch 54/udp XNS Clearinghouse

# Susie Armstrong

isi-gl 55/tcp ISI Graphics Language

isi-gl 55/udp ISI Graphics Language

xns-auth 56/tcp XNS Authentication

xns-auth 56/udp XNS Authentication

# Susie Armstrong

57/tcp any private terminal access

57/udp any private terminal access

# Jon Postel

xns-mail 58/tcp XNS Mail

xns-mail 58/udp XNS Mail

# Susie Armstrong

59/tcp any private file service

59/udp any private file service

# Jon Postel

60/tcp Unassigned

60/udp Unassigned

ni-mail 61/tcp NI MAIL

ni-mail 61/udp NI MAIL

# Steve Kille

acas 62/tcp ACA Services

acas 62/udp ACA Services

# E. Wald

whois++ 63/tcp whois++

whois++ 63/udp whois++

# Rickard Schoultz

covia 64/tcp Communications Integrator (CI)

covia 64/udp Communications Integrator (CI)

# Dan Smith

tacacs-ds 65/tcp TACACS-Database Service

tacacs-ds 65/udp TACACS-Database Service

# Kathy Huber

sql*net 66/tcp Oracle SQL*NET

sql*net 66/udp Oracle SQL*NET

# Jack Haverty

bootps 67/tcp Bootstrap Protocol Server

bootps 67/udp Bootstrap Protocol Server

bootpc 68/tcp Bootstrap Protocol Client

bootpc 68/udp Bootstrap Protocol Client

# Bill Croft

tftp 69/tcp Trivial File Transfer

tftp 69/udp Trivial File Transfer

# David Clark

gopher 70/tcp Gopher

gopher 70/udp Gopher

# Mark McCahill

netrjs-1 71/tcp Remote Job Service

netrjs-1 71/udp Remote Job Service

netrjs-2 72/tcp Remote Job Service

netrjs-2 72/udp Remote Job Service

netrjs-3 73/tcp Remote Job Service

netrjs-3 73/udp Remote Job Service

netrjs-4 74/tcp Remote Job Service

netrjs-4 74/udp Remote Job Service

# Bob Braden

75/tcp any private dial out service

75/udp any private dial out service

# Jon Postel

deos 76/tcp Distributed External Object Store

deos 76/udp Distributed External Object Store

# Robert Ullmann

77/tcp any private RJE service

77/udp any private RJE service

# Jon Postel

vettcp 78/tcp vettcp

vettcp 78/udp vettcp

# Christopher Leong

finger 79/tcp Finger

finger 79/udp Finger

# David Zimmerman

http 80/tcp World Wide Web HTTP

http 80/udp World Wide Web HTTP

www 80/tcp World Wide Web HTTP

www 80/udp World Wide Web HTTP

www-http 80/tcp World Wide Web HTTP

www-http 80/udp World Wide Web HTTP

# Tim Berners-Lee

hosts2-ns 81/tcp HOSTS2 Name Server

hosts2-ns 81/udp HOSTS2 Name Server

# Earl Killian

xfer 82/tcp XFER Utility

xfer 82/udp XFER Utility

# Thomas M. Smith

mit-ml-dev 83/tcp MIT ML Device

mit-ml-dev 83/udp MIT ML Device

# David Reed

ctf 84/tcp Common Trace Facility

ctf 84/udp Common Trace Facility

# Hugh Thomas

mit-ml-dev 85/tcp MIT ML Device

mit-ml-dev 85/udp MIT ML Device

# David Reed

mfcobol 86/tcp Micro Focus Cobol

mfcobol 86/udp Micro Focus Cobol

# Simon Edwards

87/tcp any private terminal link

87/udp any private terminal link

# Jon Postel

kerberos 88/tcp Kerberos

kerberos 88/udp Kerberos

# B. Clifford Neuman

su-mit-tg 89/tcp SU/MIT Telnet Gateway

su-mit-tg 89/udp SU/MIT Telnet Gateway

# Mark Crispin

########### PORT 90 also being used unofficially by Pointcast #########

dnsix 90/tcp DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map

dnsix 90/udp DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map

# Charles Watt

mit-dov 91/tcp MIT Dover Spooler

mit-dov 91/udp MIT Dover Spooler

# Eliot Moss

npp 92/tcp Network Printing Protocol

npp 92/udp Network Printing Protocol

# Louis Mamakos

dcp 93/tcp Device Control Protocol

dcp 93/udp Device Control Protocol

# Daniel Tappan

objcall 94/tcp Tivoli Object Dispatcher

objcall 94/udp Tivoli Object Dispatcher

# Tom Bereiter

supdup 95/tcp SUPDUP

supdup 95/udp SUPDUP

# Mark Crispin

dixie 96/tcp DIXIE Protocol Specification

dixie 96/udp DIXIE Protocol Specification

# Tim Howes

swift-rvf 97/tcp Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol

swift-rvf 97/udp Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol

# Maurice R. Turcotte


tacnews 98/tcp TAC News

tacnews 98/udp TAC News

# Jon Postel

metagram 99/tcp Metagram Relay

metagram 99/udp Metagram Relay

# Geoff Goodfellow

newacct 100/tcp [unauthorized use]

hostname 101/tcp NIC Host Name Server

hostname 101/udp NIC Host Name Server

# Jon Postel

iso-tsap 102/tcp ISO-TSAP Class 0

iso-tsap 102/udp ISO-TSAP Class 0

# Marshall Rose

gppitnp 103/tcp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net

gppitnp 103/udp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net

acr-nema 104/tcp ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300

acr-nema 104/udp ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300

# Patrick McNamee

cso 105/tcp CCSO name server protocol

cso 105/udp CCSO name server protocol

# Martin Hamilton

csnet-ns 105/tcp Mailbox Name Nameserver

csnet-ns 105/udp Mailbox Name Nameserver

# Marvin Solomon

3com-tsmux 106/tcp 3COM-TSMUX

3com-tsmux 106/udp 3COM-TSMUX

# Jeremy Siegel

########## 106 Unauthorized use by insecure poppassd protocol

rtelnet 107/tcp Remote Telnet Service

rtelnet 107/udp Remote Telnet Service

# Jon Postel

snagas 108/tcp SNA Gateway Access Server

snagas 108/udp SNA Gateway Access Server

# Kevin Murphy

pop2 109/tcp Post Office Protocol - Version 2

pop2 109/udp Post Office Protocol - Version 2

# Joyce K. Reynolds

pop3 110/tcp Post Office Protocol - Version 3

pop3 110/udp Post Office Protocol - Version 3

# Marshall Rose

sunrpc 111/tcp SUN Remote Procedure Call

sunrpc 111/udp SUN Remote Procedure Call

# Chuck McManis

mcidas 112/tcp McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol

mcidas 112/udp McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol

# Glenn Davis

ident 113/tcp

auth 113/tcp Authentication Service

auth 113/udp Authentication Service

# Mike St. Johns

audionews 114/tcp Audio News Multicast

audionews 114/udp Audio News Multicast

# Martin Forssen

sftp 115/tcp Simple File Transfer Protocol

sftp 115/udp Simple File Transfer Protocol

# Mark Lottor

ansanotify 116/tcp ANSA REX Notify

ansanotify 116/udp ANSA REX Notify

# Nicola J. Howarth

uucp-path 117/tcp UUCP Path Service

uucp-path 117/udp UUCP Path Service

sqlserv 118/tcp SQL Services

sqlserv 118/udp SQL Services

# Larry Barnes

nntp 119/tcp Network News Transfer Protocol

nntp 119/udp Network News Transfer Protocol

# Phil Lapsley

cfdptkt 120/tcp CFDPTKT

cfdptkt 120/udp CFDPTKT

# John Ioannidis

erpc 121/tcp Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call

erpc 121/udp Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call

# Jack O'Neil

smakynet 122/tcp SMAKYNET

smakynet 122/udp SMAKYNET

# Pierre Arnaud

ntp 123/tcp Network Time Protocol

ntp 123/udp Network Time Protocol

# Dave Mills

ansatrader 124/tcp ANSA REX Trader

ansatrader 124/udp ANSA REX Trader

# Nicola J. Howarth

locus-map 125/tcp Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser

locus-map 125/udp Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser

# Eric Peterson

nxedit 126/tcp NXEdit

nxedit 126/udp NXEdit

# Don Payette

###########Port 126 Previously assigned to application below#######

#unitary 126/tcp Unisys Unitary Login

#unitary 126/udp Unisys Unitary Login


###########Port 126 Previously assigned to application above#######

locus-con 127/tcp Locus PC-Interface Conn Server

locus-con 127/udp Locus PC-Interface Conn Server

# Eric Peterson

gss-xlicen 128/tcp GSS X License Verification

gss-xlicen 128/udp GSS X License Verification

# John Light

pwdgen 129/tcp Password Generator Protocol

pwdgen 129/udp Password Generator Protocol

# Frank J. Wacho

cisco-fna 130/tcp cisco FNATIVE

cisco-fna 130/udp cisco FNATIVE

cisco-tna 131/tcp cisco TNATIVE

cisco-tna 131/udp cisco TNATIVE

cisco-sys 132/tcp cisco SYSMAINT

cisco-sys 132/udp cisco SYSMAINT

statsrv 133/tcp Statistics Service

statsrv 133/udp Statistics Service

# Dave Mills

ingres-net 134/tcp INGRES-NET Service

ingres-net 134/udp INGRES-NET Service

# Mike Berrow

epmap 135/tcp DCE endpoint resolution

epmap 135/udp DCE endpoint resolution

# Joe Pato

profile 136/tcp PROFILE Naming System

profile 136/udp PROFILE Naming System

# Larry Peterson

netbios-ns 137/tcp NETBIOS Name Service

netbios-ns 137/udp NETBIOS Name Service

netbios-dgm 138/tcp NETBIOS Datagram Service

netbios-dgm 138/udp NETBIOS Datagram Service

netbios-ssn 139/tcp NETBIOS Session Service

netbios-ssn 139/udp NETBIOS Session Service

# Jon Postel

emfis-data 140/tcp EMFIS Data Service

emfis-data 140/udp EMFIS Data Service

emfis-cntl 141/tcp EMFIS Control Service

emfis-cntl 141/udp EMFIS Control Service

# Gerd Beling

bl-idm 142/tcp Britton-Lee IDM

bl-idm 142/udp Britton-Lee IDM

# Susie Snitzer

imap 143/tcp Internet Message Access Protocol

imap 143/udp Internet Message Access Protocol

# Mark Crispin

uma 144/tcp Universal Management Architecture

uma 144/udp Universal Management Architecture

# Jay Whitney

uaac 145/tcp UAAC Protocol

uaac 145/udp UAAC Protocol

# David A. Gomberg

iso-tp0 146/tcp ISO-IP0

iso-tp0 146/udp ISO-IP0

iso-ip 147/tcp ISO-IP

iso-ip 147/udp ISO-IP

# Marshall Rose

jargon 148/tcp Jargon

jargon 148/udp Jargon

# Bill Weinman

aed-512 149/tcp AED 512 Emulation Service

aed-512 149/udp AED 512 Emulation Service

# Albert G. Broscius

sql-net 150/tcp SQL-NET

sql-net 150/udp SQL-NET

# Martin Picard ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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