AIM 2001 2 Protocol SJN: ________

Mood Condition: P [ ] U [ ] Superlab Pro: Set [ ]


ٱDemo Entered


ٱAffect ٱ Stereotype Ratings ٱ Couples Ratings ٱ PSS


ٱAffect ٱ Stereotype Ratings ٱ Couples Ratings ٱ PSS

Demographics and Screening:

Gender: __________ Age: __________

Phone Number: _____________ Ethnic Background: __________

Check for prior participation in a music and mood study: __________

Native English Speaker: Y/N If No: Years Speaking English ___________

Proficiency: poor, fair, good, very good, excellent


[ ] Consent form and brief overview of study

[ ] BDI - over 15 excluded $5, 10-15 ok as long as #9 = 0

[ ] Introduce to the idea of person perception.

We meet people all the time and easily form opinions about the type of people that they are. Sometimes the opinion is based on what we observe ourselves, sometimes it is based on what we learn from others, and still other times it is a subjective feeling about or reaction to that person. Imagine being a party and meeting new people, when you leave you are likely to have some idea or impression about most of the people you met and spoke to and perhaps even about others that you just observed. In this study we are trying to understand how people form their first impressions about other individuals. To do so we are going to ask you to form general impressions of the people you "meet" today. Sometimes you will see a photograph of a person accompanied with brief descriptions. Other times you will see a photograph of a couple without any accompanying description. In any case, your task is to form a general impression; either about the type of person he or she is, or the type of relationship they have. We will introduce you to the individuals first. You will see a photo with a description like this one of Chris. Press the space bar to see the next description. As you read each, try and form an overall opinion of Chris. After you have read all the sentences there will be a summary page. Then I will ask you to use your impression to rate Chris on a number of traits. Afterwards you will "meet" a number of couples like this couple Peter and Tracy. First you will view their picture and form an impression of how they get along. Next you will rate their relationship on a few different scales. Then we will ask you to answer some questions about what you think their relationship is like.

Mood Manipulation:

[ ] provide instructions for use of Mood Matrix

[ ] baseline Mood Matrix Pl = ____, Ar = ____

[ ] begin mood induction ....

[ ] Mood Matrix every 5 minutes till subject reaches criterion: ___ min

Pleasant Mood (very or extremely pleasant), Unpleasant Mood (very or extremely unpleasant)

[ ] pre-stereotypes Mood Matrix Pl = ____, Ar = ____



intelligence: + -

ambition: + -

confidence: + -

money: + -

competence: + -

looks: + -

sincere: + -

happiness: + -

liking: + -


intelligence: + -

ambition: + -

confidence: + -

money: + -

competence: + -

looks: + -

sincere: + -

happiness: + -

liking: + -


intelligence: + -

ambition: + -

confidence: + -

money: + -

competence: + -

looks: + -

sincere: + -

happiness: + -

liking: + -


intelligence: + -

ambition: + -

confidence: + -

money: + -

competence: + -

looks: + -

sincere: + -

happiness: + -

liking: + -


intelligence: + -

ambition: + -

confidence: + -

money: + -

competence: + -

looks: + -

sincere: + -

happiness: + -

liking: + -


intelligence: + -

ambition: + -

confidence: + -

money: + -

competence: + -

looks: + -

sincere: + -

happiness: + -

liking: + -

[ ] post-stereotype Mood Matrix Pl = ____, Ar = ____

[ ] if mood is less than moderately intense, then do a mood boost prior

to continuing with the couples ratings. They MUST endorse moderate

mood prior to continuing. Max = 20 minutes. yes [ ] no [ ] Pl = ____, Ar = ____


Focus them on rating the relationship rather than the individuals.

Couple A: Edwin and May Version: A[ ] F[ ] M[ ] U[ ]

trust + -

depth + -

happy + -

balance + -

cooperate + -

Please try to answer the question and explain what it is about them that makes you think so.

What does he like about her?

What does she like about him?

What do you think is the most difficult part of their relationship?

What do you think is the best thing about their relationship?

Are they well suited to each other? Why?

Do you think this relationship will last? Why?

[ ] post-Couple A Mood Matrix Pl = ____, Ar = ____

[ ] mood boost if not at least slightly yes [ ] no [ ] Pl = ____, Ar = ____

Couple B: Michael and Sara Version: A[ ] F[ ] M[ ] U[ ]

trust + -

depth + -

happy + -

balance + -

cooperate + -

Please try to answer the question and explain what it is about them that makes you think so.

What does he like about her?

What does she like about him?

What do you think is the most difficult part of their relationship?

What do you think is the best thing about their relationship?

Are they well suited to each other? Why?

Do you think this relationship will last? Why?

[ ] post-Couple B Mood Matrix Pl = ____, Ar = ____

[ ] mood boost if not at least slightly yes [ ] no [ ] Pl = ____, Ar = ____

Couple C: Justin and Karen Version: A[ ] F[ ] M[ ] U[ ]

trust + -

depth + -

happy + -

balance + -

cooperate + -

Please try to answer the question and explain what it is about them that makes you think so.

What does he like about her?

What does she like about him?

What do you think is the most difficult part of their relationship?

What do you think is the best thing about their relationship?

Are they well suited to each other? Why?

Do you think this relationship will last? Why?

[ ] post-Couple C Mood Matrix Pl = ____, Ar = ____

[ ] mood boost if not at least slightly yes [ ] no [ ] Pl = ____, Ar = ____

Couple D: Tom and Helen Version: A[ ] F[ ] M[ ] U[ ]

trust + -

depth + -

happy + -

balance + -

cooperate + -

Please try to answer the question and explain what it is about them that makes you think so.

What does he like about her?

What does she like about him?

What do you think is the most difficult part of their relationship?

What do you think is the best thing about their relationship?

Are they well suited to each other? Why?

Do you think this relationship will last? Why?

[ ] post-Couple D Mood Matrix Pl = ____, Ar = ____

[ ] mood boost if not at least slightly yes [ ] no [ ] Pl = ____, Ar = ____

[ ] neutralize mood

An important part of our research is to evaluate the realness or genuineness of the moods that are produced by music and the contemplation of images.

In today's session you experienced either a pleasant or an unpleasant mood. On a scale from 0 to 10 with 0 being not at all genuine 5 being moderately genuine and 10 being extremely genuine would you please rate:

The pleasant/unpleasant mood you experienced today: __________

In as much detail as you feel comfortable giving, please describe the thoughts or images you used to get into the mood today:

What do you think this experiment is about? What are our hypotheses?

Have you ever heard of the term mood congruent memory?

No [ ] Yes [ ] If yes, where or when? :

In either case, please give your best estimate about what the term means:

[ ] debrief and pay $15


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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