Memorandum for Director, CASCOM Battle Laboratory

SUBJECT: Experiment Findings

1. Attached are the Carnegie Mellon University collection team findings.

2. The CMU findings are a result of demographic questionnaire analysis, communication data & network analysis, as well as computational modeling of the nodal and legacy force C2 logistics staff. All findings are generated using C2NET, a ARL-funded research project developing an organization collect-model-collect-analyze process.

3. The CMU findings address three areas of interest:

a. Determine and Describe the Experimental Validity

b. Roles & Responsibilities within the Unit of Action

c. Effect of Nodal over Hierarchical Staff operations

4. Given that these findings represent a single experiment, we recommend further experimentation to gain converging evidence for any organizational changes.

5. POC these findings is the Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University cmu.edu and CASOS, Carnegie Mellon University. All funding for this work was provided by the Army Research Laboratory Collaborative Technologies Consortia- Advanced Decision Architectures.

John Graham

LTC, US Army

This report was the outcome of ARL basic (6.1) funded research. The analysis tools used are not currently considered mainstream by the ORSA community. Therefore, we explain each tool and its application prior to the four findings. The final appendices consist of data used to produce the graphs and tables in the findings.

Table of Contents

|Modeling & Analysis Tools |….3 |

| C2NET |….3 |

| ORA |….3 |

| CONSTRUCT |….3 |

|Data Collection |….4 |

|Organizational Context |….4 |

|Findings |….5 |

| 1a |….6 |

| 1b |….7 |

| 2 |….8 |

| 3 |..11 |

| 4 |..12 |

|Appendix 1. Task Load |..14 |

|Appendix 2. Task Reference |..15 |

|Appendix 3. ORA Model Data |..17 |

|Appendix 4. Network Data |..40 |

Modeling & Analysis Tools


While graph theory has been a mainstream tool in understanding organizational processes since the 1950s, this report is only the second time it has been used in support of Army C2 design. C2NET, the collect-model-collect-analyze process used in support of the Ft Lee Battle Laboratory, is an ongoing ARL funded research program conducted at Carnegie Mellon University. Due to rapid advances in our 6.1 funded research, C2NET has been selected as one of the top six ARLADA projects for presentation at the Collaborative Technologies Alliance Conference in 2004.

C2NET, as applied at the CASCOM Battle Laboratory, had significant improvements over the version first used at the Battle Command Battle Laboratory. C2NET was able to automatically collect all user data and initial data analysis was complete in a matter of hours. The next iteration of C2NET will enable the use of chat data, further reducing the dependence upon self-report data.


While C2NET analysis is primarily done using traditional network analysis algorithms as instantiated in UCINET, this report is the first use of ORA (Organizational Risk Analyzer). ORA is a risk assessment tool, developed by Dr Kathleen Carley casos.cs.cmu.edu, for locating individuals or groups that are potential risks given social, knowledge and task network information. Essentially, first weyou use information about people to "connect the dots." Then, ORA examines this network and finds those dots, those people, who represent a risk to the overall system. Individuals are risks, e.g., if their removal from the network would debilitate it (the critical employee) or if they were to feed false information to others they could create havoc.

ORA can also be used to compare two organizations across both social and cognitive factors. We used ORA to compare a notional legacy logistics organization against the actual organization tested during this simulation. The actual organization data consists of the self reports while the legacy organization was developed from interviews of experts at the simulation.


While ORA provides a static model of the organization, we needed a model that could account for learning. Construct (casos.cs.cmu.edu) is a multi-agent model of group and organizational behavior. Construct models groups and organizations as complex systems and captures the variability in human and organizational factors. The non-linearity of the model generates complex temporal behavior due to dynamic relationships among agents. These dynamic relationships are grounded in structuration theory which is the notion of construction and reconstruction of the social system through human interaction based on rules and resources. The changes in the social system are defined and analyzed through the lens of social network analysis.

We used Construct to compare the temporal performance of the legacy and actual organization. Specifically, we were interested in how well the proposed User Defined Operational Picture supports staffs in both organizations. We wanted to know if a legacy (hierarchy) or the actual (nodal) organization would reap greater benefits from the UDOP. Since the tools are only notional at this point in time, dynamic modeling is the best method for understanding their value and characteristics.

Collection Process

The research reported in this report was conducted over two days immediately following a one-week training period. A plan-execute-plan-execute cycle was used. Data was collected every 60-90 minutes using networked questionnaire that asked the participants for feedback regarding the prior session. Questionnaire data was collected for a total of 6 sessions (Table 1).

Table 1. Collection Schedule.

Social network data was gathered by asking the participants to report the people they had communicated with in the time since the previous questionnaire. They could give up to 10 responses by selecting participants from pull-down menus. The responses were ordered by the frequency of communication during the previous session. This particular simulation also allowed for a trial use of chat data which will be discussed later in the report.

Performance data was gathered using the NASA TLX (Task Load Index) (Hart & Staveland, 1988) assessment consisting of seven workload parameters on a Likert scale. As in Entin (1999), participants were asked to rate themselves as well as five other people randomly selected from the other participants. Other performance data included the tasks performed as well as a context free mental model rating. The data were analyzed on a per session basis as well as rolled up across all sessions.

Organizational Context

When this simulation was planned the US Army was in the infancy of a ten-year organizational design process for a knowledge-centric command and control element. Due to the current force requirements, this timeline has been shortened to two years. In support of this initial effort, the CASCOM Battle Laboratory gathered 28 army officers to serve as role-players for a experimental logisitics command and control staff (Figure 2).

Each role-player was assigned to a cell with two to five other role-players. The role-players gathered information, coordinated with appropriate staff members, and entered battlefield actions into the simulation. Observers mediated communication, so that a participant could talk directly to members of his own cell, but could only communicate with members of other cells using the communication tools.


Figure 1. Organizational Structure of the CASCOM Battle Laboratory Experiment.


The findings are based on the collected data, modeled data, and the applied analysis tools. While extensive modeling and analysis was used in report preparation, only the analysis that resulted in a finding is included in the report appendices. Further, only the results that achieved quantitative or qualitative significance testing are reported.

Finding 1, a. : Experimental Validity

The role-players possess the right expertise and experience to provide relevant and meaningful analysis.


There are three critical participant characteristics essential to a Future Force experiment. 1) The participants have the right expertise to understand the role issues, 2) the participants have enough experience to provide a matured understanding of the battlefield, and 3) the participants have enough current experience to project themselves into the future force operations.


Figure 2. Distribution of Role Player Expertise. We asked each role-player to self report their primary (blue) and secondary (maroon) BOS area of expertise.

1. Right Expertise: As indicated in Figure 1, the Role-player expertise focused on CSS, C2, and Manuever. Given the logistics focus of the experiment, this was the right expertise distribution. Further, the available Manuever expertise was able to compensate for the lack of participation by the UAMBL.

2. Enough Experience: While expertise is important, these experiments only benefit when the role-players have enough experience to reflect and articulate their experimental observations. Further, the experiences should be sufficiently current to understand the advantages and shortcomings of the current force structure. The mean years of service for the role-players was 22.67 years, which is within a normal range for these type BCBL experiments.

3. Current Experience: The experiment was unusual in that, the role-players consisted of 63% active duty and 37% retired role-players. This unusually high active duty combined with the average years of service means that there were senior active duty Majors and LTCs serving in LT and CPT UA staff positions. As a result we can expect that most position comments reflect this high amount of current experience and expertise.


Organizational designers should place a high value on comments / reflections from this collection of role-players. They have both high experience and high relevant expertise.

Finding 1, b. : Experiment Validity

Observer/ Facilitators ensured consistent Future Force role-player behaviors and rigorous data collection methodology.


A new technique being pioneered by some Battle Laboratories is the use of Observer/ Facilitators. The O/F serves to keep the cell members Future Force focused, remind them of their roles, and emphasize data collection requirements. The CASCOM Battle Lab was one such pioneer, as one O/F was placed with each cell with two or more members.

One problem that the O/F seeks to overcome is role-player confusion. Early in these simulations, the players are often unsure of who is playing what role in the experiment, and who they might contact to coordinate issue resolution. As a result, the early trials can be unreflective of the behavior we expect of a Future Force staff. This is a result of role-player learning. As they learn, the role-players gradually alter their behavior to more closely reflect Future Force staff behavior.

One measure of learning is a gradual change in the average communication density for the organization. Without O/Fs, role-players are initially unsure of their own and other’s roles and do not communicate as much as they do later in the experiment. As a result we expect communication network density to increase over the course of the experiment until it reaches some typical or stable range.

Figure 3 shows the change in communication density over the six sessions of the CASCOM experiment. Clearly, there was not a pattern of change in density linked to learning (time). In fact, the presence of O/F-supported role-play during this experiment meant that the variations in communication density were a result of the changing task intensity (MSL injects- yellow line). Therefore, the data about task performance and participation has greater validity throughout the course of the entire experiment (start to finish).


Figure 3. Task- Communication Network Density Change over the Six MSL inject sessions. Communication was collected by self reports and by direct collection of chat room communication. Note that the change in number of tasks per session is reflected in the communication density. Chat did not include the communication within a cell which may account for the difference from the Self-Report.


Encourage all Battle Laboratories to adopt a Observer/ Facilitator system. O/Fs dramatically decrease the negative effects of learning and the data is, therefore, reflective of the task manipulations.

Finding 2: Future Force Logistical Staff Officer Training & Roles:

1. Multifunctional Staff Officers consistently serve as the information hubs and integrators in the Future Force logistics C2 structure.

2. Functional Staff Officers, with some exceptions (Medical), were information translators and feeders.


For the most part, the FA 90, Multifunctional Logisticians, serve in the Sustainment Officer positions. During the experiment, these FA90s consistently served as the information hubs and integrators in the Future Force logistics C2 structure.

This was determined by measuring their degree of Betweenness Centrality in the organization. Betweenness Centrality views an actor as being in a favored position to the extent that the actor falls on the geodsic paths between other pairs of actors in the network. That is, the more people depend on me to make connections with other people, the more power I have. We found that the Multifunctional Logisticians wielded the true information power in the organization.

This finding is supported by the UA experiment previously conducted at the BCBL-Leavenworth. During the Ft Leavenworth UA experiment, there was evidence that the UA command group depended upon the FA90 to translate information that was available to all on the COP. Even with the information at their finger tips, the UA command group felt they needed the presence of human expertise to translate the COP logistics information (Figure 4).


Figure 4. UA primary command group information hub as found during experimentation by the BCBL-Ft Leavenworth.

The primary surprise was the high centrality ranking of the medical officer on the Betweenness measure. While this may have been task driven, the data indicates that the medical officer serves a critical role as an information integrator. Some question arose during discussion as to whether the Medical Officers were properly trained to assume the role of information integrator.


Figure 5. Betweenness Centrality rankings of the roles across all six MSL sessions. Note that the FA90’s dominate the top eight positions and the bottom eight positions are dominated by Functional (specialized) staff.

Initial examination of Figure 5 bottom eight logistics staff indicate that these positions do not contribute significantly to staff decision-making. To test this hypothesis, we constructed ego networks for the bottom eight positions. Figure 6 is an example ego network of the Ammunition Tech. It consists of the Ammunition Tech and all positions that communicated with the Ammunition Tech.


Figure 6. Ammo Tech Ego Network. Note the number of top eight network members that are part of the Ammo Tech’s network.

As indicated by Figure 6, the three Sustainment Officers and the SPO are part of the Ammo Tech’s communication network. While the Ammo Tech’s total network density was only .258, he was communicating with the top four positions in the overall communication network. Obviously, his role and input, while small in amount, appears critical in importance.


Given UA C2 Staff manning limitations, the Multifunctional Officer is the right answer for the UA. The multifunctional officer can translate the logistical information. Cuts to the staff, if required, should focus on the functional positions that can be moved to the UE.

Low communication functional positions (Ammo Tech, Readiness Officer, Flight Surgeon, etc) should be considered for movement into reach-back positions, not elimination. If their staff-work does not require direct exposure to the battlefield, they do not need to be part of the field staff footprint.

One exception to the functional position finding is the medical officer. Given the experimental findings, UA Medical Officers require training that allows them to function in this information integration role. The medical officers should be considered specialized integrators as opposed to functional positions.

Finding 3: Position Redundancy

Data indicates that the Distribution Management Officer and the Readiness Officer positions were redundant and subsumed under the work done by SPO.


Our team measured who and how often different role-players communicated during each of the six sessions. All six sessions were collated for each member which was then used to develop a “ego” communications network. Figure 7 shows the networks for the SPO, Readiness Officer and the Distribution Management Officer.


Figure 7. Six session communication network for the SPO, Distribution Management Officer, and Readiness Officer.

As indicated by Figure 7, the communication network for both the Distribution Management Officer and the Readiness Officer is subsumed under the communication network of the SPO. If the intent is for the Distrobution Management Officer and the Readiness Officer to serve as assistants to the SPO, then the communication networks indicate the intent is being met. If, however, the intent is for the two positions to provide a staff capability outside that of the SPO, then there is little evidence the intent is being met.

Recommendation: Reconsider the rank and positional requirements of the Distribution Management Officer and the Readiness Officer.

Finding 4: Legacy vs Future Force (Computational Model Results)

Members of the Future Force C2 staff structure will experience an average of 25-28% increase in cognitive load.


Using the extensive data collected and interviews conducted at the Battle Laboratory, CMU was able to computationally model a Legacy Force and a Future Force organization operating in the experimental simulation. We applied ORA (Organizational Risk Analyzer) developed by Dr Kathleen Carley (casos.cs.cmu.edu). Using ORA we were able to examine differences and similarities between a Legacy Force C2 staff and a Future Force C2 staff performing under the same conditions.

| |Role |Knowledge |Tasks/Projects |

|Role/ Position |Social Network |Knowledge Network |Assignment Network |

| |Who talks to, works |Who knows what, has |Who is assigned to |

| |with, and reports to |what expertise or |which task or project, |

| |whom |skills |who does what |

|Knowledge | | |Knowledge Requirements |

|(BOS & Branch) | | |What type of knowledge |

| | | |is needed for that task|

| | | |or project |

Table 2. Organizational Risk Analyzer inputs. Role-Knowledge & Role-Task inputs were developed from experimental data. Role-Role & Knowledge-Task inputs were developed from SME interviews and experimental data.

By same conditions, we are referring to the scenario as well as the COP. We placed both models through the same set of scenarios and six MSL injects performed at the Ft Lee Battle Laboratory. We also provided both modeled organizations with the same collaborative and visualization tools that were available during the experiment. Our goal was to determine the change in average cognitive load between the two organizations so as to identify how much the COP will have to compensate for the additional workload.


Figure 8. Difference in Average Workload between Legacy and Nodal Organization. The Nodal Organization incurred 25-28% increase in cognitive load.

We found that the Future Force C2 Logistical Staff incurred an average of 25-28% increase in cognitive load on all sessions. This increase is a function of the nodal vs legacy force communications structure, the experimental role-knowledge structure, and a standard task-knowledge structure. The critical factor appears to be a 70% increase in the number of communication channels each role maintains under Future Force constructs.


Table 9. Highest six workload increase percentages for all UA staff positions. (UA staff as modeled by the BCBL-Ft Leavenworth). Note that logistics positions account for two-thirds of the top six positions.


The COP/ Information System design must compensate for a minimum 25% increase in C2 Logistical staff cognitive load. Increase the application of the computational modeling process to current and future experimentation. In particular, expand the use of modeling to pre-experimentation hypothesis generation.

Appendix 1. Task load by position (which positions self-reported the most tasks supported during the simulation)

|Self Reported Task Load by Position |

|Position |# Tasks |% Tasks |

|Total |436 | |

|Sustainment--AVN, BSC |28 |6.42% |

|Executive Officer--UA, CIC |27 |6.19% |

|Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |25 |5.73% |

|Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |25 |5.73% |

|BDE OPS--UA, MSC |24 |5.50% |

|Sustainment--UA, CIC |24 |5.50% |

|Med Plt--CAB, BSC |21 |4.82% |

|Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |19 |4.36% |

|Surgeon--UA, BSC |18 |4.13% |

|Sustainment--UA, MCG |18 |4.13% |

|Med Log Off--FSB |17 |3.90% |

|Deployment Off--UA, MSC |16 |3.67% |

|Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |16 |3.67% |

|SPO / DMC--FSB |16 |3.67% |

|Commander--UA, MCG |15 |3.44% |

|Ammo Tech--FSB |14 |3.21% |

|Chaplain--CAB, BSC |13 |2.98% |

|Commander--FSB |13 |2.98% |

|HR Off--CAB, BSC |13 |2.98% |

|HR Off--UA, BSC |13 |2.98% |

|Readiness Off--FSB |12 |2.75% |

|Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |9 |2.06% |

|Chaplain--UA, BSC |8 |1.83% |

|Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |8 |1.83% |

|Med Ops Off--FSB |8 |1.83% |

|JAG--UA, MSC |7 |1.61% |

|MNVR SPT--M&SC/OMS |5 |1.15% |

|Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |4 |0.92% |

Appendix 2. All Session Task Reference List (which tasks were referenced the most throughout the simulation)

|Task |Number of Times|% of Total |

| |Referenced |Tasks |

|Total |436 | |

|Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |42 |9.63% |

|Plan & Execute sustainment replenishment operations. |29 |6.65% |

|Monitor & update the COP |28 |6.42% |

|Orchestrate pulsed resupply activities (CROs/SROs) |26 |5.96% |

|Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |24 |5.50% |

|Plan, synchronize, and integrate CSS augmentation |20 |4.59% |

|Coordinate soldier support activities |19 |4.36% |

|Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |19 |4.36% |

|Develop plans and orders for operations. |18 |4.13% |

|Oversee health services |18 |4.13% |

|Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops |16 |3.67% |

|Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |15 |3.44% |

|Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |13 |2.98% |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency medical treatment |13 |2.98% |

|Assist the UA commander with Title 10. |12 |2.75% |

|Provide Religious Services |11 |2.52% |

|Provide mass casualty management |9 |2.06% |

|Synchronizes the execution of the planning process |9 |2.06% |

|Employ & Synchronize C2/ISR operations |8 |1.83% |

|Provide Transportation Management |8 |1.83% |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide Advanced Trauma Management |7 |1.61% |

|Provide liaison with higher and adjacent headquarters |7 |1.61% |

|Conduct offensive, defensive, stability and support opns |6 |1.38% |

|Conduct reconnaissance and surveillance opns |6 |1.38% |

|Coordinate deployment, redeployment, & movement control |6 |1.38% |

|Conduct retrograde operations. |5 |1.15% |

|Conduct security operations. |5 |1.15% |

|Coord law enforcement, prisoner and refugee operations |4 |0.92% |

|Plan and coordinate intra-theater movement |4 |0.92% |

|Plan to avoid battlespace mobility impediments |4 |0.92% |

|Provide intent and guidance |4 |0.92% |

|Conduct field maintenance and recovery operations. |3 |0.69% |

|Employ maneuver to complement fires and effects |3 |0.69% |

|Identify centers of gravity |3 |0.69% |

|Identify critical mobility choke points |3 |0.69% |

|Employ countermobility and survivability assets. |2 |0.46% |

|Provide legal support (OPLAW) |2 |0.46% |

|Conduct Air Assault Opns |1 |0.23% |

|Execute movement in/out of contact |1 |0.23% |

|Provide Arms & Munitions |1 |0.23% |

|Provide level II med spt & emergency resuscitative surgery. |1 |0.23% |

|engr/mp supportplanning |1 |0.23% |

Appendix 3. Organizational Modeling and Comparison as conducted with ORA (Organizational Risk Analyzer casos.cs.cmu.edu)

|Organizational Risk Analyzer Results Modeled based on Ft Lee Battle Lab |

|*Data is a comparison between Actual (the organization as constructed and functioning as during the experiment) & Legacy (a |

|hypothetical organization consisting of the same construction but operating under a conventional staff hierarchy). |

| |

|*ORA is normally used to establish a hypothesis about organizational functioning before the simulation. There was not |

|enough pre-information about the hypothetical (actual) organization to conduct this analysis. As a result, this comparison |

|is between a notional legacy organization and the tested future force organization (actual). |

|=================== | | |

|==Redundancy_Risk== | | |

|=================== | | |

| | | | |

|Node_Level_Measure | Type |Legacy |Actual | %Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

|constraint | min |0.1518 |0 |-100 |

|constraint | max |0.354 |0.3014 |-14 |

|constraint | avg |0.2108 |0.162 |-23 |

|constraint | std |0.0455 |0.0546 |19 |

| | | | |

|effectiveNetworkSize | min |1.5714 |0 |-100 |

|effectiveNetworkSize | max |11.4211 |12.4677 |9 |

|effectiveNetworkSize | avg |5.5822 |5.0466 |-9 |

|effectiveNetworkSize | std |2.3364 |3.1933 |36 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Graph_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

|knowledgeRedundancy | val |3.6538 |3.6538 |0 |

| | | | |

|============================ | |

|==Resource_Allocation_Risk== | | |

|============================ | |

| | | | |

|Node_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

| | | | |

|Graph_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

|knowledgeRedundancy | val |3.6538 |3.6538 |0 |

|knowledgeLoad | val |4.1429 |4.1429 |0 |

|knowledgeDiversity | val |0.9016 |0.9016 |0 |

| | | | |

|========================== | |

|==Critical_Employee_Risk== | | |

|========================== | |

| | | | |

|Node_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

|weakBoundarySpanner | min |0 |0 | |

|weakBoundarySpanner | max |0 |0 | |

|weakBoundarySpanner | avg |0 |0 | |

|weakBoundarySpanner | std |0 |0 | |

| | | | |

|knowledgeExclusivity | min |0 |0 | |

|knowledgeExclusivity | max |3.5032 |3.5032 |0 |

|knowledgeExclusivity | avg |0.3298 |0.3298 |0 |

|knowledgeExclusivity | std |0.6802 |0.6802 |0 |

| | | | |

|knowledgeAccessIndex | min |0 |0 | |

|knowledgeAccessIndex | max |0 |0 | |

|knowledgeAccessIndex | avg |0 |0 | |

|knowledgeAccessIndex | std |0 |0 | |

| | | | |

|constraint | min |0.1518 |0 |-100 |

|constraint | max |0.354 |0.3014 |-14 |

|constraint | avg |0.2108 |0.162 |-23 |

|constraint | std |0.0455 |0.0546 |19 |

| | | | |

|effectiveNetworkSize | min |1.5714 |0 |-100 |

|effectiveNetworkSize | max |11.4211 |12.4677 |9 |

|effectiveNetworkSize | avg |5.5822 |5.0466 |-9 |

|effectiveNetworkSize | std |2.3364 |3.1933 |36 |

| | | | |

|triadCount | min |16 |0 |-100 |

|triadCount | max |144 |112 |-22 |

|triadCount | avg |61.9286 |38.1429 |-38 |

|triadCount | std |31.7017 |36.5354 |15 |

| | | | |

|interlockers | min |0 |0 | |

|interlockers | max |1 |1 |0 |

|interlockers | avg |0.25 |0.2143 |-14 |

|interlockers | std |0.433 |0.4103 |-5 |

| | | | |

|radials | min |0 |0 | |

|radials | max |1 |1 |0 |

|radials | avg |0.1429 |0.1071 |-25 |

|radials | std |0.3499 |0.3093 |-11 |

|Graph_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

|distanceWeightedReach | set |1 |1 |0 |

|fragmentation | set |1 |1 |0 |

| | | | |

|============= | | | |

|==Task_Risk== | | | |

|============= | | | |

| | | | |

|Graph_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

|knowledgeRedundancy | val |3.6538 |3.6538 |0 |

| | | | |

|============================== | |

|==Personnel_Interaction_Risk== | |

|============================== | |

| | | | |

|Node_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

|relativeSimilarity | min |0 |0 | |

|relativeSimilarity | max |0.0349 |0.0349 |0 |

|relativeSimilarity | avg |0.0289 |0.0289 |0 |

|relativeSimilarity | std |0.0119 |0.0119 |0 |

| | | | |

|relativeExpertise | min |0.037 |0.037 |0 |

|relativeExpertise | max |0.037 |0.037 |0 |

|relativeExpertise | avg |0.037 |0.037 |0 |

|relativeExpertise | std |0 |0 |0 |

| | | | |

|betweennessCentrality | min |0.0015 |0 |-100 |

|betweennessCentrality | max |0.2318 |0.2028 |-12 |

|betweennessCentrality | avg |0.0476 |0.0626 |31 |

|betweennessCentrality | std |0.0474 |0.0559 |17 |

| | | | |

|closenessCentrality | min |0.5094 |0.0357 |-92 |

|closenessCentrality | max |0.7714 |0.75 |-2 |

|closenessCentrality | avg |0.6231 |0.5462 |-12 |

|closenessCentrality | std |0.0589 |0.1437 |144 |

| | | | |

|totalDegreeCentrality | min |0.1852 |0.0556 |-69 |

|totalDegreeCentrality | max |0.7037 |0.5741 |-18 |

|totalDegreeCentrality | avg |0.4048 |0.3148 |-22 |

|totalDegreeCentrality | std |0.1216 |0.1424 |17 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|====================== | | |

|==Communication_Risk== | | |

|====================== | | |

| | | | |

|Node_Level_Measure | Type |Legacy |Actual | %Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

|nodeLevels | min |2 |0 |-100 |

|nodeLevels | max |3 |5 |66 |

|nodeLevels | avg |2.3571 |2.7143 |15 |

|nodeLevels | std |0.4792 |0.8391 |75 |

| | | | |

|closenessCentrality | min |0.5094 |0.0357 |-92 |

|closenessCentrality | max |0.7714 |0.75 |-2 |

|closenessCentrality | avg |0.6231 |0.5462 |-12 |

|closenessCentrality | std |0.0589 |0.1437 |144 |

| | | | |

|betweennessCentrality | min |0.0015 |0 |-100 |

|betweennessCentrality | max |0.2318 |0.2028 |-12 |

|betweennessCentrality | avg |0.0476 |0.0626 |31 |

|betweennessCentrality | std |0.0474 |0.0559 |17 |

| | | | |

|inDegreeCentrality | min |0.1852 |0.037 |-79 |

|inDegreeCentrality | max |0.7037 |0.5556 |-21 |

|inDegreeCentrality | avg |0.4048 |0.3148 |-22 |

|inDegreeCentrality | std |0.1216 |0.138 |13 |

| | | | |

|outDegreeCentrality | min |0.1852 |0 |-100 |

|outDegreeCentrality | max |0.7037 |0.6667 |-5 |

|outDegreeCentrality | avg |0.4048 |0.3148 |-22 |

|outDegreeCentrality | std |0.1216 |0.1858 |52 |

| | | | |

|totalDegreeCentrality | min |0.1852 |0.0556 |-69 |

|totalDegreeCentrality | max |0.7037 |0.5741 |-18 |

|totalDegreeCentrality | avg |0.4048 |0.3148 |-22 |

|totalDegreeCentrality | std |0.1216 |0.1424 |17 |

| | | | |

|informationCentrality | min |0.0227 |0 |-100 |

|informationCentrality | max |0.0464 |0.0512 |10 |

|informationCentrality | avg |0.0357 |0.0357 |0 |

|informationCentrality | std |0.0055 |0.0119 |115 |

| | | | |

|eigenvectorCentrality | min |0.0705 |0.0583 |-17 |

|eigenvectorCentrality | max |0.2976 |0.3071 |3 |

|eigenvectorCentrality | avg |0.1804 |0.1764 |-2 |

|eigenvectorCentrality | std |0.0563 |0.0679 |20 |

| | | | |

|inverseClosenessCentrality | min |0.5741 |0 |-100 |

|inverseClosenessCentrality | max |0.8519 |0.8333 |-2 |

|inverseClosenessCentrality | avg |0.6984 |0.6133 |-12 |

|inverseClosenessCentrality | std |0.0652 |0.1662 |154 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Graph_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

|networkLevels[root=1] | val |2 |3 |50 |

|closenessCentralization | val |0.3135 |0.4308 |37 |

|betweennessCentralization | val |0.191 |0.1454 |-23 |

|inDegreeCentralization | val |0.31 |0.2497 |-19 |

|outDegreeCentralization | val |0.31 |0.3649 |17 |

|totalDegreeCentralization | val |0.3219 |0.2792 |-13 |

|clusteringCoefficient | val |0.5635 |0.4455 |-20 |

|weakComponentCount | val |1 |1 |0 |

|strongComponentCount | val |1 |2 |100 |

|connectedness | val |1 |1 |0 |

|hierarchy | val |0 |0.0714 | |

|upperBoundedness | val |1 |1 |0 |

|efficiency | val |0.641 |0.6125 |-4 |

|fragmentation | set |1 |0.6125 |-38 |

|distanceWeightedReach | set |1 |1 |0 |

|minimumSpeed | val |0.3333 |0.2 |-40 |

|averageSpeed | val |0.6176 |0.5424 |-12 |

|averageDistance | val |1.619 |1.8436 |13 |

|diameter | val |3 |28 |833 |

|spanOfControl | val |10.9286 |8.8148 |-19 |

|skipEdgeCount | val |1 |0.9915 |0 |

|lateralEdgeCount[root=1] | val |182 |114 |-37 |

| | | | |

|==================== | | |

|==Performance_Risk== | | |

|==================== | | |

| | | | |

|Node_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

| | | | |

|Graph_Level_Measure | Type | Legacy | Actual | Change |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~~~ |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|============== | | | |

|==Table Data== | | | |

|============== | | | |

| | | | |

|constraint | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.2391 |0.1589 |-33 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.2362 |0.1551 |-34 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.2456 |0.1805 |-26 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.1588 |0.1638 |3 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.2144 |0.1641 |-23 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0.2035 |0.2016 |0 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0.2815 |0 |-100 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0.2274 |0.1001 |-55 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.354 |0.259 |-26 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.1553 |0.1521 |-2 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.1617 |0.1233 |-23 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.1597 |0.1651 |3 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.1928 |0.1319 |-31 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.1804 |0.1678 |-6 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.1776 |0.1284 |-27 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0.1771 |0.1482 |-16 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.1708 |0.2073 |21 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.2307 |0.1953 |-15 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.2153 |0.1847 |-14 |

| |Commander--FSB |0.1518 |0.1677 |10 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0.17 |0.1939 |14 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0.2014 |0.0856 |-57 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.2086 |0.1687 |-19 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.2242 |0.1992 |-11 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.2218 |0.1932 |-12 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.2957 |0.3014 |1 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0.2317 |0.0863 |-62 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.2165 |0.152 |-29 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|effectiveNetworkSize | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |3.6667 |4.75 |29 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |3.2222 |10.4833 |225 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |3.25 |2.5417 |-21 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |8.6 |11.3214 |31 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |5.7273 |5.9762 |4 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |5.6 |4.5 |-19 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |3 |0 |-100 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |5 |3.7143 |-25 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |1.8 |4.0625 |125 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |9.125 |4.6042 |-49 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |7.8333 |2.125 |-72 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |8.6 |3.2083 |-62 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |5.6 |2.2857 |-59 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |7.1538 |6.3 |-11 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |6.7143 |12.4677 |85 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |6.8571 |6.6905 |-2 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |7.3333 |3 |-59 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |3.8889 |5.25 |35 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |4.6 |5 |8 |

| |Commander--FSB |11.4211 |9.1833 |-19 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |8.625 |7 |-18 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |5.7273 |2.0333 |-64 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |5 |10.5 |110 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |4.1111 |2.0833 |-49 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |4.2727 |4.625 |8 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |1.5714 |2 |27 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |4.1429 |0.625 |-84 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |3.8571 |4.9737 |28 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|weakBoundarySpanner | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0 |0 | |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0 |0 | |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0 |0 | |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0 |0 | |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0 |0 | |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0 |0 | |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0 |0 | |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0 |0 | |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0 |0 | |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0 |0 | |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0 |0 | |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |Commander--FSB |0 |0 | |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0 |0 | |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0 |0 | |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0 |0 | |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0 |0 | |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0 |0 | |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0 |0 | |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0 |0 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|knowledgeExclusivity | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.0187 |0.0187 |0 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.289 |0.289 |0 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.0682 |0.0682 |0 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.0187 |0.0187 |0 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.0025 |0.0025 |0 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |1.0391 |1.0391 |0 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0 |0 | |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |1 |1 |0 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.3887 |0.3887 |0 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.1357 |0.1357 |0 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.1378 |0.1378 |0 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.154 |0.154 |0 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.8711 |0.8711 |0 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |3.5032 |3.5032 |0 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.0187 |0.0187 |0 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.1353 |0.1353 |0 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.553 |0.553 |0 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.1378 |0.1378 |0 |

| |Commander--FSB |0 |0 |0 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0 |0 |0 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0 |0 | |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.1876 |0.1876 |0 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.0003 |0.0003 |0 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.4363 |0.4363 |0 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.0003 |0.0003 |0 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0 |0 | |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.1382 |0.1382 |0 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|triadCount | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |48 |40 |-16 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |52 |112 |115 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |38 |13 |-65 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |96 |112 |16 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |58 |39 |-32 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |44 |51 |15 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |28 |0 |-100 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |36 |13 |-63 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |16 |19 |18 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |110 |41 |-62 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |50 |2 |-96 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |96 |8 |-91 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |44 |6 |-86 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |76 |35 |-53 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |102 |84 |-17 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |100 |45 |-55 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |56 |2 |-96 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |46 |23 |-50 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |54 |12 |-77 |

| |Commander--FSB |144 |111 |-22 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |118 |98 |-16 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |58 |1 |-98 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |66 |87 |31 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |44 |12 |-72 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |74 |56 |-24 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |38 |24 |-36 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |20 |0 |-100 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |22 |22 |0 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|betweennessCentrality | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.0131 |0.0727 |453 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.0089 |0.2028 |2174 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.0085 |0.0111 |31 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.1 |0.1188 |18 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.0459 |0.071 |54 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0.0456 |0.0213 |-53 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0.0102 |0 |-100 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0.0322 |0.0321 |0 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.002 |0.0086 |342 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.1092 |0.0769 |-29 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.0832 |0.0192 |-76 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.091 |0.0478 |-47 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.0334 |0.0224 |-32 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.079 |0.0972 |22 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.0524 |0.1617 |208 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0.0525 |0.0668 |27 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.061 |0.0155 |-74 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.0171 |0.0549 |221 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.0223 |0.0949 |326 |

| |Commander--FSB |0.2318 |0.1979 |-14 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0.0932 |0.0663 |-28 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0.0421 |0.0883 |110 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.0342 |0.0738 |115 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.0163 |0.0038 |-76 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.019 |0.0179 |-6 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.0015 |0.0007 |-51 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0.0132 |0.0005 |-96 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.0148 |0.107 |621 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|closenessCentrality | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.6 |0.587 |-2 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.587 |0.7105 |21 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.5745 |0.5 |-12 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.6923 |0.75 |8 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.6136 |0.5745 |-6 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0.6136 |0.587 |-4 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0.5625 |0.0357 |-93 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0.587 |0.45 |-23 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.5192 |0.4821 |-7 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.7105 |0.587 |-17 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.6429 |0.4737 |-26 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.6923 |0.5094 |-26 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.6136 |0.4821 |-21 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.6585 |0.6136 |-6 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.675 |0.75 |11 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0.675 |0.6279 |-6 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.6429 |0.4655 |-27 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.5745 |0.5625 |-2 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.6 |0.54 |-10 |

| |Commander--FSB |0.7714 |0.7105 |-7 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0.7105 |0.675 |-4 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0.6279 |0.4091 |-34 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.6279 |0.7105 |13 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.6 |0.5094 |-15 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.6279 |0.6136 |-2 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.5625 |0.5294 |-5 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0.5094 |0.2967 |-41 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.5745 |0.551 |-4 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|totalDegreeCentrality | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.3333 |0.4074 |22 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.3333 |0.5556 |66 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.2963 |0.2222 |-25 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.5556 |0.5185 |-6 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.4074 |0.3889 |-4 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0.3704 |0.3333 |-9 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0.2593 |0.0556 |-78 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0.3333 |0.2963 |-11 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.1852 |0.1852 |0 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.5926 |0.4444 |-25 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.4444 |0.1481 |-66 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.5556 |0.2222 |-60 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.3704 |0.2593 |-29 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.4815 |0.3704 |-23 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.5185 |0.5741 |10 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0.5185 |0.3889 |-24 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.4444 |0.1481 |-66 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.3333 |0.2593 |-22 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.3704 |0.2593 |-29 |

| |Commander--FSB |0.7037 |0.5556 |-21 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0.5926 |0.4815 |-18 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0.4074 |0.2778 |-31 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.4074 |0.3889 |-4 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.3333 |0.2222 |-33 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.4074 |0.2963 |-27 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.2593 |0.1296 |-50 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0.2593 |0.0741 |-71 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.2593 |0.3519 |35 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|nodeLevels | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |2 |3 |50 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |3 |3 |0 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |3 |3 |0 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |2 |2 |0 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |3 |3 |0 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |2 |3 |50 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |3 |0 |-100 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |3 |3 |0 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |3 |3 |0 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |2 |3 |50 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |2 |3 |50 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |2 |3 |50 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |2 |3 |50 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |2 |2 |0 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |2 |2 |0 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |2 |2 |0 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |2 |3 |50 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |3 |3 |0 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |3 |3 |0 |

| |Commander--FSB |2 |2 |0 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |2 |2 |0 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |2 |4 |100 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |2 |2 |0 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |2 |3 |50 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |2 |2 |0 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |3 |3 |0 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |3 |5 |66 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |2 |3 |50 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|inDegreeCentrality | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.3333 |0.4815 |44 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.3333 |0.4815 |44 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.2963 |0.2593 |-12 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.5556 |0.3704 |-33 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.4074 |0.4074 |0 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0.3704 |0.2963 |-19 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0.2593 |0.1111 |-57 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0.3333 |0.4074 |22 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.1852 |0.1481 |-19 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.5926 |0.5556 |-6 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.4444 |0.1852 |-58 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.5556 |0.2593 |-53 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.3704 |0.3704 |0 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.4815 |0.3704 |-23 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.5185 |0.4815 |-7 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0.5185 |0.3704 |-28 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.4444 |0.1481 |-66 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.3333 |0.2222 |-33 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.3704 |0.2593 |-29 |

| |Commander--FSB |0.7037 |0.5185 |-26 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0.5926 |0.4444 |-25 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0.4074 |0.4444 |9 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.4074 |0.1852 |-54 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.3333 |0.2593 |-22 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.4074 |0.2222 |-45 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.2593 |0.037 |-85 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0.2593 |0.1111 |-57 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.2593 |0.4074 |57 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|outDegreeCentrality | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.3333 |0.3333 |0 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.3333 |0.6296 |88 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.2963 |0.1852 |-37 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.5556 |0.6667 |19 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.4074 |0.3704 |-9 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0.3704 |0.3704 |0 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0.2593 |0 |-100 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0.3333 |0.1852 |-44 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.1852 |0.2222 |20 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.5926 |0.3333 |-43 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.4444 |0.1111 |-75 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.5556 |0.1852 |-66 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.3704 |0.1481 |-59 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.4815 |0.3704 |-23 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.5185 |0.6667 |28 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0.5185 |0.4074 |-21 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.4444 |0.1481 |-66 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.3333 |0.2963 |-11 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.3704 |0.2593 |-29 |

| |Commander--FSB |0.7037 |0.5926 |-15 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0.5926 |0.5185 |-12 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0.4074 |0.1111 |-72 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.4074 |0.5926 |45 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.3333 |0.1852 |-44 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.4074 |0.3704 |-9 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.2593 |0.2222 |-14 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0.2593 |0.037 |-85 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.2593 |0.2963 |14 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|informationCentrality | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.0329 |0.0397 |20 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.0332 |0.0502 |51 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.031 |0.0306 |-1 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.0425 |0.0507 |19 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.0362 |0.0414 |14 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0.0348 |0.0419 |20 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0.0282 |0 |-100 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0.0326 |0.0304 |-6 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.0227 |0.0333 |46 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.0436 |0.0401 |-8 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.0385 |0.0226 |-41 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.0423 |0.0306 |-27 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.0351 |0.0269 |-23 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.0397 |0.0422 |6 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.0412 |0.0512 |24 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0.0411 |0.0443 |7 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.0383 |0.0261 |-31 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.033 |0.0383 |15 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.0349 |0.0356 |2 |

| |Commander--FSB |0.0464 |0.0489 |5 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0.0433 |0.0469 |8 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0.0365 |0.0228 |-37 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.0364 |0.0493 |35 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.033 |0.0305 |-7 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.0365 |0.0426 |16 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.0285 |0.0341 |19 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0.0285 |0.0105 |-63 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.029 |0.0384 |32 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|eigenvectorCentrality | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.149 |0.2212 |48 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.1675 |0.2831 |69 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.1395 |0.1384 |0 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.2513 |0.282 |12 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.1634 |0.2029 |24 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0.1548 |0.2 |29 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0.1014 |0.0583 |-42 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0.1241 |0.1824 |47 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.0705 |0.0944 |33 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.2688 |0.2312 |-13 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.1771 |0.1039 |-41 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.2509 |0.1325 |-47 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.1594 |0.1546 |-3 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.2062 |0.174 |-15 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.2526 |0.3071 |21 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0.2496 |0.2224 |-10 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.187 |0.0727 |-61 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.1475 |0.1334 |-9 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.1709 |0.1153 |-32 |

| |Commander--FSB |0.2976 |0.2725 |-8 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0.2696 |0.2401 |-10 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0.1791 |0.1804 |0 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.1912 |0.2274 |18 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.1578 |0.1464 |-7 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.1993 |0.2001 |0 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.1296 |0.1132 |-12 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0.1054 |0.061 |-42 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.1299 |0.1872 |44 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

|inverseClosenessCentrality | Node | Legacy | Actual | %Change |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |0.6667 |0.6605 |0 |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |0.6605 |0.8086 |22 |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |0.642 |0.5617 |-12 |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |0.7778 |0.8333 |7 |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |0.6975 |0.6667 |-4 |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |0.6852 |0.6728 |-1 |

| |Deployment WO--UA, MSC |0.6235 |0 |-100 |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |0.6605 |0.5123 |-22 |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |0.5741 |0.5494 |-4 |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |0.7963 |0.6605 |-17 |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |0.7222 |0.5185 |-28 |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |0.7778 |0.5679 |-26 |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |0.6852 |0.537 |-21 |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.7407 |0.6852 |-7 |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |0.7593 |0.8333 |9 |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |0.7593 |0.7037 |-7 |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |0.7222 |0.5247 |-27 |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |0.6543 |0.6358 |-2 |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |0.679 |0.6111 |-10 |

| |Commander--FSB |0.8519 |0.7963 |-6 |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |0.7963 |0.7593 |-4 |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |0.7037 |0.4691 |-33 |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |0.7037 |0.7963 |13 |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |0.6667 |0.5679 |-14 |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0.7037 |0.6852 |-2 |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |0.6235 |0.5926 |-4 |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |0.5926 |0.3327 |-43 |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |0.6296 |0.6296 |0 |

Appendix 4. Raw compilation of data presented by Session (1-6). Each session’s data includes the raw session betweenenss data, raw density datat, the session network graph, and a task-role matrix.

Session 1 Betweeness

| | |1 |2 |

| | |Betweenness |nBetweenness |

| | |------------ |------------ |

|21 |SPO / DMC--FSB |151.05 |21.517 |

|20 |Commander--FSB |139.711 |19.902 |

|14 |Commander--CAB MCG/CIC |90.612 |12.908 |

|15 |Sustainment--CAB MCG/CIC |80.076 |11.407 |

|23 |Med Log Off--FSB |56.389 |8.033 |

|10 |Sustainment Off--UA BSC |54.886 |7.818 |

|4 |Sustainment--UA CIC |54.521 |7.767 |

|18 |Chaplain--CAB BSC |41.135 |5.86 |

|5 |BDE OPS--UA MSC |34.666 |4.938 |

|17 |HR Off--CAB BSC |32.986 |4.699 |

|2 |Sustainment--UA MCG |32.514 |4.632 |

|13 |Chaplain--UA BSC |22.736 |3.239 |

|1 |Commander--UA MCG |22.499 |3.205 |

|19 |Med Plt--CAB BSC |21.686 |3.089 |

|25 |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |12.286 |1.75 |

|8 |JAG--UA MSC |4.499 |0.641 |

|24 |Readiness Off--FSB |1.7 |0.242 |

|28 |Sustainment--AVN BSC |1.133 |0.161 |

|6 |Deployment Off--UA MSC |0.967 |0.138 |

|3 |Executive Officer--UA CIC |0.75 |0.107 |

|12 |Surgeon--UA BSC |0.2 |0.028 |

|16 |Sustainment Off--CAB BSC |0 |0 |

|22 |Med Ops Off--FSB |0 |0 |

|9 |Chem/Eng/MP--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|11 |HR Off--UA BSC |0 |0 |

|26 |Ammo Tech--FSB |0 |0 |

|27 |Flt Surgeon--AVN BSC |0 |0 |

|7 |Deployment WO--UA MSC |0 |0 |

Session 1 Density

| | |Size |Ties |Pairs |Densit |

| | |------ |------ |------ |------ |

|6 |Deployment Off--UA MSC |4 |6 |12 |50 |

|11 |HR Off--UA BSC |2 |1 |2 |50 |

|28 |Sustainment--AVN BSC |4 |6 |12 |50 |

|1 |Commander--UA MCG |6 |14 |30 |46.67 |

|9 |Chem/Eng/MP--UA MSC |3 |2 |6 |33.33 |

|13 |Chaplain--UA BSC |5 |6 |20 |30 |

|5 |BDE OPS--UA MSC |7 |11 |42 |26.19 |

|3 |Executive Officer--UA CIC |4 |3 |12 |25 |

|8 |JAG--UA MSC |4 |3 |12 |25 |

|19 |Med Plt--CAB BSC |4 |3 |12 |25 |

|16 |Sustainment Off--CAB BSC |6 |7 |30 |23.33 |

|14 |Commander--CAB MCG/CIC |8 |12 |56 |21.43 |

|21 |SPO / DMC--FSB |8 |12 |56 |21.43 |

|22 |Med Ops Off--FSB |8 |12 |56 |21.43 |

|18 |Chaplain--CAB BSC |6 |6 |30 |20 |

|10 |Sustainment Off--UA BSC |8 |11 |56 |19.64 |

|4 |Sustainment--UA CIC |9 |14 |72 |19.44 |

|25 |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |7 |8 |42 |19.05 |

|2 |Sustainment--UA MCG |11 |20 |110 |18.18 |

|12 |Surgeon--UA BSC |3 |1 |6 |16.67 |

|17 |HR Off--CAB BSC |4 |2 |12 |16.67 |

|24 |Readiness Off--FSB |3 |1 |6 |16.67 |

|20 |Commander--FSB |13 |25 |156 |16.03 |

|23 |Med Log Off--FSB |11 |14 |110 |12.73 |

|15 |Sustainment--CAB MCG/CIC |10 |8 |90 |8.89 |

| | |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|7 |Deployment WO--UA MSC |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|26 |Ammo Tech--FSB |1 |0 |0 |0 |

|27 |Flt Surgeon--AVN BSC |1 |0 |0 |0 |

Session 1 Network Graph


Session 1 Task-Role Matrix

|Task |Position |Primary Task? |

|Monitor & update the COP |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

|Provide Transportation Management |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Provide Religious Services |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Provide mass casualty management |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |No |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |No |

|Provide legal support (OPLAW) |JAG--UA, MSC | |

|Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |No |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency medical treatment |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Plan and coordinate intra-theater movement |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Plan & Execute sustainment replenishment operations. |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

|Oversee health services |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Orchestrate pulsed resupply activities (CROs/SROs) |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |No |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC | |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Monitor & update the COP |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |No |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Employ & Synchronize C2/ISR operations |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Develop plans and orders for operations. |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |No |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Coordinate soldier support activities |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Conduct retrograde operations. |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |No |

|Assist the UA commander with Title 10. |JAG--UA, MSC | |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

Session 2 Betweeness

| | |Betweenness |nBetweenness |

| | |------------ |------------ |

|2 |Sustainment--UA MCG |136.238 |19.407 |

|21 |SPO / DMC--FSB |104.517 |14.888 |

|1 |Commander--UA MCG |93.145 |13.269 |

|14 |Commander--CAB MCG/CIC |89.66 |12.772 |

|15 |Sustainment--CAB MCG/CIC |80.36 |11.447 |

|12 |Surgeon--UA BSC |49.5 |7.051 |

|17 |HR Off--CAB BSC |45.333 |6.458 |

|5 |BDE OPS--UA MSC |41.086 |5.853 |

|10 |Sustainment Off--UA BSC |39.936 |5.689 |

|4 |Sustainment--UA CIC |39.902 |5.684 |

|3 |Executive Officer--UA CIC |26.767 |3.813 |

|18 |Chaplain--CAB BSC |13.476 |1.92 |

|13 |Chaplain--UA BSC |12.576 |1.791 |

|19 |Med Plt--CAB BSC |7.5 |1.068 |

|24 |Readiness Off--FSB |4.229 |0.602 |

|28 |Sustainment--AVN BSC |1.943 |0.277 |

|20 |Commander--FSB |1.833 |0.261 |

|6 |Deployment Off--UA MSC |1 |0.142 |

|9 |Chem/Eng/MP--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|16 |Sustainment Off--CAB BSC |0 |0 |

|8 |JAG--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|22 |Med Ops Off--FSB |0 |0 |

|23 |Med Log Off--FSB |0 |0 |

|11 |HR Off--UA BSC |0 |0 |

|25 |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0 |0 |

|26 |Ammo Tech--FSB |0 |0 |

|27 |Flt Surgeon--AVN BSC |0 |0 |

|7 |Deployment WO--UA MSC |0 |0 |

Session 2 Network Graph


Session 2 Task-Role Matrix

|Session #2 Task list |Roles |Primary? |

|Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |No |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |No |

|Assist the UA commander with Title 10. |Sustainment--UA, MCG |Yes |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Conduct offensive, defensive, stability and support opns |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Conduct reconnaissance and surveillance opns |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Conduct retrograde operations. |Readiness Off--FSB |Yes |

|Conduct security operations. |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |Readiness Off--FSB |No |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |No |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Coord law enforcement, prisoner and refugee operations |BDE OPS--UA, MSC | |

|Coordinate deployment, redeployment, & movement control |Deployment Off--UA, MSC | |

|Coordinate soldier support activities |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |No |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Commander--FSB |Yes |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Develop plans and orders for operations. |Commander--UA, MCG |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC | |

|Employ & Synchronize C2/ISR operations |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Med Log Off--FSB | |

|Employ countermobility and survivability assets. |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |Yes |

|engr/mp supportplanning |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Execute movement in/out of contact |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

|Identify critical mobility choke points |Deployment Off--UA, MSC | |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Monitor & update the COP |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |No |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

|Orchestrate pulsed resupply activities (CROs/SROs) |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Oversee health services |Med Log Off--FSB | |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Plan & Execute sustainment replenishment operations. |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

|Plan to avoid battlespace mobility impediments |Ammo Tech--FSB |No |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide Advanced Trauma Management |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency medical treatment |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Plan, synchronize, and integrate CSS augmentation |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |No |

|Provide Arms & Munitions |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

|Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |Yes |

| |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |No |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Provide liaison with higher and adjacent headquarters |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Provide Religious Services |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Provide Transportation Management |Deployment Off--UA, MSC | |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |No |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Med Log Off--FSB | |

|Synchronizes the execution of the planning process |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

Session 2 Role-Task Matrix

|Role |Task |Primary? |

|Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |Yes |

| |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Yes |

| |Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops |Yes |

|Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |Yes |

| |Orchestrate pulsed resupply activities (CROs/SROs) |Yes |

| |Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |Yes |

| |Monitor & update the COP |No |

| |Employ & Synchronize C2/ISR operations |Yes |

|Ammo Tech--FSB |Plan to avoid battlespace mobility impediments |No |

| |Provide Arms & Munitions |Yes |

|Commander--UA, MCG |Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |No |

| |Develop plans and orders for operations. |Yes |

|Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Synchronizes the execution of the planning process |Yes |

| |Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops |No |

| |Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |Yes |

| |Execute movement in/out of contact |Yes |

| |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Yes |

|Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Plan & Execute sustainment replenishment operations. |Yes |

| |Plan, synchronize, and integrate CSS augmentation |Yes |

| |Plan, synchronize, and integrate CSS augmentation |Yes |

| |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Yes |

| |Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |Yes |

|Sustainment--UA, MCG |Assist the UA commander with Title 10. |Yes |

| |Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |No |

| |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |No |

| |Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |No |

| |Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |Yes |

|Chaplain--CAB, BSC |Provide Religious Services |Yes |

| |Plan, synchronize, and integrate CSS augmentation |No |

| |Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |No |

|Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Yes |

|Sustainment--UA, CIC |Monitor & update the COP |Yes |

| |Provide liaison with higher and adjacent headquarters |Yes |

| |Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops |Yes |

| |Develop plans and orders for operations. |Yes |

| |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Yes |

|Readiness Off--FSB |Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |No |

| |Conduct retrograde operations. |Yes |

| |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Yes |

|HR Off--UA, BSC |Assist the UA commander with Title 10. |Yes |

| |Coordinate soldier support activities |Yes |

|Commander--FSB |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Yes |

|Med Log Off--FSB |Oversee health services | |

| |Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops | |

| |Employ & Synchronize C2/ISR operations | |

|SPO / DMC--FSB |Plan & Execute sustainment replenishment operations. |Yes |

|Chaplain--UA, BSC |Provide Religious Services |Yes |

| |Coordinate soldier support activities |No |

|Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Plan, coordinate, and provide Advanced Trauma Management |Yes |

| |Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency medical treatment |Yes |

| |Oversee health services |Yes |

| |Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |No |

| |Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |No |

|Deployment Off--UA, MSC |Coordinate deployment, redeployment, & movement control | |

| |Develop plans and orders for operations. | |

| |Identify critical mobility choke points | |

| |Provide Transportation Management | |

|HR Off--CAB, BSC |Coordinate soldier support activities |Yes |

| |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Yes |

| |Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |Yes |

|Surgeon--UA, BSC |Oversee health services |Yes |

| |Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency medical treatment |Yes |

| |Monitor & update the COP |Yes |

|BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Conduct offensive, defensive, stability and support opns |Yes |

| |Conduct security operations. |Yes |

| |Conduct reconnaissance and surveillance opns |Yes |

| |Coord law enforcement, prisoner and refugee operations | |

|Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |Yes |

| |Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Yes |

| |Identify critical mobility choke points |Yes |

| |Provide Transportation Management |Yes |

|Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |Conduct security operations. |Yes |

| |Employ countermobility and survivability assets. |Yes |

| |Provide liaison with higher and adjacent headquarters |Yes |

| |Plan to avoid battlespace mobility impediments |Yes |

| |engr/mp supportplanning |Yes |

Session 3 Betweeness

| | |1 |2 |

| | |Betweenness |nBetweenness |

| | |------------ |------------ |

|2 |Sustainment--UA MCG |131.884 |18.787 |

|4 |Sustainment--UA CIC |127.84 |18.211 |

|1 |Commander--UA MCG |103.84 |14.792 |

|21 |SPO / DMC--FSB |101.383 |14.442 |

|15 |Sustainment--CAB MCG/CIC |95.3 |13.576 |

|19 |Med Plt--CAB BSC |56.138 |7.997 |

|20 |Commander--FSB |48.917 |6.968 |

|14 |Commander--CAB MCG/CIC |47.752 |6.802 |

|11 |HR Off--UA BSC |42.25 |6.019 |

|8 |JAG--UA MSC |32.414 |4.617 |

|16 |Sustainment Off--CAB BSC |28.794 |4.102 |

|10 |Sustainment Off--UA BSC |23.712 |3.378 |

|24 |Readiness Off--FSB |19.918 |2.837 |

|18 |Chaplain--CAB BSC |18.831 |2.683 |

|3 |Executive Officer--UA CIC |15.805 |2.251 |

|6 |Deployment Off--UA MSC |15.012 |2.138 |

|13 |Chaplain--UA BSC |14.893 |2.121 |

|23 |Med Log Off--FSB |10.233 |1.458 |

|5 |BDE OPS--UA MSC |7.9 |1.125 |

|17 |HR Off--CAB BSC |4.25 |0.605 |

|12 |Surgeon--UA BSC |2.933 |0.418 |

|22 |Med Ops Off--FSB |0 |0 |

|9 |Chem/Eng/MP--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|7 |Deployment WO--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|25 |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |0 |0 |

|26 |Ammo Tech--FSB |0 |0 |

|27 |Flt Surgeon--AVN BSC |0 |0 |

|28 |Sustainment--AVN BSC |0 |0 |

Session 3 Network Graph


Session 3 Task-Role Network

|Session 3 Tasks |Role |Primary? |

|Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

|Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |No |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Assist the UA commander with Title 10. |Sustainment--UA, MCG |Yes |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |Yes |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Conduct field maintenance and recovery operations. |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |Yes |

|Conduct offensive, defensive, stability and support opns |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Conduct reconnaissance and surveillance opns |MNVR SPT--M&SC/OMS |Yes |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Conduct retrograde operations. |Readiness Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Conduct security operations. |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |MNVR SPT--M&SC/OMS |Yes |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

|Coord law enforcement, prisoner and refugee operations |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |Yes |

| |MNVR SPT--M&SC/OMS |Yes |

|Coordinate deployment, redeployment, & movement control |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Coordinate soldier support activities |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |No |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Develop plans and orders for operations. |Commander--UA, MCG |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Employ & Synchronize C2/ISR operations |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Employ countermobility and survivability assets. |MNVR SPT--M&SC/OMS |Yes |

|Identify centers of gravity |Commander--UA, MCG |No |

|Identify critical mobility choke points |MNVR SPT--M&SC/OMS |Yes |

|Monitor & update the COP |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |No |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |JAG--UA, MSC |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Commander--FSB |Yes |

|Orchestrate pulsed resupply activities (CROs/SROs) |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

|Oversee health services |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |No |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Plan & Execute sustainment replenishment operations. |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |No |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

|Plan and coordinate intra-theater movement |Commander--FSB |Yes |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide Advanced Trauma Management |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Commander--FSB |Yes |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency medical treatment |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

|Plan, synchronize, and integrate CSS augmentation |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

| |Commander--FSB | |

|Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Provide intent and guidance |Commander--UA, MCG |Yes |

|Provide legal support (OPLAW) |JAG--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Provide level II med spt & emergency resuscitative surgery. |Med Log Off--FSB | |

|Provide liaison with higher and adjacent headquarters |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Log Off--FSB | |

|Provide mass casualty management |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Log Off--FSB | |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Commander--FSB |Yes |

|Provide Religious Services |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Provide Transportation Management |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

|Synchronizes the execution of the planning process |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

Session 4 Betweenness

| | |1 |2 |

| | |Betweenness |nBetweenness |

| | |------------ |------------ |

|15 |Sustainment--CAB MCG/CIC |161.769 |23.044 |

|28 |Sustainment--AVN BSC |136.219 |19.404 |

|10 |Sustainment Off--UA BSC |102.68 |14.627 |

|4 |Sustainment--UA CIC |75.964 |10.821 |

|18 |Chaplain--CAB BSC |69.951 |9.965 |

|2 |Sustainment--UA MCG |65.332 |9.307 |

|22 |Med Ops Off--FSB |65.267 |9.297 |

|19 |Med Plt--CAB BSC |56.045 |7.984 |

|11 |HR Off--UA BSC |50.379 |7.176 |

|23 |Med Log Off--FSB |49.345 |7.029 |

|21 |SPO / DMC--FSB |40.242 |5.732 |

|6 |Deployment Off--UA MSC |39.595 |5.64 |

|14 |Commander--CAB MCG/CIC |30.821 |4.391 |

|16 |Sustainment Off--CAB BSC |18.881 |2.69 |

|1 |Commander--UA MCG |18.069 |2.574 |

|3 |Executive Officer--UA CIC |16.936 |2.412 |

|20 |Commander--FSB |15.89 |2.264 |

|5 |BDE OPS--UA MSC |9.493 |1.352 |

|25 |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |9.162 |1.305 |

|8 |JAG--UA MSC |7.226 |1.029 |

|27 |Flt Surgeon--AVN BSC |1.367 |0.195 |

|12 |Surgeon--UA BSC |1.367 |0.195 |

|17 |HR Off--CAB BSC |0 |0 |

|9 |Chem/Eng/MP--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|24 |Readiness Off--FSB |0 |0 |

|26 |Ammo Tech--FSB |0 |0 |

|13 |Chaplain--UA BSC |0 |0 |

|7 |Deployment WO--UA MSC |0 |0 |

Session 4 Network Graph


Session 4 Task-Role Matrix

|Session #4 Task list |Roles |Primary? |

|Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |No |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Assist the UA commander with Title 10. |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |JAG--UA, MSC | |

|Conduct Air Assault Opns |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |No |

|Conduct field maintenance and recovery operations. |Ammo Tech--FSB |No |

|Conduct offensive, defensive, stability and support opns |BDE OPS--UA, MSC | |

|Conduct reconnaissance and surveillance opns |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |No |

|Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Coordinate deployment, redeployment, & movement control |Deployment Off--UA, MSC | |

|Coordinate soldier support activities |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |No |

|Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |Yes |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |Yes |

|Develop plans and orders for operations. |Commander--UA, MCG |No |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Employ & Synchronize C2/ISR operations |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Employ maneuver to complement fires and effects |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Identify centers of gravity |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Monitor & update the COP |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |Chem/Eng/MP--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Commander--FSB |Yes |

|Orchestrate pulsed resupply activities (CROs/SROs) |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |No |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Commander--FSB |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

|Oversee health services |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |Yes |

|Plan & Execute sustainment replenishment operations. |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |No |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Commander--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Plan and coordinate intra-theater movement |Commander--FSB |Yes |

|Plan to avoid battlespace mobility impediments |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide Advanced Trauma Management |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |Yes |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency medical treatment |Med Ops Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Plan, synchronize, and integrate CSS augmentation |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

|Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Provide intent and guidance |Commander--UA, MCG |Yes |

|Provide Religious Services |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Chaplain--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Provide Transportation Management |Deployment Off--UA, MSC | |

|Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |No |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

Session 5 Betweeness

| | |1 |2 |

| | |Betweenness |nBetweenness |

| | |------------ |------------ |

|15 |Sustainment--CAB MCG/CIC |217.633 |31.002 |

|10 |Sustainment Off--UA BSC |131.783 |18.773 |

|14 |Commander--CAB MCG/CIC |105.625 |15.046 |

|4 |Sustainment--UA CIC |60.358 |8.598 |

|1 |Commander--UA MCG |58 |8.262 |

|19 |Med Plt--CAB BSC |56 |7.977 |

|12 |Surgeon--UA BSC |55.9 |7.963 |

|23 |Med Log Off--FSB |45.667 |6.505 |

|11 |HR Off--UA BSC |42.333 |6.03 |

|22 |Med Ops Off--FSB |36.667 |5.223 |

|21 |SPO / DMC--FSB |31.958 |4.552 |

|6 |Deployment Off--UA MSC |27.517 |3.92 |

|18 |Chaplain--CAB BSC |23 |3.276 |

|20 |Commander--FSB |22.958 |3.27 |

|28 |Sustainment--AVN BSC |19.533 |2.783 |

|2 |Sustainment--UA MCG |15.933 |2.27 |

|25 |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |9.975 |1.421 |

|3 |Executive Officer--UA CIC |8.383 |1.194 |

|27 |Flt Surgeon--AVN BSC |5.4 |0.769 |

|5 |BDE OPS--UA MSC |0.375 |0.053 |

|17 |HR Off--CAB BSC |0 |0 |

|16 |Sustainment Off--CAB BSC |0 |0 |

|9 |Chem/Eng/MP--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|24 |Readiness Off--FSB |0 |0 |

|8 |JAG--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|26 |Ammo Tech--FSB |0 |0 |

|13 |Chaplain--UA BSC |0 |0 |

|7 |Deployment WO--UA MSC |0 |0 |

Session 5 Network Graph


Session 5 Task-Role Matrix

|Session #5 Task list |Roles |Primary? |

|Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

|Assist the UA commander with Title 10. |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

|Conduct offensive, defensive, stability and support opns |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

|Conduct reconnaissance and surveillance opns |Commander--UA, MCG |Yes |

|Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |Commander--UA, MCG |No |

|Coordinate deployment, redeployment, & movement control |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

|Coordinate soldier support activities |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

|Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Flt Surgeon--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

|Develop plans and orders for operations. |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Employ & Synchronize C2/ISR operations |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Employ maneuver to complement fires and effects |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |No |

|Monitor & update the COP |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |Readiness Off--FSB |Yes |

|Orchestrate pulsed resupply activities (CROs/SROs) |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |Commander--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Oversee health services |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Plan & Execute sustainment replenishment operations. |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |Yes |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |Yes |

|Plan and coordinate intra-theater movement |Med Ops Off--FSB |Yes |

|Plan to avoid battlespace mobility impediments |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide Advanced Trauma Management |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency medical treatment |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |No |

|Plan, synchronize, and integrate CSS augmentation |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Provide intent and guidance |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Provide liaison with higher and adjacent headquarters |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Provide Religious Services |Chaplain--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

|Provide Transportation Management |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

|Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Synchronizes the execution of the planning process |Deployment Off--UA, MSC |Yes |

Session 6 Betweeness

| | |1 |2 |

| | |Betweenness |nBetweenness |

| | |------------ |------------ |

|16 |Sustainment Off--CAB BSC |219.917 |31.327 |

|5 |BDE OPS--UA MSC |166.5 |23.718 |

|10 |Sustainment Off--UA BSC |134.167 |19.112 |

|21 |SPO / DMC--FSB |124.033 |17.669 |

|15 |Sustainment--CAB MCG/CIC |93.033 |13.253 |

|25 |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |79.333 |11.301 |

|12 |Surgeon--UA BSC |77.833 |11.087 |

|2 |Sustainment--UA MCG |65.283 |9.3 |

|1 |Commander--UA MCG |59.083 |8.416 |

|23 |Med Log Off--FSB |53.333 |7.597 |

|4 |Sustainment--UA CIC |36.583 |5.211 |

|3 |Executive Officer--UA CIC |29.25 |4.167 |

|11 |HR Off--UA BSC |27 |3.846 |

|13 |Chaplain--UA BSC |18 |2.564 |

|19 |Med Plt--CAB BSC |13.833 |1.971 |

|22 |Med Ops Off--FSB |11 |1.567 |

|8 |JAG--UA MSC |8 |1.14 |

|17 |HR Off--CAB BSC |7.25 |1.033 |

|20 |Commander--FSB |5.367 |0.764 |

|18 |Chaplain--CAB BSC |2 |0.285 |

|14 |Commander--CAB MCG/CIC |0.2 |0.028 |

|6 |Deployment Off--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|7 |Deployment WO--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|9 |Chem/Eng/MP--UA MSC |0 |0 |

|24 |Readiness Off--FSB |0 |0 |

|26 |Ammo Tech--FSB |0 |0 |

|27 |Flt Surgeon--AVN BSC |0 |0 |

|28 |Sustainment--AVN BSC |0 |0 |

Session 6 Network Graph


Session 6 Task-Role Matrix

|Session #6 Task list |Roles |Primary? |

|Anticipate and manage transitions between operations |Med Ops Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Commander--UA, MCG |No |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Assist the UA commander with Title 10. |Sustainment--UA, MCG |Yes |

| |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Conduct offensive, defensive, stability and support opns |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

|Conduct reconnaissance and surveillance opns |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

|Conduct retrograde operations. |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

|Conduct system health checks for platforms and crew |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Coordinate deployment, redeployment, & movement control |BDE OPS--UA, MSC | |

|Coordinate soldier support activities |HR Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Determine and anticipate maneuver sustainment requirements |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Develop plans and orders for operations. |Commander--UA, MCG |No |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Develop plans and orders for operations. |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Employ & Synchronize C2/ISR operations |Commander--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |Executive Officer--UA, CIC |Yes |

|Identify centers of gravity |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |No |

|Monitor & update the COP |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

|Monitor and ensure unity of effort between staff nodes |Commander--FSB | |

|Orchestrate pulsed resupply activities (CROs/SROs) |Ammo Tech--FSB |No |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

| |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

|Oversee health services |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Plt--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |Yes |

|Plan & Execute sustainment replenishment operations. |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Ammo Tech--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment Off--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |No |

|Plan, coordinate, and provide emergency medical treatment |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

|Plan, synchronize, and integrate CSS augmentation |Sustainment Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, MCG |No |

| |SPO / DMC--FSB |Yes |

|Provide CSS input to Plans & Orders |Sustainment--CAB, MCG/CIC |Yes |

| |HR Off--CAB, BSC |Yes |

| |Dist Mgmt Off--FSB |Yes |

|Provide intent and guidance |Commander--UA, MCG |Yes |

|Provide liaison with higher and adjacent headquarters |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Med Ops Off--FSB |Yes |

|Provide mass casualty management |Med Log Off--FSB |Yes |

|Provide Religious Services |Chaplain--CAB, BSC |Yes |

|Synchronize & manage maneuver sustainment/distribution ops |Sustainment--AVN, BSC |Yes |

| |Readiness Off--FSB |Yes |

| |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

|Synchronizes the execution of the planning process |Sustainment--UA, CIC |Yes |

| |Surgeon--UA, BSC |Yes |

| |BDE OPS--UA, MSC |Yes |

Session 1-6 Network Graph


This page intentional left blank


BSC Sustainment Officer

MSC-BDE Operations Officer

















Bottom 8 Logistics Staff based on Betweenness Centrality Measure

Top 8 Logistics Staff based on Betweenness Centrality Measure


Distro Mgmt


CIC-Executive Officer


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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