Wiring Diagrams For Rotory Phase Convertor - Stone Machinery

Wiring Diagram for loads that total up to 1 times the maximum converter rated current.

230 volt (single phase panel)



On/Off Contactor for electronic start

(L2) (L1)

Electronic/Remote blue start leads (2) (connect to 240 volt toggle switch) Three leads indicate Power Gaurd


L2 L1

T1 T2 T3


1. Follow all local, city and National Electric Codes. 2. Do not use T3 for any single phase loads. 3. Use correct size protection on all loads. 4. Always have phase converter on before

starting any 3-phase load. 5. All wiring must be done by a licensed electrician. 6. Current is limited by the full load current rating of

the phase converter (See page 5 for specs).

(T3) (T2) (T1)

3-Phase Idler motor

T3 (manufactured line)

(3- phase) Machinery

(T3) (L2) (L1)

230 volt (three- phase panel)



(3- phase) Machinery

(3- phase) Machinery

NOTE: All wiring must be done by a licensed electrician. Other load voltages require a transformer after the three-phase panel..

Wiring Diagram for motor loads that total up to 3 times the maximum converter rated current.

230 volt (single phase panel)



On/Off Contactor for electronic start

(L2) (L1)

Electronic/Remote blue start leads (2) (connect to 240 volt toggle switch) Three leads indicate Power Gaurd


L2 L1

T1 T2 T3


1. Follow all local, city and National Electric Codes. 2. Do not use T3 for any single phase loads. 3. Use correct size protection on all loads. 4. Always have phase converter on before

starting any 3-phase load. 5. All wiring must be done by a licensed electrician. 6. Up to 3 times the converter's hp may be run

in this configuration (See page 5 for specs).

(T3) (T2) (T1)

3-Phase Idler motor

T3 (manufactured line)

(3- phase) Machinery

(L2) (L1)


230 volt

(three- phase panel)



(3- phase) Machinery

(3- phase) Machinery

NOTE: All wiring must be done by a licensed electrician. Other load voltages require a transformer after the three-phase panel..

Wiring Diagram for paralleling multiple phase converters using a transfer switch..

Phase Converter 1 (Master unit)

Phase Converter 2


1. Follow all local, city and National Electric Codes. 2. Do not use T3 for any single phase loads. 3. Use correct size protection on all loads. 4. Always have phase converter on before

starting any 3-phase load. 5. All wiring must be done by a licensed electrician. 6. Current is limited by the full load current rating of

the phase converter(s). (See page 5 for specs). 7. Check phase alignment before adding additional

phase converter(s) to circuit.

To load

U3 U2 U1

} U3 U2 U1

Transfer Switch

Transfer Switch

Phase Converter 3

T1 T2 T3

3-Phase Idler motor

T1 T2 T3

3-Phase Idler motor

T1 T2 T3

3-Phase Idler motor

L1 L2

L1 L2

L1 L2

240 vac, 1 phase (size to total load)

NOTE: All wiring must be done by a licensed electrician. Other load voltages require a transformer after the three-phase panel..


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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