
PRAYER TARGETMarch 2021“He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure” (Isaiah 33:6).Wednesday, March 17 – Portable radios are a powerful way for people to hear the Gospelmessage. Often, a single radio can serve an entire village. FEBC receives testimonies of many people gathering around a radio to listen to broadcasts.Please pray that the Lord will continue to provide the necessary funds to distribute these radios to countries around the world.Thursday, March 18 – FEBC’s team in Cambodia are young and energetic. Pray for Makara, our director, and both his broadcasting and follow-up staff, who respond to listeners who contact our office in Phnom Penh.Friday, March 19 – Gospel Speaker Boxes are a valuable tool used to reach some minority groups in India. These devices contain SD cards with 132 hours of Gospel programming.Pray that they will be used to change hearts and impact lives.Saturday, March 20 – A listener from Malawi recently shared, “We’ve been so blessed to be able to tune in and learn how to strengthenour spiritual walk with the Lord.” Pray for this listener and the potential impact their testimony will have on the lives of others.Sunday, March 21 – Many listeners in Japan have shared that our programs are the only way for them to receive Gospel teaching. Praise God for the blessing He has given FEBC to serve Japan; pray that our programs will continue to encourage and strengthen believers.Monday, March 22 – FEBC can be heard on 7 radio stations in Moldova, an Eastern European country and former Soviet republic. Pray that these broadcasts will bless every person who listens and they will come to know Jesus because of it.Tuesday, March 23 – Please pray for a Christian Rehab Center in Slavyansk, Ukraine, where FEBC programs are broadcast over their intercom system. Many patients listen to them daily and have turned their lives around through a newfound faith in God. Some have even joined local churches. Praise God for the ways He is using FEBC in Ukraine!“I am so grateful to you for broadcasting the Gospel into North Korea.”Listener in North KoreaWednesday, March 24 – Pray that the Lord will continue to create opportunities for FEBC broadcasts to reach listeners in North Korea. Pray, too, that the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of listeners in this totalitarian- run country.Thursday, March 25 – Iraq FM reaches listeners in a country where Christian persecution is a grave reality. Please pray that the programs will inspire listeners to follow Jesus. Pray, too, for those who have already put their faith in Jesus to feel God’s love.Friday, March 26 – In Vietnam, FEBC distributes Gospel Speaker Boxes that deliver Gospel content. We also offer mobile apps and programs for the hard of hearing. Pray that many will respond to God’s love.Saturday, March 27 – The Children’s Bible Story ministry in Yemen has the potential to bless many children and their families with the saving message of the Gospel. Please pray for this ministry and the hearts of those who will listen.Sunday, March 28 – In Indonesia, FEBC programs are heard in the Bahasa-Indonesian language, as well as 6 additional ethnic languages. Indonesia is the largest Muslim-dominant country in the world, where Islam has a very strong influence. Pray that the Lord will strengthen believers, since choosing Jesus is a counter-cultural decision.Monday, March 29 – Today, pray for a woman in Thailand who has recently given her life to Christ. She has health problems and family issues that wounded her deeply. Pray that she will find restoration in Jesus.Tuesday, March 30 – Church partnerships play a vital role in the lives of seekers and new believers. FEBC programs can be the catalyst for leading people to Christ, but there’s nothing quite like a local church to offer people fellowship and discipleship.That’s why we make it a point to partner with churches in every country where FEBC shares the Good News. Please pray that these partnerships will bring many more to faith in the Lord.64816931060539Wednesday, March 31 – Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Pray that FEBC staff around the world will live by this truth.All Scripture references are from the NIV To learn more or make a donation,visit or call (800) 523-3480.stories febcusa fareastbroadcasting“He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure” (Isaiah 33:6).What a gift these words are from the prophet Isaiah! Life is often filled with questions, and the way ahead may seem unclear. Rather than gripped with worry or filled with apprehension, we can rely on the Lord’s promises to be our sure foundation.Jesus told a parable about two builders (Luke 6:47-49); one built a house on a firm foundation, while the other built a house without a foundation. The wise builder laid the foundation for his house by relying on God’s Word and following Christ. Thisfoundation was sure and reliable, built on the trustworthy promises of God.We have received the words of life from God. He is our firm and secure foundation, giving us the amazing gift of salvation.Having received such a precious treasure from the Lord, we are moved to tell others of God’s love and grace.Thank you for your commitment to daily prayer on behalf of the millions of listeners who are hearing the life-giving message of the Good News.Until all have heard,Edward W. CannonPresident and CEOPrayer TargetMonday, March 1 – Praise God for the ways that Heis using FEBC to change lives in Vietnam. A listenershared, “We listen to your programs all day long from a speaker box that you gave us. Thank you!”Tuesday, March 2 – FEBC’s newest radio station in Osh, Kyrgyzstan is the sixth to join a network of FM stations in this country. Because of God’s guidance, two thirds of the country’s population isnow able to access Gospel-based content 24/7. Please pray that this new station will reach the hearts of many and lead them to the Lord!Wednesday, March 3 – Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist country. Through FEBC, many people have developed a personal relationship with Jesus, such as this listener who shared, “This Bible program is my greatest friend and every truth in life. The Word of God is a balm that has almost fully healed the wounds in my heart. Now, I do not have any more suicidal thoughts because I know that God still loves me and is on my side.” Praise God for the impact the Word has had on this listener’s life; please pray that they will continue to grow closer to the Lord.Thursday, March 4 – Today, lift up women in India. As a marginalized gender in this country, they often face discrimination, violence, and abuse. Pray that through FEBC programs, social media, and follow-up ministry, the Lord will work in these women’s lives to bring comfort and healing.Friday, March 5 – Today, pray for the hearts of people in Pakistan to be open to the Gospel message. FEBC broadcasts have been operating in this South Asian country since 1974. Programs are currently produced in five ethnic languages: Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Pothwari. These programs are broadcast via shortwave with additional programs offered through social media platforms.Saturday, March 6 – In sensitive areas of Northeast Africa, intensive fighting can cause threats to the infrastructure of FEBC partnerships. Regional internet and mobile phone networks can be compromised, cutting off listeners access to FEBC content and most importantly the Gospel. Please pray for safety in these regions and for the Good News to penetrate through the violence.“I’m very happy God used FEBC to teach me how to trust Him.”Listener in LaosSunday, March 7 – In Mali, Gospel content is broadcast in 7 languages. Praise God for theopportunity to reach many people in this country. Pray that He will provide continued protection for FEBC staff as they produce these programs.Monday, March 8 – In Myanmar, there is immense social pressure to be Buddhist as this is the cultural norm here; the practice of Christianity is greatly restricted. In addition to the national Burmese language, FEBC broadcasts in 5 ethnic languages. Pray for the spiritual lives of listeners here, despite religious barriers they face.Tuesday, March 9 – In the Philippines, FEBC can be heard on 12 AM/FM stations, but we also operate powerful shortwave transmitters here that transmit programs in 43 languages to China and Southeast Asia. Please pray for our staff who manage these facilities; pray, too, that the programs will reach many remote listeners who might have no other way to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.Wednesday, March 10 – Our Khmu broadcasters have been reaching many in Laos since the 1980s when we first started this ethnic language program. Pray for the many pastors within Laos who use FEBC broadcasts to lead people to Christ. Pray, too, for many more to respond to the Gospel.Thursday, March 11 – Today, please pray for FEBC teams around the world. Questions about faith are often raised when listeners call into our stations; pray that God will give our follow-up staff discernment and wisdom as they answer questions and lead listeners to Jesus.Friday, March 12 – Please pray for our new podcast ministry launched recently by our team in Hong Kong, China. Through it, we hope to reach a younger, more sophisticated generation through this rapidly arising media.Saturday, March 13 – In the northeastern region of Mozambique, people are either Muslim or animist. Please pray for FEBC Gospel broadcasts to inspire these unreached people to put their faith in Jesus.Sunday, March 14 – Due to decades of Soviet influence, the people of Mongolia embraced atheism, but retain a strong Buddhist background. Since 2000, when FEBC launched its first radio station in Mongolia, we developed a network of 14 stations, now reaching 58% of the population. God has used this to impact the Mongolian people, especially younger generations, and many are coming to faith. Pray that many will hear the Good News and respond with their hearts.Monday, March 15 – The Muslim population in Russia numbers 20 million. Pray for FEBC broadcasts to be used by the Holy Spirit to reach these people with the message of God’s grace through Jesus Christ.Tuesday, March 16 – Taiwan is one of five production centers that provides programs for mainland China. Programs are broadcast in Mandarin, Taiwanese and Hakka. Please pray for the FEBC Taiwan staff as they work to produce programs to reach people with the saving message of the Gospel. ................

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