
Hotline: 303-977-7432

P.O. Box 621489

Littleton, CO 80162-1489

November 2008


Lockheed Martin's Workplace Security policy, CPS-565 is strictly enforced. One provision of the policy is a workplace free of weapons, which includes Firearms, Ammunition, Bows and Arrows. The club must emphasize this policy to our members. Additionally, a state issued CCW permit does not supersede nor over ride this LMA policy.

Members wanting to store firearms or archery equipment during the day ONLY, must contact Gene Adamson (303-971-1531) or Dave Mulholland (303-977-3674) for access instructions.

Club News

President’s Corner

We’re now well into the Autumn season and Winter is approaching and with it, the conclusion of the busy season for SHFC sanctioned and formal shooting and archery events. We’ve seen some outstanding activities this year and some impressive performances from members and guests. I would like to acknowledge and commend all the event chairpersons and staff for the truly outstanding professional support they provide to the club. Their dedication to the club and spirit of volunteerism keeps SHFC a vibrant and fun organization. In behalf of the Board, a hearty “well done” to all of you!

The Board is finalizing our approach for operating the rifle ranges as “one range” for purposes of coordinating ceasefires. Thanks to those of you who have sent me comments and suggestions. If you haven’t had the opportunity to do so, please send your thoughts to dennis.dal.pra@.

I hope to have the final version of the Company/SHFC operating charter to present to the Board this month. Details of any changes in operations will be communicated to club members through the newsletter, special mailings, club meetings and the SHFC web site. The Board also expects to publish revised Range Rules soon to formalize the changes we’ve discussed in prior newsletters and club meetings. Please also be aware of the new signage at the range that is capturing these changes. Our continuing focus on safety first and foremost is critical.

I represented SHFC at a meeting with company Facilities Operations management, along with representatives from the Ridge Riders equestrian club. The purpose of the meeting was to review the roles and responsibilities of the company and clubs related to operations of our respective club facilities on LM property. As a reminder to club members, the company has taken over responsibility for the range road maintenance. Any club member who becomes aware of a road maintenance or access condition, including mud or rockslide, should notify a Board member as soon as possible. Members must pay heed to the road status sign at the entrance gate on S. Wadsworth Blvd. If the “Road Closed” sign has been activated, members must not attempt to enter the SHFC facility.

Finally, let me take this opportunity on behalf of the Board to wish all club members and your families a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. Be safe.

Pasture Rotation and RAnge Road gates

There are no planned pasture moves in November that’ll affect the range road. You will be notified of future rotations that affect the range road via email notification, this newsletter and the club website. Due to weather and other reasons, the planned pasture rotations may change. Please follow the range road pasture gate instructions. Thank you.

BOD Minutes 06 October 2008

Attendees: Dennis Dal Pra, Karl Thompson, Keith Davis, Tony Christensen, Walter Tang, Ken Ruiz

1. Sight in day had half a dozen shooters. This was up over past years.

2. SHFC charter is still in draft.

a. Definition of membership eligibility under review at SSC.

i. Company wants to be consistent

b. Property insurance

c. Firearm storage at the club house/alarm system

3. Request from IS&GS to use range for contract work

a. Board approves provided that plant protection, Safety concur.

4. David Mulholland request to bring 6 guest in for sight in approved

5. Tom Frickell request for a pistol workshop approved provided that the standard process is completed

a. Requires description of event, safety briefing, waivers

6. Recommendations from NRA range specialist are under review.

a. Note since then BOD is implementing one range concept

7. BOD approved revision to range rules that allow only shotguns on the shotgun range

8. Request for travel expenses for volunteers disapproved

9. Discussed the feasibility of changing the general membership meeting from monthly to quarterly

a. Intent is to improve attendance

b. Schedule with an event

c. Ask for comments at next general meeting

10. Work bond items will be maintained on the web site and not in the newsletter


The SHFC 2008 Annual Shotgun Championship to be held 11/15 @ 12 Noon. Shooting will consist of 2 rounds of Trap, one @ 16, one @ 27 & 2 rounds of Skeet, one standard Skeet, and one Skeet Doubles. There will be a $6 charge to cover the cost of the clays. For information call Keith Davis @ 303-972-1661.


The 50% discount on Redding equipment that SHFC is currently enjoying will expire on Dec 31. Based on this year’s volume so far, next year our discount will be 33.3%. If you want to maximize on the discount let's order this year. November 26th is the cutoff for all 2008 orders, with the order being mailed in during the first week of December. This will insure that you get your stuff before the Christmas break. EMAIL me your order before then and I will process it, but the sooner, the better. Don’t snooze, or you’ll lose. I will not place any new order during the Christmas break; too much of a hassle. Thanks. Vito 7-9527 [vito.deangelis@]

Status of club FFl

Our purchasing team has finalized the club’s purchasing process document and has finalized arrangements for the new FFL premises. We are now past the 30-day address change process with BATF and trying to resolve the delay. Watch for the formal “back in business” announcement in next month’s newsletter.

Electronic Gate

Per the SHFC Range Rules, each club member is required to "wand" their electronic gate card at the electronic gate for accountability. This will also reset the arm’s timer so it doesn’t come down on your vehicle. If the gate is locked open, listen for the “beep” as confirmation that badge was read. Upon leaving the range, each person should push the gate open button so the arm’s timer is reset so it doesn’t come down on your vehicle on the way out.


The latest list of work bond jobs is listed at the website . Click the “Workbond “ tab and then “ Job List”. If you want to volunteer for one of the jobs or a task you think needs to be done please contact the Workbond Chair, Michael Eubank @ 303-971-2860, michael.e.eubank@ . Work Bond that you volunteered for with a specific committee should still be coordinated through that committee chair who will coordinate with Michael. Thank you for your help and participation.

members input

If you have club related pictures, stories, member news, comments, suggestions or questions, please send them to me walter.w.tang@ or other board member and I’ll put it on here. If it’s a question or suggestion, we’ll put the answer or board response on here also.

Successful Hunt

After 5 years of hunting Colorado area 51, SHFC member Ivan Collazo, finally got his elk on October 18th. A nice 11 pointer “with a funny flat antler on the right side”. Ivan first spotted the elk at 8:00 am. Unfortunately he didn’t have his rifle with him since he was that sure he wasn’t going to see anything. After getting his rifle, he found the bull again about 286 yards away according to his range finder. After his shot, the bull ran west around a hill. Ivan found tracks where the elk was when he shot but no sign of blood. Thinking he’d missed, Ivan tracked the prints around the hill and saw the bull next to a log not far from where he was shot. The shot placement was perfect, centered on a vertical line with the elbow and back bone. The bullet did not go all the way through and later examination at the butcher shop revealed the bullet had hit a rib on the way in. After getting whiny excuses from 2 “best” friends he’d called for help, Ivan dragged the bull by himself and made it to the road by 6:30 pm. Ivan’s elk was the biggest one at the butcher shop when he brought it in the next day. For more pictures and Ivan’s first hand account, go to SHFC’s website and look under “Activities/Events”.

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Trap and Skeet Equipment

A member asked about getting certified on the shotgun range to operate the trap and skeet equipment.

The certification of shotgun range officers for using the trap and skeet equipment is at the discretion of the trap and skeet chairman and basically involves an apprenticeship or mentoring program where over time, the interested member is trained on the proper and safe use of the equipment and running of a trap and/or skeet shoot in a proficient and safe manner. This usually happens during the scheduled daylight savings time weekday shoots and the member must demonstrate a high level of competence on what he/she is trained on and a commitment to support and further SHFC’s shotgun programs. The electric trap and skeet equipment is not intended for an individual’s use . For the general SHFC member, the club has the manual thrower for casual use. Use of the electrical throwers are limited to the scheduled weekday shoots or members can call the list of certified shotgun range officers (available on the website under “Committees/Programs”, “Shotgun Committee”) to schedule a shoot at other times such as weekends based on availability. A once a month off-Friday skeet shoot is starting this month and is expected to be year round if there is enough demand. A weekend trap shoot is likely to start after hunting season. These new regular shotgun shoots may be apprenticeship opportunities for members serious about getting certified and supporting SHFC.

Range Work Conflict

A member reported that he was told he should not be at the range when he showed up about half hour early to setup for the trap shoot. During work days when the range is closed to members for shooting (7:00 am to 4:00 pm), the range is sometimes used by Law Enforcement Agencies and LMSS Plant Protection. The range reservation is coordinated through Plant Protection and SHFC. Usually the LEA or Plant Protection has no problem with member volunteers as long as they are not in the way. In the incident above, the range was being used by a company program and they were not aware that members might show up before 4:00 pm. To avoid possible conflicts in the future, volunteers who plan to perform work (maintenance) on the range during the closed (non-shooting) hours, please contact Gene Adamson, 303-971-1531, Walter Tang, 303-977-6474 or Dave Mulholland, 303-977-3674. SHFC encourages range maintenance during range closed hours to minimize impact on available shooting hours. Due to late notices and sensitive nature of the scheduling it is not feasible to have this information in the club calendar on our unrestricted club website.

Note Worthy Follow-up

For those that might have missed Jim Gilmore’s winning game calling demonstration at the Bass Prop Shops Deer and Elk hunting Archery Weekend event last month, here’s a picture of Jim in action. Jim has been doing game calling seminars for over 25 years. Jim has worked with many sporting good stores and has been a pro staff shooter for archery organizations over his 25 years with Lockheed Martin. Jim’s a NFAA certified instructor for archery and a PSE certified repair tech. Jim has taken more than 90 big game with his bow by using his “Calling Tec necks”. Jim has volunteered to present his winning gaming calling demonstration/seminar at one of our future member’s meeting. Watch for notice.

Snail Mail Follow-up

Response from last month’s newsletter indicated it was not clear who to contact to be removed or added to the snail mail list. You can call Walter Tang at 303-977-6474, leave message, or email at the address above. Thank you to those who’ve provided updates so far.

Committee News

Political Action

Don’t forget to vote. You can contact our Political Action Chair, Tom Moore, at 303-978-9432 or lynnmoore43@


All hunters harvesting an elk or deer on LMSSC property are required to take the head in for CWD testing at the CDOW office. Notify Jim Gilmore and Mitch Arnold of all animals harvested on LMSSC property. Listed below are the animals taken on LMSSC property so far.

- Bull Elk - Mike Thomas

- Cow Elk - Jim Gilmore

- Doe deer (this animal tested positive for CWD)- Steve Choromanski


Regular Hunter Ed

The schedule for the rifle/regular hunter education is listed below. The current instructors are Gene Adamson, Mitch Arnold, Don Biesecker, Dave Unruh, Jim Gilmore, Ron Steen, Bill Wilson, Mike Jacobs, Mike McKaig, Ken Ruiz, Margaret Rothermel, Clayton Allen, Bob Ventura, and Jim Ball. Hunter Education always needs help in both the classroom and range. If you are interested in helping out in either the rifle and/or archery hunter education courses contact: Gene Adamson at 1-1531 or Mitch Arnold at 7-2117 and we’ll get you started.

November: 18th, 19th & 20th (Classroom) - 22nd (Range)

Students must attend the 3 classroom sessions (Tues, Wed, & Thurs; 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.) and the range session (Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.) to complete the course. All classes will be held at the clubhouse in the SHFC recreation area. You must attend all four days in a month’s session. Cost for the class is $10. Pre-register by calling any of the instructors. A minimum of 10 students are needed at first class to continue the class. Classes are open to the public.


NRA classes are completed for the year. Since April 2008, there have been 3 Basic Pistol courses and 5 Personal Protection in the Home (PPITH) courses conducted by SHFC instructor corps. This effort equates to 95 students completing and receiving certificates from the courses which taught concepts ranging from safe pistol handling for beginners as well as home defense concepts and techniques. The courses are offered to club members, family, and friends at significantly reduced fees that an individual might find outside the club. Additionally, the entire instructor corp conducts these courses on a 100% voluntary basis.

The Basic Pistol course teaches students safe pistol handling and usage skills for .22 LR semi-automatic pistols and .22 LR revolvers, as well as disassembly, cleaning, and reassembly procedures. The course objectives also include all safe gun handling and ammunition knowledge. NRA Basic Pistol courses are geared for a beginning shooter with little or no experience with firearms.

The Personal Protection course, which is taken primarily as a state requirement to apply for and receive a Conceal Carry Permit, teaches the home safety and self defense procedures in case of home intrusions. This course is conducted with personal defense in mind, so personal defense calibers of .38 Spl., 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45ACP are primarily taught and used. There are also sections in the course designed to give students ideas about their choice for a personal defense handgun. A range session is conducted where students are taught fundamentals of pistol handling in a self defense scenario as well as other methods of protection when faced with life-threatening encounters. The class also features a presentation regarding personal defense and the law from a licensed and practicing lawyer. Many students think that the lawyer’s presentation combined with the Q&A session is some of the most valuable information available, and that opportunity distinguishes PPITH from the Basic Pistol course. The classes are well received, always completely full, and are booked well in advance with many people requesting additional course dates.

The demand for courses is so great that the club added 7 new instructors to the instructor corps in 2008, and the club is negotiating to add the NRA’s Personal Protection Outside the Home course to its offering for 2009 and beyond. Stay tuned for additional details.

Practical Pistol

The 2008 Wednesday Night Practical Pistol will finish the season with some low light shoots and close after 19 November. Setup starts at 4:45 pm and shooting starts at 5:00 pm after the safety orientation. Our Wednesday night shoots are informal USPSA/IPSC/IDPA type stages. The game is accuracy and speed and we emphasize safety and fun. On the 3rd Wednesdays of the month, we have a tactical shotgun stage along with the pistol. Call Mike Sullivan (303-977-3478). We’ve had excellent participation from members and their guests this year averaging just under 20 shooters. The stages have been fun and challenging. Much thanks to Mike Sullivan, George Riedmuller and Dave Mulholland for the stage designs; Larry Wilchek, Eric Jurta, Dave Mulholland and Adam Douglas for doing the scores, and the whole practical pistol squad for setup/tear down, running of the stages and making the shoots so much fun. Here’s a pic of the motley crew that showed up 10/1/08.


From L to R: Jeff M., Rob B., Dan T., Ron D., Dave N., T.J.T., Mark R., Adam D., Doug G., Mike S., Ben G., Mike N., Tom F., Cliff S., Dave M., George R., Chris V., Jeff L and taking the picture, Walter T.

Summer/Winter 3-gun

The last Summer 3-Gun of the season was held on Sunday the 5th. Three fun stages and an exciting prize shoot-off. The shoot-off was won by Brian Sompayrac who came from behind to beat Ben Go in the double elimination shoot-off to take the prize, DVD of the movie “Heat”. . The Winter 3-Gun series, hosted by Dave Mulholland, will start in November with the traditional first shoot the day after Thanksgiving. For those new to 3-gun, it is similar to our Wednesday night practical pistol except we shoot the pistol, shotgun and semi-auto carbine/rifle for a combination of accuracy and speed. Typical ammo requirement is roughly 25 rounds of pistol, 50 rounds of rifle, 25 rounds of shotgun (mostly birdshot and occasionally 5 rounds of slug and buckshot) if you don’t miss. Contact Dave at 303-977-3674 with questions on Winter 3-gun.


Last Summer 3-Gun 2008, unarmed. L to R: Ben G., Chris V., George R., Dave M., Jeff L., Brian S., Walter T.


The November match is on Saturday the 8th with a start time of 10:00 am (note the 1 hour later winter hours start) and will also be the Annual Muzzle Loader Turkey Shoot. Bring out your muzzleloader for a chance to bring home a turkey. For additional information, call Ken Ruiz at ext 7-7827 or check the Hotline for updates.

High Power

High Power Results & News

Two members of the SHFC Shooting Team have been participating in Colorado Rifle Club’s Garand matches. Jeff Lawrence used the club M1 Garand at the CRC Garand Match on 9/27/08 and shot a 258 (out of 300) with 6x, to earn a Bronze CMP award pin and a CRC T-shirt.

Corey Kroll received a Bronze pin (along with a T-shirt and the coveted CRC beer mug/coffee stein) shooting a 261-2X out of 300. Corey’s offhand score was a very respectable 89/100.

At the October 3rd SHFC High Power match, guest Pete Jend beat out the rest of the competitors by shooting a 774 out of 800 possible points, with an “X” count of 22. His score included a 200 out of 200 with 9 X. Guest Dee Gallegos won the Women’s category (and beat most of the men) with a 735/13X.

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Captions clockwise from top left: Competitors score their targets; Don Brehm, aka "Teddy" does some cipherin' on his off-hand target; Guest Pete Jend shows what a rapid-fire target should look like - 200 out of 200; Guest Dee Gallegos scores her off-hand target

3 October 2008


17 October 2008


The last opportunity to shoot in a “sanctioned” match is 15 November at the Boulder Rifle Club. This is a 200 yard reduced course, run very similarly to the way we run our informal matches at Skyline. The BRC matches are fun and low-key with excellent competition. Contact Mike Walton at bigbadgerboy@ for more details.

The SHFC High Power matches are conducted every off-Friday, finishing by noon or 1 PM. We welcome all types of high power service or match rifles; some choose to shoot the Garand or M1A but the AR15 is the choice of most. The club has three AR15s, a Garand, two shooting mats, and a spotting scope with stand which are available to use during matches.

Check the club website for the regional schedule as well as articles for the aspiring high power competitor. For further information, or to check out club equipment, please call Gene Adamson (1-1531) or Dennis Casey (1-7197) with any questions.

Vintage Service Rifle Match

Spruce up your Springfields! The last vintage service rifle match of the year will be held on [off] Friday, November 14th. All US and foreign service rifles are welcome to participate. Awards will be presented for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishes for each category of bolt action or semi-automatic rifles. Contemporary service rifles, such as AR-15’s and M1A’s will not be eligible for awards. In 2009, the Garand/Vintage matches may be CMP sanctioned, with CMP awards (Gold, Silver & Bronze medals) for achieving pre-specified scores.


SHFC will once again be offering a youth shooting sports program this year. This will consist of Firearm Safety Training, Small Bore Rifle, High Power Rifle, Shotgun, and Muzzle Loading. We will also be hosting Boy Scout shooting events. The programs are COED, and open to all youths between the ages 12 through 19 and who have a valid safety or NRA firearms safety card in their possession for admittance to the SHFC range. A parental permission form is required.


Small Bore Shoot – Saturday November 15th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the pistol house. NRA four position rifle. Bolt Action iron sight .22 rifles only. Club rifles and ammo will be available. Contact Bill Wilson 303-979-4547, olbullets@


The shotgun program will consist of informal trap shooting, a trap league, and a couple of trips to a sporting clays range. We also have an opportunity to register one or more teams (5) in the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Scholastic Trap Program. These teams will participate in the Colorado State Shoot. Winners at the state level will get an expenses paid trip to the Grand American Tournament. If you have an interest in the Shotgun Program contact: Bill Wilson 303-979-4547 olbullets@ He will provide you with the details and sign up information.

Youth Shotgun Shoot- Saturday November 1st from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Loaner Shotguns are available in 12 ga as well as 20 ga youth models. Light target ammo available at $6.50/ box or you may bring your own. Contact Bill Wilson 303-979-4547, olbullets@

Skeet Season

The weekday skeet season is over but a monthly off-Friday skeet shoot will start 14th November 12 noon at the shotgun range weather permitting. Please contact Tom Moore at (303) 978-9432 before 11:00 am on the day of the shoot to verify weather cancellation or if you have any questions.

Trap Season

With the end of daylight savings time, the Trap season is closed. A once a month weekend shoot is in consideration after the hunting season. Will update as this develops. Please contact Ray Schwindt (303) 985-8072 if you have any questions.


We have 22 RF and High Power silhouette matches running. All new shooters are always welcome. Schedule is 1st Saturday of the month is 22 RF and the 3rd Saturday of the month for CF. Start time is 9:00 am at the 200 yard range. For more info call Ron Gorski @ 7-8474 or 303-904-8196 or Keith Davis @ 303-972-1661.


The new .22 rimfire sporter match will be held on Saturday, November 1st following the .22 rimfire silhouette match at the 100 yard range. This activity is similar in format to the high-power service rifle matches and will follow the guidelines described in the Civilian Marksmanship Program guide for this type of match.

This match is for all you “plinkers” out there! ANY type of rifle capable of firing .22 long rifle ammunition is allowable and need not be a specialty or target rifle. This includes any bolt action, single shot or magazine fed, and semi-automatic .22 rifles. Any type of open sights or scopes of no more than 6X are allowable. (Variable power scopes which go beyond 6X, can be set to 6X max.) The match will be fired at a distance of 50 yards using NRA 50 yard targets and will consist of unlimited sighting shots and 60 shots for record in stages consisting of prone, sitting or kneeling, and standing.

No “fancy schmancy” equipment is required or, in many cases, allowed. A spotting scope or binoculars may be helpful during the sighting stage but definitely not required. This event is for both beginners and experienced shooters of all ages which will be a fun, low cost activity and will also improve your marksmanship skills. This match will continue on the 1st Saturday of every month, right after the .22 rimfire silhouette match, beginning at noon. For more information or any questions, call Gene Adamson @ 1-1531 of Corey Kroll @ 7-5507.

Fishing News update

As our newsletter editor indicated in last month’s newsletter with a consice one liner fishing report

“Gone Fishing”, I did in fact “go fishing!” My wife and I took a two week fishing vacation to Northern Minnesota where we met up with some close relatives at the Tamarack Lodge resort on Lake Winnibigoshish, a well known walleye location and about the 4th or 5th largest lake in the state not including Lake of the Woods. In spite of some rather intense wave action we had a very enjoyable time and consumed large quantities of the best fresh water fish in North America. At least that’s our opinion. We also caught a number of only sightly less desierable species like Northern Pike and Crappie, both of which are a blast to catch. And just to show that we actually caught fish, here are a couple photos!!

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Open water fishing season for this year is rapidly coming to a close as the first signs of winter are starting to become apparent. Here in the Metroplex there are probably still a few more weeks before only the hardiest of the local fishing affectionados will be found drowning worms and loosing lures trying to catch one more “big one” before the freeze-up. From the looks of the following news clips, 2009 will probably see more impacts to our favorite sport as the CDW, the Water Board, etc. attempt to influence the continued spread of the Quagga and Zebra Mussel invasion.


Invasive Mussel Larvae Found In Four Colorado Reservoirs


Colorado Division of Wildlife press release

A Federal and State initiative to gather more information on the presence of aquatic invasive species in Colorado confirmed the presence of invasive mussel larvae in Grand Lake, Shadow Mountain and Willow Creek Reservoirs in Grand County. These waters are physically connected to Lake Granby. Quagga mussel larvae were discovered in Lake Granby earlier this summer.

Results from an independent laboratory confirm that both zebra and quagga mussels are present in Grand Lake, while only quagga mussels have been found at Willow Creek, Shadow Mountain and Lake Granby.

The Colorado Division of Wildlife (DOW), Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District are cooperating with local partners on the development of an appropriate plan for each of the Colorado-Big Thompson (CBT) reservoirs.

Quaggas Found in Jumbo and Tarryall

A State initiative to gather more information on the presence of aquatic invasive species in Colorado confirmed the presence of quagga mussel larvae in Jumbo Reservoir in Logan County, and Tarryall Reservoir in Park County.

Jumbo Reservoir Boating Restrictions:

Under existing regulations, recreational boating on Jumbo Reservoir is prohibited October 1st through the last day of regular goose season on February 15th. Shoreline waterfowl hunters may use hand-propelled craft to set and pick up decoys, and to retrieve downed waterfowl. Waterfowl hunting from motorized vessels is allowed by reservation only and only hunters with reservations are exempt from the October 1 boat closure. Reservations may be made by calling 1-800-846-9453.

Tarryall Reservoir Restrictions and Inspection Procedures:

Trailered boats are allowed on the lake from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday through Monday. No night boating is allowed. Before launching, trailered boats must be inspected at the north ramp off Park County Road 77. Hand-launched craft such as float tubes, canoes and non-motorized rowboats are permitted at all times.

Antero, Tarryall and Williams Fork to close to trailered boat use


The Colorado Division of Wildlife (DOW) and Denver Water will close Williams Fork Reservoir on October 31st, and Antero Reservoir on November 26th to trailered boats for the remainder of the 2008 season. The DOW will close Tarryall Reservoir to trailered boat use on October 31, 2008. Hand-launched vessels can continue to use all waters.

Ice-on at these reservoirs is anticipated to begin in late October through November. The reservoirs will re-open to boating again next spring.

2008 DWR Boating Closures



Denver Water Press Release:

The following is the schedule for fall 2008 boat ramp closures at Denver Water Facilities:

* Antero: Closes Nov. 26.

* Williams Fork: Closes Oct. 31.

* Dillon Marina: Closes Oct. 23.

* Frisco Bay Marina: Closes Nov. 1. The Frisco Bay Marina office is open throughout the winter months. For information, call (970) 668-4334

* Eleven Mile: Witcher’s Cove is open Saturdays and Sundays through Oct. 26. The North Shore Boat Ramp is open daily. For up-to-date information and boat ramp status, contact Eleven Mile State Park at (719) 748-3401


(Please contact Walter at walter.w.tang@ for additions or changes.) RULES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Ads will ONLY be run for three months unless I hear from you. No exceptions. The new ads will be listed first. Send me the ad at least one week before the end of the month to make sure it gets included in the next month’s newsletter.

For Sale: Winchester model 70 in .243 WSSM that is about 3 years old. the rifle is in good condition, other than a few dings on the stock, and a couple small ware marks on the metal. about 300 rounds have been fired from it. it will come with a Harris bipod, Simmons 3-9x scope with flip up caps, shell holder sling, RCBS reloading dies, about 200+/- cleaned empties, 50 loaded rounds(6 55gr varmint grenade and 44 100gr. SST). this rifle was always cleaned after shooting. Asking $700 for all of it, probably won’t part it out. If you want pictures or have questions, please email Kurt at mj12commander@ (11/08)

For Sale: Colt .45 Auto stainless mark II Series 90 Officers Model. DA/SA. Two magazines (uses 1911 magazines). $450.00 Ed Barthlome (720) 260-3941 email: ebarthlome@ (11/08)

For Sale: Remington #742 BDL Deluxe 30-06 rifle in Mint condition (appraised for $550)with a 4x Weaver scope with tip off mount (American made in 1970, appraised for $250), , shoulder strap with swivels, 7 boxes of ammo (some factory and some reloads), including a soft case. This is my father’s rifle which he has asked me to sell for him. Must see to appreciate. Ron (303) 977-4976 days (303) 660-6879 evenings. ron-karen@ or ronald.c.rockwell@ (11/08)

For Sale: Winchester Select Energy Field O/U 12 ga. 3” chamber 28” Barrel, Invector Plus Choke with Full/Mod/Imp Cyl tubes and tool. Comes with case and all original paperwork. New/Like New (Two boxes shot through it). Listed new @ $1499 asking $1100. Call David @ 3-977-9415 email david.penrose@ (10/08)

For Sale: Brand new Beretta 90-Two Type F for sale. All original, includes: paper/plastic case, 2 magazines, loading tool, manuals, etc. Specs: Double/Single, .40 S & W, Automatic Firing pin lock, Rolling striker safety, Light/Laser rail with removable cover, Sights: Superluminova. MSRP is $700 as shown in the Beretta e-store. I will sell it for $650. Call Ivan Collazo at Cell phone 303-941-9834. (9/08)



Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat | | | | | | | |1st

22 RF Metal Silhouette Match

9:00 – 12:00 pm

@ 200 yard range

Ron 7-8474


22 RF Sporter Match

12:00–3:00 pm

@ 100 yard range

Corey 7-5507


Youth Shotgun

@ Shotgun range 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Bill Wilson 303-979-4547 | |2nd


SHFC Board Meeting 5:15 pm at Clubhouse



Practical Pistol

5:00 – 7:00 pm

@ Pistol House. Mike 7-3478





Muzzleloader Shoot

@ 200 yard range

10:00 am start. Annual Turkey Shoot. Ken Ruiz 7-7827

BSA Trap

@ Shotgun range 1:00 to 5:00 pm

Bill Wilson 303-979-4547



General Membership Meeting

5:15 pm at Clubhouse



Practical Pistol

5:00 – 7:00 pm

@ Pistol House. Mike 7-3478





Vintage High Power Match

09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 1-1531

Skeet Shooting

12 pm Shotgun range. Tom Moore 303-978-9432


CF Metal Silhouette

9:00 – 12:00 noon

@ 200 yard range

Ron 7-8474


SHFC Shotgun Championship

@ shotgun range. 12 pm until done. Keith 303-972-1661


Youth Smallbore

@ Pistol House 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Bill Wilson





Hunter Ed

@ Clubhouse 6:00 – 9:00 pm Mitch 7-2117, Gene 1-1531


Practical Pistol

5:00 – 7:00 pm

@ Pistol House. Mike 7-3478


Hunter Ed

@ Clubhouse 6:00 – 9:00 pm Mitch 7-2117, Gene 1-1531


Hunter Ed

@ Clubhouse 6:00 – 9:00 pm Mitch 7-2117, Gene 1-1531

|21st |22nd

Hunter Ed @ Range – Pistol House, 100 yard RESTRICTED & shotgun range with permission of instructor 08:30 to 3:00 pm

| |23rd

|24th |25th

|26th |27th


Happy Thanksgiving. The range is open.



The range is open.

High Power Match

09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 1-1531

Winter 3-Gun

9:00 am to 1:00 pm @ pistol house. Dave 7-3674


|29th | |30th | | | | | | | |

SHFC November 2008 Calendar


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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