
Chapter 4 Lesson 1- Searching for Trade Routes1) Portugal is a country in Western Europe. In the early 1400’s Prince Henry of Portugal became interested in trade with Africa. Prince Henry believed that the best way to reach Africa was by sea. So he set up a school of navigation. Navigation is the science of plotting and controlling the course of a ship. With the help of several new inventions, most importantly the compass, the Portuguese made many journeys in search of a safe route to Africa. A compass is a device with a magnet which always points north.2) In 1488 Bartholomew Dias became the first European to sail around Southern Africa.3) Ten years later, Vasco Gama reached Asia by sailing around Africa. Unfortunately, the Portuguese enslaved African people. Slavery was a cruel system where people worked for no pay and had no freedom.4) Christopher Columbus also wanted to find a route to Asia. He believed the world was round and that if he sailed west from Spain he would reach Asia.5) Queen Isabella and king Fer5dinand of Spain thought Columbus might be right so they paid for his voyage. In September of 1492, Columbus set sail with 3 ships called the Nina, Pinta ad Santa Maria. He had a crew of 90 sailors. After being at sea for over a month, Columbus and his crew spotted land. They believed they had reached India, so they called the friendly natives, Indians. However, they had actually reached the Bahama Islands, a group of islands near North and South America. Columbus was correct about the world being round, but he did not know that 2 large continents (North and South America) and several islands lay in between Europe and Asia. Columbus returned home bringing gold and several Native American slaves.6) Columbus eventually made 3 more trips west. It was during the last trip that he realized that he had not reached Asia. His explorations changed the course of History.7) Ferdinand Magellan wanted to circumnavigate (go around) the whole world. He and his crew sailed around South America and discovered the Pacific Ocean. Magellan named the ocean Pacific because the word means peaceful. Magellan was killed during his journey. Only 18 out 250 men returned to Spain afely after sailing around the world. ................

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