


NGAC 2020


Långtora Glider Airport, ESVL.

Training days August 24-27

Mandatory opening briefing Thursday Aug 27 18.00

Competition August 28 -29

Spare day August 30

Konstflygförbundet inbjuder i samarbete med

Flygklubben IAC 22


Stockholms Segelflygklubb

Till Svenskt Mästerskap i Konstflygning med segelflygplan

och till

Nordic Championships in Glider Aerobatics

Svenskt Mästerskap I Konstflygning med Segelflygplan, SM Glider 2020

and Nordic Championships in Glider Aerobatics, NGAC 2020

This is two separate competitions held at the same place and at the same time. The best pilot in each class becomes the Nordic Champion and the best Swedish pilot becomes Swedish champion.

For participation send the SELF BRIFING/ENTRY FORM free and free known in openaero format, no later than August 1 to;

Contest Manager Pekka Havbrandt Pekka.h@ 07272312220

Chief Judge Lars-Åke Allerhed laal@ 070 572 06 93.


Aug Mo 24-Th 27 Training in box

Thursday Aug 27 Registration

Thursday Aug 27 Briefing 18.00

Last arrival, Last chance to hand in self-declaration.

Opening ceremony

Friday Aug 28 Competition day 1.

Briefing kl. 08.00

Saturday Aug 29 Competition day 2

Briefing kl. 08.00

Sunday Aug 30 Spare day

Briefing kl. 08.00 if the competition is not complete with at least one flight per pilot.

Entry fee 1000 SEK including closing party to be paid no later than August 1

First time Swedish participants 500 kr.

IAC 22 PG 440 30 58-3. See Stockholm Aeroclub Prices below.


Your aircraft must be insured according to the EU Regulation 785/2004.

MTOM < 500 kg Minimum SDR 750.000

MTOM < 1.000 kg Minimum SDR 1.500.000

It is possible to rent a Fox or an ASK 21 on site.


Contest Manager Pekka Havbrandt

Judges Jyrki Viitasaari Judge Finland

Kent Mattson Judge Sweden



Assistant 1 TBD

Assistant 2 TBD

Assistant 3 TBD

Starter TBD

Scoring Office TBD

Rules Published at SKFF webb page.

Competition categories 1. Basic (Can be flown with Swedish AVA1)

Known compulsory (See Appendix 3) flown two times

2. Sportsman

IAC known compulsory from 2019 is flown two times

2020 compulsory has a spin and cannot be flown with an ASK21, it cannot be used in the Nordic context.

If weather and available time allows, the contest director may ask for a third flight according to the Nordic rules.

3. Intermediate

IAC Known Compulsory

IAC Free program

IAC Unknown

4. Advanced

CIVA Free known program

IAC free program

CIVA Free unknown program

CIVA Free unknown program

5. Unlimited

CIVA Free known program

IAC free program

CIVA Free unknown program

CIVA Free unknown program

Closing party 250 SEK

(Included for participants, judges and officials)

Meals Lunch and water can be purchased at the airfield.

Appendix 1


|Pilot name | |

|Aero Club | |

|Aircraft type and registration | |

|Sporting license No. |NOT REQUIRED |

|Billing adress | |

|Mobile phone number | |

|E-mail adress | |

|Pilot license expiration date | |

|Aircraft Insurance expiration date | |

|Pilot license No. | |

|Medical certificate expiration date | |

|Date | |

|Pilot Signature | |

After the organizer has received your entry the IAC rule book, sequences and all Nordic and local rules will be mailed to you.

Appendix 2

The left box is marked and used during the competition.


Långtora Radio 123,525 MHz. Do not fly if you do not have the, Box is Free, from the chief judge.




We cannot use the IAC 2020 sequence since it has a spin. We will use the 2019 sequence in the Swedish Nationals and in the Nordic Championships.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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