
Lesson Plans – First Week of School

TUESDAY – Aug. 25

7:45-8:00 -Unpack

-Morning Work (Old Lady in a Shoe – W.S.)

-As students come in, ask them to leave ALL school supplies in their bookbags until later.

--Wish List items can go on back table.

8:00-8:40 Calendar Math

-Explain how Calendar works

-Talk about Students of the Day (boy and girl helper for the day)

-Go over expectations for the morning and morning routines

8:40-8:50 Bathroom Break

-Prior to lining up, discuss hallway behavior and bathroom rules

8:50-9:40 -Read The Teacher From the Black Lagoon by: Mike Thaler

-Intro. myself using objects in brown paper bag (share a few things about myself and let students guess why I have that object)

ex: seashell= I like the beach

-St. will decorate ALL ABOUT ME paper bags

-St. will share with their table, tell about one of their favorite things to do

-H.W. – St. will bring in items in brown ALL ABOUT ME bags (through-out the week) that represent themselves, family, hobbies, etc…


-Collect school supplies that st. have brought in.

10:00-10:40 ART

10:45-11:00 -Go over school supplies st. will need

-Teacher and Teacher Assistant will set up Homework Notebooks after-school

11:00-12:00 -Read Never Spit on Your Shoes by: Denys Cazet

-Intro. School/classroom rules

-Talk about my Expectations for all Students (poster)

-Talk about the importance of each rule

-Focus in on Rule #1: Be a responsible Citizen.

-Share book: Responsibility-Values to Live By by: N. Pemberton (Castro)

-In small groups, st. will work on a poster that explains what they agree to do this school year to be responsible 2nd grade citizens.

-Small groups will share with the class

-Display st. posters by classroom rules chart

12:00-12:05 Go over Lunchroom expectations/ways to line up/behavior in the hall

12:05-12:35 LUNCH

12:35-12:45 Bathroom Break – bathrooms by cafeteria

12:45-1:00 ACTIVE RECESS

1:00-1:45 -Read The Little Engine that Could by: Watty Piper

-Talk about all the things we are good at

-Intro. Class motto: “You never know what you can do until you try.” (poster over Calendar bulletin board)

-Talk about perseverance and the importance of never giving up.

-Students will get in small groups to talk about a time they “never gave up”

-St. will make train cars and write about something they will work hard on this year….. “I know I can succeed in __________ this year in 2nd Grade.

-Display train cars and engine


-Go over rules/expectations/procedures

*Absolutely no talking

*When students hear alarm: STOP, LOOK and LISTEN to teacher

*Line up students by tables

-Do a practice run through

-We exit out our backdoor and walk to the black pavement behind Intermediate’s Gym

2:10-2:20 Expectations for afternoon dismissal

-Talk about acceptable behavior vs. unacceptable

-St. pack up

2:20 Dismissal


7:45-8:00 -Unpack

-Morning Work (Crossword Puzzle – School Bus W.S.)

8:00-8:30 Calendar Math

-Guide Students of the Day as they begin to conduct Calendar

-Model and have students repeat after teacher

8:30-8:40 Bathroom Break

8:40-9:10 -Review All About Me project from yesterday (Homework)

-St. will share their own All About Me bags and items with the class (1/2 class)


-Go over rules/expectations/procedures

-Do a practice run through

-We exit out front door and stop at the end of Mrs. Mitchell’s classroom


10:00-10:40 MUSIC

10:40-11:30 -Read Respect – Values to Live By by: Beverly Fiday (personal copy)

-Review classroom rules

-Review my Expectations for all Students (poster)

-Focus in on Rule #2: Respect other people and their property.

-In small groups, st. will work on a poster that explains what they can do everyday to show respect for themselves, others, parents, teachers and other adults.

-Small groups will share with the class

-Display st. posters by classroom rules chart

11:30-12:00 -Intro. Morning Work - Math Problem of the Day

-Model how to write in Math Journals on notebook paper (I have a large piece of notebook paper that you can use to model on.)

-As a class, do two problems together, while practicing writing on notebook


-T. will monitor st. as they complete 2 problems on their own.

12:05-12:35 LUNCH

12:35-12:40 Bathroom Break – bathrooms by cafeteria

12:40-1:00 ACTIVE RECESS

1:00-1:45 -Read The School Bus Driver From the Black Lagoon by: Mike Thaler

-Go over the school bus rules (see poster)

-Students will explain why each rule is important for all to be safe

-St. will work in a group to role play st. breaking bus rules

-Groups will present to the class and see if they can guess which rule they

are breaking

1:45-2:10 -St. will share their own All About Me bags and items with the class (1/2 class)

2:10-2:20 Pack-Up

2:20 Dismissal

THURSDAY – Aug. 27

7:45-8:00 -Unpack

-Morning Work (Math Journals – Read It, Draw It, Solve It)

8:00-8:10 Check Morning Work

-Use red checking pens at tables to check work together

-Model correct way to check papers

8:10-8:30 Calendar Math

-Guide Students of the Day as they begin to conduct Calendar

-Model and have students repeat after teacher

8:30-8:35 Bathroom Break

8:35-9:40 Writing – Small Moments (Diagnostic Writing Sample – Portfolios)

-Read The Kissing Hand by: Audrey Penn

-Talk about finding a small moment in your life that meant something to you to write about

-T. will tell a personal small moments story (ex: catching frogs in the summer)

-As a class brainstorm small moments (write on board)

-St. will tell their story to a partner

-T. will model how to label and title their stories (date) on overhead notebook paper

-St. will write their small moments stories/illustrate

-Share stories as time permits

-Collect samples to go in Writing Portfolios (need to be graded & filed)


10:00-10:40 PE

10:45-11:25 -Read Obedience – Values to Live By by: June Buerger (personal copy)

-Review classroom rules

-Review my Expectations for all Students (poster)

-Focus in on Rule #3: Do what you are asked to do.

-In small groups, st. will work on a poster that explains what things they will be asked to do by adults everyday at school and at home.

-Small groups will share with the class

-Display st. posters by classroom rules chart

11:25-12:05 -Begin testing st. on 2nd Grade Dolch Word List (25 words)

-Students will record on worksheet

-“Testing Spots”

12:05-12:35 LUNCH

12:35-12:45 Bathroom Break – bathrooms by cafeteria

12:45-1:00 ACTIVE RECESS

1:00-2:10 -Read Marcellus by: Lorraine Simeon

-Talk about how we are different and alike within our classroom

-Intro. Activity Face It, We’re Cute (glyph –overhead transparency)

-St. will create a face that represents how they are alike and different

-Materials: Face Pad

Yarn (Blue, red, yellow)

Hat stencils

Construction Paper

-St. will share their face pads with class as I call out things that are alike

2:10-2:20 Pack-Up

2:20 Dismissal

FRIDAY – Aug. 28

7:45-8:00 -Unpack

-Morning Work (Math Journal – Read It, Draw It, Solve It)

8:00-8:10 Check Morning Work

8:10-8:30 Calendar Math – DRA Testing (Mrs. Castro)

-Guide Students of the Day as they begin to conduct Calendar

-Model and have students repeat after teacher

8:30-8:35 Bathroom Break

8:35-9:40 DRA Testing – Mrs. Castro / Mrs. Waters will do lesson

-Read Chrysanthemum by: Kevin Henkes

-Talk about the importance of being yourself and original

-Intro. name jigsaw puzzels

-Share my example with class

-Students will write their name on the puzzle with black markers

-Color the puzzle with crayons and cut apart

-Exchange with a partner and see if they can put your name puzzle together


10:00-10:40 PE

10:45-11:20 2nd Grade Dolch Word List (25 words)

-Students will record on worksheet

-“Testing Spots”

11:20-12:00 -Read Caring – Values to Live By by: Jane Belk Moncure (personal copy)

-Review classroom rules

-Review my Expectations for all Students (poster)

-Focus in on Rule #4: Be kind and considerate.

-In small groups, st. will work on a poster that explains what things they can do to be kind and considerate to others.

-Small groups will share with the class

-Display st. posters by classroom rules chart

12:05-12:35 LUNCH

12:35-12:40 Bathroom Break – bathrooms by cafeteria

12:40-1:00 ACTIVE RECESS

1:00-2:10 2nd Grade Dolch Word List (25 words)

-Students will record on worksheet

-“Testing Spots”

2:10-2:20 Pack-Up - Count Tally Marks

-The table with the most Tallies for the entire week gets one thing out of Treasure Chest

2:20 Dismissal

Today I will learn all about my new classroom.

My job today is to learn about my teacher,

learn people’s names,

learn our class rules, and practice a fire drill.

Today I will learn all about my new classroom.

My job today is to learn about my classmates,

learn our class rules,

learn the school bus rules, and practice a tornado drill.

Today I will learn all about my new classroom.

My job today is to learn

our class rules,

write a story about my life,

and spell some words.

Today I will learn all about my new classroom.

My job today is to learn

our class rules,

and spell some words.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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