
Name __________________

2nd Grade Homework

Due: Friday, August 22, 2014

Reminder: All homework is due on Friday. Work not completed must be done in study hall.

*Be sure you put your name on EVERY paper.


Language Arts: Today we read a wonderful book entitled Chrysanthemum. This book is about a young girl who loves her name, Chrysanthemum. When she starts school the children make fun of the girl’s name causing her to hate her name. The kiddos really liked this book! FOR HOMEWORK I need for your child to interview you and fill out the “Investigating My Name” sheet that is attached. HAVE FUN!

Math: No homework this week. Next week we will be practicing our procedures for math centers.

Reading: Some of our reading stories this year will be one week stories, and others will be two week stories. Our first reading story is Iris and Walter. This will be a one week story. The genre is realistic fiction and our skill is character, setting and plot. Your child needs to read this story to an adult before Friday’s test. We have our weekly reading test on Fridays.

**I make the kids take home their reading books over the weekend so they can go ahead and read the story for the next week, but I need for every child to bring his/her reading book back every Monday morning.

Spelling: Every weekend your child must write his/her new spelling words in the assignment book (words are attached). This must be done before MONDAY MORNING. There is a place each week for this. I have shown the kids how to do this in their assignment books. I check assignment books every Monday for this. If your child has the spelling words written in his/her book, he/she will receive a positive pebble. ( If your child does not have the spelling words written, he/she will complete that assignment in study hall on Monday. ( Have your child study these words nightly and be ready for Friday’s spelling test. Spelling tests are given on Fridays.


• What an awesome few days we have had! You have wonderful children!

• Please try and send in all school papers that need to be filled out and all school supplies by Monday morning. If you still have school papers out, I have attached another copy for you.

• Specials for next week…Monday – P.E. (must wear tennis shoes); Tuesday – music; Wednesday – music again; Thursday – art; Friday – library. [pic]

• I have attached a copy of my Fun Friday guidelines for you to keep. In second grade, we try to have a Fun Friday every two weeks.

• My room tends to stay very cold (I have no control over the thermostat (). I encourage you to send a lightweight jacket with your child.

Have a great weekend!

S. Barnes


Your Basic 15 Words (Short Vowels):

1. drum

2. rock

3. list

4. desk

5. job

6. sad

7. chop

8. sack

9. tag

10. rib

11. mess

12. dust

13. bottle

14. action

15. engine

High Frequency Words from Iris and Walter (reading story):

16. someone

17. somewhere

18. friend

19. country

20. beautiful

21. front

Amazing Words from Iris and Walter (reading story):

22. investigate

23. rural

24. urban


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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