PDF Verbs Worksheet 1

Verbs Worksheet 1 Item 4310


Verbs are action words. They tell what someone or something is doing. Read each sentence and write the verb on the line.

1. Sue works in the garden.


2. She digs in the dirt.


3. Sue plants fruits and vegetables.


4. She waters them every day.


5. Sue picks fresh fruit for lunch.


6. She eats strawberries from her garden. ________________________________

7. Joe walks his dog. 8. He plays ball with his dog. 9. Joe feeds his dog. 10. He brushes his dog every day. 11. Joe loves his dog!

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

Write a sentence about this picture. Underline the action word in the sentence.


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Copyright ?2010 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved.

Verbs Worksheet 1 Answer Key Item 4310


Verbs are action words. They tell what someone or something is doing. Read each sentence and write the verb on the line.

1. Sue works in the garden. 2. She digs in the dirt. 3. Sue plants fruits and vegetables. 4. She waters them every day. 5. Sue picks fresh fruit for lunch.

_______w__o_r_k_s____________________ _______d_i_g_s______________________ _______p_l_a_n_t_s____________________ _______w__a_t_e_r_s___________________ _______p_i_c_k_s_____________________

6. She eats strawberries from her garden. _______e_a_t__s_____________________

7. Joe walks his dog. 8. He plays ball with his dog. 9. Joe feeds his dog. 10. He brushes his dog every day. 11. Joe loves his dog!

_____w_a__lk__s______________________ _____p_l_a_y_s_______________________ _____f_e_e__d_s______________________ _____b_r_u__s_h_e_s____________________ _____lo__v_e_s_______________________

Write a sentence about this picture. Underline the action word in the sentence.

The boy jumped over the hurdle.

Copyright ?2010 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved.


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