
Monday April 18, 2016


Word Wall Words

Kindergarten: went

1st Grade: she, yes

Morning Work: Word Work & Math Facts wkpg

K- went worksheet

1st- She worksheet

yes worksheet


Kindergarten: Triangle attribute block (teaching tool 36), triangles (teaching tool

22), scissors, glue

wkpg. 271-272, Reteaching 14-4, Practice 14-4

1st Grade: Connecting cubes (made into 10 towers, each of the same color, 5 towers

of 10, and 18 loose cubes per pair)

wkpg.307-310, Reteaching 9-3, Practice 9-3

2nd Grade: Pattern Blocks (teaching tool 23): hexagons, trapezoids, squares,

parallelograms, triangles ( 2 of each)

wkpg. 397-400, Reteaching 12-5, Practice 12-5


▪ Pictures of each planet

▪ Facts about each planet


▪ Writing folder

▪ Marker

▪ Writing story

▪ Use TM pg 39 (spelling Strategies)

▪ White boards & Markers (1 per student)

Imagine It:


Ten Little Ducklings” rhyme

1st Grade:

▪ Decodable 15: Lin and Hal

▪ Write sentence on board: Will you go to the top of the hill?

▪ Rhyme Stew: “After School” pg. 18-19


Book: The Greedy Bears (TH10)


8:10 get kids off bus & from car line

8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/attendance/lunch count

8:35-9:05 Calendar/ Morning Work

Word work:

K- went worksheet

1st- She worksheet

yes worksheet

9:05-10:30 Math

Kindergarten: Topic 14-4: Triangles

Focus: Identify and describe triangles

Materials: Triangle attribute block (teaching tool 36), triangles

(teaching tool 22), scissors, glue

Work/Homework: wkpg. 271-272, Reteaching 14-4, Practice 14-4

1st Grade: Topic 9-3: Comparing Numbers with , =

Focus: Compare two-digit numbers using symbols

Materials: Connecting cubes (made into 10 towers, each of the same

color, 5 towers of 10, and 18 loose cubes per pair)

Work/Homework: wkpg.307-310, Reteaching 9-3, Practice 9-3

2nd Grade: Topic 12-5: Cutting Shapes Apart

Focus: Cut shapes apart to make new shapes

Materials: Pattern Blocks (teaching tool 23): hexagons, trapezoids,

squares, parallelograms, triangles ( 2 of each)

Work/Homework: wkpg. 397-400, Reteaching 12-5, Practice 12-5

10:30-10:35 Walk to music

10:35-11:05 MUSIC

11:05 Pick up students @ music & go to lunch

11:10-11:45 LUNCH

11:45-12:05 RECESS

(Amy Lunch- 12:05-12:35)

12:05-12:20: Science

Focus: Our Solar System (Patterns and cycles)

What is the solar system?

▪ It is our sun & everything that travels around it

▪ The sun is the center of the solar system

▪ Eight known planets, moons, asteroids, and comets orbit the sun

What does ORBIT mean?

▪ The path followed by an object in space as it goes around another object: to travel around another object in a single path.

▪ Show how this happens. (Using Pie Pan, Orange/Red Playdoe in center of pan smashed down, & small blue ball- representing the earth)

The Planets:









(Show Pictures of each)

A lot of astronomy people like to think of the Solar System been made up in two parts We have the Inner Solar System which has Mercury, Venus, Earth and not forgetting Mars. These are closest to the sun and are called the terrestrial planets simply because the have very solid rocky surfaces.

The Outer Solar System has Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune these are sometimes called the gas giants Out past Neptune you’ll find the small planet of Pluto which has a solid but icier surface. Many don’t class this as a planet anymore but you can read this on the Pluto page. These two systems are separated by the asteroid belt Our Solar System also contains comets, moons, dust, gas and some minor planets.

12:20-1:00 Writing Session 5

Focus: Teach students that writers call upon many strategies to figure out how to write words that are hard to spell


▪ Walk to the carpet and say…”WHERE DO I GO?”

▪ OH, (walk over to chair-after children tell me where to go)

▪ I need a marker…(wait for children to tell me where to get one)

▪ Take out my writing folder & get story out

▪ Point to picture & say this is a ___________, I don’t know how to spell___________! That’s too hard!

▪ (Hopefully children will give suggestions on how to figure out how to spell ____)

▪ You are right, I don’t have to be whiny, needy, or helpless, do I ?

▪ There are always ways to figure things out

▪ Talk to your partners on how I can figure out how to spell__________

▪ Great,, If I tap you will you say out loud what you think I should do?

▪ This year you have all been growing in so many ways…getting taller, getting stronger muscles, learning tons, getting smarter

o You don’t need to say “Help me! Help me! Anymore.

You can figure things out by yourself

o You don’t have to say “how do you spell…”because you know so many ways to spell the best you can!

Teaching Point

▪ Today I want to teach you that even when words are hard, writers don’t say “Help me! Help me!” Instead writers think about all the way s they know how to write words. Then decide which strategies they will use to spell the best they can.”


▪ Use strategies to spell words

▪ Use TM pg 39 to show how to use spelling strategies

Active Engagement:

▪ Now let’s all try it

▪ Let’s use everything we know to spell words all by ourselves

▪ I need to label ___________ (on my writing paper)

o Think about all the strategies you know to spell____________


▪ Write the word on your white board

o Now teach your partner what you did


▪ So, from now on any time you get stuck on a tricky word think of all the strategies you know for spelling the best you can on your own.

▪ This way you can get stringer and more independent as writers

▪ If you forget the strategies…look back on the chart

Let’s Get Writing!

1:00-1:25 Imagine It

Kindergarten: Unit 3 Day 1 Lesson 1 (card 31)

▪ Morning Message

o Working with letter “s”

o Find “s” in the message

o Clap out the words in the morning message

▪ Find the Rhyme

o Read “Ten Little Ducklings” rhyme

o Ask students which words rhyme in each line

o Say two word on TM pg. 183

▪ If words rhyme students turn and face backwards

▪ Then have students think of words that rhyme with back and dash

▪ Phonemic Awareness

o Word Part Blending

▪ Follow TM pg 183

1st Grade: Unit 1 Day 2 Lesson 12 (card 36) Continued

▪ Decodable 15: Lin and Hal

▪ Phonics focus: /l/

▪ Read Story

▪ Responding

▪ Follow TM pg 186-187

▪ Building Fluency

AND Unit 1 Day 3 Lesson 13 (card 37)

▪ Morning Message

▪ Daily Language Review

o Write sentence on board: Will you go to the top of the hill?

▪ Have students underline each ll

▪ Ask students, “Where is the /l/ sound in the word?

▪ Rhyme Stew

o “After School” pg. 18-19

o Read it

o Students have students point to the words and the spaces

o Read again & have students read along too

1:25-2:25 SRA/Snack

Group Red 1: Kindergarten RM Lesson 59

Group Red 2: 1st Grade Lesson 154 Workbook

Group Purple: 2nd Grade Lesson 63

2:25-2:45 Reading

RL.1.2.C Explain the meaning of the story’s central message

RL. 1.3.E Describe a character using clues in the text (ex: inferred feelings, behaviors, needs.)

RL.1.4.b/RI.1.4.b Use clues from the text and pictures to answer questions about the meaning of unknown words.

Book: The Greedy Bears (TH10)

Focus: Character Feelings/Behaviors

• Put yourself in the place of the characters…

o How would you feel?

o What would you do differently?

o Would you act the same? Why or why not?

2:45-2:55 Planners/Dismissal

Tuesday April 19, 2016

IEP MEETINGS: Noah @ 9:15


Morning Work-Word work:

K- went worksheet

1st- She worksheet

yes worksheet


Kindergarten: Hexagon pattern block (teaching tool 35), hexagon

Wkpg. 273-274, Reteaching 14-5, Practice 14-5

1st Grade: Index cards (10 numbered 0-9)

wkpg.311-314, Reteaching 9-4, Practice 9-4

2nd Grade: 3 in. X 3in square white paper ( 1 per child), red, blue crayons, ruler

wkpg. 401-404, Reteaching 12-6, Practice 12-6

Imagine It:


▪ S cards to each student

▪ Give each student writing paper

▪ Skills Practice pg.21

1st grade:

▪ Teacher Manual


▪ flip chart of each planet


Planet Picture

Planet Fact

Materials: Long Black Butcher paper

Planet Pictures

Planet Facts



White Crayon


▪ Write chart steps TM pg.47

▪ post it chart (TM pg 47)

▪ Writing Folders

▪ Pencils


Book: Fancy Nancy


▪ Book: Fancy Nancy

▪ Unknown word assessment


8:10 get kids off bus & from car line

8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/*Attendance/lunch count

8:30-9:00 Morning Work/Calendar

Word work:

K- went worksheet

1st- She worksheet

yes worksheet

9:00-10:30 Math

Kindergarten-Topic 14-5: Hexagons

Focus: Identify and describe hexagons

Materials: Hexagon pattern block (teaching tool 35), hexagon

Work/Homework: Wkpg. 273-274, Reteaching 14-5, Practice 14-5

1st Grade- Topic 9-4: Ordering Three Numbers

Focus: Order numbers from least to greatest, given 3 two-digit numbers

Materials: Index cards (10 numbered 0-9)

Work/Homework: wkpg.311-314, Reteaching 9-4, Practice 9-4

2nd Grade- Topic 12-6: Dividing Rectangles into Equal Squares

Focus: divide rectangles into equal squares and count how many squares

are needed to completely partition the rectangle.

Materials: 3 in. X 3in square white paper ( 1 per child), red, blue crayons,


Work/Homework: wkpg. 401-404, Reteaching 12-6, Practice 12-6

10:30-11:05 Imagine It

Kindergarten: Unit 3 Day 1 Lesson1

▪ Alphabetic Principle

o Introducing the Sound of Ss

▪ Follow TM pg. 184

▪ Listening for Initial /s/

o Pass out S cards to each student

o I will say a word, students need to listen for the first sound

▪ If it starts with S then hold up your S card

▪ Use words on TM pg. 184

▪ Linking the Sound to the Letter

o Write see and bee on the board

▪ Which word says see?

▪ Circle the letter that makes the /s/

▪ How do you know it’s the correct word?

▪ Try the words on TM pg. 184

▪ Give each student writing paper

o Have students write capital S across the top row of their paper

o Then practice writing lowercase s across the line

▪ Guided Practice

o Skills practice pg 21

1st Grade: Unit 1 Day 3 Lesson 13 (card 37) Continued

▪ Phonemic Awareness

o Phoneme Blending

▪ The Consonant Riddle Game

• Follow directions on TM pg 190

▪ Phoneme Blending Story

• Read story on TM pg 190

▪ Phoneme Segmentation

o Isolating Final Consonant Sounds

▪ Follow TM pg 191

▪ Introduce the Sound/Spelling

o /o/ Spelled O

▪ Why are vowels special?

▪ Point to fox card

▪ Students- identify Capital O & lowercase o

▪ “O” has 2 sounds long O & short O

▪ Read the story on TM pg 192

▪ The “Short-Vowel Song”

o Follow direction on TM pg 193

▪ Listen for short /o/ and long/o/

o Follow TM pg 193

11:10-12:05 Lunch/Recess

(Amy Lunch 12:05-12:35)

12:05-12:20 Science:

Focus: Planets

Discuss each planet and create a flip chart of each planet


Planet Picture

Planet Fact

Materials: Long Black Butcher paper

Planet Pictures

Planet Facts



White Crayon

12:20-1:00 Writing Session 6

Focus: Opinions writers get their words out into the world to enable change


▪ Protest a problem

o Discuss all the presidential candidates on TV

▪ They are giving you positives about self & negatives about opponents

▪ You are doing this in your writing!

▪ You have been writing to tell people about the opinions you have and the problems you see and the ways you want to make things better.

▪ People on TV are sharing their opinions with the world…Your opinions are in your folders tucked away.

▪ We need to share your opinions with others to help fix the problem.

Teaching Point:

▪ Today I want to teach you that opinion writers don’t wait around quietly, hoping that someone will ask to learn their opinion.

▪ Opinion writers get their words out into the world so lots of people will be able to know and care about the message.

Teaching & Active Engagement:

▪ Today’s let’s think about actually getting our writing out into the world so people can read it and things can get better.

▪ I’ll start by making a plan for how to do that with our class writing about running in the hallways.

▪ Watch what I do to help you

▪ When you go back to your tables you’ll have time to talk with your partner about what you can do to send your writing into the world.

▪ First, let me decide who should read this.

▪ Who can actually help with my cause?

o (Write chart steps TM pg.47) also….post it chart (TM pg 47)

▪ HMMMM….do I want to send it home to parents? NO

o They don’t run in the hallways

o Ii think it’s mostly the kids who need to read this.

o I’m going to write who this for on a sticky note

Ask yourselves…

▪ Who needs to read this

▪ Can you reread your writing

▪ Do this quietly without talking

▪ How many of you are thinking of the kids in the classroom that need to read your writing?

▪ Will you read it to the classroom or need to post it up in the room

▪ How many of you are thinking that you may need to read your writing to a bunch of classes or hang it somewhere around the school?

▪ Are there other places your writing needs to go?

Next…I need to think how I can get our writing to those readers.

Maybe we can read the book to every class.

What could we do right now to make this happen?

▪ I think first we need to read over our book and make sure it is finished

▪ Then I need to write a letter to the teachers to ask if I can come to their classroom to read it

▪ I can make copies and put it in each teachers mailbox

▪ That’s a lot to do in one day…I better get started!


▪ Grab your writing and reread it with your partner then talk about who needs to read your pieces (kids, teachers, etc…)

▪ Go!


1:00-2:00 SRA/Stations

Group Red 1: (Kindergarten/1st Grade) Lesson 60

Group Red 2: (1st grade/2nd grade) Lesson 155

Group Purple: (2nd grade) Lesson 64

2:00-2:25 Language

Focus: Shades of Meaning (L.1.E)

Book: Fancy Nancy

-Read book

-Discuss different verbs Fancy Nancy that have more intense meaning

• Discuss verbs (action words)

• Discuss how verbs can have shades of meaning

(differing in manner & intensity)

Ex: yell, shout, wail

Pretty, beautiful, gorgeous

- Fancy Nancy Wkpg.


2:25-2:45 Reading

RL.1.4.b/RI.1.4.b Use clues from the text and pictures to answer questions about the meaning of unknown words.

Book: The Greedy Bears (TH10)

Focus: Unknown words

• Ask students what words in story are unknown to them

• What do you think the word means?

o What clues from the text can help you figure out the meaning?

• Assessment:

o Have students fill in a bubble for the correct meaning of a new unknown word.

o Greedy:

▪ A. Nice

▪ B. Wanting something all to your self

▪ C. Angry

2:45-3:00 Dismissal

Wednesday April 20, 2016


Word work:

K- went worksheet

1st- She worksheet

yes worksheet


• Book: Tops and Bottoms



8:10 get kids off bus & from car line

8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/*Attendance/lunch count

8:30-9:00 Calendar/Morning Work

K- worksheet

1st- worksheet


9:00-10:00 Progress Monitor (reading & math)

Morning Work


10:05-10:35- PE

10:35-11:05 MUSIC

11:05 Line up for Lunch

11:10-12:05 Lunch/Recess

(Amy Lunch 12:05-12:35)

12:05-12:30 Reading

RL.1.2.C Explain the meaning of the story’s central message

RL. 1.3.E Describe a character using clues in the text (ex: inferred feelings, behaviors, needs.)

RL.1.4.b/RI.1.4.b Use clues from the text and pictures to answer questions about the meaning of unknown words.

Book: Tops and Bottoms

Focus: Character Feelings/Behaviors

• Put yourself in the place of the characters…

o How would you feel?

o What would you do differently?

o Would you act the same? Why or why not?

12:30-1:00 Language

Focus: Shades of Meaning (Nuances)

▪ Go through shades of meaning flashcards

o Discuss how the words are weaker, weak, strong

▪ Do words of meaning workpage

o (Take as a grade)

1:00-1:30 Mrs. Deatherage

1:30-1:45 Independent Reading

-Teacher will read individually with each student (rotate each week)

-Use SRA stories or leveled reader stories

1:50-2:00 Dismissal

Thursday April 21, 2016


Word work:

K- went worksheet

1st- She worksheet

yes worksheet


Kindergarten: Classroom objects in the shape of solid figures, Solid Figures

(teaching Tool 24), scissors, glue geometric solids: cone, cylinder,

sphere, cube

wkpg. 275-276, Reteaching 14-6, Practice 14-6

1st Grade: Paper (lined) (1 sheet per child)

wkpg. 315-318, Reteaching 9-5, Practice 9-5

2nd Grade: Construction Paper (2 sheets per pair), paper for demonstration, marker

wkpg. 405-408, Reteaching 12-7, Practice 12-7


o Phases of the Moon


▪ post-it chart “Writers Write to Make the World Better! “

▪ Use TM pg. 58 letter example

Imagine It:


*Mary Had a Little Lamb” written out

1st Grade:

*Skills practice pg. 37-38


*Book: Lost (TH7)

*Index Card


8:10 get kids off bus & from car line

8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/Attendance/Lunch Count

8:35-9:00 CALENDAR/ Morning Work

Word work:

K- went worksheet

1st- She worksheet

yes worksheet

9:00-10:30 Math

Kindergarten-Topic 14-6: Solid Figures

Focus: identify cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres relate them to

real-life objects

Materials: Classroom objects in the shape of solid figures, Solid

Figures (teaching Tool 24), scissors, glue geometric solids:

cone, cylinder, sphere, cube

Work/Homework: wkpg. 275-276, Reteaching 14-6, Practice 14-6

1st Grade- Topic 9-5 Problem Solving: Make an Organized List

Focus: make an organized list showing possible solutions

Materials: Paper (lined) (1 sheet per child)

Work/Homework: wkpg. 315-318, Reteaching 9-5, Practice 9-5

2nd Grade- Topic 12-7: Wholes and Equal Parts

Focus: determine whether a shape has been divided into equal or

unequal parts. If the parts are equal, children will count the

number of parts

Materials: Construction Paper (2 sheets per pair), paper for

demonstration, marker

Work/Homework: wkpg. 405-408, Reteaching 12-7, Practice 12-7

10:35-11:05 Library

11:10-12:05 Lunch/Recess/Bathroom

(Amy lunch 12:05-12:35)

12:05-12:20 Science:

Focus: Phases of the Moon

▪ You have probably noticed the moon looks different almost every night.

▪ The reason is that the moon has a day and night too.

▪ The light side of the moon is it’s day and the dark side is its night.

o A day on the moon however, is a lot longer than our day.

o Our day is 24 hours

o A lunar days lasts a little over 4 weeks (1 month-29.5 days)

▪ 1st phase: New Moon (the start of the cycle)

▪ 2nd Phase: Waxing Crescent (growing) (seeing more and more light)

▪ 3rd Phase: First Quarter

▪ 4th Phase: Waxing Gibbous (growing hump)

▪ 5th Phase: Full Moon

▪ 6th Phase: Waning Gibbous (Shrinking hump)-see more & more of night

▪ 7th Phase: Last Quarter (3/4 done with the cycle)

▪ 8th Phase: Waning Crescent

12:20-1:00 Writing(Bend II) Session 7

Focus: Teach students that writers write letters as if they are talking to their reader.


▪ The next week or 2 we will be learning how to write letters to people.

▪ Let’s review our post-it chart “Writers Write to Make the World Better! “

1. We need to think about a problem

▪ Today I would like you to think about problems you see outside of school

o What do you see is a problem in our community or at home?

▪ Let’s think of a problem we see in our community

Teaching Point:

▪ I want to give you one tip to help you write powerful letters.

o When you are writing a letter, it helps to imagine the person is standing right in front of you. You write like you are talking to them…only you are talking on the page (writing)


▪ Let’s work on a letter together

▪ Let’s pretend the person(s) is right here in front of us

▪ First we will tell them about the problem and give details or examples

o Use TM pg. 58 letter example

o Use an example that the student has seen this problem happen

Active Engagement:

▪ They will want to know why it is a problem…so each partner tell 1 reason why this is a problem.

(look at examples on TM pg. 59)


▪ You can help send letters to people who might help fix the problems you see.

▪ I hope that you all got the idea that writers write letters that help fix a problem in the world

Off you go!

1:00-1:30 Imagine It

Kindergarten: Unit 3 Day 2 Lesson 2 (card 32)

▪ Morning Message

o What are your favorite seasons? Why?

o What are your favorite activities to do during this season?

o How many sentences are in the morning message?

o Which sentence has the most words?

▪ Word Substitution

o Display “Mary Had a Little Lamb”

▪ Read the title

▪ Read the rhyme

▪ Read the 1st two lines and replace the word lamb with pig

• What is wrong with this sentence?

• Continue changing sentences (TM pg 187)

▪ Phonemic Awareness

o Word Part Blending

▪ Follow TM pg. 187

1st/2nd Grade: Unit 1 Day 3 Lesson 13 (card 38)

• Phonics

o Blending

▪ Follow TM pg 194

• Developing Oral Language

o Follow directions on TM pg. 195

▪ Guided Practice

o Skills practice pg. 37-38

▪ Dictation

o Use skills practice pg. 38 to write words

1:30-2:30 SRA

Group Red 1: Kindergarten/ 1st grade Lesson 61

Group Red 2: 1st/2nd grade Lesson 156

Group Purple: 2nd grade Lesson 65

2:30-2:45 Reading

RL.1.2.C Explain the meaning of the story’s central message

RL. 1.3.E Describe a character using clues in the text (ex: inferred feelings, behaviors, needs.)

RL.1.4.b/RI.1.4.b Use clues from the text and pictures to answer questions about the meaning of unknown words.

Book: Lost (TH7)

Focus: Central Message

• What was the author’s central message?

o Draw a picture showing the central message

o Write the message in words

2:45-3:00 Planners/Dismissal

Friday April 22, 2016







Kindergarten: Classroom objects in the shape of solid figures, geometric solids: cone

cylinder, cube, rectangular prism, pyramid

wkpg. 277-278, Reteaching 14-7, Practice 14-7


2nd Grade: wkpg. 409-411, Reteaching 12-7, Practice 12-7

Imagine It:


▪ the “S” story on TM pg. 188

▪ Alphabet Book-/s/ Pg.40-41

▪ Skills Practice pg.22

1st grade:

▪ Decodable 16: A Spot


▪ Moon Phase flip chart



Long Black Paper

7 Yellow circles (per child)

Descriptions of each moon phase (per child)

White Crayons



▪ Writing Folders


8:10 get kids off bus & from car line

8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/Attendance/Lunch Count

8:35-9:05 PE

9:05-9:30 CALENDAR

9:30-10:30 MATH

Kindergarten: Topic 14-7: Flat Surfaces of Solid Figures

Focus: identify 3-dimensional figures and describe the shape of flat


Materials: Classroom objects in the shape of solid figures, geometric

solids: cone cylinder, cube, rectangular prism, pyramid

Work/Homework: wkpg. 277-278, Reteaching 14-7, Practice 14-7


2nd Grade: Topic 12-8: Problem Solving: Use Reasoning

Focus: Use clues to solve riddles about plane shapes and solid figures

Work/Homework: wkpg. 409-411, Reteaching 12-7, Practice 12-7

10:30-11:05 Imagine IT

Kindergarten: \Unit 3 Day 2 Lesson 2 (card 32)

▪ Alphabetic Principle

o Review the Sound of Ss

▪ Read the “S” story on TM pg. 188

▪ Listening for Initial and Final /s/

o Follow TM pg 188

▪ Linking the Sound to the Letter

o Follow TM pg. 188

▪ Alphabet Book-/s/

o Pg.40-41

o What do you remember from this story?

o Read the rhyme

▪ Listen for the words that begin with “s”

▪ What “s” words did you hear?

▪ Skills Practice pg. 22

1st Grade: Unit 1 Day 3 Lesson 13 (card 38) Continued

▪ Decodable 16: A Spot

o High frequency words: has

o Phonics Focus: /o/ spelled o

o Read the story

o Respond

▪ Using questions on TM pg. 199

o Building Fluency

▪ Each student read to a partner

11:10-12:05 Lunch/Recess

(Amy Lunch 12:05-12:35)

12:05-12:30 Science:

Focus: Moon Phases

▪ Review phases

▪ Create Moon Phase flip chart



Long Black Paper

7 Yellow circles (per child)

Descriptions of each moon phase (per child)

White Crayons


12:20-1:20 SRA

Group Red 1: Kindergarten/ 1st grade Lesson 62

Group Red 2: 1st/2nd grade Lesson 157

Group Purple: 2nd grade Lesson 66

1:20-1:40 Writing

Continue writing letters from yesterday.

1:45-2:45 ART

2:45-3:00 Planners/Dismissal


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