Title page (Title, year, author, copyright notice ...

Title page (Title, year, author, copyright notice, Institute name)

In red -> todo


Project based on semantic web


BSsc Commercial IT - 2007

Dundalk Institute of Technology

Yes – plenty more work to do!

Number headings

Don’t start a sentence with And, Because or But

You need to add some structure to the docuemnt – define definite chapters and make sure there is a flow/continuity in telling the story of your work!

Anytime you include a figure or table, make sure you refer to it in your actual document also


First of all I’ll thanks my tutor Cornelia Connoly for the following up of the project, the help and all her advices. Thanks to Brendon Brenan for advices given about semantic web and music files API. And thanks to David THYBERT for his help on the specification the RDF implementation


Data become more and more complex, and in order to use these data more efficiently applications have to manage metadata instead of data because of the data size and format (for binary files) especially in the multimedia area. Currently many technologies and techniques emerge in order to design, exploit and use metadata. ItI will be presented different ways to manage metadata, the purpose of each and how then can be adapted to themy project which is a software application that share music play list in order to hear transfer music files over the network by using the semantic web.

Need to expand this somewhat!!

Write it in the passive voice – don’t include ‘i’ anywhere!

Cyrille, some general comments:

1. The report should be slightly longer.. 38 pages isn’t long enough (in saying that it not about quantity! – maintain the quality of your work, but you need to add more details on what exact you have accomplished etc.)

2. Re-read your work – there are many English and grammar mistakes – I am aware that English is not your first language, but there are many mistakes that you will come across and correct when re-reading your work.

3. Write in the passive voice, don’t include ‘i’ ‘we’ anywhere..

4. Anytime you include code, an image or table make reference to it in your text, otherwise it is irrelevant information

Make sure to include all your work – the lecturers reviewing your work will only be able to allocate marks on work you have done. If they don’t know about it, we can’t allocate marks! Sell your work – include about the difficulties/challenges you overcame in the project, the problem solving elements etc.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements 2

Abstract 3

Table of Contents 4

Table of Figure 6

Table of Code 7

1 - Introduction 8

1.1 – The project 8

1.2 – Project management 9

1.2.1 – The process 9

1.2.2 – Analysis and requirement 9

2 – Literature review 11

2.1 - Files annotations 11

2.2 - Implementation of semantic web 12

2.3 - MP3 : the typical annoted file 14

2.4 - Other multimedia annoted file 19

3 - Zikmu the software 20

3.1 - Overview : How it should work 20

3.2 - Design 21

3.2.1 - Architecture 21

3.2.2 - Why using MVC ? 22

3.2.3 – Results 22

3.3 - Development 29

3.3.1 - Editor, language, how It is implement ? 29

3.3.2 – RDF definition and implementation 30

3.3.3 – Transfer method 33

4 – Testing and Evaluation 34

4.1 - Test implementation in the software 34

4.2 - Who test it and why ? 34

5 – Discussion on performance 35

5.1 – How it works. 35

5.2 – Legal question 40

6 – Conclusion and future direction 41

6.1 - Next Versions : 41

7 - Appendices 42

7.1 - Sources Files 42

7.1.1 – JAVA files 42

7.1.2 – Parameter files 42

7.2 – Source code 43

8 - References 46


Table of Figure

Figure 1 : overview of the project objective 8

Figure 2 : The waterfall model 9

Figure 3 : Overview schema 20

Figure 4 : MVC schema. 21

Figure 5 : FileDownloadable element. 23

Figure 6 : MenuClient and MenuServer element in the graphical interface. 24

Figure 7 : PanelFile element. 25

Figure 8 : WindowInfoFile window 25

Figure 9 : MessageError box. 26

Figure 10 : WindowParameter window. 26

Figure 11 : Simplified UML diagram of the view package 27

Figure 12 : Simplified UML diagram of the model package 28

Figure 13 : Simplified UML diagram of Zikmu 29

Figure 14 : Chronology implementation 30

Figure 15 : Server window 35

Figure 16 : Params window 36

Figure 17 : Server window (connected) 36

Figure 18 : Client window 37

Figure 19 : Params window 37

Figure 20 : Client connected with mp3 list. 38

Figure 21 : File information 39

Figure 22 : File downloading 40

Table of Code

Code 1: RDF song description. 12

Code 2: C# + SemWeb: Read a RDF file. 13

Code 3: C# + SemWeb: Write a RDF file. 13

Code 4: Java + Jena: Read a RDF file 13

Code 5: Java + Jena: write a RDF file. 14

Code 6: Structure of the MP3 metadata. 14

Code 7 : Audio support for C#. 15

Code 8: Audio support for Java. 15

Code 9 : MusicBrainz RDF file which describe 1 album with 2 tracks. 18

Code 10 : Resource description in RDF file 31

Code 11 : RDF file header 31

Code 12 : rdf structure definition. 32

Code 13 : filling of one resource in the rdf file 33

Code 14 : writing the RDF file 33

Code 15 : Read the RDF file 33

1 - Introduction

Semantic web and annotation are closely linked in the new computer world, these two technologies start to be used in the world wide web and are always in progress. Also the multimedia trend to be more and more use on the net and the semantic web and annotation technologies will give to it a huge power. This will make easy every transfers, and make every research accurate. Computer software that can use semantic web in order to transfer cleverly files that contain lot of metadata as multimedia file are not actually widespread, only Itune the Apples multimedia player with its podcasting partly use it.

1.1 – The project

The challenge will be to create this kind of software based on semantic web in order to exchange multimedia file between two computer as Figure 1. This paper will consider this challenge with a discussion around semantic web linked with multimedia files and the development of the project around the product named Zikmu.


Figure 1 : overview of the project objective

Again – expand this – introduce the aims and objectives of the project, what you set about doing etc. etc.

Why you did this project?

What were the aims?

What is you aim to achieve by doing this work?

Who else/companies etc. have done work in this area?

What methodology/approach did you adopt in design?

1.2 – Project management

1.2.1 – The process

This project will be lead and develop by one person and the software will be small that is why the software development process has to be simple. AGILE methods are usually used in project that imply a team around 5 developers especially the XP method that is also use for huge project not as the Zikmu project. For this case the waterfall model could be use. This simple model follow 5 main phases in this order as Figure 2 : requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing (validation) and maintenance.


Figure 2 : The waterfall model

1.2.2 – Analysis and requirement

To start this project a research was essential on several subjects. First the semantic web in general in order to understand how it works and in which part it can be apply. Then a study on multimedia files was important to see what is the place of this kind of file in the computer world. To finish the analysis of the way to link multimedia files and semantic web in the area of coding : languages, API, framework, etc …

At this time and with all the search knowledge a schedule was made to preview when each tasks had to be done.

2 – IntroductionLiterature review

Aims +objectifs

Chapiter summary

Usage scenario

Bandwidth increases and new multimedia formats for Internet becomes popular, and actually huge data exchange is common. A difficulty appear: the data retrieval. – explain! This is quite a sentence! On the Internet it is not easy to found the right data that youwe are looking for due to the large number of different files and data. But this problem is not specific only to this domain, also in other many domains like biology with philogenetic and DNA or artificial intelligence with knowledge bases. Many researchers are focusing their works to solve this problem and much of theme follow the way of the Semantic Web[1], all links between file’s metadata can be manage currently easier than before. MP3 music files are the typical type of data that need to be organise, classify, share (legally of course) and retrieve. Many software applications that read, create, modify mp3 files exists but few exploit the Semantic Web aspect. Today this lack start to be less and less important, software improve and give more importance to their metadata management. With this feature of Semantic Web music files have more sense than simple tags already present in them.

(many ‘software applications’ or ‘software products’ – but software alone doesn’t really make much sense..

2.1 - Files annotations

Must of files contain data what they are made for but not metadata which describe the file himself, to resolve this lack many process have been created. Actually many process to implement metadata exists: Dublin core, XMP and the most diffused is the Resource Description Framework which is use in order to describe resource and share it easily. The RDF describe its contain in the form of subject-predicate-object expressions, called triples in RDF terminology : an example Code 1. For example, one way to represent the notion "The sky has the colour blue" in RDF is as a triple of specially formatted strings: a subject denoting "the sky", a predicate denoting "has the colour", and an object denoting "blue" [2].



Beautiful days

Code Exemple1: RDF song description.

This language as been created by the World Wide Web Consortium and trend to be a norm for metadata description.

In the multimedia area, the best example is probably the Podcasting, which use RSS 2.0, based on RDF, to syndicate and distribute contents that are frequently updated. It’s easy to use for the causal user, he has only to subscribe to a Podcast feed and receive automatic intermittent updates to hear his favourite radio shows. Apple has develop the Podcasting around June 2005 with Itune and their MP3 player: Ipod (Pod for Ipod and cast for broadcasting) [3]. Actually many Radio station and news website use Podcast for multimedia news, its use is going to increase by 101% each year, in 2010 the TDG Research [4] preview 56,8 million of Podcast consumers.

2.2 - Implementation of semantic web

Inevitably, the use of the Semantic Web through RDF impels language developers to create application programming interface or frameworks to make easy the Semantic Web implementation. For the .Net platform a C# library exist Semen since June 2005: it can be used for reading and writing RDF, keeping RDF in persistent storage (memory, MySQL, etc.), and querying persistent storage via simple graph matching and SPARQL [5].

To read a RDF file SemWeb use RdfXmlReader class and has methods to parse it, it become invisible for the user Code 2.:

using (RdfReader data = new RdfXmlReader("filename.rdf")) {



Example Code 2: C# + SemWeb: Read a RDF file.

Then the following example, Code 3 writes out RDF statements in RDF/XML format to a file:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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