Twelve Month - Walton County School District


12 Month


Payroll dates are listed on the payroll calendars. If a date change occurs, the bookkeeper at your center will be notified.


You will be paid according to the Board approved salary schedule. As noted on the agenda submission form, we will continue to operate using the 2012-13 salary schedule subject to the Collective Bargaining process. Once negotiations are complete, all employees will be placed on the salary schedule for the 2013-14 school year.


Employees shall receive credit on the salary schedule for all verified related experience including a maximum of 3 years active duty military service or Peace Corps service. You must work at least 1 day over half of the year in order to receive credit for a year of experience. In order to receive credit for previous experience, it must be verified and notarized on our form before adjustments can be made to your salary. Military experience will be verified through a DD214. According to WCEA contract, new employees will have 3 months from date of hire to submit experience verification in order to receive credit. You are responsible for following through with this procedure.


The number of exemptions and the status on your W-4 will determine the rate of Federal Withholding Taxes deducted from your check. If you need to make changes during the year, the bookkeeper at your center will have extra W-4s, or you can come by the payroll office. We cannot make these changes over the phone.


These taxes are social security taxes and are mandatory. Any monies received will be taxed.


If you choose to have your payroll checks direct deposit, the first payroll after enrollment will be a test; each payroll thereafter YOUR MONEY IS IN THE BANK. Please verify with your banking institution to make sure your money is there. We encourage direct deposit due to the number of lost checks. We charge a $20 stop payment fee for any lost, destroyed or stolen check.

If you have any changes in banking information, please contact us immediately.


Please notify the district office if you change your name and/or address.  It is important for us to have accurate information, because the name/address we have on record is reflected on your paycheck, W2 and is also used by the Division of Retirement.

Name changes will require a legal document.


12- month employees earn 1 day of sick and annual leave each pay period. You must work eleven days in each pay period to earn the days of leave. You may not use annual leave until you have been employed for 6 months. You will be granted 4 days of sick leave at the end of your first pay period and 1 day each pay period until you have obtained 12 days. You may not use sick leave before you earn it. Six days of this may be used as personal. The personal comes off of the sick leave balance. You may accumulate a maximum of 45 days of annual leave.

PROBLEMS AND QUESTIONS: Call 892-1101 - ask for Heather Gainey or Stephanie Hoke.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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