
Wednesday 25.3.20Hi Primary 4. We are halfway through the week already! Can you believe it? We hope you have enjoyed your learning tasks so far. Here is today’s instalment!READINGWALT read a fiction text to locate key information to create and answer different types plete the “Writing From Reading” Tasks below. 1. Read To UnderstandRead over the pages or Chapters again you chose to read on Monday. Use your notes from Monday to add any other important information about the story/characters.2. Writing QuestionsCreate 3 predictive type questions about what you think will happen next in the story. Read over your questions to make sure they make sense and have accurate punctuation.3. Question AnswersRead the next 1 or 2 chapters/pages in your book. Were your predictions correct? Discuss your findings.ChallengeChoose 3 words in the new pages you have read and note down at least x2 synonyms for each in your Home Learning Jotter.MathsPlease refer to the ‘Maths Home Learning Guidance’ on the class website. Please note, as well as current Maths work, exercises and tests may be allocated for work already covered as revision.Visit the Accelerated Maths website and login using your individual username and password. (Feel free to use the additional work provided below if you have time or are looking for extra challenge!)*If you are working on addition with regrouping, in Accelerated Maths today, please watch the video below to refresh your memory**Please write down your working, even when you are using Accelerated Maths. These tasks do not need to be completed in your head. *If you cannot access the Accelerated Maths website, please complete the activities below in your Home Learning Jotter. Choose either the Amazing, Fantastic or Terrific questions. Remember to include a title and write out the question and the answer please. You must show your working so think carefully how you present your calculations to show how you arrived at the answer.Amazing!WALT count on and back in tensFollow the link to the worksheets below and complete this in your home learning jotter. Please set up a username/email and a password to gain free access to the Twinkl site. count on and back in hundreds Fantastic!WALT add 2-digit numbers using the vertical written method (chimney sums) WALT add 2-digit numbers, by regrouping, using the vertical written method (chimney sums)Watch the video below to refresh your memory on regrouping. Terrific!WALT to add 2- and 3-digit numbers using the vertical written method (chimney sums) WALT add 2- and 3-digit numbers, by regrouping, using the vertical written method (chimney sums) Extra Challenge: ................

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