3rd Grade Supply List 2022-2023

3rd Grade Supply List

Below is the list of supplies for 3rd grade for the 2022-2023 school year. Students will not be sharing supplies this year. Please make sure that you label everything with your child's name!

1 hard (plastic) pencil case to hold pencils, scissors, etc. 3 packages of #2 pencils 1 package of colored pencils or crayons 1 package of markers 1 pair of scissors 3 glue sticks 1 ruler with centimeters and inches labeled 1 dry erase board (size 9x12) 1 pair of earbuds in a labeled ziploc or resealable bag 2 pocket folders---please label the folders "Take Home Folder", "Unfinished

Work" 5 composition notebooks--- please label the notebooks "Writing",

"Spelling", "Social Studies", "Math", "Science" 1 hand sanitizer (girls only) 1 box of tissues (boys only)

*If anyone would like to donate paper towels, wipes, or copy paper to our classroom, that would be greatly appreciated!*

***Please make sure to cover your hard textbooks with a book cover or with brown paper. Please make sure to label these with your child's name, as well!***


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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