
Name: __KEY__________________________ Period: _______

Cell Reproduction and DNA Replication Study Guide

The Cell Cycle and Mitosis:

1. You should be able to identify all the phases pictured below. Also you should know what events occur in each of the phases.


2. What type of cell division is pictured above? _ Mitosis ____________________________________

3. What happens after telophase in this process? _ Cytokinesis

4. In the pictures above is a plant or animal cell dividing? _ Animal ____________________________

How do you know? _ centrioles present ; no cell plate; and/or cleavage is present__

5. Review what is a haploid numbers (n) versus a diploid numbers (2n).


6. Be able to explain what is happening in the picture below.


7. In the picture above, does this event happen in mitosis or meiosis? _ Meiosis

8. What benefit does the event pictured above provide to species? __ To create genetic variation and insure survival of a species _______________________________________________________

9. Know what the end product of mitosis is. _Two identical daughter cells____________________

10. What type of cells divide through mitosis _Body cells__________________________________

11. Know what the end product of meiosis is _ four gamete cells ____________________________

12. What type of cells divide through meiosis_sex cells___________________________________

13. Know what A and B represent in the picture below.

14. Pictured below is the cell cycle. You should know the names of phases A, B, C, and D. Also what happens in each phase, especially the 5 sub-phases in phase D. Also know the name given to phases A, B, and C combined.


a. Name of each phase:

A: _ G1 phase ________ C: _ G2 phase _______

B: _ S phase ________ D: _ M phase _______

b. 5 sub-phases of phase D:

1. _ Prophase _____________ 4. _ Telophase ____________

2. _ Metaphase ___________ 5. _ Cytokinesis ___________

3. _ Anaphase _____________

c. Name given to phases A, B, and C combined: _ Interphase _________________________

d. What type of cell division occurs during phase D of the cell cycle? _ Mitosis

15. Know the four phases of mitosis and briefly state the events of each phase.

a. _ Prophase: Nuclear membrane disintegrates, chromosomes visible, centrioles move towards poles

b. _ Metaphase: chromosomes align on the equator of the cell, spindles attach to centromeres

c. _ Anaphase: cell elongates; spindles separate sister chromatids and pull chromosomes towards the poles

d. _ Telophase: nuclear membrane reforms, spindle disengage, cell starts to divide

16. What happens during cytokinesis? __ Division of the cytoplasm; cell divides_____________________

17. Know the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis.


__Phases called PMAT; Cells and cytoplasm divide through cytokinesis


_ Mitosis:_ one diploid cell becomes two diploid cells; cell divides once; body cells

___Meiosis: one diploid cell becomes four haploid cells; cell divides twice; sex cells__________

18. Know all the phases of Meiosis I and Meiosis II in order, begin with Interphase and end with Cytokinesis. Know the events that occur in each phase.

a. Interphase: _Cell grows; DNA replicates; cell prepares to divide; organelles divide_____________

b. Prophase I: Chromosome condense; Nuclear envelop breaks down; Centrioles move to opposite poles; _ Spindle begins to form ; Homologous chromosomes pair up (unique to prophase I)- process called synapsis; Sections of the chromosomes are exchanged or go through crossing-over

c. Metaphase I: Spindle fibers attach to the paired homologous chromosomes ; Paired homologous chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell_____________

d. Anaphase I: Spindle fibers shorten ; Chromosomes of each homologous pair start to separate from each other; Chromosomes move to opposite poles

e. Telophase I: _ Spindle breaks down; New nuclear membranes form

f. _Cytokinesis I: Cytoplasm divides, and two haploid daughter cells result in four haploid cells; Each cell has a unique combination of chromosomes ; Daughter cells go on to meiosis II _________

g. _Prophase II: Nuclear envelope breaks down ; Spindle begins to form in each haploid daughter cell from meiosis I ; Centrioles also start to separate

h. _Metaphase II: _ Spindle fibers line up the sister chromatids; Each chromosome along the equator of the cell.____________________

i. _Anaphase II: Sister chromatids separate ; _ Move to opposite poles

j. _Telophase II: Spindles break down;_New nuclear membranes forms_________________

k. Cytokinesis II: _ Division of the cytoplasm; cell divides Four haploid cells result; Each cell has a unique combination of chromosomes

19. When cells lose their ability to control their growth rate what condition/disease could possibly develop? _cancer________________________________

20. What regulates cell division? _ protein cyclins _________________________________________

Cell Reproduction and DNA Replication:

1. The Structure of DNA

a. What three parts make up a nucleotide? Phosphate group; 5-C sugar (deoxyribose); and a nitrogenous base (A,T,C, G)_

b. How many nitrogenous bases are there? What are they called?

_Four : Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine _

c. What is the backbone of DNA composed of?_Phosphate group and 5-C sugar_

d. What types of bonds hold together the nitrogenous bases? _Hydrogen bonds_____________

e. What types of bonds hold together the backbone to the bases? _Covalent bonds____


2. Which nitrogenous bases have two-rings and what are they called?

_Adenine and Guanine; purines_______

3. Which have one-ring and what are they called?

_Thymine and Cytosine; pyrimidines_____


4. What did Edwin Chargaff discover?

_ concentration of adenine was always about the same as the concentration of thymine; concentrations of guanine and cytosine always about the same._____________

5. What did this discovery lead to the establishment of?

_ Chargaff’s rules; A pairs with T and G pairs with C. __________________

6. Who discovered the shape of a DNA molecule? _ James Watson and Francis Crick _______

7. In what year did they make their discovery? _ April, 1953___________________

8. What is the process called that allows DNA to duplicate itself? _ DNA Replication_____

9. Why does replication need to occur?

_ So that each new cell gets a copy of all the instructions that it needs to carry out life processes__

10. What are the results at the end of DNA replication? _ two daughter molecules that contain one strand from the parent molecule and one new complementary strand; two daughter molecules identical (mirror images) to the parent molecule. ______________________________________


11. Where does DNA replicate itself in prokaryotes? And how does it happen?

_In the cytoplasm; starts at on spot and continues in two direction until the entire molecule is replicated_______________________________________________________________

12. Where does DNA replicate itself in eukaryotes? And how does it happen?

_In the nucleus; happens at hundreds of places at the same time because molecule is so large and continues until entire molecule is replicated_________________________________________

13. Explain what happens when DNA replicates, be sure to include the enzymes used and the type of bonds that are broken.

DNA helicase unwinds & unzips the DNA molecule; DNA polymerase copies the bases from each original strand of the DNA that acts as a template until the entire molecule is replicated; then the molecule is rewound and you have two new molecules each with one original strand and one new strand______________________________________________________

Meiosis and Cell Reproduction:

1. What major advantage does sexual reproduction give an organism over asexual reproduction?

provides genetic diversity

2. What happens if non-disjunction occurs?

Some gametes may have an extra copy of some genes.

3. Explain how cytokinesis is different between animal and plant cells.


In animal cells, the plasma membrane of the parent cell pinches inward along the cell’s equator

until two daughter cells form. In plant cells, a cell plate forms along the equator of the parent cell.

Then, a new plasma membrane and cell wall form along each side of the cell plate.

4. Know what happens to chromosome numbers in all the phases of meiosis.


5. A laboratory technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) produces millions of copies of a DNA molecule in only a few hours. PCR is most similar to which of the following cellular processes?

A. mitosis

B. replication

C. transcription

D. translocation


1. Name of phase: _ Prophase_____________________

Events: _ Nuclear membrane disintegrates, chromosomes visible, centrioles move towards poles

2. Name of phase: _ Metaphase ____________________

Events: _ chromosomes align on the equator of the cell, spindles attach to centromeres ___________________

3. Name of phase: _ Anaphase ____________________

_ cell elongates; spindles separate sister chromatids and pull chromosomes towards the poles

4. Name of phase: _ Telophase_____________________

__ nuclear membrane reforms, spindle disengage, cell starts to divide

_ Crossing-over of homologous chromosomes _Meiosis I; Prophase I; genetic material is exchanged to ensure species variation_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



B. ___ centromere

A. __ sister chromatid ____________________________


A. Begins with Four chromosomes

B. Four original with replicated chromatids =8 chromatids

C. Same as ‘B’

D. Now two in each cell with their replicated chromatids= 4 chromatids

E. Same as ‘D’

F. Sister chromatids splitting

G. Two chromatids in each cell


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