The statements below represent values which people consider important to their work. These are satisfactions that people often seek in their jobs or as a result of their jobs. They are not all considered equally important: some are very important to some people but of little importance to others. Read each statement carefully and indicate how important it is for you.

5 means Very Important

4 means Important

3 means Moderately Important

2 means Of Little Importance

1 means Unimportant

Place a number in the blank to show your rating of the statement.

Work in which you . . .

1. ____ have to keep solving new problems

2. ____ help others

3. ____ can get a raise

4. ____ look forward to changes in your job

5. ____ have freedom in your own area

6. ____ gain prestige in your field

7. ____ need to have artistic ability

8. ____ are one of the gang

9. ____ know your job will last

10. ____ can be the kind of person you like to be

11. ____ have a boss who gives you a square deal

12. ____ like the setting in which your job is done

13. ____ get the feeling of having done a good day’s work

14. ____ have authority over others

15. ____ try out new ideas and suggestions

16. ____ create something new

17. ____ know by the results when you’ve done a good job

18. ____ have a boss who is reasonable

19. ____ are sure of always having a job

20. ____ add beauty to the world

21. ____ make your own decisions

22. ____ have pay increases that keep going up with the cost of living

23. ____ are mentally challenged

24. ____ use leadership abilities

25. ____ have adequate lounge, toilet and other facilities

26. ____ have a way of life, while not on the job, that you like

27. ____ form friendships with your fellow employees

28. ____ know that others consider your work important

29. ____ do not do the same thing all the time

30. ____ feel you have helped another person

31. ____ add to the well being of other people

32. ____ do many different things

33. ____ are looked up to by others

34. ____ have good contacts with fellow employees

35. ____ lead the kind of life you most enjoy

36. ____ have a good place in which to work (good lighting, quiet, clean, enough space, etc.)

37. ____ plan and organize the work of others

38. ____ need to be mentally alert

39. ____ are paid enough to live right

40. ____ are your own boss

41. ____ make attractive products

42. ____ are sure of another job in the company if your present job ends

43. ____ have a supervisor

44. ____ see the results of your efforts

45. ____ contribute new ideas


Place the score for each number listed in the blank provided. Add the scores only across each line and put the total at the end. Rank your scores from highest too lowest.

Total Rank

1. Creativity 15 ____ + 16 ____ + 45 ____ = ______ _______

2. Management 14 ____ + 24 ____ + 37 ____ = ______ _______

3. Achievement 13 ____+ 17 ____ + 44 ____ = ______ _______

4. Surroundings 12 ____ + 25 ____ + 36 ____ = ______ _______

5. Supervisory Relations 11 ____ + 18 ____ + 43 ____ = ______ _______

6. Way of Life 10 ____ + 26 ____ + 35 ____ = ______ _______

7. Security 9 ____ + 19 ____ + 42 ____ = ______ _______

8. Associates 8 ____ + 27 ____ + 34 ____ = ______ ______

9. Esthetics 7 ____ + 20 ____ + 41 ____ = ______ ______

10. Prestige 6 ____ + 28 ____ + 33 ____ = ______ ______

11. Independence 5 ____ + 21 ____ + 40 ____ = ______ ______

12. Variety 4 ____ + 29 ____ + 32 ____ = ______ ______

13. Economic Return 3 ____ + 22 ____ + 39 ____ = ______ ______

14. Altruism 2 ____ + 30 ____ + 31 ____ = ______ ______

15. Intellectual Stimulation 1 ____ + 23 ____ + 38 ____= ______ ______


CREATIVITY: associated with work that permits you to invent new things, design new products or develop new ideas – press yourself

□ related to both artistic and scientific (investigative) interests

□ work is often seen as a means of self expression

□ a job that provides an outlet for this work value must give you a chance to create new things, to be original, unrestricted in your work and expressions of ideas

□ artists, writers, scientists and engineers would value creativity

□ not as important to a farmer, accountant, salesperson or service professional

MANAGEMENT: associated with work that permits you to plan, lay out, organize work for others to do

□ related to enterprising occupations – supervising others, leading

□ work is an outlet for power needs – desire to control others

□ value would be important in business-management occupations such as life insurance salesperson, politician, business person, supervisor or executive

ACHIEVEMENT: associated with work that gives you a feeling of accomplishment in doing a job well done

□ do you like to complete tasks? Do you feel bound to work hard?

□ do you have a liking for visible, tangible results after your work?

□ people in professional, technical or clerical fields value achievement highly

□ achievement has many different meanings to different people (typing a stack of letters, helping people find jobs or make changes or saving souls)

SURROUNDINGS: associated with jobs that are carried out under pleasant conditions such as a nice office that is not to hot or cold, too noisy or to dirty

□ a construction site or a mill may be hot or cold or noisy or dirty

□ physical conditions if the work environment

SUPERVISORY RELATIONS: associated with the importance of having a boss who is fair and with whom you can get along

□ can you work for someone you don’t like? Some people can and some people can’t

□ may depend on the closeness of contact with your boss – how much is your boss overseeing your work?

□ do you mind being told what to do? must you respect the person first?

WAY OF LIFE: associated with work that allows you the freedom to choose and be the type of person you want to be

□ does your job require you to have a lifestyle you like or do the demands of the job require you to live in a way you can’t accept - i.e. work nights, weekends and holidays

□ many jobs force people to play a particular role – “That’s not something an up and coming executive should do” or “We don’t like our employees to have long hair, it is bad for our image”

□ for me, being my own person, my own personal growth is most important

□ if my job does not seem to enhance my growth or forces me to believe in ways I can’t accept, I will leave

SECURITY: associated with work that provides you with the certainty of having a job, even in hard times

□ what are your chances of being laid off, fired, etc.

□ becomes important if you have rent, car payments, children, etc

□ advertising-most insecure of all- produce or get fired

ASSOCIATES: associated with work that brings you into contact with fellow workers whom you like

□ do you enjoy being around your fellow workers

□ if you are an intellectual- read a great deal- could you work with people on a construction site

□ if you enjoy hunting, outdoors, would you enjoy working with people in brokerage house

□ many jobs have a social life, which is an important part of the job, are your associates the type of people you want to be with on a Friday and Saturday night- do you have anything in common

□ in social and clerical fields, co-workers are in constant contact and therefore value this highly

□ in enterprising occupations (salesperson, business executive) co-workers are sometimes competitors for sales, promotions, etc

ESTHETICS: associated with work that permits you to make beautiful things and contribute to the beauty of the world

□ esthetic values are strongly related to artistic interests

□ not very important to purchasing agents, life insurance salespersons, farmers accountants or mathematicians

□ artists, writers, musicians, architects, landscape designers would score high

PRESTIGE: associated with work that gives you standing in the eyes of others and evokes respect

□ do other people think your job is important? are you respected in the community?

□ related to many business and enterprising occupations such as sales, law

INDEPENDENCE: associated with work that permits you to work your own way, doing what you want according to your own schedule, level of achievement and direction

□ if you like to work alone, as fast or as slow as you want this may be important

□ if this is important to you, you may not like having a job where you are told what to do and what not to do

VARIETY: associated with work that provides you with the opportunity to different types of work

□ in other words, is the job routine, doing something over and over all day or does it have changes in activity, setting and is the worker called upon to fill a variety of roles?

ECONOMIC RETURN: associated with work that pays well and enables you to have the things you want

□ attaching value to tangible, material things and to earnings

□ money as a means to buy things

□ money as a producer of freedom

□ money often makes an unpleasant job bearable

ALTRUISM: associated with jobs that enable you to contribute to the welfare of others

□ helping-social service

□ related to social type- teachers, social workers, ministers and priests

INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION: associated with work that provides opportunity for independent thinking and learning how and why things work

□ mentally challenging work

□ important to people in professional and scientific occupations-both have abstract interests

□ do you like using your intellectual abilities and judgement


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