
Saint Mary’s Little Lambs PreschoolThree Year Old Progress Report – 2014 Date________Child’s Name_______________________________ Teachers_______________________Three Year Old skills are developmental and vary greatly from child to child. This report is meant only to present an awareness of your child’s skills at the present time.D+=demonstrates skill often D= developing skill D- = needs work NA=not applicableSOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL SKILLS JAN. JUNEGives first and last name when askedFollows school rules and proceduresSeparates from parent(s) easily and likes coming to schoolPlays and shares cooperatively in group activitiesPrefers playing alongside someone but doesn’t play with that childIs confident and joins in discussions and familiar songs; finger playMakes needs known and asks for helpAccepts a compromise suggested by another to solve a problemDemonstrates good mannersIndicates a good self-image; smiles and happy much of the timeAttempts to put on and remove outwear independentlyAttempts to hang up outerwear and book bag independentlyIs aware of God and follows in prayerWORK HABITS JAN. JUNEFollows daily routines (circle time)Follows a one step directionUses material appropriatelyHelps in cleaning up materialsWorks independentlyCompletes tasks in a reasonable amount of timeNeeds repeated redirection and guidance to complete tasksTransitions well from one activity to anotherFINE MOTOR SKILLS (small muscle development) JAN. JUNEDemonstrates hand dominance right____ left____Holds crayon with fingers instead of fistIndependently applies glue and glues down objectsStrings beads with and without a patternCan build with blocks and replicate a patternLaces properly following the sequence (up and down)Manipulating large buttonsManipulating snaps Manipulating zippers (not hooking it first)When modeled, can reproduce a horizontal vertical diagonal lineWhen modeled, can reproduce a curved lineWhen modeled, can reproduce a simple shapeBeginning to hold scissor properly and cut Gross Motor Skills (large muscle development) JAN. JUNECan jump in placeCan runCan balance on one footCan throw a ballIs confident when playing on outdoor playground equipmentLanguage Development (listening and speaking skills) JAN. JUNESpeaks clearlyWaits turn when speaking in a groupListens and enjoys hearing stories readShares ideas and makes connections to text (predictions, sequence)Usually communicates in 4-6 word sentencesNames objects (animals, classroom items, clothing, furniture)Responds correctly to Who, What, Where, Why, When questionsCan name body parts (head, arms, legs, hands, fingers)Understands positional words: in out on off top bottom above below in front of behind in back ofMath Concepts/ Relationships JAN. JUNEIdentifies and names basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, heart, diamond)Can pair related objects (sock, shoe: hand, glove)If asked, can point to correct color : blue black brown green red orange yellow white purpleIndependently names colors: blue black brown green red orange yellow white purpleCan rote count to 3 5 10 higher than 10Can count out objects 1 2 3 4 5 higher than 5Understands concepts of more : less big : little tall : short Sorts objects by like characteristics (color, shape, size)Pre Literacy SkillsDemonstrates book awareness (front, back, read left to right and top to bottom)Can identify first name in printTraces first name when given a modelRecognizes and names some letters in first nameWhen drawing a picture, can orally describe it to the teacherUnderstands that words are made up of lettersUnderstands that words are separated by spacesHas some upper case letter recognitionHas some lower case letter recognitionIs beginning to hear and identify words that rhymeIs beginning to discriminate like initial consonant sounds when hearing two objects or words pronouncedTeacher Comment __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Parent Comment _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Director’s Signature (Jan.) ______________________ June ______________________ ................

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